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The whistleblowers and Wray — 66 Comments

  1. Sorry, I’ve lost all respect for the FBI. I used to agree that most of the local agents are good, honest people. They’ve lost the benefit of the doubt. No uncompromised, self-respecting person would work for such an evil organization.

    Nuke the damn thing from orbit. Maybe start a new one in Kansas City or Omaha, you know, the center of the country just like Washington DC was 250 years ago.

    Are they all good little whistle-blowers like Mark Felt? Yeah, he had really pure motives, and I’m sure they do too. Too little, too late. Schumer wasn’t kidding about not messing with the intel agencies, and you and I should be really scared about that.

  2. this is why they pulled the security clearances of a host of maga staffers, that general flynn had hired, like colonel townley another ezra cohen wexler (sic) who had worked for nunes, of course they hid the ‘incriminating’ evidence against general flynn, which it turns out was non existent,

    but they will tout non existent taliban ‘bounties’ all day and night long, ask then about las vegas shooters, motive unknown,

  3. It’s our last chance. The next Republican president has to set to immediately dismantling the whole executive branch.

    Imagine there’s no EPA.
    Imagine there’s no CDC.
    No FDA too.
    Look at all the people making their own choices.
    You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.

  4. Griffin:

    Seems to me it would have been pretty difficult to come up with someone who wasn’t corrupt, especially at that point in time when he hadn’t had enough experience to know that he had to choose someone totally outside all the agencies, including the DOJ (where Wray’s previous government experience lay).

  5. Yeah, I’m confused too. Do these agents actually believe that Wray (and Biden and Garland) is/are capable of shame or something? What rock have they been living under? I mean, really?

    Since these agents are evidently so dense, I’ll me spell it out for them: This is all about getting Trump. There is no higher cause in Wray’s, Garland’s, and Biden’s eyes than ensuring they stop Trump from becoming president again. If they have to burn down the FBI’s reputation to do so, so be it. If they have to lie, cheat, and/or steal, violate every rule of God and Man, they’ll do it.

    There. That wasn’t so complicated now was it?

  6. Wray above the law. As shown when testifying before Senator Grassley, and Wray said he had a plane to catch. A government jet to his favorite vacation spot in upstate NY. Wray above the law.

  7. neo,

    Maybe but his personnel choices were pretty awful in a lot of different areas.

    If Republicans are going to actually sign on to a suicide pact with Trump in ‘24 leading to almost certain defeat it would be nice to at least have some evidence he would be better.

    Or we could just embrace President Newsom I guess.

  8. Griffin:

    I think you’re way way way ahead of yourself. We don’t yet know whether Trump will run, whether he’ll be nominated, who would run against him if he were the nominee, how unpopular THAT person will be, who would win (even with all sorts of machinations to get that person to win), and whether Trump would make better appointments next time if he did win.

    One thing of which I’m pretty sure – it will take more than one person, whoever that person is, to fix what’s broken

  9. mcconnell wanted garland as fbi director, the other choices like mike rogers or mccaul were who was on offer, but he had to get them past the possum crew of corker, mccain, and flake, at the outset, now romney, and the guy from nebraska, who was darning his shoes, (one wag dubbed him judge rheinhold)

  10. …and we don’t know what’s going to happen over the intervening 2+ years (probably not much good judging by the way things have been going so far), so who knows where voters heads will be had around November 2024.

  11. Neo,

    Well barring some kind of health issue it seems like he will run and if does and were to lose the nomination somehow that would doom the winning nominee in the general election as there are tons of Trump fans who would sit it out if he is denied.

    I am in no way NeverTrump I would vote for him but any half way sentient human has to know he will lose to anyone not named Biden.

    Just look at the last few weeks as soon as all the talk became Trump, Trump, Trump suddenly the polls start drifting towards the Democrats.

    Best case scenario he announces he won’t run and then quietly supports the nominee. That will require him to display a little humility which might be hard on his gigantic ego.

  12. Nonapod,

    But there will start being announcements about who is running in ‘24 next year so the election may be 27 months off but the process starts much sooner.

