Home » Documents implicate Fauci further in gain-of-function research


Documents implicate Fauci further in gain-of-function research — 37 Comments

  1. Nothing will happen to Tony. He’s immune. Just like Hunter is immune. And Hillary.

    Two systems of Justice. Two movies on one screen.

  2. No, I’m not surprised, because I read conservative news sites and I’ve been reasonably sure this was the case for a while. Will this hit any “mainstream” news sites? It seems likely that it won’t.

  3. @Cornhead

    You said it all.

    I get more and more tired of this. Where is/are the Senator(s), media folks, Attorneys General, Judges, think tanks, drunk tanks who might actually DO SOMETHING.

    Justice Department… I can not stop crying.

  4. Indeed, nothing about this surprises me. And I doubt anything will happen to Fauci as a result of these latest revelations either.

    Fauci is just too big to fail. As a member of the New Nobility he can literally be implicated in the indirect creation of a virus that has killed millions, wreaked trillions in economic damage worldwide, and transformed the lives of billions of people for the worse, but despite all that he will not only be protected for it, he will be elevated as a hero. And any criticism leveled against him is silenced. This is the strange, derranged and broken era we’re living through.

  5. FWIW, the word fauci in Italian means the maw of an animal/jaws of a carnivore, whichever phrasing you prefer.

  6. He’ll be retired with three houses, a boat, tons of dough, and a young husband.

    He can form a threesome with Buttigieg and his husband– they’ve just adopted a child and can probably use a Fauci cash infusion.

  7. Tony has a wife. They got an award from one of the Jesuit provinces. It was on the Jesuit News Twitter feed. I replied that it was a mistake to give him an award. Usually I’m much more rude.

  8. I saw an exchange in a hearing. The question was about GoF research and funding. Fauci was intently insisting on answering a different question ,over and over. Obvious.

  9. The evil of Fauci knows no bounds. Couldn’t do GoF research in the US, so farm it out to the CCP. Didn’t he say in late 2019 that Trump would face a pandemic? And voila! It happens right on schedule.

    At this point I blame him solely responsible for the virus. He outranks Mengele in terms of evil, and I would guess is the largess mass murderer in history.

    Can you tell I hate the guy?

  10. The EcoHealth Alliance is a big NGO which ‘cares’ about everything: fishes, forests, insects, deserts, wildebeests and, allegedly, humans. From its website: ” EcoHealth Alliance implements local conservation and public health programs through a variety of partnerships and collaborations. Our alliance partners include local scientists, universities, nongovernmental organizations, foreign ministries and agencies.”

    Yep, its mission is to save the Earth.

    Thus, its primary function is to disburse monies to its partners, including “foreign ministries and agencies”, who then fund their little Precious, regardless of US origin of the money.

    That it has access to the NIH money well is shocking, indeed criminal. It is a subterfuge leftist organization.

    Check it out online. Here are their scientists: www.https://www.ecohealthalliance.org/scientists

  11. PA+Cat:

    How come you get to riff on Mayor Pete’s Domestic Menagerie and my recent post on his offensive to the very earth we tread ‘Adoption’ got memory-holed? I always #$@#$ out the creative bits when rhapsodizing on B^%%*$#@‘s antics. Unfair!

  12. Re: EcoHealth Alliance

    Do we now perhaps have a glimmer of understanding as to why both China and Russia take a dim view of NGOs?

    GloboHomo media will tell you that it’s all because of a paranoid need for ‘Control’. Of course they would.

    But clearly there’s more to it than that. Things, very dangerous things and agendas, are being run off the books all over the place — and not just in biotech. It’s not just that Western Elites (sic) are arrogant, hubristic, and often incompetent… it’s also that many of them are off the reservation in various side gigs running rogue agendas. Not going to end well.

  13. After reading about Gottlieb and those who paved the way for his atrocities in the book Poisoner in Chief, I am not surprised at all. The sociopaths and psychopaths in the high-intelligence, elite-connected realm are the most highly dangerous and in my opinion, evil.

  14. Fauci perfectly illustrates “the banality of evil”. He wouldn’t directly hurt a fly and is utterly indifferent to the suffering of millions. Yes, if any individual is responsible for the deaths of millions, it’s Fauci.

