Home » Chesa, we hardly knew ya


Chesa, we hardly knew ya — 24 Comments

  1. So does this mean that when “ Monk” solves a case, it may actually get prosecuted now?

  2. It won’t change anything- it is still San Francisco, and whoever replaces Boudin won’t materially change the approach to prosecuting crimes. San Franciscans will get only cosmetic changes.

  3. Yancey Ward:

    I think it at least will go back to the way it was before Boudin. The mayor will appoint Boudin’s successor.

  4. I must admit that I am kind of surprised at this. It doesn’t seem right for San Francisco to do something sensible.

  5. Gascon was the predecessor in san francisco for eight years and kamala before that holy voldemort

  6. Very good to see Boudin is on his way out. I’d be curious to learn the breakdown of the vote by demographic. My guess is Asians overwhelming supported the recall; blacks overwhelming opposed it and whites and Latinos were split. I’d love to be proven wrong, but alas hot button campaigns in lefty cities often breakdown in a similar manner. Asians seem to be the most fed up with woke BS.

    Caruso in LA…if he wins in the fall…that would be impressive. His party switch clearly was purely tactical. He’s a Republican in all but name.

    Gubernatorial…oh well. Shellenberger would have had a small chance and at least kept it interesting. But Dahle is the token opposition. The state government really is hopeless; any hope at all comes from localities.

  7. In CA, very low turnout – and Blacks are fleeing the high priced housing and crime in low cost cities; plus extra low turnout. Extra high turnout for Asians – that “model minority” which is more conscientious.

    I spent last night voting (by email instead of fax), but in So. Cal., not SF. I had to shrink the ballot to 55% of its size to get each side of a card to fit on one of sheet of paper, to print out & fill out and scan. Plus an Oath page (including the number of pages faxed = 5).

    I was looking for Rep endorsements, since I’m not following it as closely as I follow Slovakia. Found these two:

    and this alternative CA Republican Assembly
    (which made me think of crap go, before crag op [over powered]).

    For Governor, the CRA advised Jennie Ray La Roux, whose statement I liked in the hefty paper ballot info package I got on Monday, 1 day before election.

    But I put big black dot for Dahle.

    Today I find a better place for recommendations:
    (using my sister’s house)

    I see New York folk are investigating Steve Bannon for something – making me think his support of grassroots Reps taking over the local precincts is causing more GOPe folk increasing trepidation.

    But Don doesn’t provide a link:

    A countermarch of common sense Reps thru the bottom tier of the GOP institution.
    I like it.

    Have any Neo readers gotten involved (or writers)? Insty says winning elections takes more work than just blogging & comments.

  8. Not out of the woods yet by any means.
    I present to you: American GULAG (coming to—or already at—a campus near you)!!
    “How Georgetown Law School Used Ilya Shapiro’s Apology Against Him”—

    …along with an equally repugnant but apt repost:
    “What Princeton Did to My Husband;
    “My alma mater is not the school I once loved. But Joshua Katz is exactly the man I knew I married.”—

    …just two amongst far too many outrages.

    (Still wondering how the backlash will express itself—probably be far more decent than these b****rds deserve…)

  9. American GULAG, continued (another view):

    “Today’s blacklisted American: Georgetown University succeeds in blacklisting conservative for having opinions”—
    H/T Instapundit.

    Used to be a (rather dismissive) epigram that politics in academia tends to be so vicious (or if one prefers, catty) precisely because it’s so unimportant in the larger scheme of things.
    Think we’re going to have to revise that one….

  10. Ilya Shapiro made an apology (defense, in the Greek).


    Ah well, at least he gets off the charges of corrupting the youth, not believing in the gods of the university (city), and introducing new gods into the university without having to drink the hemlock.

    And owing Georgetown U no special loyalty he can now escape that particular city and flee for his life to another; so to not become another martyr to the search for truth.

    A better outcome for the continuing search for truth?
    Possibly so where Ilya Shapiro is concerned. We will have to wait and see.

    For Georgetown U, on the other hand, no so much — as Georgetown can hardly escape itself.

  11. When you really think about it, though, Chesa Boudin was wildly successful, having had almost two and a half years to wreak havoc all over SF.

