Home » Biden’s just making stuff up now


Biden’s just making stuff up now — 37 Comments

  1. Not that anyone could possibly envy the very well-paid position which involves “explaining” the senile buffoon’s multitudinous idiocies (albeit to a mostly sympathetic press corps), but how exactly will this be spun by the nation’s first black, female, gay and immigrant person who has been charged with such a daunting task?

  2. While I agree with Neo that actions such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan were likely a product of Sloe Joe personally putting his foot down, I think this episode illustrates the probability that Biden is usually a barely present receiver of policy action information rather than an instigator of it.

  3. Biden’s not the only one “making stuff up”. It seems to be the national pasttime of huge swaths of the Democratic Party and its supporters.
    Here’s Turley trying to calmly and methodically address wildly hysterical but carefully-calculated Democratic Party accusations and incitement against Trump.

    “MSNBC Legal Analyst Declares Trump Could Be Charged With Manslaughter”—

    File under: J’accuse.

  4. The entire democrat party leadership is composed of knaves and supported by a confederacy of dunces. Both of whom inhabit ‘a uniquely unhinged world in which, “the gods of Chaos, Lunacy and Bad Taste” have gained ascendancy over humankind.’

    “Lord, what fools these mortals be!”

  5. Brandon’s on a roll: his latest gaffe is mangling the name of the new prime minister of the UK while attempting to congratulate him: “During his speech on Monday, the US President stumbled over Mr Sunak’s name, calling him ‘Rashee Sanook.’ . . .
    The video of Mr Biden’s blunder is now going viral. ‘We’ve got news that Rashee Sanook is now the prime minister,’ Mr Biden said. ‘As my brother would say “go figure,”‘ he added.”

    Video at the link: https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/rishi-sunak-uk-pm-rashee-sanook-joe-bidens-gaffe-while-congratulating-new-uk-pm-3461301

  6. I think he said this, thinking somewhere in the back of what’s left of his mind that he got something through by a few votes, but having no idea what any more.

    In many cases of dementia, negative personality characteristics get worse as self-control fades. In grandpa, we make excuses and take care of him. In the national leader, it’s unacceptable and unsafe for the nation.

  7. Like Barliman Butterburr, I suspect he wouldn’t remember his own name if people didn’t shout it at him every day.

  8. Twenty-fifth amendment time? Biden’s mental problems have become too obvious to explain away anymore. Will he be removed after the mid-terms? It seems more and more possible.

    To bed replaced by Kamala? That’s the normal succession. These aren’t normal times. Kamala resigns to become ambassador to Canada, and someone more qualified step’s in? The imagination runs wild.

  9. I realize I’m in the minority here, but I do grow a little weary of the stream of clips showing Slo Joe’ latest gaffe followed by the required boilerplate discussion of the 25th Amendment. Indulge my opinion for a few moments:

    Yes, Biden is senile and likely in early stage dementia.

    Yes, Biden is largely a figurehead.

    But no, there will be no 25th invocation. Not now, not after the midterm election, not ever; unless, he does something so incredibly shocking there is no way even a subservient media can supress it or spin it.

    Furthermore, he will likely be renominated, unless he and ‘Dr.’ Jill decide not to run (which is unlikely).

    The bottom line is: he is useful. Even as a semi lucid sock puppet, he provides a veneer of normalcy and moderation for a rabidly leftist administration. As long as they can keep him upright and parade him around long enough to satisfy a voluntarily credulous media, they will continue to rely on him.

  10. well water is wet, and lying comes second nature, perhaps third nature, he lied about the particular of his first wife’s death after all, that’s his oars are broken now, are little surprising, of course he might fall under the Costanza test, he might very well believe them

  11. Ackler:

    That’s basically my opinion as well, and I’ve expressed it many times. However, it really depends on how quickly he declines and how difficult it becomes to hide or make excuses for him. Also, if they discovered a way to replace him with a good candidate they would do it immediately, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that and Kamala stands in the way anyway.

