Home » Bolduc, Morse, Hassan, and the New Hampshire GOP primary


Bolduc, Morse, Hassan, and the New Hampshire GOP primary — 6 Comments

  1. They have a long record of deciding which Republican they want to face. It’s not clear how accurate that is, though. I am old enough to remember when they were just dying to see us nominate Reagan, for instance.

  2. Bolduc is retired military and Morse is small business. Both men are in early old age. Morse has held p/t public offices for 20-odd years. Hassan is a lapsed lawyer who quit practicing in her early 40s.

    The wiki entry on Gen. Bolduc is crapped up with crude editorializing; idiocracy is now.

  3. “New Hampshire is an odd and quirky purplish state.”“- Neo

    Indeed, this spring New Hampshire legislators voted to secede from the United States. Contrary to the New Hampshire motto, “Live Free or Die”, it wasn’t because of the increasing Democrat tyranny in DC, but a quirk in the legislative rules.

    It did get 13 aye votes, so at least a few New Hampshirites do want to Live Free.


  4. Saw a NeverTrump Republican talking about this race on Twitter. Says it’s the voters fault for supporting candidates like Bolduc but completely ignores his own responsibility. As in, if Bolduc loses it will almost certainly be because NeverTrumpers like him smeared Bolduc and refused to vote for him.

    It’s much easier to understand how we got in this mess when you accept that many people on the Left and Right, especially ones who talk about politics a bunch, view our political discourse and process as nothing more than a virtual signaling contest. Every issue is decided on the basis of how it makes them feel or how they think it makes them look.


  5. This race, along with Colorado’s, are the two ‘sleeper’ elections of this year’s Senate contests. They are getting scant attention but both Democrat incumbents are pretty lackluster. The GOP challengers are likewise unknown and fairly uninteresting (though O’Dea in Colorado is making a bit of a name for himself), so no one is thinking or talking much about the two races. After all, we’ve only had umpteen articles about Fetterman’s health and Oz’s weak campaign, we need umpteen more!

    I know Boldoc is anathema to much of GOPe, but I hope some conservative PACs throw a bit of money at this race. Democrats don’t seem to be much focused on protecting Hassan, and it might not take much money in this small state to push the race into the Toss-up category; even possibly pull off an upset.

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