  13. To me, what it looks like is when a bunch of children realize they’ve been caught being naughty, and all start pointing at one another.

  14. sure it is, shambling really became popular, sarc, you have to come up with better material, now they are tailoring the overcount to the level of steal, they need, and it serves mcconnell’s needs,

  15. I agree with Griffin, Trump runs and is nominee, he loses big time and we are condemned to perpetual D rule. There are that many MoR voters who could no longer vote for him, and who don’t understand what voting D means.

  16. you understand they want to destroy every part of this country, that still works, that isn’t warped and twisted, in their eldritch image,

  17. Griffin,

    I’d prefer DeSantis to Trump given my druthers.

    But the point is I think it’s more than a little premature to declare that the… let’s face it, almost certain Trump nomination is a “suicide pact” on the part of Republicans and that a hypothetical Trump vs Newsom 2024 would result in Newsom winning for a ton of reasons. There’s just too many unknowns.

  18. I like desantis, myself, on a stylistic level, but there’s no guarantee he will run,

  19. The sky Shirley seems to be falling, polls are drifting, and dogs and cats are transitioning. What an effective physop operation the FBI and DOJ have become. Who knew Inspector Cleuseau was a fed not a frog?

  20. Nonapod,

    Maybe I’m wrong but I live in a blue state and know lots of people that are fed up with all the COVID crap, insane cost of living and crime but those same people have a visceral hatred for Trump that they will never get over so they would vote themselves more of the same because Trump.

    It’s those people in the mushy middle that are ungettable for Trump. Nothing can change that with him.

    There is already a narrative that DeSantis is a GOPe stooge that has been running through the Trump fanboys recently so if he blocks Trump get ready for that.

  21. has food gotten less expensive, has baby formula more available, has the crime situation gotten appreciably better, not that one can tell,

    when dems have whistleblowers, rowley, or vindman, or ciamarella or snowden they get the full court press, the reverse is true, remember gary aldrich or buzz patterson,

  22. How much ruin is in a nation? Brandon is trying to find out.

    Another Brandon speech tomorrow, be prepared all fellow semi-fascists (formerly known as American citizens). Will the new label be mega maga-fascist, semi-human, un-American?

  23. om,

    The WH press secretary’s comments today were really something and unlike her usual rambling this was obviously a written prepared speech.

    Uncharted territory for the ol’ USA.

  24. Griffin:

    Yes, I’ve noticed the anti-DeSantis wing. Very potentially destructive. It seems to be led by “sundance” at Conservative Treehouse.

  25. Griffin:

    The polls were drifting towards the Democrats before the raid and all the “Trump Trump Trump” talk, not after.

    In addition, I don’t see that they’ve drifted all that much.

  26. Griffin:

    So what did KJP read. I’ve seen no reactions on InstaP or other spots yet.

    Channeling the inner Hutu in all fascists?

  27. My uncle, born in 1910, a lawyer and best man at my wedding, was a career Special Agent. He showed us as kids how to behave around handguns, and he let us hold his badge and shine it with a terrycloth, which we considered supremely cool. He taught me how to pitch and hit, too, spending countless hours on his haunches with a catcher’s mit, and all that work ended up paying for my college. In the 70s and 80s he took me along on many golf and other retired-agent get togethers. What stories those ex agents had, what funny mutual ballbusters they were, what a fine group of men. As a WW2 infantry captain, uncle was a genuine hero, awarded two Purple hearts, the Bronze Star, and once, as a CAPTIVE, actually persuading more than two hundred German troops to surrender because their situation was hopeless. When I handed this story in as part of his obituary to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the guy figured I was bullshitting, because he said enough people do, till he looked it up, verified it and published it.
    All of which may admittedly be TMI; it’s just that the Bureau’s fall from grace is a bitter pill indeed, and the spectacle of that oleaginous operator Wray is nothing less than nauseating.

  28. neo,

    Do you think all this focus on Trump, Trump, Trump by all sides right now helps or hurts the Republicans in the upcoming mid terms?