    He had to know that HCQ and Ivermectin were worth serious investigation and no one did more to suppress them.

    “Exploring the binding efficacy of ivermectin against the key proteins of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis: an in silico approach”

    “Pfizer’s new ‘daily pill’ to fight Covid utilizes a protease inhibitor… Ivermectin is also a protease inhibitor…”

    “Treatment and Prevention Protocol”

    Actual dosages stated, save before its canceled.

  15. Geoffrey Britain,

    Yep, maybe the most shocking thing (a very packed field) has been the lack of interest in therapeutics. I have a hard time assigning anything but greed and corruption to this.

    Therapeutics should be the NUMBER ONE thing all health professionals should be pushing for right now.


  16. The Greenwald piece is absolutely devastating to the ACLU. They have the exact opposite opinion now as in the way, way back before times of 2008 and even May of 2020!!

  17. YES Griffin. And they ought to be doing so to prevent this Covid engineered virus from evolving into ever more infectious or nastier and deadlier forms.

    But obviously will not.

  18. BTW, in that Greenwald Substack piece there is a comment by ‘Andy Wilcoxson’ that is absolutely spot on. I’m not sure how to link to that comment alone but it is very good.

  19. From the Intercept article:

    Alina Chan, a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute, said the documents show that EcoHealth Alliance has reason to take the lab-leak theory seriously. “In this proposal, they actually point out that they know how risky this work is. They keep talking about people potentially getting bitten — and they kept records of everyone who got bitten,” Chan said. “Does EcoHealth have those records? And if not, how can they possibly rule out a research-related accident?”

    And if you think Psaki and Blinken are Champion Obfuscators and Stonewalling Experts – check this out:

    Asked about the grant materials, Robert Kessler, communications manager at EcoHealth Alliance, said, “We applied for grants to conduct research. The relevant agencies deemed that to be important research, and thus funded it. So I don’t know that there’s a whole lot to say.”

    And Biden’s fingerprints are all over the evidence as well.

    Biosafety experts and internet sleuths who suspect a lab origin, meanwhile, have spent more than a year poring over publicly available information and obscure scientific publications looking for answers. In the past few months, leading scientists have also called for a deeper investigation of the pandemic’s origins, as has President Joe Biden, who in May ordered the intelligence community to study the issue. On August 27, Biden announced that the intelligence inquiry was inconclusive.

    Biden blamed China for failing to release critical data, but the U.S. government has also been slow to release information. The Intercept initially requested the proposals in September 2020.

    “I wish that this document had been released in early 2020,” said Chan, who has called for an investigation of the lab-leak origin theory. “It would have changed things massively, just to have all of the information in one place, immediately transparent, in a credible document that was submitted by EcoHealth Alliance.”

  20. I could make a strong case that he and some others should be tried by the USG for Treason and by the World Court for Crimes Against Humanity. There is precedent for both being capital crimes.

  21. Griffin:

    I found the Andy Wilcoxson comment:

    Our COVID-19 response doesn’t even make logical sense.

    Masks, social distancing, plexiglass partitions, contact tracing, lockdowns, and every other intervention aimed at limiting people’s exposure to the virus is an exercise in futility that’s doomed to fail in the long run.

    The vaccine reduces your odds of serious illness or death, but it does not give you sterilizing immunity. A person who is vaccinated can still get infected and transmit the virus to other people, which totally invalidates the case for “vaccine passports”. Your vaccine only protects you, it doesn’t protect other people.

    The reality is this: EVERYONE will to be exposed to the virus in the long run whether they like it or not. I’m going to be exposed and you’re going to be exposed.

    No matter how long you maintain the non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. masks, lockdowns, etc…) the virus is still going to be here at the end. All you’re doing is delaying the inevitable. You might be slowing the virus down, but you aren’t stopping it. It’s a force of nature and we’re not going to stop it.

    This narrative we’ve been given that it’s my responsibility to protect you and your responsibility to protect me fails on logic. The only protection that you have against the virus is your own immune system. Your safety and well being depends on how well you prepare your immune system for the day when your turn comes and you get exposed to the virus.

