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Roundup time again — 31 Comments

  1. 1) the consequence for electoral fraud must be permanent disenfranchisement. As well as permanent disqualification from any connection with the voting process.

    2) teachers, along with the medical establishment have voluntarily forfeited the respect they once held.

    3) those who enable the invasion through our southern border and who prevent the removal of illegal invaders must also face the consequence of permanent disenfranchisement and permanent disqualification from the holding of public office.

    4) anyone who declares themselves to be neither man nor woman, has rejected reality. They should be treated accordingly.

    5) child abuse by any other name is still child abuse.

  2. Why would anyone be surprised at the Biden regime supporting child abuse when you see who was nominated to the Supreme Court? A supporter of child pornography.

  3. Item 4.

    They already are treated accordingly. One is a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (aka Admiral Wrong Way Peachfuz)
    and the United States Assistant Secretary of Health. Another is a United States Department of Energy (Entropy) Assistant Secretary for Spent Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Waste Disposal(?). But Mayor Pete is only gay in the Department of Transportation. How pedestrian.

    Makes you wonder what the muckety mucks in the DOJ, CIA, DOD, DOE (education) are up to. These things are perfectly normal for this junta.

  4. I wonder how many countries will allow people with “X” on their passports through border control.

    There is evidence that transgender treatments and surgeries don’t improve the mental health of many adults who undergo these procedures. This is likely much more true for children. Let them grow up and make their own decisions when they are old enough to do so. This White House policy statement is directly dangerous to children.

  5. Not a topic covered in today’s Roundup, but it’s important. I will try to find time to post it as a comment in tomorrow’s Open Thread.

    Ace at ace.mu.nu has hit upon a very important tool in fighting those trying to limit parental involvement in public school instruction.


    Learn statistics regarding sexual abuse by teachers on students and use them. Publicize them everywhere you see people discussing these issues. Use them in conversation. I think you will be most effective if you state the statistics in relation to Catholic church sex abuse statistics.

    I know the second part of that sounds a little odd, but the media did an amazing job of publicizing Catholic sex abuse scandals. (Much, if not 90+% of it was deserved. Many diocese did a criminal job of handling predator Priests, leading to even more children being tragically harmed.) The general public has an image in their minds that child sexual abuse is a HUGE problem within Catholic schools. As Ace points out, the statistics are easily 100 times worse in the public school system. And the public schools also protect the perpetrators. I think we’ve all heard of New York’s “Rubber rooms:” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reassignment_centers
    Comparing public school teachers to pedophile Priests using multiples will be very effective in getting people’s attention.

    Someone says something about that fascist Ron DeSantis and his “don’t say gay” law. You follow up with, “Did you know xxx number of elementary school aged children* were sexually abused in Dade County, Florida public schools in just one year?”

    That will change the tone of the discussion quickly.

    *I’m having trouble finding statewide or national statistics (suprise!), but just searching on Florida as an example turned up page after page of unique stories of abuse.

  6. Neo, with respect, please don’t refer to what they are doing to delusional dysphorics as “treatment.” I know that it’s the word they use, but we should be accurate. “Gender affirming” activities run the gamut from abusive to mutilating, and we should use those terms whenever we discuss what is being done to these poor kids.
    No different than referring to abortion as “reproductive health care” or vaccine failure as “breakthrough infection.”

  7. She was shocked when I told her it was closer to 10%.

    See the work of Edward Laumann. At any one time, the homosexual subcultures encompass about 2.8% of the adult population.

  8. (Much, if not 90+% of it was deserved. Many diocese did a criminal job of handling predator Priests, leading to even more children being tragically harmed.)

    Complaints typically hit the chancery about 15 years after the fact. If you don’t get a confession out of the priest accused or have unconnected individuals offering a complaint contra the same priest, your basis for adjudicating these complaints is close to nil. I’ve been personally acquainted with two accused priests. One was put on trial in Montgomery County NY and the charges fell apart when subject to scrutiny. It was faintly unbelievable that the prosecutor had secured the indictment some of the complaints were so trivial. The other was informed by the chancery 13 years after he’d retired that there were two credible accusations against him and he was debarred from presenting himself as a priest or administering sacraments. (NB, the midpoint of his time as a priest was ca. 1977). He was 89 years old when his name was made public by the diocese several years later.

  9. @ Rufus – found this comment at Ace’s post.
    “there’s that “Q” again. Questioning! The Left has been going on and on about “Qanon” and “Q” for years. Here is your evil “Q,” right there in their alphabet. It’s not an alphabet, it’s an Agenda.”

