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How to run America… — 78 Comments

  1. De Blasio is the worst mayor ever of our most important city, Newsom is the worst governor ever (saved from recall by a margin of two-to-one) of our most important state, and Biden is the worst president ever, but only the senile buffoon, of the three, can perhaps be excused as a puppet whose strings are being pulled by nefarious actors. Millions of our fellow citizens have enabled these maleficent monstrosities to occupy positions of power, aided and abetted by every system and every institution in the land. Perhaps, as in a tale by Agatha Christie, everyone is at least partially guilty of bringing about the demise of a once-proud, now sadly-decaying, republic.

  2. If an administration were deliberately trying to destroy the country, what would it be doing differently?

  3. I assert that it is quite intentional. Not saying BIDEN intends it. Saying OBAMA and the rest of those pulling the strings intend it.

    PostModern Liberalism is anathema to Western Civilization. Everything it is about is destruction of the basic foundational elements of Western Civ.

    It is nothing short of a social cancer. Anyone who does not grasp this does not understand, yet, the true magnitude of the issue, much less have anything resembling a solution.

    As for me, while I certainly see at least most of the problem, I cannot see any real solutions which are not quite Draconian in nature. They pretty much require a revolution, and… God knows what we’d get after that — we cannot assume it will be anywhere near as divine providence as it was the last time we had a revolution…

  4. Much of what’s happened indicate that Biden’s handlers are malevolent. That includes the border disaster, the hideous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the resurgence of inflation, and the horrid abuse of the January 6 protestors.

  5. Reality always wins. That was true of the old Soviet Union and it’s true today of both China and our staggeringly dysfunctional American elite. If, as currently projected, the cost of home heating increases by 50% or more this winter, that’s a reality even many of the upper-middle-class white folks who voted for Joe Biden can’t ignore.

    One of the biggest challenges facing us now is plain and simple inertia. There are still too many on the Right who refuse to reexamine the ideological cant of the 1980s and too many living in places like New York City and California who refuse to GTFO and live elsewhere.


  6. Again, it is not the business of the central government to ‘run’ America, but to run particular sets of agencies. The agencies with a direct impact on the general run of households are the IRS, the Social Security Administration, and the Postal Service. As for the others, their job is to provide protective services, public works, and a legal infrastructure wherein private actors can get their business done. (Public works is a state and local function, with few exceptions). You can see on the border, in Afghanistan, and in loci where the federal building has been under siege that they’re not providing protective services or public works. As for the legal infrastructure, we have to ask if it will ever be properly trusted again.

  7. There are still too many on the Right who refuse to reexamine the ideological cant of the 1980s

    They had several years to develop a replacement for ObamaCare and push came to shove they had nothing. That’s with posing policy wonk Paul Ryan in charge. Mediocre people, careerists, and trash.

  8. It’s all “fun & games” for the US-Uni-Party until one of those “hypersonic missiles” takes out the greater part of a carrier battle group.

  9. “New York City and California who refuse to GTFO and live elsewhere.”

    We made our move 2 months ago from CT to Florida. Couldn’t be happier. Lower taxes and CoL, better weather, and nice people.

  10. neo wonders,

    “how much destruction can you accomplish before enough people notice?”

    We’re going to find out.

    “And even after they notice, can they vote their way out of it or do you have enough control over the voting process to make that impossible?”

    The democrats can’t honestly vote their way out of the hole they’re digging themselves into. To exert enough control, i.e. fraud to control the voting process to once again ‘win’ will result in their terrible reckoning accelerating. Far too many Americans are not going to go quietly into the night. They continue to choose… poorly.

    OBloody Hell,

    Of course its intentional. As Kate observes, what would they do differently? No, radical surgery is now inescapable, the question is to whom will the surgery be applied?

    One great concern is, if rebellion breaks out and spreads nationwide will the CCP restrict themselves to regional ambitions or will they see this as an opportunity to strike a fatal blow against America?

  11. Except for the border I don’t see how Biden’s problems/disasters are intentional.

    Biden and his people are Democrats. Likewise, the Deep State in a functional sense. They wish to retain and extend power, not to create a revolutionary situation in which they seize power.

    Biden’s blunders are dangerous for the Democratic Party. Unless one believes Democrats can dial in any electoral result they wish at the polls, Democrats are looking at the very least to losing their thin majorities in Congress.

    Worse, they are courting a complete wipeout plus losing the White House in 2024, possibly even to Trump, which would be an absolute nightmare for them.

    How can this be intentional?

  12. Back in the mid-seventies, I didn’t know what I was going to do for a career, so I spent a few years working in a New York bookstore. I had a lot of fun, and the city itself was fascinating for someone my age.

    Unfortunately, those were some of the city’s worst years, and the city was governed by one of its worst mayors. The mayor was a party hack, far below mediocre, and utterly forgettable. Somehow, he stumbled into so much damage that it took the city twenty years to recover.

    Is it any wonder that Joe Biden reminds me of Abe Beame?

  13. Again, it is not the business of the central government to ‘run’ America, but to run particular sets of agencies.

    Gosh, we are so fortunate to have Art Deco around to explain the complexities of the US government. We would be lost without him.

    Maybe next he can do a stick figure roadmap of How a Bill is Passed. I get confused about that.

