Home » Signs that more Americans have gotten tired of the far left


Signs that more Americans have gotten tired of the far left — 33 Comments

  1. The perfect storm of the residual effects of the excessive (and ultimately pointless) lockdowns of 2020, the underperformance of the highly touted COVID-19 vaccine, the excesses of ‘wokeness’ and the riots of 2020, street crime, and to top it off the outrageously high gas prices, soaring inflation, as well as the savaging of peoples 401(k)’s has utterly demoralized the nation.

    “Most people I know voted for Joe Biden in 2020. They had their reasons, and it wasn’t love of Biden. I haven’t yet asked them whether, if they had it to do over again, they would repeat that vote, but I am almost certain virtually all would say, “yes.” That’s how dangerous and evil they thought Trump was.” – 100% agree. It is hard to admit you made a mistake when it comes to politics.

  2. “I don’t think there are any minds still not made up. I don’t even think my leftist friends are watching it”

    I just saw several FB posts from lefty friends who are actually, at this moment, watching it. Of course all retired so have the time to do so. Basic attitude seems to be it’s “popcorn” entertainment in that they are just enjoying seeing all those evil J6 people and their supporters get their comeuppance.

  3. Only Biden voters I’ve heard recently are speaking of mean tweets and what a jerk Trump is. Current difficulties are unrelated.

  4. Another sign: have you [plural] checked out some of Bill Maher’s You Tube videos recently? He’s liberal-Democrat, all right, and he won’t fail to check an anti-Republican or anti-Trump box or three in his act, if only to maintain his bona fides with his base (but it’s not just for show, he definitely remains true-blue), . . . but he has been absolutely *skewering* left / “woke” excesses for at least a few months now.

    And his audience eats it up enthusiastically. As I say, another sign . . .

  5. What must be understood at this juncture is that “Democrats” are no longer opponents but enemies.

    Birth, copulation, and Crats,
    That’s all the facts
    When you come to brass tacks,
    Birth, copulation, and Crats.

    You are free to treat accordingly or understandingly depending on how nice a person you are.

  6. “I haven’t yet asked them whether, if they had it to do over again, they would repeat that vote, but I am almost certain virtually all would say, “yes.” That’s how dangerous and evil they thought Trump was.”

    Well, they’d better clutch those pearls tightly to their bosoms because they are going to get a number of hard, bone-breaking, heart stopping, lessons in baaaad electoral choices coming right at them over the next few years.

    Well deserved too. I only regret is that we will have to suffer along with these mind-colonized pod people.

  7. “That’s how dangerous and evil they thought Trump was.”

    He WAS dangerous to their comfortable status quo, and still is. I can’t imagine what will happen if the significant number of Americans who think Trump won see it stolen again, especially by a stumblebum like Biden or Harris!

    From my own personal feelings I can project what I fear might happen. I have never performed an illegal or violent act in my life, but if I saw another election stolen, that might change! Righteous indignation combined with feelings of powerlessness are ugly and enraging. I have often wondered if it is not the true strategy of the left to create the tinderbox conditions for civil violence.

  8. “He WAS dangerous to their comfortable status quo, and still is.”

    That really gets to the heart of it. What do America’s elite and the elite adjacent believe in? Pretty much just the inviolability of the status quo which has benefited the managerial/professional class so greatly.


  9. Most people I know voted for Joe Biden in 2020. They had their reasons, and it wasn’t love of Biden. I haven’t yet asked them whether, if they had it to do over again, they would repeat that vote, but I am almost certain virtually all would say, “yes.” That’s how dangerous and evil they thought Trump was.

    You’re probably right, but who knows? It’d certainly be remarkable that such people would actually still choose to vote for massive inflation, $5+ gas, increases in violent crime, and the world being on the verge of WWIII just because they imagine Trump to be so awful seems truly insane at this point, but that doesn’t mean it’s not so. After all, people are tribal. And it’s very hard to admit that your worldview might not be accurate, even to yourself.

  10. Regarding Demo attitudes about Evuul Trump Man Bad, I am reminded of a comment that IamSpartacus(?) made a while back. Here it is:

    So how do we answer someone who is embarrassed to have Trump as their president? All the responses touch on this. Here is how I propose to handle it. Use the Socratic method of questioning to first disarm and dig down to the base reason. They just don’t like his style and provide a counter narrative.