    Looking at all the recent stories about the Democrat obsession with porn and kids, maybe the right-wing-nut-job Q really was on to something there.

  10. I went to Catholic school. I had five good friends. Priests hit on two of them. My friends rebuffed them so they wouldn’t be statistics anywhere.

    I knew plenty of people who went to public schools. None of those friends ever mentioned teachers hitting on them.

    Which is all, of course, anecdotal.

    I can believe that sexual abuse in Catholic schools is no worse than other organizations. But there is a special horror that people who claim to represent Christ and who are shepherding children to God would do so.

    Furthermore, it wasn’t surprising to me when I heard my friend’s stories. I had already witnessed enough physical and psychological abuse of children that it just seemed another part of that spectrum.

    Par for the course for the Catholic Church.

  11. Barac k was much more careful than Joe. He managed to keep a lot of his “transforming” work hidden from the voters. Have the Democrats decided they have a lock on elections? They are so open and blatant about their agenda. The polls seem to show the voters don’t approve. Yet, they double down. It’s rather amazing. Some pundits believe that Joe/Kamala/Nancy/the Squad and company are destroying the Democrat party. I hope they’re right.

  12. Art Deco,

    While I’m sure there are some false memories and intentionally dishonest attacks of some Priests, it’s hard to fault someone sexually abused as a child for waiting years to come public. I know that distance also makes it more difficult for the accused, especially if it is a false accusation.

    Although I think all people are very sympathetic to the victims, what was additionally offensive to so many was the Priests who were reassigned rather than prosecuted and defrocked.

    Similar to the reforms that the Catholic church has made when the abuse and mismanagement of abusers came to light; public schools need to go through a similar, public atonement. I see some calling the Florida law an “anti-grooming” law. People need to be made aware of how much abuse of minors by teachers and administrators occurs in public schools.

  13. Rufus T. Firefly,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I had no idea it was so prevalent in the public school system.

    Since we cannot know whether private schooling is any better, only home schooling remains. But count on it, the left intends to outlaw home schooling.

    Art Deco,

    When he was President, I was a strong supporter of George W. Since then, I have steadily lost all respect for him.

    George W. Bush is indeed a sh!t.


    It is indeed current and topical.

    “‘This is a signal to Sweden that we have nuclear weapons and we could also consider using them,’ military strategic expert Stefan Ring told TV4 Nyheter.”

    Putin is sending a message of just how seriously he takes further expansion of NATO. He is not suicidal however, so it’s just a warning. But that pointed warning is likely to increase pressure within Sweden and Finland to apply for NATO membership. Which will, absent Putin’s removal, create at the least another cold war. Whether officially acknowledged or not, for the foreseeable future, we are now at DefCon 3.

  14. Geoffrey:

    Vlad’s media is threatening NATO with nuclear strikes if any peacekeeping troops are deployed to Ukraine.

    Who is posing an existential threat to whom again? And how the F can you claim to know Vlad’s mental state? Talked to him lately? Telepathy, astral viewing, or just projection and hopefully thoughts?

    He really doesn’t want nice things for Russia, much less for Europe. Never has.


  15. A few additions to the round-up.
    Steven Hayward on the insanely contradictory energy policies of the Democrats.
    Except that what they are publicly asking for is not really what they privately want.


    * * *
    Daniel Greenfield illuminates one of the alleyways around the main theater of war.

    “No matter what the position on the war is, the consensus is that Israel is doing the wrong thing.”

    * * * *
    “The great powers bought a ticket to ride but still don’t know where it goes.”

  16. While I’m sure there are some false memories and intentionally dishonest attacks of some Priests, it’s hard to fault someone sexually abused as a child for waiting years to come public. I know that distance also makes it more difficult for the accused, especially if it is a false accusation.

    You missed the point of my remarks. Bozos are expecting bishops to make decisions without evidence. If my own discussions with said bozos is any guide, the bozos in question fancy no evidence is needed. Among the bozos whose brains work this way have been Rod Dreher (who was employed by metropolitan newspapers for 20+ years; when he makes reference to reporters ‘nailing down’ details, you know what that means) and Leon Podles (who was an FBI agent).

    Par for the course for the Catholic Church.

    With your every utterance you reveal the quality of your thinking.

