Home » It turns out the FBI has been very cozy with Perkins Coie


It turns out the FBI has been very cozy with Perkins Coie — 27 Comments

  1. In her latest (and, as always, incisive and well-argued) piece for AmericanGreatness, the indispensable Julie Kelly has analyzed the rot at the Federal Bureau of Instigation (a supposedly retired agent had, apparently, even been “chatting” online with the Buffalo shooter before the horrific massacre) from top to bottom, with many examples of truly egregious and well-funded malfeasance. She is also scathing in her mockery of the ghastly Sen. Graham, who recently suggested even more dollars from the long-suffering taxpayer for the FBI, describing it as an agency which needs, not to be granted a raise, but to be razed (I would suggest in the manner of the Romans towards their vanquished Carthaginian foes).

  2. perkins and coie has represented gitmo detainees, held obama’s campaign account, and ran the ethics complaint blitzkrieg against palin, when I use the huntress as shorthand (ht roger kimball) people are confused, also the firm relocated its operation to china, (which seems like a conflict of interest)

  3. FBI upper echelons need to be purged. And there’s no excuse I can think of for collaboration with Perkins Coie.

  4. What would have happened if Durham had pursued these corruption cases with the FBI as eager participant? It has the advantage of being true, but I suspect Durham did not want of discover the level of blowback that might have occurred.

    The other related case that nobody wants to touch is the abuse of the NSA surveillance database that the FBI facilitated. The NSA lent the database to the FBI, probably for counter terrorism purposes, but then the FBI lent the database to Fusion GPS. This article has fragmented description of the events.

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  6. It’s nice to see McCarthy grappling publicly with his own epic wrongness but trying to blame Durham shows he’s still got a long way to go. The suggestion that Durham could have won with that DC jury if he’d just made a different argument is ridiculous and McCarthy pretending that Durham directly accusing the FBI of, essentially, treason wouldn’t have had massive blowback is disingenuous to the extreme.

    Baby steps, I suppose. At least McCarthy appears still connected to reality, something that can’t be said of a shockingly large portion of our political establishment.


  7. The FBI, DC police, and Capitol Police are the armed thugs who provide muscle, the dirty work and intimidation for the Democrats. They are assisted by their corrupt collaborators and traitors of the CIA, NSA and Dept of Justice.

    They are the enemy. When and if McCarthy ever connects the dots, he will see that. Millions of ordinary Americans have already sifted through all the lies and slanders of the news media and social media giants to figure this out. The facts are obvious.

    I understand why some don’t want to believe it. It’s a truth that is genuinely terrible with consequences which are frightening. The question all of us need to grapple with is whether we can take back our country from the enemy without violence. The enemy has already demonstrated that winning elections against the Democrats won’t stop them. What’s the next step?

  8. Mccarthy is always so far behind the lines he might as well be the waterboy plame mueller impeachment he keeps buying the narrative long after everyone has got q clue.

  9. It’s so interesting to see a sentiment like “The FBI, DC police, and Capitol Police are the armed thugs who provide muscle, the dirty work and intimidation for the Democrats. They are assisted by their corrupt collaborators and traitors of the CIA, NSA and Dept of Justice” catch on in conservative circles. It’s happened in less than a decade. Not that I disagree, of course. Why not have the next Republican run on a platform of dismantling these federal agencies? Why not have Republicans take the lead on this in Congress and maybe even work with the hardcore left wing of the Democratic party on this issue? They could bring the more “establishment” politicians on board with a promise that the money previously allocated to each agency being dismantled goes to something else they favor. Bring the social justice warriors on board with promises to increase funding for housing and healthcare. Bring the moderate Republicans on board with promises to increase funding for infrastructure, NASA, national parks, medical research, or something else everyone cares about.

  10. Why do you think the bureau and the company participated in this operation because self preservation not protecting the people is the thing there is a long litany that proves the point

  11. All things considered, could a federal prosecution outside DC ever prevail? How many jurors would see the feds and go NULL?

  12. Both the FBI and CIA needs to be disbanded and their functions disbursed among other agencies. Their cultures have corrupted even the lower levels. Remember Steve D’Antuono who lead the sting operation against the Whitmer then promoted to DC the week after the incitements and then the DC break-in happened on Jan 6th. Or how FBI agents hung around demonstrations in the days since like Braynard’s Look Ahead America rally when there was more agents then demonstrators. And the CIA antics with the color revolutions getting us into expensive no win wars. Then they did a color revolution in 2020 on us.