    IMO every second that is not focusing on the disasters all over the place brought on by Democrat policies is a big boon for Democrats.

  29. “There is already a narrative that DeSantis is a GOPe stooge that has been running through the Trump fanboys recently so if he blocks Trump get ready for that.”

    The bigger problem is the Trump-haters on the Right who are pushing for DeSantis to challenge Trump when that would be a disaster for the GOP.


  30. Mcconnell and co are fine with doing nothing in fact they find this crumbling republic copacetic
    One can walk and chew gum

  31. From their point of view America is so evil it should never have existed the 1619 narrative is this view manifest

    Most media academia even corporate america doesnt disagree…yadda yadda

  32. right now I’d take Trump or DeSantis , whoever is more electable.
    Ace had a post from the other day seemingly giving the edge to DeSantis

  33. I’ve read that people said that one of George Washington’s greatest strengths was his ability to see things as they are not as he wanted them to be and that is how I try to look at things like Trump moving forward. Do I wish it was different yes I do but I just don’t see a way to victory for Trump against anybody other than maybe Biden and he ain’t running so that doesn’t really matter.

    And yes I know they will attack whoever it is but that person will not have anywhere near the baggage as Trump and I really believe that the gettable middle will be open to someone else.

  34. The prog platform isnf populaf thats why they cheat lie omit because their project is the destruction of this country

    These reluctant folks better get their heads…yadda yadda of they will witness the end of this country

  35. Ranked choice voting gives us the worst candidates see eric adams as an example

  36. Evil Fascist Trump is the best card the Dems have to play and they are playing it, you betcha, to stanch their bleeding polls. It seems to be working a bit.

    Nonetheless, 2024 is two years away. That’s two years of more inflation, more Biden senility and more Dem craziness. Even a wounded Trump could win then.

    I don’t believe it’s going to work even two months away for the midterms.

  37. I guess people only learn by suffering and if these vekakte bastards they will learn the meaning of suffering

  38. In my life, I’ve never known a single FBI agent, and I certainly can’t read the mind of these supposed whistleblowers, but I’m inclined to wonder how Machiavelli might analyze the situation.

    I’d guess that it’s unlikely that the whistleblowers are conservatives who advocate a reduced role for the FBI, one that’s more focused and less political. And I’d bet big money that the whistleblowers aren’t closet Trump supporters finally driven to stand up for their man.

    The FBI is a huge bureaucracy, so I’m sure that there are political factions within it. That’s bureaucratic politics, not Democrats vs. Republicans. An expert on the bureaucracy might even be able to identify the major factions, but all I can do is speculate, based on what happens in all bureaucracies.

    Right now, FBI Director Wray seems weak to his internal opponents, so they’re trying to wound him further by going to the media with stories that he’s lost control. The solution, of course, is to replace him with someone who can take control, and who happens to be the leader of the whistleblowers. Soft coups have become an FBI specialty. Real crime is little more than a way to raise funds and expand their power.

  39. People went into the bureau to fight crime to enforce the law thats the most basic template what are they doing serving as a secret police persecuting political opponents (yes i know the bureau had some of that) but that wasnt the main function

  40. Frank,

    Dismantling the whole executive branch would take an act of Congress with a President willing to sign it into law. Not going to happen, the rot is much too deep.

    Le Mot Juste,

    One of the good ones.


    “2024 is two years away. That’s two years of more inflation, more Biden senility and more Dem craziness. Even a wounded Trump could win then.”

    Given the country’s trajectory, in two years things are highly likely to be much worse and, despite all the left’s rhetoric, everyone is going to know what party is really responsible. Trump or De Santis might in actuality win in a landslide but the count ‘reveal’ a narrow victory for Presidential nominee Newsom.

  41. As Stalin supposedly said, “it’s not the people who vote that counts, it’s the people who count the votes that counts.”