  12. I would be quite surprised if the 25th Amendment were invoked as it would be an admission of error by members of the Democratic elite. That’s something liberals just do not do.

  13. Very few of the deciders could be considered competent others qre just pure evil

  14. Biden has been a malicious liar his entire life. I enjoy laying into leftists who think I’m displaying a double standard when they play the “what about Trump” game. I’m told, for instance, that Trump physically molests women. Some of those stories are demonstrably false. And frankly my default position when a woman accuses any wealth celebrity of raping her a quarter of a century ago is that she’s lying. I wasn’t there, but why bring it up now?

    But I can see Hair-Sniffing Handsy Joe molesting women and girls who obviously don’t like it. In real time.


    Then I can watch Democrats making excuses for the pedophile. Like “he gets it.” “Politics have changed.” Really? Funny, I think toddlers didn’t like being molested back in the 1960s or ’70s.

    Which is how long Biden has been lying professionally. He plagiarized a law journal article in law school and got an F in the course. He nearly got kicked out. Think of all the misery that law school would have saved us if he had been kicked out. He was called out on it during his first run for the presidency in the 1980s. He tried to pass if off as a stupid mistake he made in his youth. But what did Senator Biden do while running for President? He plagiarized British Labour leader Neil Kinnock. Not just one of Kinnock’s speeches. Kinnock’s biography. He was called out on that too. And Biden did it again later.


    “…The 48-year political veteran made the claim while visiting a Mack Truck facility in Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

    “I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,” the 78-year-old commander-in-chief told staff, video of the exchange shows — with him clarifying that he “got to” drive one.”

    Joe Biden wants you to think some trucker is going to trust him behind the wheel of a semi. Pro-tip. Nobody hires Hunter Biden for his business acumen. Nobody trusts Joe Biden behind the wheel of anything more valuable than a Tonka toy or maybe a tricycle. Should I post that video of him falling off his bicycle?

    “But challenged by Fox News to produce evidence, a White House spokesperson could only point to a December 1973 article from the Wilmington Evening Journal that showed Biden rode in an 18-wheeler, not that he drove one.

    ‘There is zero evidence that Biden ‘used to drive an 18 wheeler,” tweeted the Republican National Committee’s Zach Parkinson, along with images of the Wilmington paper’s story about Biden’s 536-mile ride.

    ‘The extent of Biden’s trucking experience is that he **rode in** a truck once, for one night in 1973,’ Parkinson wrote.”

    Trump is basically a carnival barker. He’s a salesman. He exaggerates but there’s usually a kernel of truth. Was the crowd at his inauguration the “hugest” ever? Maybe not, but it was a big crowd. I’ll let the Trump haters pick their nits.

    But Biden punches down. When I say he’s a malicious liar it’s because his lies hurt people. He lied for years that his wife was killed by a drunk driver.


    “‘SICK TO MY STOMACH’ Joe Biden lied about my dad being drunk in crash that killed his wife and daughter… he’s got a nerve calling out Trump

    …THE daughter of a truck driver, who Joe Biden wrongly accused of being drunk at the wheel in a crash that killed his wife and baby, says the presidential nominee’s “blatant lie” devastated her family.

    …Deborah started watching the first presidential debate last week but, according to her, one particular moment upset her deeply and prompted her to turn off her television within minutes.

    ‘Everybody knows he’s a liar,’ Biden told millions of viewers about Donald Trump, who was diagnosed with coronavirus on Thursday.

    Deborah, who is keen to point out she has complete sympathy for Biden’s loss, said the statement made her feel ‘sick to (her) stomach’.

    ‘Biden has got a lot of nerve calling Trump a liar,’ she said.

    ‘That’s the pot calling the kettle black.'”

    I was suspicious of DJT. He was an unknown commodity. He turned out to be far better than I imagined. But Biden has been a sleazy dirt ball his entire life. The people vouching for him, saying he would “restore norms” and “restore America’s standing” after Trump supposedly trashed it were sleazy dirt balls. There’s no way Muhammad bin Salman would have ignored Trump’s phone calls. The Saudis and Emeriatis not only won’t pick up when Pudding Brain calls they’ll publicly give him the finger by having OPEC cut production by 2M barrels.