    Here is some of the questions that I have used. You ask a calm manner and not a hectoring tone. Have a sense of curiosity about their viewpoint so it is not an attack on them but of their assumptions. In this case the “personal is not the political” as stated by the left.

    • So you are embarrassed by Middle East Peace treaties Trump brokered between Israel and now 4 Moslem countries?
    • You are embarrassed by his peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo?
    • You are embarrassed by his 4 nominations for the Nobel Peace prize because of these actions. The Nobel Peace prize are just meaningless publicity awards?
    • You are embarrassed by his ending the ISIS Caliphate that enslaved women?
    After a couple of questions follow up with an added sentence. “so that embarrasses you”.
    • You are embarrassed by Second Chance Act that released non-violent minorities for drug crimes for disproportionate prison terms as championed by Biden?
    • You are embarrassed by the record low unemployment rate of black men, women and Latinos before COVID?
    • You are embarrassed that Trump has put in long term funding for Historically Black Colleges instead of having them come back from year after year to beg for funds?
    • You are embarrassed that Trump doesn’t support free health care for illegal aliens?
    • You are embarrassed that he has stopped illegal immigration but not legal immigration?
    o So to you, laws are “suggestions” and not absolute. Thus if someone in power determines that they can spy on someone you don’t like it is okay…..just like the FBI did on Martin Luther King?
    o That enforcing laws that Congress passed are not important?
    • You are embarrassed that he met with Kim Jung Il who has not performed a single nuclear or missile test since meeting with him after conducting 4 tests during Obama’s term?
    • You are embarrassed that he is stopping Chinese technology theft through spying?
    • You are embarrassed that he put tariffs on dumped Chinese goods that forced them to agree to buy more US products?
    • You are embarrassed that he scrapped NAFTA for USMC and stopped the export of US jobs?
    o What would be super powerful to this question is if you lost your job to China or Mexico like I lost my job of 35 years. Or someone that both of you know.
    • You are embarrassed by the US having energy independence while reducing its carbon emissions? Something no other country can claim.
    o That embarrasses you?
    • You are embarrassed that he withdrew from the Paris Accords that doesn’t have China or India doing any carbon mitigation until after 2035 when global climate change experts say is too late?
    • You are embarrassed that he gave Ukraine weapons that stopped Russia from overrunning the country? That Obama/Biden policy of providing non-lethal aid like blankets and food was the proper response to an armed invasion?
    • You are embarrassed that Germany and France now have to pay more for their defense which makes them very angry?
    • You are embarrassed that his administration has made more arrests for human trafficking in the last few years than Bush and Obama did in 16 years?
    o That he has set-up a task force to combat human trafficking which the wall is an integral part. You are embarrassed about this?

    Moving to COVID response. That has to be handled very carefully based on a person’s frame of reference. Some good people are VERY safety minded.
    • You are embarrassed that Trump put on a travel ban from China than Europe that all the Democrats condemned particularly Biden?
    • That he put into place OPERATION WARP SPEED to develop a vaccine?
    • That he followed the scientists when Fauci said masks don’t work in March?
    o You are embarrassed by that?
    • You are embarrassed he still says wear a mask even when the WHO says they are ineffective?
    • You are embarrassed that Trump is now moving production of Pharmaceutical precursor chemicals from China back to the US that happened under Bush and Obama?
    o That embarrasses you?
    Please add more “you are embarrassed comments” to this post.

    Now you can move to a “So you support”.
    • Spying on a political opponent?
    • That people private conversations, emails and financial records can be unmasked by law enforcement, the IRS and spy agencies without consequence to the people who did it?
    • So you support unleashing the power of the state to make up crimes and prosecute people you don’t like?
    • So you support an urbane measured smooth talking teleprompter reader who assures you that “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.” In other an ineffectual “No Drama Obama” that incompetently implemented OBAMACARE and destroyed many people’s healthcare plans. But he sure gives a good speech….period.
    • That you support involving the military in overseas adventures that don’t end.
    • That you support the political class being able enrich themselves by selling their ability to impact policy including outside influences.