    So, unless a whole slew of key states tighten their voting rules and procedures, replace the Secretaries of State (who govern and rule on voting, voting procedures, and controversies) put into place by Soros and his money, have poll watchers everywhere, very closely monitor things, move to correct problems with cheating before the votes are counted, and have judges on hand to immediately rule on controversies, the Democrats will cheat their way to victory.

  42. “the Democrats will cheat their way to victory.”

    Indeed and justify it all the way to the country’s ruin, while never, ever accepting responsibility for what they have wrought. They will tell themselves that their intentions were noble and that is all that counts.

  43. Rarely did wray dissent against left wing priorities there were some perfunctory dismissals but they got better gigs

  44. @ Griffin > “And yes I know they will attack whoever it is but that person will not have anywhere near the baggage as Trump and I really believe that the gettable middle will be open to someone else.”
    * * *
    Even conceding that Trump made a distressing number of own goals and administrative mistakes, most of the “baggage” is the result of 6 years of steady, repetitive, sometimes hysterical, always derogatory, propaganda against him.

    Most of the “charges” that offended some people so greatly were ginned up in 2016 within about 6 months, as soon as it became clear he was going to be the nominee and then president.

    Everything after that was piling more straw onto the already established hay-stacks.
    And never forget that 99.995 % was totally false.

    Whoever is the GOP nominee will have been loaded down with all the baggage the Left can assemble by the time the primaries are over. Whatever they can’t find that’s real, they will invent.

    I have very little respect left for Romney, but (unless he really does have nefarious dealings with China or Ukraine) there has never been a candidate as squeaky clean. Yet, in 2012, the MSM managed to convince a fair number of people that he was a dog-abusing, homophobic, misogynist, serial murderer who hated poor minorities.

    Do you really think your gettable middle will vote for “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis by the time the media gets their narratives set with all his other crimes that are suddenly going to be discovered in someone’s old files?

    And then the cheating will all go on top of that.

    Snow on Pine set a pretty high bar for the states to tighten their voting rules and procedures, and I suspect some of them will not even try to clear it.

  45. Wray steps aside and another rabid Deep State takes over.
    The organization needs to be cleaned out, but doubt that will ever happen.
    As AesopFan writes they won’t even let it attempted.

  46. The case against trusting DeSantis is two-fold. First, unlike Trump who made his wealth independently of politics, De Santis has hedge funds and Big Corporation backing for 94% of his political campaign funding (the figure tossed about).

    The second concerns his circumspection and delay in not confronting the obvious evils of a Federal raid by the Ruling State flunkies against the likeliest opposition party challenger — an unprecedented violation of the Fourth Amendment and more. And all happening in DeSantis’s own backyard, Florida!


  47. I forgot to mention the most important thing.

    Keep an eagle eye on the ballot counting process, and inputting the results.

  48. TJ, I was under the impression that the state of Florida has nothing to do with on a federal operation like the MAL raid. Why is DeSantis tarred with that brush?

  49. HIS failure to get on the lawful, Constitutional side of federal evil done in his own state, of course — against a fellow Republican! Not to mention ex-President.

    (But no courage or principle was evident, waiting days and days to utter a peep — “maybe I oughta count noses, or wait for smoke signals? Or polls!”)

  50. Geoffrey, I know what you say about dismantling the Executive Branch Behemoth without acts of Congress is true. I also know that Trump built the wall without an act of Congress. He’s spent years figuring out how to creatively hurdle obstacles that bureaucrats throw in his way. He may not be able to literally do away with the EPA, Education Department, CDC, etc., but he will find a way to neuter them if he makes it a priority. We already saw him prepare by the order revoking Civil Service protections for policy making positions. (Withdrawn by FICUS of course.)

  51. Ranked choice voting gives us the worst candidates see eric adams as an example

    It does nothing of the kind.

  52. Besides, De Santis graduated Harvard law. Constitutional law anybody? Does he get how egregious and vile the Raid was?

  53. Art Deco — whatever. Nonetheless, RCV can be gamed. And Dems have no ethics against rigging outcomes — or haven’t you noticed?