  14. Physicsguy: belated welcome to the still-sane part of the country. Glad you were able to get out of CT.

  15. MBunge,

    Reality in the end does indeed prevail. The question however is whose reality will prevail. The tyrannical reality the left seeks to impose upon us? Or the reality that decides, better to if necessary, die on your feet, than ‘live’ upon your knees?

  16. huxley,

    “How can this be intentional?”

    Given your premises, it can’t be intentional.


    To extend their power to a meaningful degree, they have to in effect seize power by creating a One Party State. Ala California on steroids.

    They are not Biden’s blunders, they are Obama, Soros and the Global elite’s tactics designed to create a One Party State. Tilting the demographic voter balance and impoverishment of the Middle Class reducing them to government dependency are just two of the strategies they are pursuing. The vaccine mandates, destruction of morale in the military’s lower ranks, DOJ intimidation tactics of parents and malevolence toward law enforcement are a few others.

    The Democrat leadership clearly believes that they can dial in any electoral result they wish because they did so in 2020 and there have been no meaningful federal electoral reforms and precious few State reforms preventing them from doing so again. Do you honestly think that the left will just sit on their hands thinking they have it in the bag? Count on it, they know the resentment they’re building.

    The same rationale applies to 2024.

  17. (I honestly give this a large amount of credence):

    A person or concern wants to debase the US currency and crash the economy so that he/they can short the US Dollar in the financial markets and make trillions in whatever currency they deem to survive.
    George Soros has done this once before with the Bank of London.

    To do this:

    · He/They either foist (in concert with a foreign power, Communist China, our philosophical enemy and economic rival?) or take advantage of the introduction of a virus to the population and with the help of a fifth column media (presumably useful tools who are not in on the plot):

    · They engender a panic that allows the twisting of the election process illegally but with the aid of a fifth column political party (presumably useful tools who are not in on the plot) that does not challenge the usurpation of electoral responsibility and maligns the one person that can (and would) stop the assault.

    · Promote a candidate (who one could conjecture they re-animated from the dead) to take the office of president with illegal methods (a coup).
    A candidate (actually, a pair of candidates) who are so enamored of the status they would be elevated to that they are totally blind to the fate they are being thrust to:
    To be forever remembered (as long as the history books are allowed to accurately record) as those responsible for the collapse of the US (if not world) economy.
    Perhaps even now they see their (and our) fate and realize that there is nothing they can do to change the course that has been set in motion because they do not have the courage, skills or the allies to reverse or change the path we are on.

    · Promote an ethos (Critical Race Theory, et al) and it’s supporters in academia, the schools, churches and (most importantly) the military, that weakens our defenses against our geo-political “rivals”.

  18. I don’t see much deliberate intent to fly the ship of state into the deck. What I see is just tired, corrupt, degenerate, ignorant Elites and their minions behaving about how you’d expect such to behave.

    As I keep saying. The Chinese don’t have to be smart. They don’t have to be good. They don’t have to be perfect. They can have all their own inscrutable Contradictions queuing up to bite them on their oriental posteriors…

    All they have to be is less #$%^ed up than the US and Rest of the West.

    All that is necessary is that their elites believe less stupid #@$% than our elites. Their guys can still get away with believing all kinds of nonsense… it just has to be somewhat less orthogonal to base reality than Western Elite delusions.

    That’s all it takes for them to Not Lose.

  19. If Glubb Pasha was right… the 250 years are up. It’s end of the line. For now, anyway. Doesn’t mean it has to be the end of you… so take a pill and chill.

    Can cheer yourselves up with the happy thought that the current Chinese Dynastic Cycle will hit the skids around year 2200.

    Might want to learn a few tricks from Tiddly (Wink == Chink / Cockney Rhyming Slang FTW).. the point is to surf your dynastic collapses and not lose all your marbles when it happens. Yuan (alien invaders), Ming, Qing (alien invaders).. who gives a $@#$%… Cultivate your Garden.

    Every dog has his day.

  20. We seem to have a large or huge supply chain crisis and a few possibly knowledgeable people have blithely suggested that it may get worse and/or last 18 months or so.

    As Art Deco mentioned on a previous thread, this is primarily about insufficient trucking resources probably caused by overregulation. One might think that the Transportation Secretary would have something to say about this. Instead we have the emptiest of empty suits installed as Secretary of Transpo. and when asked a serious question, he quips about Christmas shopping habits.

    I wonder, in a Biden administration, how many of these cabinet level positions have people who are told when installed, “Take the money, benefits, and perqs and keep your mouth shut. We have other people who will run things.”

  21. @TommyJay:

    “I wonder, in a Biden administration, how many of these cabinet level positions have people who are told when installed, “Take the money, benefits, and perqs and keep your mouth shut. We have other people who will run things.”


    A bunch of the Golems / Sock Puppets were parked here between administrations or slapped together here from fresh clay for this one. Plenty of other foundations and mobbed up institutions did their part, too.

  22. GSG sounds like a nice groups of folks.

    From Zaphod’s link:
    GSG has advised companies operating in the energy sector. GSG previously advised Chesapeake Energy, an oil company based in Oklahoma City.
    – –
    Additionally, GSG has advised companies operating in the healthcare sector, such as pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma.

    The CEO of Chesapeake Energy, Aubrey McClendon, drove his SUV into a bridge abutment at an extreme rate of speed killing himself instantly. And Purdue Pharma needs no introduction.

