Home » This is my introduction to Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake…


This is my introduction to Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake… — 32 Comments

  1. I suppose we’re going to see how many Democrat candidates can successfully pull off hiding from the voters, like Biden in 2020. Fetterman is trying it, in Pennsylvania.

  2. The fiery (and very likeable) Kari seems well-positioned as a female gubernatorial “Ultra-Maga” personality, and she managed to vanquish, in the primary, a well-funded (and personally very wealthy) candidate favored by GOPe. The unwillingness of Hobbs to engage in debate should ensure her defeat in two months, implying, of course, either abject fear or an inability to articulate sensible ideas in a cogent and appealing fashion. On the other hand, such race-hustling grifters as Coates, DiAngelo, and Kendi have become celebrated and very rich indeed while avoiding any public contest of ideas.

  3. I like her, too. Hobbs is a Soros creature. I notice that Kelly, the Senator, is spending tons of money on negative ads about Masters, the Republican candidate. I hope Masters starts replying soon. I live in AZ and see the ads on TV all day and even on You Tube.

  4. Kari Lake is constantly surrounded by attractive women of all ages and they line up to work for the campaign. She is no one’s fool.

    The Arizona Republic, once a conservative paper, trashes her daily. The opinion writers simply spit.

    Whoever is designing her campaign materials is very very good. They are interesting, witty, clever and fun. Gotta love a candidate who has the July 4 rally at a gun range!

  5. Mark Kelly is Amy Klobuchar in a flight suit. He strives to be utterly inoffensive, cherry picking issues that no one opposes. But he votes with Chuck Schumer every time.

    The problem is that the Republican, Blake Masters, has a movie star name but a voice that gets squirrelly high at times. He’s one of those guys who will be very handsome in 15 years but right now he’s a bit hawk-faced. And now he’s being tagged with going soft on abortion.

  6. That license-plate slogan or banner in front is kind of cute. It’s interesting to have Ms. Lake’s perspective, thinking of how journalism looked in 2016.

    I wonder what her take is on this matter of some Arizona tribal nation objecting to the placement or completion of a barrier on a segment of the Arizona-Sonora border. Am not sure if there is some treaty stipulation somewhere that gives the tribe(s) in question any input into border arrangements.

  7. If this typical Kari Lake clip is an intro, we should spend more time at thegatewaypundit.com and patriots.win.

  8. I didn’t know anything about Kari Lake but wow, what a great in-your-face answer to the media. Could she end up being another DeSantis? No wonder Hobbs won’t debate her.

    Here in Michigan I just read that Democrat Governor Whitmer has 26 times the campaign cash on hand as Republican challenger Tudor Dixon, and we have been hearing nonstop attack ads against Dixon. Tudor Dixon is young, attractive and articulate with a compelling back story, but is so far fairly unknown by voters in the state. Dixon would destroy Whitmer in any debate, which leads me to predict that like Hobbs and Fetterman, Whitmer will refuse to debate her.

  9. Why oh why are all of the Republican women politicians so very attractive and all the Democrat women politicians so ugly??

  10. Chris B: might it happen that too many negative ads against Dixon will in fact bring her greater name recognition across the state, to her net benefit if/when she also gets her less frequent messages out?

  11. @ Miguel > “Their hearts are not cold and their souls empty”

    A distinct possibility, given the current state of the Democrat Party.
    However, it’s also true that the D’s are much, sometimes very much, older than most of the new R candidates.
    Most of them were not bad looking at the same age (not gorgeous, but okay).

    OTOH, the fact that so many Democrat women are actually men isn’t helping the optics any.

  12. Grandpagrumble:

    There certainly are attractive women Democrat politicians. For example, IMHO, Sinema and Gabbard. And even though I detest AOC and Ilhan Omar I think they are very attractive women. If you didn’t know their politics you might think so. Pelosi was a very attractive woman when she was younger, as well. This woman seems quite attractive too.

  13. Re: Indian nations

    If it’s Indian land, then Arizona can’t do anything to it that the tribal government doesn’t allow. They are subject to federal action, but not the state. I’d argue that the legal carve outs the tribes have is absurd in the modern day, but the political climate wouldn’t allow a recognition that they’re just another group of Americans.

    And then there’s the bureaucracy that’s grown up around their special circumstances that does everything in its power to keep them separate and dependent.