    When a culture is that bad and pervasive the entity cannot be saved. Best to disband, fire ALL employees and move on. Dynamite both building and turned them into memorial parks. CIA analysis can move to State (which needs a thorough housecleaning), operations can move to SOCOM. FBI counter intelligence can move to Secret Service, law enforcement to Federal Marshalls and DEA and the lab to NIH.

    Sundance has a great summary of how bad the rot is. He has made these same points over the years. Very detailed if you haven’t read it before.

    Speaking of “strange” occurrences. In Michigan, the two Republican primary front runners were kicked off the ballet and their appeals for reinstatement denied. The claim is that paid ballot petition gatherers faked signatures supposedly for money. But what if they were told to do that? They have been referred to the Attorney General Nessel for prosecution. If she doesn’t then I must conclude that the fix was in. Two candidates that had very good shots at beating Whitmer kicked off the ballet.


    I never was a conspiracy theorist five years ago. But now I look at each anomalous event through that lens and most times it comes out to be so. The mean time from “conspiracy” to fact has shortened to about 3 months. The burning of food processing plants is something strange. Wonder why? Then how could a shift worker get two high end AR15 rifles on his salary? Then how could the Buffalo shooter and the Uvalde shooter be on the same DISCUS chat room with a “retired” FBI agent? Questions that need answers. And we know more and more about the election shenanigans. Stuff I am seeing now is truly astounding. You will not get that from legacy media that is for sure.

  13. The problem is they always find their niche in the charles mccarry series the cia standin the outfit is dismantled sometime in the 80s but re formed into the federal intelligence service, and get back to their old tricks sabotaging a precursor to trump franklyn mallory around 2000, using electronic voting(written in 1979)

  14. The Durham investigation has strict guidelines on what he is allowed to investigate. Barr was focused on saving the doj and fbi institutionally. Plus Durham is now under the Biden Administration guidance.

    I’m surprised at how much Durham has released, but I have faint hope he will get any major convictions. I’m sure he has been set up for failure. Perhaps by requiring cases be tried in dc, fbi people being out of scope, so he’s only allowed to go after non government actors.

    Perkins Coie have fbi data access, with Sussman in charge is shocking.

    Michigan dirty tricks to disqualify gop candidates, just business as usual.

    I thought I was pretty cynical, but obviously not cynical enough to match political reality in the us.

  15. Hoover checkmated donovan and had the oss killed through a leak to the tribune but many of the players bided their time and jusf two years later the cia was formed

  16. I never was a conspiracy theorist five years ago. But now I look at each anomalous event through that lens and most times it comes out to be so.

    I am Spartacus:

    Back in the day I was a leftist conspiracy theorist. We called those who argued otherwise “coincidence theorists.”

    The leftist conspiracy theory record was, let us say, checkered, though not entirely without merit.

    However, the current day when the left is in lockstep behind the FBI, the CIA, the White House, and the New York Times is alien to my old instincts.

    Addressing my old comrades, What happened to you, man?

  17. @ Spartacus > “I never was a conspiracy theorist five years ago. But now I look at each anomalous event through that lens and most times it comes out to be so. The mean time from “conspiracy” to fact has shortened to about 3 months.”

    First – good to hear from you! I hope, as I’m sure most of us do, that your election work is going well. And yeah, that does seem to be the case now.

    “Please enjoy this collection of Babylon Bee jokes that came true.”
    Links to a looonngg GoogleDocs spreadsheet going back a couple of years.

    Here are this year’s predictions; we’re closing in on some of them.

    * * *
    > “The burning of food processing plants is something strange. Wonder why?”

    As it happened, I just read this today about the processing plant disasters that have been in the news lately. Sounds plausible to me, and the references cited don’t appear to have a political bias (though everything seems to have that these days).


    Jim Geraghty at National Review made the point that the number of such disasters hasn’t actually increased:

    What we’re likely experiencing is the “Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon,” a.k.a. “frequency illusion” — when you hear a term and then feel like you’re suddenly seeing it everywhere. In reality, whatever you’re observing is occurring at the same frequency, it’s just that you didn’t notice it or ignored it before.

    The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), which PJ Media quoted in the May 2 article, has since examined the reports of food plant incidents to determine if a trend has emerged. NFPA reports:

    The truth, however, is that nothing is unusual about any of the fires that have occurred in food processing plants over the first few months of the year. Although no data is kept on fires that occur strictly at food processing facilities, the National Fire Incident Reporting System tracks fires within broader categories like manufacturing, refrigerated storage, and agricultural facilities. In 2019, the number of fires at all manufacturing or processing plants in the country topped 5,300—nearly 15 a day. Additionally, more than 2,000 fires occurred in agricultural, grain and livestock, and refrigerated storage facilities, which could all include food processing operations.