    They sound like political fixers and enablers, but I was thinking about people who make critical operational decisions.

    I think huxley has a point. It is not a stretch to think that these folks who have made critical transportation decisions just wanted cleaner air. Diesel truck engines do have a somewhat stinky odor especially when concentrated around the port of LA, and you best not offend the sensitive nostrils of some left-wing politician or technocrat.

    So what if major parts of the economy take a 10 or 20% hit. If that happens the air will become even cleaner. Win-win. Careless disregard for others is a given. But my overeducated friend always votes Democrat because “they care about people.”

  23. I don’t think Glubb Pasha was quite correct. Byzantium lasted much longer than 250 years, the first time around. It even got a second bite at the apple. I’ve been re-reading the history of the Eastern Roman empire lately; interesting to find certain lessons in there. One always has to be cautious about overextending parallels, but they do exist.

  24. j.e.: “Millions of our fellow citizens have enabled these maleficent monstrosities”

    We need a better set of citizens, a higher average. That said, most of them are guilty of little more than trusting MSM. If you’re busy … and plugged in to the Common Wisdom … and not a cynic by nature, it’s pretty understandable.

    My wife often asks me why Repub sympathizers can donate millions upon millions but never buy a newspaper or TV station to put forth simple true reporting.
    I would argue that of all the problems that face us, just doing a media reset so that they come somewhat close to being unbiased … that reset would have enormous bang for the buck and many things would spontaneously begin to heal.

    Congrats physicsguy.

  25. @Philip Sells:

    You make a very good point about Byzantium!

    And the US hasn’t had its Manzikert yet.

    Still… being a stubborn fellow who hates being proven wrong, I wonder how your average peasant or landowner would have felt every ~250 years or less when the Bulgars or Pechenegs or God knows what other savages laid waste to everything up to the walls of Byzantium? In a well-functioning state they should never have been able to get across the borders and make such incursions.

    I’ve got Warren Treadgold’s book queued up so will be thinking more about your assertion as I plough through it.

    Another random thought: A multi-ethnic empire ruled explicitly as a multi-ethnic empire might have more longevity than one which clings to various foundational republican fig leaves and outmoded hypocrisies. Dunno.

    Kamala Comnena? I don’t think so.

  26. Maybe all mankind’s eras are the same and we just think we are undergoing a high degree of agitation now because all our communication is being amplified by our new digital machinery? In other words, imagine it was 1950 and we plopped into our 50’s culture all the digital tools we have now. Would we then believe, say in 1953, that we were living in a highly agitated culture? Or are we actually living in different and unusual times now? Maybe false consciousness is a valid concept?

  27. “The question however is whose reality will prevail.”

    The reality that in a communist/socialist system, there are way, way, WAAAY fewer rich and upper-middle-class people than in a capitalist system. That’s the part of “The Great Reset” that doesn’t get a lot of attention.


  28. @dnaxy:

    I’m convinced that Everyone Getting in Everyone’s Face is nine-tenths of the Great Filter.

  29. JimNorCal ;

    In war it is essential that you be able to maintain air superiority and, if not that, at least air parity. The left gained media superiority (the equivalent of air superiority) 50 years ago and they have been pounding the right with their ‘bundles of impressions’ ever since. I agree with your wife. Why has the right not made a stronger effort to recapture some of the media?

    When the Indianapolis Star newspaper twenty-five years ago made some noise about purchasing the Minneapolis Star/ Tribune the media sphere went haywire at the thought of an independent and somewhat conservative voice purchasing a well establish and leftist publication . . . God forbid!! The wagons were circled and the sale did not go through. Also, remember when Rush Limbaugh talked about buying the Pittsburg Steelers football team? Same thing happened. The Marxist left has been in the proverbial drivers seat for a very long time and that is why retaking the airwaves of America is such a challenge.

  30. @Zaphod, Treadgold I liked. It was many years since I read his volume on the subject, though. I remember buying it at my favorite bookstore in my hometown, which has since sadly closed up. I think I gave it away to someone at some point. I should probably re-stock that and pick up the Alexiad while I’m at it. As it is, I’m basically down to Ostrogorsky and Norwich. (I do still have the first volume of Runciman on the Crusades, too.)

    Your musing about the peasants is a good question. Our situation over here is similar in some ways and different in some ways compared to that of Constantinople. We have, in principle, two land fronts, for example, as they did; but ours are generally peaceful, the porosity of the southern line notwithstanding. Of course, if you want another historical parallel to explore, that could be one.

  31. @Philip Sells:

    Thanks for the Ostrogorsky reference. Didn’t know about him… but who could be better than a transplanted son of the Third Rome to write about the Second?

    It’s a damn shame Perfidious Albion stopped the Russians from taking Constantinople in early 1878. They came so near.

  32. Philip Sells refers to the “porosity” of our southern border. According to the NY Post, “Planeloads of underage migrants are being flown secretly into suburban New York in an effort by President Biden’s administration to quietly resettle them across the region . . . . The charter flights originate in Texas, where the ongoing border crisis has overwhelmed local immigration officials, and have been underway since at least August, according to sources familiar with the matter. . . . The clandestine nature of the operation raises questions about how the White House is dealing with [the] surge in unaccompanied minors. . . . A source familiar with the operation at the Westchester airport said the underage migrants typically arrive carrying backpacks and are bused to locations including The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, upstate Newburgh and Bridgeport and Danbury in Connecticut.”