    I always say that Trump is the Andrew Jackson of our age. That he overthrew the established “polite, urbane society” set and opened up the west for settlement.

    Conclude with what is more important to you: style or substance? Do you like being politely lied to about what someone intends to do vs. someone who gets something done. How Trump has done more in 47 months then Biden did in 47 years.

    You don’t have to change their mind at that point. Just have them examine their assumptions. Change is a process and not a moment. Hopefully this helps in your conversations about Trump and his temperament.

  11. Gringo. This reminds me of the maxim that you can’t reason a man out of a position he did not reason himself into.

    Here’s what happens. Three, at most, iterations of facts and policy and then it goes to ad hom and conclusory statements. i.e. Trump is a racist! That’s a conclusion. Ask for facts supporting it. Trump’s a fascist. Ask for facts. Trump’s an authoritarian.

    IMO, you pick one–Middle East peace–and let them chew on it. A barrage generates unreasoning defensiveness.

    Remember, they got into this position to make themselves feel good, relevant, superior. If they’re wrong, if their facts are wrong, their personal wonderfulness takes a hit.

  12. Remember, they got into this position to make themselves feel good, relevant, superior. If they’re wrong, if their facts are wrong, their personal wonderfulness takes a hit.

    I am reminded of a passage from Obama’s Dreams from my Father, about his time at Occidental.

    To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punkrock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling constraints. We weren’t indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated.

    From an early age, Obama was presenting himself in public to get a certain response- NOT because he thought it was right. He wanted to belong to the “I AM NOT A SELLOUT” team.

  13. Gringo @ 4:09 PM;

    Presenting facts to a liberal progressive / leftist / demokrat will not even get one half way to first base.
    The validity of the facts presented is irrelevant, meaningless.
    To the liberal progressive all that matters is their pseudo-religious political belief system which is unshakable, and all facts and events will be massaged and molded to conform to their liberal progressive worldview.

    In response to any and all of the questions you supplied, the liberal will just respond by saying Trump is a fascist and evil.
    End of discussion.

  14. Gringo
    you comment reminds me of what the left thought of Reagan- he was an amicable dunce. However had he stayed a democrat and became a democrat president, they would have praised him as the second coming of FDR
    If Trump ran as a democrat they would have loved him and his personality as they did during the 80’s and 90’s when he was a media darling that people like Letterman sucked up to.

  15. From an early age, Obama was presenting himself in public to get a certain response- NOT because he thought it was right. He wanted to belong to the “I AM NOT A SELLOUT” team.

    Hollow man.

  16. Some manifestation like the blight, the flood, this is how I regard these prog politicians at least since Clinton, yes Carter was a fool but these are confirmed knaves, Obama followed up, or course the current horror, and yes they are leading to dr, schwab’s brave new world, look at the results, of course the bush’s make nice with them, like frogs inviting the scorpions, they have occasionally been stung, but it’s not fatal, as the dismantle every aspect of this country, that made it appealing for immigrants, almost effortlessly, but mcconnell you say, bah humbug,

  17. I think leftists will tell themselves fables to avoid reality. For examples, I have two of my five kids. Both are lawyers, one is an FBI agent and the other is a trial lawyer. The daughter who is an FBI agent was visiting a couple of years ago and, as I walked past her watching TV, she loudly stated, “Trump is such an incompetent.” Since I don’t talk politics with those kids (Both in their 50s), I merely said, “Three percent unemployment and the stock market at 33,000 is incompetence?” “Yes!” she said.

    I was having dinner with my lawyer son a few months ago and mentioned gas prices, as I thought that would be a safe subject. His response was odd. He said, “That’s capitalism.” I did not pursue what I thought was a very odd comment. I assume he thinks that oil companies are profiting from the high gas prices.

    My other three kids are pretty sensible and my other son, who is conservative, always shushes up any political talk around his two lefty siblings. His theory is that his brother never got over his daddy issues.

  18. Given that about 80-85% of my friends, acquaintances and professional colleagues are somewhere left of center, I gauge how significant an event is for the ‘regulars’ on the left (that is, those not in any way part of the ruling elite) by how much I hear about the event amongst my social circle, both in person and on social media.