    While Messerschmidt hopes the focus on these fires will shift away from the conspiracy theories surrounding them, she said there is still value to examining what went wrong in particular incidents.

    Any number of factors could be at play, including the proclivity of fire to break out at these plants, supply chain stresses, deferred maintenance, and the possibility of insurance fraud and arson, which is hardly unheard of. We have also seen some high-profile cyberattacks, and the FBI has warned that more could be on the way.

    So, while no trend has emerged, it’s still something to keep an eye on, and it continues to cause more stress on an already overburdened domestic food supply system.

  18. We had more spare capacity then, consider this notion if the russians wanted to target our food supply using spetznaz troops whaf would they do differently

  19. Keep in mind there was a russian mole in the special forces peter dobbins
    He was active for 20 or so was an iranian mole in air force intelligence who defected over there (around the time of snowden) we didnt now about it for 6, there were chinese spies in the bureauhttps://observer.com/2016/08/breaking-chinese-mole-uncovered-inside-the-fbi/

  20. This is what weve found out just in the past few years while the bureau was laser focused on carter page a year and a half of surveilance of course the witchhunt against general flynn

  21. Love ya, Sarah, precisely because you came from a communist state and understand the preciousness of America; I served in Europe when the Wall was up(then down) and witnessed it…

    Sundance at the Last Refuge has been documenting the FBI chicanery since 2017. The fact that McCarthy was a federal prosecutor for so many years and still believes our federal ‘the rank and file’ are our finest is extremely naïve and I will not give him quarter on this until he actually acts to root out the filth. G-d damn him and the rest of our federales for violating the oath all of us took. Sorry.

  22. Related:
    “Ric Grenell…: ‘I’ve Seen the Evidence,’ Comey Must Be ‘Prosecuted'”—
    Key graf:
    ‘…”We live in a country where no one is above the law, and this political partisanship that’s going on in Washington, D.C., where three Clinton donors and an AOC [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.] donor all get together with the judge who’s married to someone who represented Lisa Page, somehow tries to tell the rest of America that we have a really clean, honest, legal system, and I think that the American people can see it,” Grenell said. “They know that it’s phony, and we got to clean it up, so I’m not going to stop until we prosecute Jim Comey. I think he is guilty. I’ve seen the evidence, and he needs to be prosecuted.”….’

    Drip, drip, drip…

  23. “And now we learn that not just in 2016, but four years earlier, dating to the middle of the Obama administration, the FBI had some kind of cozy relationship with the Perkins firm.”

    In 2012, the Democrats could not possibly have known – or even guessed? – that Donald Trump would enter the 2016 election race, much less that he would win.
    So Obama-Clinton Inc. was already preparing to pull dirty tricks on whoever got the nomination, in expectation of tanking his (or her) candidacy.

    An insurance policy for Hillary, indeed.

  24. @ Danimal28 > “Love ya, Sarah, precisely because you came from a communist state and understand the preciousness of America;”

    Are you perhaps addressing Sarah Hoyt, who was born in Portugal but got here as soon as she could?
    She has a lot of cross-over readers with Neo.

    For obvious reasons.

  25. I live in Michigan. That’s where the feds faked up an entrapment case about kidnapping Whitmer. Most folks know it. Some do but don’t admit it and some think it was a fine idea.
    So let’s say half know it was a fibbie plan. Of that cohort, most have seen or heard of the Richard Jewell movie, and many knew about the scam years earlier.
    Since much of the Larry Nassar case abusing young female gymnasts occurred in Michigan, more of us know about it than in other states, including the fibbies’ studious and energetic avoidance of the case.
    It’s conceivable that half the potential jury pool in Michigan are aware of all three issues, certainly more are aware of one or two.
    It’s conceivable that some know of the ATF’s trick of faking low-functioning adults into federal fire arms crimes. I recall Holder saying that when he heard about it he ordered it stopped. That meant the evidence was too wide and deep to even bother trying to lie about it.
    The wife of the Orlando night club shooter was cleared of various charges such as obstruction and assistance. One juror said the jurists had been doubtful of some of the FBI testimony because they were FBI.
    Yeah. Not seeing fed prosecutors having a good time in a court room outside of DC. Might not have a good time when everybody else is invited to the block party.
    It’s not going to be a clean adversarial proceeding. It’s going to be doubting the prosecution’s case from the get go no matter evidence provided.
    Too bad. It’s possible they arrest an actual bad guy from time to time by accident. But doing juror null to be on the safe side is going to occur to a lot more people going forward.

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