  33. Skilly, thanks for your comment. You and I are on the same page.

    A related insight worth repeating:
    “Recall 2004, when Newsweek’s Evan Thomas admitted the press would go all in for Democratic presidential and vice presidential nominees John Kerry and John Edwards, and that the effort would “be worth maybe 15 points.””

  34. I kind of like the Brooklyn and Danbury bits. Newton and Brookline next please. Then something might be done about it 🙂

  35. @ TommyJay > “how many of these cabinet level positions have people who are told when installed,”

    So we probably have both a Kitchen Cabinet and a Puppet Cabinet, since they seem to come as a set. We still don’t know for sure who is the Head Cook.


    And in an apparent effort to ensure that power rested with the president, not other people in the government, [Andrew] Jackson appointed fairly obscure or ineffectual men to most of the posts in his cabinet….The real power in Jackson’s administration rested with a circle of friends and political cronies who often did not hold official office.

    Or maybe the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.


    A masterpiece of psychological horror and the film that has come to epitomize the mysterious highly stylized German Expressionist cinema. A demented hypnotist and his ghastly henchman spread death throughout the German countryside.

  36. @PA Cat, I just looked at that NY Post article before I saw your citation of it and thought it was really interesting. The gumshoe-type spirit invoked by midnight stakeouts at the airport… love it, even if the results are rather unpalatable. And they mention the cross-references to weeks’ worth of flight tracking data and so on. I think this is good work from them. Classic elbow-grease reporting.

    On my earlier comment about Ostrogorsky’s work on the Eastern Roman Empire, I was going to mention that one of the other historical parallels which one could draw is that involving land policy. There are certain suggestive analogies between the development of a form of serfdom in Asia Minor in the eleventh century and what is going on here nowadays with the trend in well-heeled concerns like BlackRock buying up armfuls of residential developments and the potential effects on homeownership among the younger generation of Americans down the road. One of Ostrogorsky’s recurring themes in his narrative of the trajectory of the Byzantine middle period revolves around the competition between the imperial state and the aristocracy over the smallholders in this vein. As I said at that time, one must be careful about loading the historical analogies with too much freight; but there is something to be learned for the modern day from this one, I think.

  37. Here’s another way you can ruin America, slowly and insidiously, if this becomes a trend.


    The Art Institute of Chicago fired all of its trained volunteers and guides last month, who were mostly older White women, to diversify its team.

    The Art Institute used to have more than 100 docents, 82 of whom were active, until an executive director of learning and engagement, Veronica Stein, sent an email on Sept. 3 firing them all, the Wall Street Journal reported. Docents are trained volunteers who lead tours of museums, and at the Art Institute, they averaged 15 years of unpaid service.

    The firings were apparently sparked by the fact that most of the docent staff was composed of older White, financially well-off women, the outlet reported. Stein said that the museum needed to take a new path “in a way that allows community members of all income levels to participate, responds to issues of class and income equity, and does not require financial flexibility.”

    The fired docents were offered a two-year free pass to the museum as gratitude for their previous service.

    The institute is one of America’s oldest and largest museums, with its docent program launching in 1961 as part of an initiative of the Woman’s Board and the Junior League of Chicago.

    The docents sent a letter on Sept. 13 detailing the staff “engaged in eighteen months of twice-a-week training to qualify as a docent, five years of continual research and writing to meet the criteria of 13 museum content areas, and monthly and bi-weekly trainings to further educate ourselves with the materials, processes and cultural context” of the museum’s pieces.

    “It was nearly a full-time job,” Dietrich Klevorn, a docent since 2012, told the Wall Street Journal.

    The Chicago Tribune’s Editorial Board even hit back at the museum’s decision, calling Stein’s termination letter to the docents as “weaselly.”

    “Why not invest some time in recruiting new, diverse docents? Why not grow the corps in such a way that it’s refreshed? Why not help docents who need help with expenses or child care? Why not have a hybrid model, at least until the current docents exit?” the board wrote in its Sept. 27 opinion piece.

    “Still, the Art Institute hasn’t explained why they had to be jettisoned en masse and not diversified over time. The museum appears to be in the grips of a self-defeating overcorrection. It has adopted the language of diversity, inclusion and equity so completely that it was willing to fire the same upper-middle class volunteers it relies on for charitable donations,” WSJ noted.

    The Art Institute told Fox News in comment on Sunday that they “have not fired anyone.”

    “We thought we were being very clear when outlining our plan, but somehow this has been twisted into unfounded accusations of reverse racism resulting in lewd threats against our staff. We’re simply pausing a volunteer educator program and would never want to diminish the contributions they have made. This should not be the roots of a culture war,” a spokesperson for the institute said.

    Well, you can’t fire someone you never hired.
    Commenters uniformly note that now they WILL have to hire replacements, because nobody but the class-that-shall-be-cancelled is willing to do that kind of work for nothing.

    As one commenter noted:

    Ever heard of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Since this has been in the works for 12 years, the admin team has been hiding their intentions from their volunteers for that long. I had no idea docents went through so much training, studying and writing. Can you see the new off the streets docents of diversity going to those heroic lengths just to volunteer? The answer is no. They won’t have to do that because they won’t be volunteers. They will be paid with a livable wage and benefits. The AIC is looking for a chunk of those Build Back Better bucks to fund that.