    The only person who can protect you is you. Get vaccinated, eat a healthy diet, exercise, get sufficient sleep. Do everything you can to maintain good health and fortify your immune system so that you don’t wind up on a ventilator or in the morgue WHEN (not if) you get exposed to the virus because it’s going to happen sooner or later. You can’t hide from this thing forever.

    The government has no incentive to tell that because it doesn’t empower them, it empowers you. If you understood that your safety and well-being depended on your own acts and omissions, then you wouldn’t need the government to step in with mandates that coerce and threaten other people and disrupt their lives in order to “keep you safe”.

    If you think, especially now that we have a vaccine that everyone who needs it has had the opportunity to take, that other people should disrupt their life for the foreseeable future in order to “protect” you safe from a virus you’re actually the selfish one.

    Cowardice is not a virtue. We have to face this thing head on because there is no other choice. We’re all going to be exposed to the virus sooner or later, so we may as well suck it up and face reality. There’s no sense in being a coward and making your life and everyone else’s life miserable by trying to hide from it and blaming other people whenever someone gets sick. This idiocy needs to end, and it needs to end right now.

  22. There is a more basic question here: why is the US government funding anything, anything at all, in China?

  23. Interesting to see Greenwald referenced in a post quoting the Intercept – that’s the website he founded that forced him out for not toeing the PC / SJW line with sufficient orthodoxy.

    I had read some reports about the ACLU about-face, but his is the most complete, and contains lots of historical information and excerpts I haven’t seen elsewhere.

    All the other reports also go back to the major 2008 statement, but of particular interest IMO is the UPDATE:

    Shortly after publication of this article, a former ACLU lawyer, Margaret Winter, noted in response: “It was NOT just ‘prior to covid’ that ACLU denounced vaccine mandates: Read ACLU’s 2020 position paper passionately and correctly arguing that vaccine mandates ‘exacerbate racial disparities and harm the civil liberties of all.’” Winter was referencing this ACLU report, from May of 2020, that warned of the serious dangers of “immunity passports,” under which citizens who already got COVID and thus had immunity would enjoy rights not available to others:

    That makes determining the source of their switch even more interesting.

    How the ACLU fell from those traditional and vital civil liberties positions to urging this week in The New York Times that “far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties,” is anyone’s guess. But what is beyond doubt is that it is a far fall indeed.

    My guess is that it is connected with the change in regime at the WH.

    Change my mind.

  24. Griffin, Marisa —

    Shorter Andy Wilcoxson: Virus gonna virus.

    As I’ve been saying for at least 15 months.

  25. “The documents raise additional questions about the theory that the pandemic may have begun in a lab accident, an idea that Daszak has aggressively dismissed….”

    And rightly so. The pandemic started in the lab, but it was no accident…
    And “EcoHealth” know so, they funded it all after all.
    To their great dismay the disease they ordered released isn’t nearly as lethal as hoped…

  26. Greenwald labelled the 2008 position paper as pre-Trump, when the change in presidential administration that prompted the communist ACLU to stop pretending it was for human right was… Obama.

  27. “[Fauci] had to know that HCQ and Ivermectin were worth serious investigation and no one did more to suppress them.”

    I don’t know about Ivermectin but he certainly knew about HCQ.

    His dismissive “anectodal evidence” regarding HCQ as a treatment for COVID was a devastating comment that doomed an unknowable number of people and families.

    Devastating AND cynical, because he knew it had been used effectively for SARS-like (and other) diseases.

    But since his foul comment nourished most effectively the “Trump-is-a-dangerous-unscientific-ignoramus” narrative it was warmly welcomed and loudly applauded. And when the bogus hit piece on HCQ followed soon thereafter in the “Lancet,” then HCQ’s fate was sealed.

    I’ve said it before. These people are mass murderers.

  28. Related:
    The CDC/Democratic-Party/media-driven Ivermectin debacle:

    …to which India and Japan stand in stark, accusatory contrast.
    The pro-Ivermectin view from Japan:

    (Should one even bother to ask why the CD/Democratic-Party/Corrupt media are spreading extraordinary lies?)

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