  17. Putin is sending a message of just how seriously he takes further expansion of NATO. He is not suicidal however, so it’s just a warning. But that pointed warning is likely to increase pressure within Sweden and Finland to apply for NATO membership. Which will, absent Putin’s removal, create at the least another cold war. Whether officially acknowledged or not, for the foreseeable future, we are now at DefCon 3.

    You really should insist on payment for this.

  18. Geoffrey Britain,

    Homeschooling is outlawed quite a few places.

    “There are, conversely, a number of European countries where homeschooling is illegal. The Netherlands, Germany, and Spain number amongst these countries, and Sweden’s regulation of homeschooling is so stringent it is perceived as a de facto ban.”


    This site, https://www.transcriptmaker.com/2021/03/03/the-best-and-worst-states-for-homeschooling-in-2021/ states New York, Vermont and Rhode Island are particularly difficult states to homeschool in. I fortunately live in a state that is very favorable to it and there are a lot of resources available for parents. One of my offspring has chosen this path for his family and so far, so good. He and his wife have found a good network of like minded parents and they work together to design a very impressive system.

  19. om,

    We each have our opinion of Putin’s motivations. Lest you forget, you’ve certainly not been hesitant to make assertions as to Putin’s motivations either. So how do you know what Putin’s motivations actually are, anymore than I?

    You selectively point to what Putin has said and dismiss any strategic factors explaining why he’s acted as he has and utterly simplify it to Putin bad, Putin bbaaadd… which he is, as though that’s the totality of the situation. It’s not.

    “Vlad’s media is threatening NATO with nuclear strikes if any peacekeeping troops are deployed to Ukraine.”

    NATO or the UN sending into the Ukraine peacekeeping troops would effectively be entering the war on the Ukraine’s side. If unopposed, it would ensure that NATO would achieve a defacto presence on Russia’s Ukraine border.

    Threatening NATO with nuclear strikes is again sending to NATO’s political leadership i.e. the USA, a clear and unequivocal message that Russia will go to nuclear war to prevent NATO from placing itself on Russia’s Ukraine border. It’s meant to finally get through to the West that Russia is really, actually and truly serious about that being a total non-starter for Russia. And in doing so, to act as an actual deterrent.

    However wrongly, they see NATO on their Ukraine border as allowing the West’s global leftist leadership to have the capability to put a ‘knife’ both militarily, culturally and politically to a then defenseless Russia’s neck.

    To gain a full understanding of an enemy’s actual motivations, what they say must be contrasted with an objective appraisal of the geopolitical and strategic factors they face. Simply demonizing an enemy, makes a negotiated settlement nearly impossible because everything becomes black and white, a case of do or die.

    Which is exactly the position that Putin and his military strategists perceive the West’s global leadership as having placed Russia in… with its announced intention to place NATO on Russia’s Ukraine border.

  20. RE: UFOs

    When you stop and consider—one by one–the “six observables,” the characteristics that the DOD’s ATIP UFO investigation found were common among different types of UFOs, and were useful in analyzing UFO sightings and behavior. *

    When you are aware that the DOD has stated that these UFOs are not some secret U.S. aircraft.

    When you consider that UFOs–demonstrating these same six observables—have been around and sighted going back to at least WWII, when the aircraft of every nation and world-wide technology were far, far less capable than they are today–and, thus, these UFOs are not the product of any foreign nation–since if they were, the nations of this world would have long since been conquered by this long-standing and far superior technology and nation.

    Given all this, it seems to me that its hard to come to any other conclusion, other than that these UFOs are not products of any human nation but, are from “elsewhere”.

    * The Six Observables

    1. Hypersonic Velocities Without Signatures—Lou Elizondo, the former head of ATIP, has mentioned UFO velocities that have been tracked at up to 13,000 mph, when the fastest current aircraft in any nation’s inventory are in the very low thousands.

    2. Sudden & Instantaneous Acceleration—G-forces sustained by UFOs—UFOs which can make repeated, abrupt 90 degree turns–have been estimated at 600 Gs or more, while our current fighter pilots can only withstand a maximum of 9 Gs, and according to Elizondo, at 12 or so Gs human fighter aircraft start to disintegrate.

    3. Transmedium Travel—the ability for the same vehicle to operate in and translate from the air, to the sea, and into orbit as well. We humans have nothing with even close to this capability.

    4. Low Observability—the ability of UFOs to fade out of sight and then reappear. While we do have low radar observability aircraft, we have nothing in our inventories that can just fade out of sight.

    5. Antigravity Lift—The ability to hover without any apparent means of flight—no propellers, no control surfaces, no wings, no apparent engine, or exhaust. We currently have no human aircraft that can do this.