  14. Quite impressive. A calm, focused rejoinder to ‘gotcha’ type question which turns the table on the ‘journalist’ questioner and concludes with an unqualified support for freedom of speech.


  15. Governor Whitmer is not bad looking, if you can get past the crazy . Personally, I can only barely get past the crazy to acknowledge that she might not be so bad looking, if I was not aware of her politics.
    And I think that the governor of New York might have been attractive, at one point. But I cannot get past the crazy , there, either.
    If beauty is at least partially in the eye of the beholder, then politics very much may effect our perception of beauty in the other side.

  16. I agree with Neo, that AOC is a good looking woman, if you can forget about her politics.
    Tulsi Gabbard is attractive, but it is very easy to get past her politics, because she is more of an old school type Democrat, and a veteran and not a far left radical.

  17. OK, I’ll give y’all Tulsi Gabbard, but Whitmer, Hochul (sp?) AOC, Omar just have to open their mouths to become instantly ugly.

  18. R2L: That’s a good point. Also, all of Whitmer’s attack adds so far have been focused on Dixon’s strong pro-life position. That could have the effect of energizing Dixon’s pro-life base. I just hope Dixon can start getting her message out. Also, I hope there can be at least one good debate.

  19. Extremely glib. She sounds good when I hear her talk, and certainly is an attractive package. I am cautious about her because her past views have been a bit strange and she seems like a new “convert”. First republican, then independent, then democrat (she supported “the one”) and now republican again. This always concerns me as I wonder if she will turn again. I prefer resolute, steady candidates (in their views I mean, lol)

  20. Stu, right now I would call Kari Lake the favorite. It does not hurt her at all that she is known to everyone who lived there before 2018 as one of the top news anchors. Lake’s opponent, Katie Hobbs, is from the Dem far left. So far Kari isn’t attacking Hobbs, because she hasn’t had to.

    I’m new to Arizona, but I am fascinated. One day back in May, roadside signs appeared everywhere. There are rules, and one does not flout them. But sometimes you’ll see a sign for a candidate, and next to it is a sign with an arrow, and “RINO.”

    There are also oppo signs. There is one for Lake that says she donated to Obama. Another up in Scottsdale showed one candidate’s booking photo from some college-age misdemeanor, and “Joe Smith Too Dangerous For Arizona.”

    Downballot races matter here. A Maricopa County commissioner represents more people than a U.S. congressman. The Corporation Commission controls power, and more importantly, water.

  21. What a great answer – Free Speech, questioning about the 2020 election, which had questionable things.

    I wish more Republicans would attack that election:
    Was 2020 100% Free and Fair? Was there any true news censored?
    If some truth is censored, it’s NOT 100% Free and Fair – and 2020 was not Free and Fair.
    Everybody should agree that when the truth is censored in an election, that election is not 100% Free and Fair – and thus it can be, and should be, questioned.

    Pres. Trump won in 2016 with 62 million votes – in 2020 he got over 74 million, a bigger increase in voting than ever in history, yet he lost. We should all be looking very closely at every election step in every state – especially signature verification.

    Republicans should also understand many Obama supporters might well change their minds and vote Republican, especially for new Republicans who are prior moderate Dems.

    The time to reduce the number RINOs is the primary, tho not like Alaska’s. In the usual general Dem vs Rep (& others), the worst Rep remains better than the best Dem, as for their expected voting. (Was any Dem more Rep voting than Romney or Collins or any other RINO – Rep? I don’t think so.)

  22. Tina:

    I have no problem with changers. Lots of the best conservatives were changers (Reagan, anyone?)

  23. I didn’t vote for Lake in the primary but will do so in the General. I am warming up to her. Yes, she has a really good chance over the socialist Hobbs.

  24. @Neo-Ah, yes the Great one. But his certainly happened over the course of some years, and once switched never went back. Kari Lake’s switches gave me neck strain- 3 switches in approximately 15 years? She is a very pretty package and I hope what we are hearing/seeing is what we get. Mitt Romney was another pretty package (albeit he was not glib, and certainly not powerful as Kari Lake comes across) but he certainly switched and ultimately is a squish (not switched as in supporting Obama in 2007 like Kari did—but was Romneycare, then repudiated Obamacare and sounding like a real conservative in 2012–to what we get now…)

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