Home » Twitterfiles #6: The FBI is not amused


Twitterfiles #6: <i>The FBI is not amused</i> — 20 Comments

  1. Why should the FBI care about actual crimes (with real victims) when far more dangerous thought-crimes (especially those involving humor and mockery) are clearly being committed on social media, not to mention hoaxes involving nooses? One is sadly reminded of the no-longer-Great-Britain, in which, for years, the police have spent far more effort and time tracking down citizens who post “mean” (i.e. non-woke) comments and memes on Twitter and Facebook than on arresting vicious Muslim rape-gangs preying on vulnerable young English girls. How far indeed is the Anglosphere fallen!

  2. call it Airship one as in 1984 I call this leviathan, a sysgy, a word that suggests a seamless blend of two things corporate power, as in tech sector and govt agency, these dozens of ex law enforcement and intelligence at twitter, what is their allegiance to, certainly not the constitution,

    what are the graduates of critical legal studies, like bell and de unger, who obama was mentored by, many of these ended up at justice, as court clerks et al, orientation, they dismiss that marshall decision as an oversight,

  3. The FBI being so invested in rooting out jokes on Twitter reminds me of when the Ayatollah Khomeini famously proclaimed: “There are no jokes in Islam”.

    As Neo noted, tyrannies rarely have a sense of humor.

  4. Eighty FBI agents surveilling Twitter?

    This is a massive violation of free speech rights by government action. What legal remedies are available?

  5. I’m afraid there is only one real answer to your question Kate. Win elections. There are no legal remedies and no one cares – at least no one to the left of the people on this blog.

  6. “In fact, we learn there were 80 FBI agents dedicated to the task of going though Twitter and rooting out ‘disinformation,’ which seems to have been heavily focused on jokes.”

    I well imagine that they’re quite up to speed on Saul D. Alinsky’s Rule #5 of his well-known “Rules For Radicals” [and I quote] . . .

    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

    . . . and they are very determined to stifle any ridicule of their beloved deep state.

  7. Eh, it’s the classic stupidity of bureaucracy. The FBI agents were given directions to go after election interference or serious misinformation. They give them a simple algorithm or vague guidelines, resulting in “the other party, remember to vote on Wednesday!” becoming a danger to free and fair elections. You never know if a Russian might be behind it!

    The problem is that FBI is both a law enforcement investigative body for crimes already committed, and a counter-intelligence body expected to anticipate malfeasance and block it if possible. Senior FBI turns their minions loose with badly conceived objectives to please their political masters and co-conspirators and wasteful heavy handed buffoonery results. Trampling the rights of the people, big deal, we had to protect Our Democracy!

    Most of these Twitter files revelations have so far been pretty mild as far as proving some of the worst behaviors that undoubtedly took place, the reporting team may never find clear documentary evidence that will truly shock people. We are all so cynical now because of the Progressive capture of every segment of the government, and we know the Progressive distaste for the systems of checks and balances getting in their way.

  8. as pointed out in other threads, they are very diligent in blunting the threat of the ballot to their powerbase, I note the same incipient dross, is trending on twitter,

  9. I have hope, to quote Sir Winston, that this is “not the end, not even the beginning of the end but, possibly, the end of the beginning.”

  10. Yet another outrageous and depressing lesson in American decline and corruption that will again be ignored. Perhaps the coming Holiday news hole (ie, the week between New Years and Xmas) will find me diving into more proof that the “Deep State’s” Swamp is fetid and deeper than imaginable. Perhaps then….

  11. Besides stomping on citizens 1st Amendment rights the Eff Bee Eye was also actively working for Democrats/ Marxists and their own Deep State elections.

  12. 3. Twitter’s contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary…

    Then 4. says that 150 emails passed between the FBI and Yoel Roth over an 11 month period. Well, … Roth is only one person, or was he thee person in contact with the FBI? That number 150 doesn’t seem like a lot to me, though maybe there were many others through other channels.

    OTOH, almost all these emails are likely inappropriate or illegal.

    44.The takeaway: what most people think of as the “deep state” is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless.

    Fusion GPS founded by Glenn Simpson, the weasel formerly of the Wall Street Journal, was a contractor to the FBI and, for a time, had complete access to the entire NSA surveillance database. Unbelievable. I’m surprise that NSA head Adm. Mike Rogers, who blew the whistle on this, stayed out of jail. And hasn’t been Epsteined.

  13. TommyJay:

    I don’t know whether Roth was the only one who got the FBI’s emails, but my guess is that Gadde (the Twitter attorney) got some too. They were the 2 head censorship honchos. This was in addition to 80 FBI agents working on Twitter, people like James Baker embedded there, and weekly face-to-face meetings with at least Roth and perhaps others. Perhaps also phone calls? Then of course there were other agencies of various kinds, some of them governmental and some NGOs, etc.

    I’ve noticed that Taibbi is not the most precise writer in the world. Of course, he’s working under great pressure on this, including time pressure.

  14. The only remedy is for the new House of Representatives to completely zero out funding for the entire FBI.

    That will, of course, never happen.

    Because Republican house members only care about bringing pork back to their districts so as to be re-elected.

  15. Once you’ve successfully demonized those you want to see disposed of, there’s no limit to what you can do.
    “Legality” is defined as anything that enables you to dispose of those you’ve demonized.
    As is “Morality”.
    As is “Ethics”.
    As is “Patriotism”.
    As is “Decency”.

    To destroy those demons, EVERYTHING is permitted.
    This is what is referred to as “The Soul” of the Democratic Party.

    One might have assumed that those who really ought to know better would understand what’s going on.
    But one would be, in all too many cases, dead wrong.
    In their defense, one COULD make the claim that the “low dishonest decade” started almost 90 years ago, while Auschwitz was 80 years past; and who could POSSIBLY remember all that after such a long time has gone by…?

  16. Rodney whitaker who went by the name trevanian in shibumi conjured up a corporate govt merger called the mother company (ht to janis joplin) they are the foes of the zen like assasin nicholas hel

    Twitter as a corporate entity with tendrils deep in the government has become the mother company

  17. “…The FBI is not amused.”

    Neither is the Honorable Ted Lieu, apparently.
    As Musk releases information on the Child-porn-to-Jan-6 switching tactics used by the FBI to artificially boost the number of “Internal (right-wing, of course) insurrectionists” being “investigated”. (The short version: That more agents are put to work looking for insurrectionists MUST mean that there’s a whole SLEW of ’em out there to be found!)

    But Taibbi can take care of himself….
    …along with the obliterating backup of an FBI whistleblower…:
    “Taibbi Hits Back After Rep. Ted Lieu Calls Him A Liar”—

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