  38. I don’t think it’s intentional. It’s just profound stupidity. The really think they are setting the social wrongs right.

  39. @ Geoffrey & Edward – Is there nothing too “local” for Soros to be involved in?


    I’m really tired of George Soros being the boogeyman scapegoat for every evil in America.

    I’m also really tired of seeing that he actually is the boogeyman for so many evils in America.

    Like I said, I’m tired of all America’s woes coming back to the cabal of elites led by George Soros, who flood local elections with cash to ensure decent people are destroyed in the name of neo-Marxism.

    But I’m even more tired of that stereotype being true.

  40. “How to run America into the ground…”

    IOW, how to take down; how to disassemble; how to crash; how to obliterate….

    (However, not “for Dummies” but for some very evil, diabolical “dreamers”.)

    Deroy Murdock’s brutal take on “Biden”‘s Orwellian “Build Back Better”:

    Opening graf:
    “President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act should be rechristened the Build Bigotry Better Act. And then it should be buried in a shallow grave on Capitol Hill….”

    Time to recalibrate that well-worn, oft-used motto to:
    “Never attribute to stupidity that which MUST be attributed to MALICE.”

  41. As the fun and games at the Global Arcade continue right along (i.e., “Step right up and win a giant fluffy rhinoceros for yer girlfriend/family/community/country”…):
    “One Bank Reveals The Dismal Truth About The $150 Trillion Crusade Against Climate Change”
    Key grafs:
    ‘…And since QE is essentially debt monetization, and since $150 trillion in new debt would have devastating consequences on the economy, BofA was kind enough to share its calculation of just how inflationary this billionaire pet project [emphasis mine, B.M.] would be: the “full monetization” scenario, where central banks inject $5 trillion in liquidity every year via QE for 30 years, would result in incremental 3% of inflation for a good decade. This is inflation over and above whatever is already coming down the pipeline.
    ‘…Which is where we get to the punchline, because as BofA admits, the crusade against climate change, the ESG doctrine, the “Net Zero” world, whatever one wants to call it, it’s all about greenlighting the biggest QE episode in history, one wrapped in the “noble” veneer of fighting for the most important cause in the history of civilization, but in reality it’s just the biggest wealth transfer scheme in history…’

    Yes, this is the NEXT chapter. (The COVID “policy” is clearly a preliminary heat for our ambitious Olympians….)

  42. Wish I had lots of time to list all the things the Marxists are doing to destroy the country
    Immigration invasion
    Using Covid to marginalized 1/3 of the population
    Driving energy prices up
    Making the western world pay to stop a supposed global warming
    Using regulations to stop flow of goods (may not be all but much of the port blocking is the land regulations)
    Spending the country into bankruptcy
    Turning the military into a woke Leftist joke
    The complete takeover of public school systems and turning into
    Leftist Seminaries and brainwashing kids to be Marxists

    Feel free to add

  43. The problem(s) listed are based on the support of tens and tens of millions of idiots.
    Spent a few hours this weekend with a family which practically gloried in its fear of Covid. Toured a nice town, the wife lamented people having far more house than they need–classic, old, huge places. They took us to a top-end restaurant for lunch, $25 a setting. They each got a top-end beer, happily paying whatever the restaurant charges for bringing it from the cooler to the table.
    Hate Trump. Have absolutely no idea that anything’s wrong but, in my experience, if anything’s brought to their attention, it will be Trump’s fault and probably the effected deserve it.
    Another couple…wife said she’s glad not to have to listen to Trump. Hate his voice. No idea anything’s going on, in part because they have lucked out in a real estate downsizing, squeezing out a lot of cash and ending up in a very nice condo.
    Tens of millions of these folks….

  44. Indeed, the media has done its job exceeding well….
    …and they certainly deserve to be rewarded.
    (The media IS “infrastructure”, isn’t it?… Yes yes, I’m certain of it…)

  45. “Tens of millions of these folks….”

    Exactly! I know a bunch of these people also. It all ties into the Pravda media which these people all listen to, and as GB keeps saying, reality has not intruded on these people….yet.

    Amusing side story: at a convenience store yesterday and in walked a 20 something girl with pink hair, and count ’em, 3 masks on! She was having trouble getting the pump to take her credit card. The clerk could barely hear her through the masks. After she left everyone started laughing at her. There is some sanity here in Florida. I do see about 10% wearing masks, though this is around Amelia Island, which has a definite appeal to the sort of people, Richard Aubrey just referred to.

  46. Finally, some good news on the COVID front:
    In Nebraska, doctors will NOT be prosecuted for trying to save lives!!
    Imagine that! Unbelievable!! (In fact, I had to read it twice…)
    And so Nebraska rocks! (Unfortunately, only there…at least so far. But the ice has been broken, and one can hope…)

    “Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Off-Label For COVID-19: Nebraska AG”

    (Wonder how long it’ll take “Biden” to throw the book at ’em.)

  47. John Guilfoyle on October 18, 2021 at 5:56 pm said:
    It’s all “fun & games” for the US-Uni-Party until one of those “hypersonic missiles” takes out the greater part of a carrier battle group.



    From what I read at that link, these “hypersonic glide vehicles” don’t even need ordinance on them. The impact alone will be enough to cause significant damage.

    Makes sense from a strategic point of view. China doesn’t want to lay waste to our entire country. They need our farm lands to feed their people.