    January 6 Hearings? Crickets. Complete silence. This from people who had spent two weeks screaming non stop about gun control, preceded by three weeks of screaming non stop about abortion.

    I think even most on the left realize the absurdity of these kangaroo court hearings. They are also ready to move on.

  19. Last week I had lunch with a man who has been my close friend for 50 years. He generally has two or three of what I call his Tourette’s “Republicans!” eruptions during any conversation, and I just let them go by. But this time he stated his conviction that Republican legislatures all across the country are actively preparing to “steal” the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election. Apparently that is what his Facebook feed and NPR make of efforts to strengthen security measures around voting. It’s a cult.

  20. We really didn’t vote our way into this: we didn’t vote for any of the people in the agencies who dictate regulations to us, we didn’t vote for any of the boards of the corporations who comply with those agencies’ directives, and we didn’t vote for anyone at the universities or at Twitter who egg it on and corrupt our youth.

    These people are all working together toward the same ends, and at the national level too many people with R’s after their name are content to swim with the tide. Because the tax money must continue to be appropriated, and no one will back your favored spending if you don’t get with the program.

    It’s the career politicians in both parties, and we need to replace them with outsiders and lunatics or nothing is going to change. Trump was a great start, but not near enough.

  21. Democrat elites are convinced that if Roe is overturned and some states will no longer allow babies to be murdered they’ll be able to use that issue to hold their majorities in the House and Senate.

    I guess as elitists they don’t buy gasoline, baby formula (obviously not) or tampons.

  22. @Frederick: “the agencies who dictate regulations to us [and] . . . the . . . corporations who comply with those agencies’ directives”

    Almost. The corporations write the directives, and the agencies enforce them. It’s called “regulatory capture.”

    But you are absolutely right–we didn’t vote for any of this.

  23. From an early age, Obama was presenting himself in public to get a certain response- NOT because he thought it was right. He wanted to belong to the “I AM NOT A SELLOUT” team.

    Hollow man.

    Back during the BHO presidency, I used to think “and the left belittled *Reagan* for being an actor??”

  24. Ackler, re Jan. 6th tv:
    “I think even most on the left realize the absurdity of these kangaroo court hearings. They are also ready to move on.”

    I wonder if deep down inside, they figure that the eventual conclusion will be an embarrassing nothing-burger with regard to Trump, similar to the “Russia! collusion” hoax.

  25. ‘It’s the career politicians in both parties, and we need to replace them with outsiders and lunatics or nothing is going to change. Trump was a great start, but not near enough.‘

    Wyoming’s primary is coming up. I am really looking forward to voting against Cheney. She is a bad joke. She hasn’t lived in Wyoming for decades. It is time to elect people outside of government.

  26. Big deal.

    Before Trump W was H1tler
    Before W his daddy was H1tler
    Before W Ronnie was H1tler
    Before Ronnie Ford was H1tler
    Before Ford Nixon was H1tler

    And whoever gets what’s left of the GOP nomination in 2024 will be H1tler.

    Liberals never chage.

  27. Has anyone else noticed the NPR on-air “talent” have often quit using the noun “Democrats” during discussions with the left, and just say “we”? I hope to see these fatuous hypocrites defunded come next year!

  28. His theory is that his brother never got over his daddy issues.

    It’s like the children in The Corrections, two of three driven by the conviction that they could do better. Like all three, most of us discover we could not and did not.

  29. https://instapundit.com/527048/#respond

    Note, Mr. Auchincloss’ chief of staff is 51 years old and has been employed by the United States Congress for some years (and without figuring out that the building is suffused with security cameras). A driver of leftoid politics is arrested development.

  30. noblesse oblige, nothing will happen, they can shoot up eighteen congressman (including our future governor) and the staff of the two senators he was last in contact with, aren’t questioned,

  31. I have a sibling who definitely suffers from TDS. In the past couple of years he makes apolitical comments political. Take for example I texted him a labeling gun gif that printed money since it related to our conversation. He followed up with some comment on how the NRA was responsible for all the shootings in America or something, and how guns are bad.

    That’s just one of many cases where he was unreasonable and delusional. But then he freely admits that, part of it, is just trying to get a rise out of me since he’s aware I don’t exactly share his politics.

    Sure enough he use to see a therapist for his personal issues. Go figure.

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