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Today… — 26 Comments

  1. Reposting this from another blog, where I posted it a few days ago under another name.


    The feds have gone and raided Mar-a-Lago.
    There’s quiet crowing now on NPR.
    On MSNBC it’s a farrago
    of Our democracy! and Hardy-har!
    The New York Times showcased a week of gloating,
    then tried to tone it down, noting a presage
    of backlash in November’s midterm voting,
    but Times commenters didn’t get the message.
    They’re fulminating in the comment sections,
    demanding that the Supreme Court be packed,
    denouncing baseless claims about elections,
    fisking the Presidential Records Act
    and calling for some facts to be downplayed:
    Panties were fingered, but don’t call it a raid.

  2. With regard to the CDC, perhaps if they had spent less time worrying about global warming, gun control, and child obesity, they could’ve focused on their job.

  3. Not sure there is additional news to report on MAL. I did hear an interview with Eric Trump, and he reported that the FBI brought their Hostage Rescue Team to the raid. That blows away the narrative that this was a simple visit and search, as if that narrative was getting any traction anyway. It was a raid.

  4. Why on Earth would HRT be there? Might as well call in some SEALS also. You don’t bring SWAT for a simple document pick-up.

  5. it was a patently illegal, the justifications were out of that louise penny ghosted tome, I referenced earlier, now the clinton, the obamas the bidens, (all the seats of the continental system)* they aren’t touched, epstein is eventually wrangled but his customers aren’t even allowed to be revealed, as for the fakir fauci, who helped fund the design of the virus, that allowed for this steal, his papers and property haven’t been touched,
    there was a daily wire piece about rob porter, a very engaging professor, who ended up on trumps economic staff, he was ruined with a blizzard of dubious allegations by a clearly biased ex wife, and like rush said ‘the drive by media’ moved on, senior chief gallagher, was up on criminal charges, precisely because he had been an effective officer, one of the witnesses ncis had finagled to testify against him, was guilty of the offense they tried him for, he was found not guilty, yet corporate media, like ncis still continue to slander him, omidyar’s intercept is going after him, you ask about conservatives regarding progressives as evil,
    well how can they not, the fact they have corrupted law medicine academia, to a degree where they have become unaccountable, doesn’t mean the conduct is not evil

  6. The reference to the “Mouse Tower” took me back to high school, where I read the rather gruesome story of it in Latin, along with Caesar’s observation that “Gaul is divided into three parts.”!

  7. PA+Cat,

    It was not a failure to meet expectations that was involved but malice aforethought. Walensky and many others have the blood of hundreds of thousands upon their hands.

    May she and they receive an appropriate reward in the afterlife.

  8. Is there a generally accepted name for the current style of news coverage that puts phrases such as “widely debunked” or “with no proof” after any position of an a person out favor with the left, such as Donald Trump?

    Or the related derigure tendency to label any similar person’s concerns about election integrity as “The Big Lie”?!

    I wanted to ascribe to this smug cheap-shottery the sobriquet of the “Derogatory voice”, but surely someone has already named this?!

    For myself, I see it as a convenient signal that I am being coached or bullied into believing something that someone wants to make sure I know is not open to question!

  9. @ Ray Van Dune: “Is there a generally accepted name for the current style of news coverage that puts phrases such as ‘widely debunked’ or ‘with no proof’ after any position of . . . a person out favor with the left, such as Donald Trump? . . . I wanted to ascribe to this smug cheap-shottery the sobriquet of the ‘Derogatory voice,’ but surely someone has already named this?”

    Merriam-Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary defines mood as marking the “distinction of form or a particular set of inflectional forms of a verb to express whether the action or state it denotes is conceived as fact or in some other manner (as command, possibility, or wish).” Thus we have the imperative mood (command), the subjunctive mood (possibility), and the conditional mood (wish). To these we might add the gaslighting mood (deception).