    I’d be amused watching this pathetic old demented child-molesting liar bragging about how “Nobody f***s with a Biden” while literally everyone and everything including his own bicycle ****s Joe Biden with a raw corn cob sideways. Except this country is too important to me.

    Trump didn’t win beyond the margin of fraud. But still, millions of people voted for this waste of space. I’d have voted for a parakeet before I’d ever vote for Joe Biden. Unlike Dementia Joe at least some parakeets can be taught to speak relatively intelligibly in short bursts. How are these people not ashamed of themselves?d Anything bad you can say about Trump isn’t something that Biden is 10 times worse

  15. “However, it really depends on how quickly he declines and how difficult it becomes to hide or make excuses for him.”

    The Fetterman/Oz debate just happened in Pennsylvania. Fetterman looked like a guy who had a stroke and is flatly incapable of being a U.S. Senator. Check Twitter to see how many people literally DO NOT CARE.


  16. “They just keep making mistakes, but never admitting them…”

    SCOTTtheBADGER, I can’t think of a single mistake this wholly-owned puppet of the Chinese Communist Party has made since he was installed in office. Except, maybe he’s not selling the country out fast enough?

  17. Well some actions like the application chip act seem designed to trigger xi but in mamy ways he is the mandarin candidate

  18. “I would be quite surprised if the 25th Amendment were invoked as it would be an admission of error by members of the Democratic elite. That’s something liberals just do not do.”

    Worse, it’d mean Kamala becoming president and she’s harder to control than Dementia Joe.
    And it’d mean either Pelosi or Hillary becoming VP most likely, making it utterly impossible to remove Kamala.

    They knew full well what they did creating the ticket they did for the 2020 elections. Put a figurehead on the throne and someone nobody wants in place of that figurehead as the replacement in case the figurehead croaks.

    That’s making Biden immune from both the 25th and assassination. They must be morbidly afraid he’s going to die from natural causes.

  19. Worse, it’d mean Kamala becoming president and she’s harder to control than Dementia Joe. And it’d mean either Pelosi or Hillary becoming VP most likely, making it utterly impossible to remove Kamala.

    Well, true. One can wager she’d have two principal advisors – her husband and her sister. Kamala may be hopeless, but Douglas Emhoff and Maya Harris are not. Neither one suffers from Jill Biden levels of mediocrity. As long as the three of them are not bickering with each other, Ron Klain and persons unknown are not in charge anymore.

    And it’d mean either Pelosi or Hillary becoming VP most likely, making it utterly impossible to remove Kamala.

    The president has to nominate the VP for congressional confirmation. Kamala as acting president would have no authority to do that. Biden would have to resign and the VP’s office be formally vacated before she could nominate a replacement. SanFranNan is 82 and Hellary is 75; Hellary is suffering an undisclosed illness. Both have their own circle of clients and patrons. Kamala won’t want them around.

    Pelosi’s in the order of succession as we speak. The Presidential Succession law and the 25th Amendment are deficient, and putting the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore in the order of succession are among the glaring deficiencies. It took Congress nearly 50 years to get round to addressing the problem presented by Woodrow Wilson’s stroke, and when they do they delineate an unworkable procedure. The Presidential Succession law, one might suspect, reflects the degree to which politicians are addled by status considerations. Both should be replaced, but Congress does nothing other than toss bon bons at their donors and clamoring constituency groups.

  20. They knew full well what they did creating the ticket they did for the 2020 elections.

    Disagree. Putting Kamala on the ticket was a payoff to James Clyburn. It was only after she and Joementia were in office that they realized her one talent was generating staff turnover. Clyburn’s endorsement of Biden was consequential in part due to the strange preference cascades to which our presidential primary system is vulnerable and in part to the odd voting behavior of blacks, who are extraordinarily responsive to intramural opinion leaders. Add to that the occult methods by which three of Biden’s four principal competitors were persuaded to withdraw prematurely; we still do not know the story there.

