Home » Open thread 6/21/22


Open thread 6/21/22 — 26 Comments

  1. Her “performance made ppl happy & the little girl could feel the good vibes & expressed her talent! This is a great example of how humans should be more of themselves & uplift each other through creativity & community. ?”

    Who IS she? Karolina Protsenko of Simi Valley, CA

    in 2018 she was a 13 year old child prodigy violinist.
    Joined Sep 3, 2018

    Home page now has a little boy dancing … like I could have been (60 years ago, maybe; lots of spinning).

  2. MBunge,
    I have a comment on what you posted on the Uvalde shooting over in the thread neo started to talk about that.

  3. Have you heard?

    The US, + The West- have started to end buying Russian oil, in order to pressure Russia to end the War in Ukraine.


    China + India are buying lots of Russia’s oil.
    If they buy enough russian oil, China + India could cancel out the economic pressures on Russia.

    So much for that plan.

    What now,are Biden’s options to get Russia to end the war?

    The plans of [lots of Western sanctions vs. Russia], and [stop buying Russia’s oil + other fuels], might not succeed.

  4. Does anyone think that the current, [Jan.6 riot] hearings, will keep some Republicans from being elected, in November of 2022?

    Please tell me what you think.

    (I’m thinking about the Republicans running for: Congress, Governor(s), + Republicans running for positions like that).

  5. Stuffing a teenybopper into tight blue pants to dance and prance is a long way from learning much about her proficiency in playing a fiddle – particularly with that high-dB backing robot blaring away.

  6. TR – I don’t know that the hearings are responsible, but the R team has (probably) bungled away a very winnable governor’s mansion in Pennsylvania by nominating a January 6th acolyte, Doug Mastriano. Mastriano was at the capital on January 6th and has already publicly talked about trying to override the results of the 2024 election in Pennsylvania if a Democrat wins. Trump and Democratic Party dirty tricks did that to us. The Democrat ran unopposed in the primary and so he spent more money promoting Mastriano in the Republican primary than Mastriano’s own campaign. Then, of course, Trump swooped in and endorsed Mastriano three days before the election.

    Mastriano might well drag down Oz and cause the R team to kiss away a Senate seat. (Gee, wouldn’t it have been nice to have a Republican candidate like McCormick who had enough of a non-MAGA identity to run away from Mastriano – Thanks Trump!) Republicans are living up to their “stupid party” moniker. At least Mastriano isn’t a witch (as far as I know). So there is that.

  7. “Does anyone think that the current, [Jan.6 riot] hearings, will keep some Republicans from being elected, in November of 2022?”


  8. Question : Why do humans make music ?

    Answer : Because it makes our children dance.

  9. TR:

    One of the problems with this war is that once it started, the left didn’t have many if any options to end it. It might have been prevented by certain options that weren’t taken, however.

  10. Art Deco,
    Your link is truly disgusting, but not surprising. We’ve known for quite some time much of the Republican party only gave lip service to the working class.
    I use the term working class, but it was blue collar workers (President Trump picked up what was at one time Reagan democrats– enough to win) who suffered economically from both Democrat and Republican policies.

    I think the core battle in the Republican party is globalism vs. nationalism.

    Those free traders that opposed Trump during negotiations with Canada and Mexico and then China were on the side of multinational corporations that think borders are an impediment to their profits, regardless of the political ramifications.

    ‘The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them,” according to Lenin. You can substitute corporatists, globalists, or any group that opposes a strong national identity.

  11. Thanks, neo.

    (Really, I actually mean that. There can be lots of sarcasm-filled comments in these discussions, I wanted to make clear that I was being sincere).

    But thanks. On the War in Ukraine, that’s a point I hadn’t thought of. 🙂

  12. om – DJT certainly isn’t the cause of all of the GOP’s problems, but he’s caused more than a few in the past two years.

    Just pick candidates who can win! It does no good to select candidates who are pure as the driven snow on MAGA issues if they’re going kiss away winnable seats to Democrats.

  13. Bauxite and TR-
    You are probably correct, unfortunately, but, being optimistic…
    Remember how “everyone” knew 6 years ago this summer that if the Rs nominated DJT, we were just guaranteeing a Hillary presidency? I’m one of the millions who voted for DJT reluctantly in ’16,and enthusiastically in ’20.
    What I hope for, probably forlornly, is that you are overlooking the enthusiasm of the DJT wing of the R party. They will for sure show up and vote for the MAGA gov candidate, and may drag Oz over the line. There are not a lot of people paying attention to the J6 show, and they are all solid D voters in any case. Mastriano has to carefully play up CRT, BLM, boys in the girls’ bathroom, taxes, education, crime, and other middle class concerns. Not sure if that will be enough, but if PA is truly Philly, Pittsburgh, and Alabama in between, he has a chance.
    What Oz has to do is emphasize that a vote for that Fetterman weirdo is a vote for Chuck Schumer to run the Senate. Nothing else matters as much. That should do it for him.
    A guy can dream, anyway.

  14. DJT certainly isn’t the cause of all of the GOP’s problems, but he’s caused more than a few in the past two years. – Bauxite

    “More than a few”– Would that be 3-4-5 problems, or more?

    A list would be good.

  15. Thanks, neo. The Karolina Protsenko videos with little tykes put a big smile on my face.

  16. Here is a discussion of the recent history of, ideas about, and the increasingly useful tools and techniques advancing knowledge and technology have developed to search for Alien life.

    This presentation is extremely well done, interesting, and very easily understood.

    See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHqcsip_DbM

  17. Neo…I seem to remember you doing an extensive post on “prodigies” like the violinist there. Always fascinated by how it plays out down the road… what’s she doing at say 35?
    I’ve met a couple in my life… interesting kids.

  18. but the R team has (probably) bungled away a very winnable governor’s mansion in Pennsylvania by nominating a January 6th acolyte, Doug Mastriano.

    Because business Republicans in Pennsylvania are so stupefyingly accomplished, we’re fools if we don’t nominate the donorist candidate again and again.

  19. ah mac stipanovich, and almost lifelike bob martinez, they never go away, he gave way to lawton chiles who was on balance not terrible, and jeb, who enabled the ignite constructivist magic beans which has ruined a generation of students, that’s he got his bro Neil, but you see how they are willing to disarm us, ship our weapons to ukraine, our oil to europe, and dismantle this country a hundred other ways,

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