Home » Parliamentary stirrings in two countries: France and Israel


Parliamentary stirrings in two countries: France and Israel — 10 Comments

  1. Every time I moan about how a parliamentary system would be better, I read about messes like Israel, or the instability that is, or was, at least (I don’t keep up), Italy.

    But then, with the upcoming congressional elections, we may be in the same boat, with an executive without support in the legislature. And a “no confidence” vote wouldn’t get rid of him.

  2. Interesting to see if the more nationalist elements survive the globalist onslaught once the seats start being allocated… especially given the military pre-emptive hits Israel has delivered to Iran of late.

  3. Berlusconi was perhaps the first major test of lawfare, salvini was sidelined right before the pandemic hit, because he was a critic of mass immigration, but more importantly the concentration of chinese labor in the lombard region, that ended up being the vector for the epidemic, its possible a kindred spirit, meloni might be the next pm, working off the ghosts of mario draghi (fingers crossed)

  4. Macron is stuck with a hung parliament. None of the principal political alignments are inclined to co-operate with his ministries and they’re dissimilar from each other.

    A critic of Macron maintains his political party is a hollow shell and has no local organizations meeting in meatspace.

  5. Every time I moan about how a parliamentary system would be better, I read about messes like Israel,

    National list PR is a lousy way to do business.

  6. This is very bad timing for Israel. The Biden Democrats are doing their damnedest to give Iran a nuclear weapon.
    Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities are deep underground and the United States will not sell bunker buster bombs to the Israelis. That leaves their only option nuclear weapons. Steve Hayward of Powerline thinks a war is imminent. He thinks that Biden’s trip to the Middle East is to pressure Israel not to go to war against Iran. The SHTF soon I am afraid.

  7. He thinks that Biden’s trip to the Middle East is to pressure Israel not to go to war against Iran.

    Will Biden be accompanied by his daughter, his granddaughter, and a White House aide in an Easter Bunny costume?

  8. Wouldn’t be surprised if the trip is canceled entirely.
    “Biden” doesn’t have to come to Israel in order to strong-arm it.
    The current political eructation would provide the perfect pretext.

  9. The problem with Israel and Italy is not the parliamentary system.
    The problem is a lack of election by district. Voters vote for a political party with a nation-wide list.
    So it’s democracy – but not “representative”.

    Nobody can “ring up *their* MP” and give him/her a piece of their mind. A politician’s career depends on the party apparatus, not any one group of voters.

    IIRC This is also true of a certain number of seats in the German parliament.

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