  21. Check Twitter to see how many people literally DO NOT CARE.

    The Democratic electorate had some choice candidates in the running in 2020. They disregarded all of them.

  22. I think when subjects have Korsakoff’s syndrome they fill in the blanks with with evanescent fantasies.

  23. “Both should be replaced…”

    Not sure why.
    Neither of them are making any decisions.
    Moreover, Harris is REQUIRED for Senate victories.
    (IOW, competence HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Nor, for that matter, does the ability to speak coherently…. OTOH, the ability to lie, alienate, smear and slander—oh, and cackle on demand—is highly valued.)

    If, however, the GOP grabs the Senate in November—something that should happen, but one never knows until the fat lady sings—then Harris is no longer required and all bets are off.

    IF it is decided that both Biden and Harris must be replaced mid-term, I suspect we’re looking at Pelosi as POTUS and Clinton as VPOTUS.

    How ya’ like dem apples!?

  24. IF it is decided that both Biden and Harris must be replaced mid-term, I suspect we’re looking at Pelosi as POTUS and Clinton as VPOTUS.

    1. The first would have to be effected before Kevin McCarthy takes the Speaker’s chair. If the House is in adjournment when a letter of resignation is extorted from Biden and Harris, the question arises as to whether the House can be said to have a speaker. In that case, the order of succession goes to the President pro tempore of the Senate. There you have the same problem. The next in line is Anthony Blinken as Secretary of State.

    2. SanFranNan could not install Hellary in the VP slot without the consent of Congress. Not happening unless the Democrats steal enough to keep control of the House.

  25. I have believed for some time that Biden has an internal life like Walter Mitty. He has fantasies in which he is powerful and does things that he could not do in real life. The Neil Kinnock fantasy was the most extreme example. The meltdown in 1987 was an example of his fantasies coming out in public.

  26. Mike K,

    Was just about to say the Walter Mitty line. I agree. I think he believes his BS about being a full professor, etc.

    I’ve written about the Ark political pro who told me that Bill Clinton genuinely believes his lies. In Clinton’s case, a psych article I read once attributed it to an overwhelming need for approval. That there isn’t any there there internally, so he agrees with whomever is in front of him.

    I suspect Biden has something a bit similar. Obviously, I’m just spitballing uninformed speculation, but there is clearly a very well-developed pattern throughout his life. Normal, healthy people do not repeatedly make untrue claims about their achievements to audiences when the claims are easily proven to be false. This goes way, way beyond bragging or puffing. He’s psychologically damaged. Combined with his always limited intelligence now greatly diminished, it’s pretty scary. Especially with enemies around the world rattling sabers louder than ever.

  27. I expect Joe to run again in 24 (to protect his crime family), but also expect that others will primary him: Gavin and Clinton.

    It would be a hoot if Kamala also primaried him, but I don’t think she will. If anything she’s less popular than Joe, and tearing the administration up like that would be a disaster for both of them.

    If Kamala was a good candidate I’d expect the 25th or else her to replace him in 24 (or else primary him if he refuses to stand down). But she’ss not, and everyone knows it.

  28. Mike K on October 26, 2022 at 11:11 am said:
    I have believed for some time that Biden has an internal life like Walter Mitty.

    Because of his position as Senator and VP, and the fact he’s a Democrat, he could say such things with minimal blowback. A normal man would be called out or even get a beat down for some of his actions.

  29. I still think Joey Plug’s story about hitting a 370′ double off the wall at DC’s Griffith Stadium during the Congressional baseball game in 1973 to be among his best “yarns”. There is absolutely zero evidence this ever happened.

  30. “…with minimal blowback…”
    Actually, with NO blowback…
    “Grassley, Johnson share Hunter Biden’s China-linked bank records with US attorney leading criminal probe;
    “Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson are probing Hunter Biden’s ties to Chinese businesses”—

    Yep, they’re bringing all this to the attention of the DOJ.
    Make that the DOJROTFL Division.

  31. Pingback:Strange Daze: Swinging on a Star — November 7, 2022

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