    Several dozen strikes at key points of political control, infrastructure and energy production would throw the United States into chaos.

    Of course, the Chinese would still have to contend with millions of armed Americans, but I’m sure they’ve already collected enough information to round up dissenters.


    I’m wondering what the over/under is on Biden having a “emperor has no clothes” moment on live TV. An incident so blatant and public that even the water carriers and boot lickers can’t pass it off as any bit of normal.

    And whether that will happen before or after they get rid of V.P. Harris. I can imagine her cackling through her inauguration address.

  48. Sounds like you’ve been reading “White Lotus”….

    Hmm. Wonder if Xi has, too.

  49. Is it intentional??
    Well it sure as hell is not an accident !!

    When ideologues control a nation, their methods to achieve their goals are secondary to the outcome desired.
    The ends justifies the means.
    In extreme cases even political terror against opponents is considered justified as long as it promotes the idealistic goals of a greater ideal.
    Lying and providing simplified “solutions” to complex problems are not accidents or incompetence.
    They are deliberate, purposeful strategies to fool the people and destroy their opponents (see Trump/Russia).

    IMHO, a big mistake many make is believing that everybody wants the same outcome, differing only in the methods to reach those goals.
    Well, this is simply not the case; it is not true at all.

    Just look at history and examine the goals that some govt. leaders believed needed to be accomplished. It is was no accident, it was not incompetence that led to policies of intentional mass starvation, gulags and other sorts of death camps.

    Bidet and his Obama-commie-puppet masters intend to “fundamentally change” this nation.
    He, Obama, has ADMITTED this !!
    What is confusing about this?

    Woodrow Wilson, FDR in particular , and Obama (i.e., now in his third term as president) were/are hard core leftist ideologues who had/have contempt for the Constitution; a document they believe (ed) is outdated and prevents the govt. from carrying out “necessary” policies.

    There is no way on earth that what we see Bidet / Obama implementing is incompetence or unintentional.
    Despite how obvious their goals are, about 50% of the electorate will support them.

    The downfall of our Constitutional Republic will be supported by about 50% of the electorate and the many dozens of Bidet/Obama acolytes within the govt.

  50. Bill de Buckethead was handed a city on January 1, 2014 that was in good shape (despite 9/11), had 20 years of good government under Giuliani and Bloomberg (who despite being an insufferable nanny was smart enough not to mess around with what was working), had a low crime rate (so low that Brooklyn actually became a desirable place to live) and deliberately went about undoing everything and took us back to the 1970’s (minus the great music and films). The voters are incredibly stupid and suffer from political cognitive dissonance.

  51. “Tens of millions of these folks…“

    Most of whom have their money in the stock market or real estate. Guess which two industries are going to implode with the disappearance of middle-class investors and middle-class homebuyers?

    This is like the economic version of the atheist’s dilemma. A lot of atheists assume you can get rid of God but keep all the Judeo-Christian rules and values in place (except for the ones about sex). But it doesn’t work like that, just as wealth generated by a mass-market, middle class consumer economy can’t survive if that mass of consumers goes away.


  52. Geoffrey Britain:

    I asked, “How can this be intentional?”

    Your reply began, “Given your premises, it can’t be intentional.”

    My premises aren’t at all peculiar — Biden and the Deep State are functionally Democrat and wish to retain and extend the party’s power. You make no attempt to contest that.

    Then you enumerate a number of policies which I agree are intentional — such as the border, which I conceded at the top of my comment.

    However, my context was “Biden’s problems/disasters” and I had in mind things like the Afghanistan withdrawal, inflation and supply line problems. These are bad, very bad for Biden and the Democrats, which strike me as incompetence and therefore not intentional.

    That’s my point.

  53. John Tyler:

    Yup, this mess we are in isn’t due to incompetence, accident, miscalculation, poor judgement, etc., it is intentional . . . and everything is proceeding according to plan.

  54. “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”

    ? Otto von Bismarck

    I hope this can continue to be true. We have abandoned much of what made us deserve this providence.

  55. In re the controversy over “intentional” vs “accident / incompetence” –

    I think huxley is correct in pointing out that some policies could be one, and some the other.
    I think M Williams is correct in saying “I don’t think it’s intentional. It’s just profound stupidity. They really think they are setting the social wrongs right.”

    I think that there are certain actors (currently Democrat, Leftist, Progressive, NeverTrumper, and what you will) for whom even the “accidentally stupid” policies are, at root, intentional.

    The larger group, of those who believe they are setting social wrongs right (or left?), are the ones that Richard Aubrey & others have lamented (on more than one occasion), and are well described by j e at the top of the thread:
    “Millions of our fellow citizens have enabled these maleficent monstrosities to occupy positions of power, aided and abetted by every system and every institution in the land.”

    AesopSon #3 told me a few days ago about a friend who was upset at the inflation and supply problems making his life difficult, but had no cognizance of the fact that these problems were the “other side of the stick” that he picked up when he voted for Democrats on the basis of their “social justice” platforms (“It’s for the Children!” they cried!).

    Unless the GOP and Conservatives hammer that connection until it’s ubiquitous and inescapable, people who have no intent to do evil, and who are not fundamentally stupid, will keep voting for one end of the stick and wondering why they are being beaten about the head and shoulders with the other end.

    And it is very important that THEY are among those being beaten.

