Home » It’s that time again – National Candy Corn Day


It’s that time again – National Candy Corn Day — 15 Comments

  1. Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band did a song called “Kandy Korn” back in 1967. I don’t know if I’d call it “great,” but it’s definitely a good song with a catchy riff.

  2. As a child, Candy Corn was absolutely my favorite Halloween candy. No other candy tasted quite like it, some magical blending of flavors.

  3. One of my earliest memories involves candy corn. When I was 5, we drove 1,000 miles to see my grandparents. For the return trip, my grandmother added some candy corn to our lunches. I very much liked candy corn as a child, though have eaten little of it in recent decades.

  4. Candy corn is best consumed section by section. Of course you’re right Neo that the pointy end is the bottom, as shown by the kernels in a real cob.

  5. I recently was asked by my wife if I “wanted anything from the store?”. This is a standard perfunctory query that is almost always answered with “Um… nope.” Imagine my delight when I suddenly remembered that for about 20 years I have been hankering for Candy Corn! Also imagine my amazement when she (and my visiting adult daughter) responded with “What – that garbage?!”

    This has become the latest “I thought I knew you!” cause celebre. Pretty chilly around here.

  6. The Season of the Candy Corn was always my favorite, and I too could devour bushels (and agree, only the original is worth eating at all; same with Peeps – I accept none of those radical new flavors as authentic!), but I noticed a few years ago that it is too sweet for me now to eat more than a few kernels, for Old Times’ Sake.

    I also only eat dark chocolate, whereas in my youth I would have considered it far too bitter. Now, I can’t abide milk chocolate!

    Something to do with aging taste buds, I have heard.

  7. I’ve been eating the amazing Candy Corn my entire life and love it. As I’ve aged, however, I find I eat a lot less of it than I did as kid. My desire for it these days is satisfied by a small handful. I suspect this is true because I eat very little sugary food these days so the intense sweetness of Candy Corn just overwhelms. And, as AesopFan notes, taste changes as we age.

  8. I have never been a fan of Candy Corn… not as an adult, nor as a child.

    Jelly beans, now… THAT is a different story. Ronald Reagan and I share the same vice.

  9. Candy Corn at Halloween and Jelly beans in the Easter season are absolute necessities for our family. Although this year, Halloween is here and we have not had candy corn, nor do we have any plans to have any. Aging taste buds? Maybe. Or perhaps the doctor’s admonition to cut down on sugar and wheat-based foods. I can”t predict what will happen at Easter. Jelly beans? Very possibly not.

    OTOH, Costco now sells M&Ms in a large plastic jar. This is our latest vice. The good news is, the large plastic jars are good for storing dry goods. Don’t tell my doctor.

  10. @ F – have you tried the M&M’s Fudge Brownie yet?
    I’ve made an exception to not eating milk chocolate.

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