  54. For all those who think that only Trump because he’s so ‘toxic’ couldn’t beat a Democrat nominee. What makes you thing that any other Republican nominee won’t be made equally toxic to the voters you think can’t be persuaded to vote against their best interests and for Trump? Remember how Romney and McCain were the epitome of electable middle-of-the-road Republicans until they were nominated and became Hitler?

    Sorry, you’re just falling for propaganda. I well recall how I agreed with everything in the Contract With America, but thought that Newt Gingrich character was just too much until after the election when I actually got to see and hear him on C-Span and realized what a bill of goods I’d been sold. I’m old enough to remember the same lying, toxic sludge being tossed around about that evil mean-spirited blowhard Rush Limbaugh. If an individual wants to believe what someone else tells them. I say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGu8qiBUf-4. But as for me, I “won’t get fooled again!”

  55. Of course what was done to Trump over the last six years is beyond outrageous and yes most of it is untrue but sadly it has worked on a lot of people. That’s just the truth and pretending that it is not so because you don’t want it to be true is a sure way to lose.

    And the argument that they will attack whoever the nominee is seems odd to me. Of course they will but that doesn’t mean we have to pick the candidate they will attack the most.

    Let them attack DeSantis education bill because polling has shown that most people agree with it even Democrat support is substantial for the law.

    The attacks on DeSantis or whoever will be more policy related and less personal and I believe our policies are defendable even in this current world.

  56. Griffin:

    I think most people who comment here are well aware that the anti-Trump propaganda has worked on a lot of people. I also seem to recall that most commenters here would prefer DeSantis to run. But it is also the case that he might not run, and/or that Trump might be the nominee anyway (in or out of prison).

    You say they will attack Trump the most if he is the nominee. I actually disagree. They will attack any nominee as much as they can. The question is whether the attack will stick, and how much support the person can muster. Trump’s attacks have stuck with some voters, but he also has tremendous support from a lot of others. How much support will DeSantis be able to muster in the face of the inevitable attacks? And will some of the most fervent Trump supporters refuse to vote for him in the general? And who will the Democrat opponent be – Biden or someone else?

    We don’t know.

  57. The attacks on … will be less personal and more on policy?

    Have you forgotten “whatever it takes” and “ends and means?” Or how the left and Democrats operate when dealing with “semi-fascists,” aka, you, me, and all non-leftists?

    Seriously, Griffin.

  58. Yes, seriously.

    Do you think DeSantis or Cruz or whoever has had affairs with porn stars? How about the ‘grab them by the p***y’ quotes’?

    These are real things that turn off a lot of people and have absolutely burned his chances with a lot of people.

    It seems like a lot of people are willing to go with what they know (Trump) over what they don’t know using shaky logic.

    I notice Ace has a post about Palin up now and is encouraging her to drop out because she is too divisive a figure to win. Trump is the ULTIMATE divisive figure.

    And I haven’t even brought up Trump’s age because you know that will magically become an issue with Biden out of the picture.

    None of this is fair but it is a fact that will be a major issue if he runs.

  59. My last comment on this is it seems weird to say ‘they will attack whoever it is so let’s go with the guy they have been hammering like nothing we have ever seen for 8 years’.

    Are there any voters that have not decided on Trump by this point?

  60. Trump had all those issues for some, “the perfect being the enemy of the good” (sarc). But to imagine that the left and the Democrats won’t go into the deepest gutter, real or manufactured, to attack any conservative who is viable or attractive is wishcasting.

    It is who they are and what they do.

  61. I don’t think there’s much of a “gettable middle.” I think we’re now in what is essentially a civil war; this time around, it’s not a shooting war, it’s an information war. But it’s on, and more and more people can see what is happening. The Left will continue to be The Left. They are giddy, and they are escalating. On the right, there are still quite a few RINO politicians who don’t seem to understand what is at stake (or do they not care?), but there is an increasing number of young, angry, dedicated conservative politicians. Patriots are incredibly angry at the way we are being treated and the way the country is being run. I think there are more patriots than most people realize. We shall see.

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