  56. Huxley (Aldous) versus Orwell. Which best describes our world?

    At 2:42 AM, Barry beat me to citing Jim Quinn’s long exegis, just Part 1 of 2.

    Since, 9/11, Orwell has bested Huxley, of course. But it’s the listed details that are most compelling.

    The stuff fit for memorizing and reciting over Turkey Day or Christmas dinners, even!

    Very pissimi8tic. (A malaprop I’ll keep.)

  57. Thank you,Neo.

    PS I agree with JohnTyler: it is intentional.

    They just don’t want what we want (excellence, greatness; they want decline, we’ve stolen the world’s wealth and can pay for our power and hubris now by becoming mediocre).

  58. “They want decline…”

    Well yes, certainly, but I believe the “MORAL” component of their perverse and repulsive goals is less to force America to REPENT—and pay—for its supposed awfulness and myriad past sins than it is to enable them to SAVE THE WORLD.

    Nothing less.

    That is, they’ve persuaded themselves that the world is in deep trouble, that it MUST be saved, and that THEY—AND ONLY THEY—know what must be done to save it.

    Moreover, they’ve persuaded themselves that ONLY the United States stands in the way of the world’s salvation; that ONLY the US stands in the way of the creation of a world government, which world government is ESSENTIAL to save the world and humankind.

    The obvious corollary is that THE US is a DANGER TO THE ENTIRE WORLD. In fact, it is THE WORLD’S BIGGEST DANGER.

    And so their “MORALITY” dictates the next obvious step: Get the US out of the way (so that they—the “adults—can get on with the job of saving the world)…

    But how might this be accomplished?…

    Quite obviously, the USA MUST be weakened even to the point of being destroyed (cue in John Lennon’s “Imagine” if you feel so inclined).

    To recapitulate:
    – It is ESSENTIAL to defeat COVID.
    – It is, likewise, ESSENTIAL to defeat GLOBAL WARMING (in fact, mankind’s greatest enemy according to these earnestly silly—if dangerous—grifters).
    – AND it is ESSENTIAL for certain filthy rich people to get even richer than they already are….
    (I already linked to this above aways.)

    …all this for the sake of very refined (if perverse) MORALITY: to bring NIRVANA to a thirsty world….

    But this cannot be done until the US—and its simply awful Deplorable population—is brought to its knees.

    Indeed, we are dealing with a cohort imbued with massive hysteria, with “Morality for Dummies” (but extremely dangerous ones at that, since they are “full of passionate intensity”).

    And I’m not sure they can be persuaded otherwise without the assistance of some cataclysmic event or other…


  59. I should add that just as we’ve continually warned against those who advocate (i.e., hide behind) an exaggerated, chauvinistic patriotism, so must we be very careful about those who advocate (i.e.,. hide behind) hysterically that the world MUST be saved.

    By their dishonesty you shall know them….

  60. Re Global Warming Crisis and Barry Meislin’s latest post.

    Just tell others that real measurements if the persistence of CO2 which use atomic decay as clocks (like Carbon 14 dating) prove that it’s half life is 5-7 years (which therefore makes CO2 nugatory in 30-some years). And this and other methods contradict the 100 to 800 year persistence that “destabilizing the CO2 Carbon Cycle” thesis that carbon circulation models require for there to be any crazy climate crisis.

    Facts, dear boy, facts defeat childish hobgoblins and kill bureaucrats careerist wet dreams!

    (And these inconvenient facts were known BEFORE politics overwhelmed the science of climate in the 1990s.)

  61. Zenman: What you describe would better be accomplished with neutron bombs: kill the population, but leave the infrastructure (there’s that word again) more or less intact.

  62. Kipling’s epitaphs of the war are touching and admirable in their economy.

    This one might fit here:
    Epitaph for a dead statesman

    I could not dig: I dared not rob:
    Therefore I lied to please the mob.
    Now all my lies are proved untrue
    And I must face the men I slew.
    What tale shall serve me here among
    Mine angry and defrauded young?

    Not sure what Kipling was thinking, but if you have to bad things to please the mob–get elected–is The Master not blaming the mob?

    JFC Fuller in his history of WW I uses the term “infanticide” twice to refer to the Brits’ failure to take control of the government and war. He was a veteran and he’s entitled. But still….

  63. Thinking more broadly: Milley got his commission through ROTC and now he’s Chief in Charge. ROTC was designed to provide company and field grade officers in large numbers.
    What happened to the West Point Benevolent and Protective Association? HE passed THEM on every step up in rank and in every plum assignment which would add to his CV? THIS clown beat THEM?
    Or was he really, really good, a junior Napoleon and only recently grokked that white supremacy was where his next efforts at self-promotion should be?

  64. TJ,

    “Politics overwhelmed the science of climate” twenty years before the 90s. It was political right from its Earth Day birthday.

    This was one, successful, shift that the Left made in their focus as the Vietnam War became less useful as a recruitment and indoctrination tool.

  65. @ Geoffb > “It was political right from its Earth Day birthday.”

    In light of the recent cage match PTA vs DOJ, could we in hindsight see that the foisting of the Earth Day catechism on school children was a test run for the later abominations?

    After all, who could be against Saving the Planet when cute little kids did science fair projects and had field days to celebrate.

    You just have to put enough sugar around the poison pill and everyone will take it, until you finally try a pill too big and nasty to cover up the taste.
    And even then a lot of people swallowed it.

