Home » Open thread 6/8/22


Open thread 6/8/22 — 36 Comments

  1. I believe that President Biden, and lots of his supporters, hate gun ownership in the USA, + they want to do anything they can, to outlaw American people from owning guns.

    Here is an article by Mr. Massad Ayoob, about the lies being pushed by Biden, + many of his supporters, + by many pro-Biden Democrats, to try to pass laws that will take the right of owning guns away from- most or all US citizens.
    This is the article:

    “The Latest Gun Exaggerations and Lies

    The latest anti-gun hysteria is reaching new heights of exaggeration and outright falsehood. Consider the following:

    The President now claims 9mm pistol bullets will blow your lungs right out of your body. Uh…no. No they won’t.
    NPR claims .223 rounds from AR15s will decapitate human beings who are shot with them by others. Um…no. That just doesn’t happen, either.
    In this recently filed legal action, a person wounded by a maniacal racist who opened fire on straphangers in a New York City subway car is suing Glock, the manufacturer of the pistol the gunman was feloniously carrying.
    The lawsuit claims, “the defendants are aware that their Glock design which promotes concealment and firearm’s firepower, unsuited to personal defense or recreation, enables an individual in possession of the weapon to inflict unparalleled civilian carnage.” Au contraire. IF it was unsuited for personal defense, the Glock pistol would not be the most popular self-defense handgun in the nation today, which it is. Nor would it be so popular among police that it constitutes two-thirds to three-fourths of all handguns in US law enforcement holsters today, which is true, including the entire NY State Police and two-thirds or more of NYPD officers, and virtually every Federal agent in New York State and elsewhere. If it was unsuitable for recreation it would not be the most popular handgun in IDPA and one of the most popular in USPSA, IPSC, and Steel Challenge competition (all of which are true). Indeed, an entire pistol shooting sport is devoted entirely to, and sponsored by, Glock: http://www.gssfonline.com. In terms of outdoor recreation, the single most popular handgun for bear protection among Alaskan hikers and fisherman seems to be the 10mm Glock.

    The lawsuit claims, “That solely and directly as a result of the negligence of the defendants, Plaintiff, ILENE STEUR, sustained serious and permanent personal injuries.” No, those injuries would seem to be “solely and directly…a result” of a psycho whose red flag behaviors were ignored by society, and are clearly documented in the lawsuit itself.

    I have to resist the urge to tell these ignorant people, “Stay in your lane.” Why am I able to resist saying that? Because I’ve come to realize that for the anti-gunners, lies and exaggeration have become their lane.”

    That is the entire article, or if you’d rather read the article from the source, here’s a link to the article, on the site where I found the article:



    please call or write your [Federal Government] Senators, and your [Federal Government] House of Representatives members, and ask them to vote against The Protecting Our Kids Act.

    The Protecting Our Kids Act is a proposed law, that, I believe, would- make gun owning too hard for many people, and it would not stop a lot of- mass shootings, or other gun crimes.


  2. Liberal voters are evil. Period. Because they believe nasty, vicious lies about other people when they have solid evidence that they are slanderous lies.

    Instapundit has a long, long list in a post today about the evil that liberals support in “othering” people who disagree. https://instapundit.com/524615/

    It’s well past time to hold Democrat voters responsible for the evil they support. After all, that same evil lurks in their hearts.

  3. Good thing there is no evil in non-liberal voters (sarc).

    Kill them all and let God sort them out (in case there was a non-evil one)?


  4. Either them or us (or have you not been paying attention) as every institution is weaponized against us but ukraina slava *

    *about as genuine as cuba libre, the little lie.

  5. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2022/06/kavanaugh-threatened-by-gunman.php

    “The Democrats smeared Brett Kavanaugh as, among other things, a rapist at his Supreme Court confirmation hearing. They knew their assertions were false but made them anyway. Next, liberals published Kavanaugh’s home address along with those of other Supreme Court justices so that mobs could threaten them. Democratic officeholders did not object to this tactic.

    Such actions have consequences. ”

    We are all flawed sinners. But the huge difference comes when people embrace what they know is evil. Difference. Big difference. And anyone incapable of seeing that difference simply fails the room temp IQ test.

  6. Ukraine on the brain is a drain and insane? Care to explain?

    The value of hyperbole is exaggerated, best used sparingly.

    Punctuation is your friend. 🙂

  7. Being told lies for sixty years as the us govt traipsed evety piece of land from panama to pakistan except our front yard

  8. Democrats use the broadest of all possible brushes to smear, slime and slander EVERYONE who disagrees with them. Their voters know this. Their supporters in the media know this.

    Om, please point out all the objections by well-known liberals to the use of the nasty broad brush by Democrats.

    If you can’t, then logic dictates that Democrat voters and supporters are content with the use of the nasty, vicious smears.

    Identify the exceptions. Otherwise, nothing else is appropriate but the use of the broad brush to condemn the evil use of their broad brush.

  9. stan:

    Do you actually know any Democrat voters, actual people, with names and such? Liberals or maybe not conservatives? You know, individuals not caricatures?

    People are flawed and complicated, but you know that?

    Oh well, have a good day anyway.

  10. A crow is smarter than Biden for sure, but a 7 year old- I doubt it.

  11. stan:

    If a person believes that Republicans are evil, then they often are in the position of the guy in “Man For All Seasons” who want to “cut down every law in England” to “get after the devil.”

  12. Gosh, who knew?
    “Original Gerber Baby Ann Turner Cook Dead at 95”—

    Probably the most famous baby the world has ever known (except, maybe, for the Lindbergh child)…

    …yes, the baby whose winsome face “launched a thousand jokes” whereby millions of non-literate people concluded that Whites just had to be—ugggh—barbaric, baby-eating cannibals…since on those little Gerber food jars was prominently displayed the picture of a cute, dimpled child….
    (How’s that? Well…think about it: a bull is pictured on a can of beef; a chicken on a can of chicken; a fish on a can of tuna—that’s how you know what’s in the can if you can’t read the words; therefore, the only possible conclusion is that Gerber’s baby food contained…yep, that’s right…it’s obvious…)


  13. seven years olds are pretty sharp, the two molotov lawyers were intent on wreaking havoc, and apparently procurator garland says it fine, but a grandma with a camera, on january 6th, make her recant her beliefs, ashley babbitts’ murderer ‘not a problem, barely an inconvenience,’

  14. Om, thanks much for that link to the raven maven.
    Interesting stuff….

  15. The growing distrust of liberals is the inevitable result of the gas lighting by the elites. The left always believes it has the unique right to be violent. The right is starting to adjust to this fact. How many violations of properity can be violated before you stop thinking these people are just merely misguided.

    The left is post Christian. They do not believe in loving their enemies. They have been taught to scapegoat and hate. It’s sad, but they are engaged in evil acts.

    Attacking people, silencing people, destroying people’s ability to earn, save or engage in the economy. What is it, but evil at the heart. And yet they claim to be the ones who truly love and care. A web a lies

  16. At the end of the cool crow-raven video, there’s a reasonable ad for on-line learning:

    Which looks cool. Anybody know anyone who are taking any courses there? It doesn’t seem to be totally free, unlike Coursera courses I took a few years ago. But free trial available?

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