    Kinda like “Biden”, actually. (Correction: Absolutely like “Biden”.)

    In any event, Soros’s person on the ground in SF won 50.8% of the vote (see link below, assuming that’s correct)—ergo, in Democratic Party terms, he was given a hyuge mandate to destroy his city (hence another victory for Soros):
    Key graf:
    “…Boudin was elected in 2019 with 50.8% of the vote and was sworn in as San Francisco’s 29th district attorney on Jan. 8 2020….”

  12. “Have any Neo readers gotten involved…?”

    I signed up for True the Vote’s project to clean voter rolls online. They are not yet active in my deep blue state but are “launching soon.”

  13. I’ve heard this following two part story a couple times now.

    About $660B of last year’s big federal spending bill has been allocated to the Dept. of Transportation for Pete Buttigieg to spend at his discretion (sort of?). There is some talk about focusing on disadvantaged communities. I realize that the feds. normally spend quite a bit on transportation, but $660B? Not sure what a recent history chart of that spending would look like.

    Secondly, some GOP people believe that this is all about pushing Pete up the ladder to make him the very early frontrunner for the 2024 presidential campaign.

    It would seem that the Dems keep moving farther and farther down the road of style, identity, and propaganda over substance.

  14. “Not sure what a recent history chart of that spending would look like.”

    It means handouts to your supporters (AKA “infrastructuralists”).

    It means handouts to those mismanaged Democratic-Party cities that are “broke”…and dying. (Infrastructure? OK, why not…?)

    It means handouts to those unions to whom you are beholden. (And they’re hungry. Hey, that might just be classified as “infrastructure”, too!)

    It means handouts to those who “helped you out” in the past election.
    (Wouldn’t want them to get all honest all of a sudden, would you?)

    It means helping to rebuild those cities that you and your shock troops helped—and are helping—destroy. (I guess this might be classified as “infrastructure”, actually….).

    It means funding the massive food-stamp and “Obamacare” programs that most citizens are going to have to rely on because…you know…Putin.

    It means helping China (well, that would make it Chinese “infrastructure”…but it’s still “infrastructure”).

    It means helping out the corrupt media (definitely “infrastructure”).

    Mostly, it takes a lot of money to put half the country on trial…and a whole lot more to totally wreck the place, not to mention all the money it takes to ensure the Democratic Party’s lust for total power, then why not call it “infrastructure”?…

    I mean, what would YOU call it?

  15. I’ve told my democrat friends – yes … I have some … none of us are into the ‘cancel culture’ thing – that “Defund The Police” was a particularly insipid phrase to use.

    ‘Reform The Police’ would have generated support from the middle outward.

    Though likely not extreme enough for the Socialist Elites who run our ‘culture’ these days.

    It could have been supported by at least some of us on ‘The Right’. Particularly so after the unmitigated disaster of the police “response?” to the tragedy in Uvalde.

  16. }}} Next stop for Chesa: Kennedy School, or some similar sinecure.

    Don’t be silly. He’s got a future in either the Brandon JD or the Dem Party Legal Department.

  17. On getting involved

    I volunteered as a poll observer in our recent primary election. RNC-paid staff did training. In addition to observers, a staff of lawyers were on call for immediate response to problems. Dems are reportedly upset because observers were in “their” areas. This program is being run in 22 states. Probably not California, I’m guessing.

  18. “blacks overwhelming opposed it [Boudin recall]”

    Not sure if that is true but it doesn’t matter much. Blacks have been driven out of not only SF but California altogether by the high cost of housing:

    US: 13.4%
    CA: 6.5%
    SF: 5.1%
    Oakland which used to be over half black: 22.7%

  19. “Boudin was elected in 2019 with 50.8% of the vote”

    My understanding is that Boudin did not actually get the most votes but was elected thanks to a “ranked choice” system where he got more “second place” ballots. Not defending SF, it is still ultra-left Boudin or not. Notwithstanding the ludicrous claims by some diehard leftists trying to explain the recall that SF is “really” right wing bwahahahahahahahahahaha.

  20. Boudin was waging revolution as his parents david gilbert and cathy boudin would approve off by other means

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