  66. AesopFan,

    Don’t forget the big corporations all getting in line and showing how “Green” they were as another test run of the coming fascism model.

  67. @ geoffb > Indeed.

    I think we have the makings of a parlor game: “When did all this start?” with playing cards for the various facets of the Great Transformation or New World Order or whatever we want to call it.

    When did the entertainment industry go wrong?
    Quit showing Westerns on TV and at the movies.

    When did the medical establishment go wrong?
    Removed certain psychological disorders from their diagnostic manual.


  68. @AesopFan:

    Hollywood, Broadcast Media, and the Psychiatric Profession all have something in common: none of them are disproportionately owned and dominated by Methodists or Mormons or Episcopalians, or Holy Rolling Snake Charmers for that matter. So you’d best take the phone off the hook before the ADL calls.

    The old WASP Elites are equally guilty for having sold the baton for a mess of pottage post WWII. No. More guilty.

    But hey, It’s the Open Society! Now shut up!

  69. “Facts, dear boy, facts defeat childish hobgoblins and…”

    Except that “Biden”—consistent with every other authoritarian governing entity—creates “his” own facts.

    And when those facts fail, as they must, they create some more, constantly covering up “inconvenient” events/trends/disasters (i.e., prior “facts”) and generally blaming anyone but themselves for the “inconvenience”—i.e., disaster.

    It’s the name of the game. THEIR game…

    …and it’s tried and true, tried and true…especially with the media in lock-step with the ruling class, blatantly repeating the latter’s lies ad infinitum while censoring any and all “inconvenient truths”; especially with all the power of government and its agencies at the disposal and service of that ruling class, enforcing its will and trampling those who disagree.

    Thus the major question, it would seem (in America’s case, but also the world’s) is:
    How long can “Biden” continue to create “facts” and insist on their “TRUTH” without facing any meaningful blowback, any resistance, any defiance?

    Or put another way: How long can “Biden” continue to create “facts” before “he” (and we all) hit the wall of brutal reality?

    Plus a bonus question:
    Must authoritarian/totalitarian entities necessarily fall?…(as many of us would like to believe…)

  70. If things get too out of hand, “Biden” always has the option of changing “his” name:
    – – – – –
    Meanwhile, it looks like the mayor of SF is vying for True Jen’s soon-to-be-vacant job… (though one could claim that conceptually, it’s been “vacant” from Day 1):

    Seems like a perfect fit.

  71. j e: Millions of our fellow citizens have enabled these maleficent monstrosities to occupy positions of power, aided and abetted by every system and every institution in the land.

    And why is that? For a little more than a century, We the People have been led/conditioned to:

    > Put elites on pedestals of worship and trust.

    > Trust “non-profit” entities over those who admit they’re out to make a HONEST buck.

    > Replace thoughtful consideration and sound judgment with more and more “rules”.

    > Subordinated our individual rights to “the common good”, as defined by the Pedestaled.

    > Been led to willingly consider our own, proximity-informed insight unqualified to challenge the above … and therefore think we should just go with the flow of the status quo.

    That is how we sell ourselves short, render ourselves vulnerable to the failures of The Pedestaled … and effectively unplug the distributed intellect of our nation, outside that elite few and their top-down centralized decision-making.

    The blind, leading the blinded.

    Why can’t our “leaders” – including those claiming to be conservative/libertarian – even make a coherent case to oppose this flawed paradigm, let alone start solving problems instead of creating more? Because our leaders are a reflection of US and can’t think outside the Pandora’s Box of this paradigm any more than we seem to be able to … likely because it is the only paradigm we have all fully experienced in our lifetimes.

    If we want to reverse this lemming parade we are on now and make it stick … getting ordinary people to QUESTION the world around them, then build trust in their own insights and NOT delegate their decisions to others – even if that looks like more risk and effort for them – is essential to diminish the power of The Pedestaled and plug all our distributed intellect back in.

    Perhaps the first question one needs to ask is … how can the “experts” and “leaders” we put so much trust in, ever know an individual well enough to get the answers right for that individual, from the top down?

  72. Huxley: Gosh, we are so fortunate to have Art Deco around to explain the complexities of the US government.

    Given that many of our neighbors have embraced the confession Reagan warned us about … that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves … and look to our institutions, particularly government, to establish the “common good” from On High that they believe they and their neighbors are incapable of establishing right around them, even we here still need such reminders.

    Though Art, I consider those agencies to be only the conduits for the actual, fundamental business of government:

    THAT TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS, governments are instituted among men, deriving their JUST powers from the consent of the governed.

    Note the emphasis. JUST powers – not just any power a leader, or even the people, deem to be good, but powers that SECURE – not suppress, or override – THESE RIGHTS.

    The problems started when our society forgot to keep such respect for the individual as the primary operating principle of our government – and instead put the ever-changing definitions of the “common good” as their prime focus, leading right to the failures you described.

    You also mentioned that: They had several years to develop a replacement for ObamaCare and push came to shove they had nothing.

    That is because they couldn’t bring themselves to tell the American people the truth that the American people don’t want to hear: the only viable plan is they repeal, WE replace. Because that is the only plan that is compatible with legitimate governance that secures our rights … because it is the only plan where those closest to the problem and have skin in the game call the shots – as opposed to that little, distant elite Reagan mentioned.

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