Home » Southern Texas district votes for a conservative in special election


Southern Texas district votes for a conservative in special election — 16 Comments

  1. His vote for Flores was, apparently, Musk’s first ever for a Republican. The category of “Hispanic” is, to use the term beloved by leftists, “problematic” and was not used by the U.S. Census before 1970. It can include persons of any race as long as their ancestors come from some Hispanophone region or nation, many Hispanic-Americans identifying as “white” even if they are mestizo and some as “Afro-Hispanic”; although some can even be of Asian descent, most “Latinx” (a truly idiotic term) in this country are either indigenous or of mixed ancestry. What is absolutely certain, however, is that fewer and fewer are, for sensible and sound reasons, Brandon-supporters.

  2. Mexico and Central America, the largest source of immigration legal and otherwise, are in the Northern Hemisphere.

  3. The “Mexican immigrants = Democrat voters” thing was always amazingly stupid. It literally assumed that voting Democrat was just something minority groups did, as if it were encoded in their DNA.

    And as the cultural, political, and economic power starts to catch up with Hispanic’s status as America’s second-biggest racial/ethnic group, it is going to profoundly change the political landscape. Black Americans, in particular, are going to be affected by the lack of “Brown Guilt” among Latinos.


  4. This is a good sign for the interim.
    November is for all the marbles.
    If you think this matters to the rest of the US… and it does… please donate to her campaign.
    From now on…as dubious as I am long-term about voting integrity… every win for an R is a good thing.

  5. well this was rudy texeiras thesis, and everything since the 86 amnesty has been structured along these lines, now texas and florida are outliers, california is the vector of dysfunction, but that is a function of prog politics, they took bertold brecht to heart ‘dissolve the people, and (s)elect another,

  6. MBunge said “ Black Americans , in particular, are going to be affected by the lack of “ Brown Guilt” among Latinos.”

    Then throw in the growing Asian population into that mix. And the attacks on Asians by black youth. And the targeting of Asian owned businesses. And the open discrimination against high scoring Asians to keep the Black college admissions up.

    One of the things that saddened me about the whole BLM thing was I assume that in the long run the excused lawlessness was going to back fire against blacks, and decent black people would pay the price.

    Some years ago I saw a black writer taunting whites about soon loosing their majority status. I thought to myself, maybe she does not understand what 13% and falling is…..

  7. I think it’s a reflection of the realignment of the parties – as private sector unions have grown weaker, the Dems have become the party of government employees, college administrators & professors, and white guilt-ridden rich people; the Republicans are becoming the party of the middle-class wage- and salary-earners who watch their paychecks shrink year after year while getting less for their money. Since Latinos & Hispanics tend to fall into that wage/salary-earning group (even the ones here illegally)…

  8. Do democrats now hear the bell tolling?

    “No man is an island,
    Entire of itself.

    Each is a piece of the continent,
    A part of the main.

    If a clod be washed away by the sea,
    Europe is the less.

    As well as if a promontory were.
    As well as if a manor of thine own
    Or of thine friend’s were.

    Each man’s death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in mankind.

    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the bell tolls,
    It tolls for thee.”

    John Donne (1572-1631)

  9. Good one Marisa,

    I have encountered a few people who were unaware that Mexico is in North America. North American Free Trade Act anyone?

    I myself had to check where precisely the equator was located. Just south of the south end of Venezuela. But it cuts through Columbia.

  10. I just saw a Flores political advertisement. She talked about how her husband is a border patrol agent and she worries about his safety. I wasn’t expecting that. I wonder if there were other issues she promoted.

  11. From her campaign website: Pro-God
    My christian faith is a core part of who I am. My parents raised me to be a strong woman of faith and defending individuals religious liberties will always be a priority of mine.

    I will always fight for the unborn and advocate for pro-life policies in Washington.

    My family is the most important thing in my life. I was raised with strong family values and work to instill them in my own children. Family values are one thing that make our community in South Texas so special and strong.

    America is the greatest country in the world and it has afforded me the life I have today. Through hard work anything is possible in America. I will ALWAYS put America first.

    Pro-Second Amendment
    The right to bear Arms is something I hold near and dear. Americans should always be able to protect themselves and their families. I will always fight for our second amendment rights.

    Pro-Law Enforcement
    I am married and a proud U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) wife. Law enforcement will always have a fierce advocate if I am elected to Congress.

    Pro-Border Security
    Illegal immigration encourages and funds human/child trafficking. I legally immigrated to America when I was six years old. Living in South Texas offers a unique perspective on illegal immigration and how it affects the livelihood of American citizens. We MUST secure our border to keep bad individuals out and to encourage LEGAL immigration.

    My goal is to fight for every veteran; to fix the current health and medical issues at the VA, to address the amount of homeless vets on the streets, to get additional funding and resources so they can over come any mental issues they face. I love all our men and women in uniform, both past and present.

    Texas is the economic engine of America because of its low regulation and pro-business mindset. Texans know that when you get the government out of the way and let the private sector create jobs, the economy will flourish. I am an advocate against socialism and will always promote capitalism.

    Pro-Oil and Gas
    The oil and gas industry is critical to the success of our State and Nation. The industry has been hit hard in recent years but I will always work to help the oil and gas industry and stand firm against radical policies that would undermine it

    Pro-Affordable Healthcare
    As a healthcare worker I speak to residents of CD 34 day in and day out and understand that having access to affordable healthcare is the most important issue facing residents of South Texas. In Congress I will always strive to improve our healthcare system and work to find solutions that will lower the cost of prescription medicine.

  12. Thanks Wendy,
    And she is a healthcare worker too.

    I am heartened that she is a supporter of the 2nd Amendment. I was somewhat shocked to learn several years ago, that Mexico had something akin to our 2nd Amendment in their constitution. But they modified it into near oblivion.

  13. I’m not a huge fan of the Bush family. Nonetheless, if this trend continues, it will tend to vindicate W, and even Jeb! The so-called GOPe has been predicting for decades that hispanics were natural conservatives.

    It would be one of history’s ironies if Trump’s crackdown and an absolutely insane Democratic Party ended up making the GOPe prediction come true.

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