    6. Biological Effects—psychological and measurable physical effects and changes suffered by people who have had close contacts with UFOs.

    Up until now, Elizondo, and Chris Mellon, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence—a very well-informed, measured, and sober individual–have always danced around the question of the origin of these UFOs, saying they could be ours—until the DOD’s statement that they weren’t eliminated that possibility—that they could be craft from another country, or they could be from some “other.”

    Recently, though, Chris Melon (revealing, as well, that NORAD has “tracked hundreds of “unknowns” in our atmosphere and thousands in space each year” ) rejected the “other nation” theory, and just flat out stated that the only conclusion that best fits the above six observables is “the alien hypothesis **

    Elizondo has also said recently that we have to think very broadly about what such an “other” source might be—it could be extraterrestrial, could be from another dimension, could be temporal, from another time—past or future, could be a phenomenon that has always been here in Earth, but one which we have only recently had the technology to notice and record, or it could be something that is totally outside of our current capability of understanding.

    ** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTFuoSRRnGk

  21. Geoffrey, strawman. I don’t make assertions about Vlad’s mental state or the grand assertions about his foes or goals. It is sufficient to observe what he’s done and seems to be doing.

    If, unlikely, are NATO forces deployed into Ukraine as Blue Helmet peacekeeping forces would that constitute justification for nuking Berlin, Warsaw, Stockholm, Helsinki, London, or Little Rock? But hey, you know Putin’s mind, so feel free to share.

  22. P.S. To take one of many examples, according to their testimony, these UFOs have been seen–often swarms of them–by trained observers, by U.S. Navy pilots on patrol, on an almost daily basis for the last decade or more.

    Legitimate UFOs are apparently everywhere, flying over every continent, over every nation, in our oceans and, apparently, in near Earth orbit as well.

    They are here, right in front of our faces, zooming around, and, yet, people act as if these undeniable facts–check the Six Observables above–these actual UFOs, do not exist–they’re, in effect, “NoSeeUms” and, while possibly annoying, are of no real concern whatsoever.

    It baffles me.

  23. Can anybody tell me WHAT is the “official justification” – in other words, the public excuse – for leaving our borders (esp the southern border) wide open for all who want to wander in?

    Yes I understand -same thing in Europe- that our globalists want to destroy Western culture so they’re attacking religion, the family, social cohesiveness, rule of law, and even White-ness itself. (But they can’t admit the intent-to-destroy, of course.) I haven’t heard TPTB explain WHY just-anybody-with-a-pulse who steps over the imaginary line is hauled into processing centers and then flown around the country and released on their own recognizance with a “promise to appear”. Does “wanting to live in a country where even the poor people are fat” mean the evil bastards running our country can claim that “compassion” FORCES them to accept all comers?

    [ But you will note they DO NOT WANT TO LET UKRAINIAN REFUGEES come here; can it be because they’re Europeans? — meaning they’re generally WHITE, CHRISTIAN, and EDUCATED? Hmmmm. ]

  24. The Democrats’ “voter suppression” politics is so absurd that almost nobody knows it here in Italy: the media is really efficient in keeping this information hidden.
    When I talk about that with my friends and colleagues they don’t believe it, till I show them some evidence.

  25. About point 5: two weeks ago a booklet was published inside my company explaining the “vision” for this year. For the first time, an “Inclusion and diversity” chapter is included: one of the new policies is about a gender-free bathroom “in order to be welcoming to non-binary people”.
    I talked with the woman who supervised the booklet. “What is that?” I asked “why should an Information technology company mess with this weird idea that sex is not binary? and what is this crap about a common bathroom? it’s not only stupid, it’s gross and wrong”. She was surprised: “I didn’t think about that too much, to be honest. Every company is writing stuff like that, so did we; there is also a customer [a publishing company for the most important leftist newspaper in Italy] who asked if we had such a policy. In reality we don’t have such a bathroom.” But she doesn’t mind, “everybody does that”, it’s almost a nice game just to appear “open-minded”, she doesn’t think what this kind of ideas entail for the new generation. In the meantime, the idea and the practice has entered our world. I told her that the daughter of some common friends, a 17yo girl, is now convinced to be a boy and she’s stuffing herself with hormones.

    Of course, there are no “non-binary people” in the company… for the moment.

  26. It’s not a game, Paolo, as you know. Soon, you will have a “non-binary” person who will manufacture micro-aggression incidents. The question is whether the Italian government and courts are as crazy as ours.

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