  10. Rush called state run media toward the end, the bbc npr seem to be at odds with the nation they putatively serve

  11. Something went wrong and my comment has disappeared! A link to it still shows in the recent comments list- that’s how I got here! And it was my best ever! >>**

    >>** = nudge, nudge, wink, wink

  12. The continuing speculation about the MAL raid is all rehashing past speculations, because, until the affidavit for the warrant is released, or someone writes a post about their virtuous “fortifying” of the indictment of President Trump, everything is just speculation.
    (I’m channeling Kamala a bit…)

    However, if you are interested in some deep-weeds analysis, here’s a good place to go. By J. E. Dyer, former Navy intel officer. Even if she’s ultimately wrong about things (usually due to lack of correct information), the exercise of taking things apart to examine the inner workings is instructive.



  13. Changing gears a bit…I had thought that Manchin was smart, decent and principled. Sinema, too.

    Oh, well…wrong again…(if this analysis is accurate):
    ‘Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act “Secretly” Brought To You By Bill Gates’—
    Key grafs:
    ‘The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” – which according to the Congressional Budget Office will raise taxes on the middle class to the tune of $20 billion – not to mention unleash an army of IRS agents on working class Americans over the next decade, was made possible by Bill Gates and (in smaller part) Larry Summers, who have been known to hang out together….
    ‘…In a Tuesday Bloomberg article that reads more like a newsletter for the Gates fan club, the billionaire Microsoft co-founder recalls how earlier this year, as moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema continued to block the tax-and-spend legislation over concerns that it would raise taxes on the middle class (it will), Gates says he tapped into a relationship with Manchin that he’d been cultivating since at least 2019…
    ‘…After Manchin walked (again) on the bill last December over concerns that it would exacerbate the national debt, inflation, the pandemic, and amid geopolitical uncertainty with Russia, Gates jumped into action. A few weeks later, he met with Manchin and his wife, Gayle Conelly Manchin, at a DC restaurant, where they talked about what West Virginia needed. Manchin understandably wanted to preserve jobs at the center of the US coal industry, while Gates suggested that coal plant workers could simply swap over to nuclear plants – such as those from Gates’ TerraPower.
    ‘Manchin apparently wasn’t convinced, announcing on Feb. 1 that “Build Back Better” (the Inflation Reduction Act’s previous iteration) was “dead.”
    “In an effort to convince him otherwise, Democrats pulled together a cadre of economists and other Manchin influencers – including former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who convinced Manchin that the bill wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class, or add to the deficit….”

    A cautionary tale of gobsmacking deception…

  14. The Rushdie attack (continued):
    A fearless journalist weighs in on the view from Lebanon (and Iran) and the wider implications…
    “Biden Administration and Iran Empowering Rushdie’s Attackers”—

    So why is “Biden” continuing to empower Iran?
    It would appear that there is quite a bit of cognitive dissonance on the part of “Biden” and “his” “team” WRT their Iran policy; that is, “Biden” would have to be prepared to overlook quite a lot…

    But chew on this: What if there is NO cognitive dissonance at all between those who are fueling America’s “transformation” and the Islamic Republic of Iran??

    Or for those who prefer not to pose the obvious as an interrogative:
    There is NO cognitive dissonance between those who are fueling America’s transformation and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  15. The practice of inserting opinion into a news story is known as “editorializing.”
    It used to be considered a huge mistake, so it’s strange for us oldsters to see it becoming so common. Here’s a journalism course that still tells you not to do it:


    Here are some of the examples they give — it’s notable that these are much more mild than what we now see every day!

    “Poor: Lt. Post is exceptionally well qualified for the position.

    Improved: Lt. Post, with a degree in law, has eight years of experience as a Navy legal officer.

    Poor: An interesting program is planned for tonight at the Officers’ Club.

    Improved: Here is tonight’s program at the Officers’ Club.”

  16. Neo: whatever you and your tech help have done to your site – bravo! It now loads fast. Up until now, there always was an annoying delay loading your site and articles.

  17. I have seen references to the subjunctive MODE and to the subjunctive MOOD. I have always assumed the former was “correct”. But perhaps they refer to different concepts?

  18. Theres a header on a url that makes the difference whether something appears or not about eighf character it can be in any of the three files they use to write the code.

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