Home » More thoughts on the Wuhan lab leak coverup


More thoughts on the Wuhan lab leak coverup — 34 Comments

  1. Newsmax just posted a fascinating piece about Yan Limeng (the brave Chinese virologist now exiled from her homeland for her criticism of the CCP), who has been arguing for months (including two appearances on Tucker’s show) that the virus was engineered in the lab at Wuhan. She alleges that it was created as a bioweapon; this may not be provable (with the evidence currently available), but is there really any reason to doubt the willingness of China to engage in research on biological warfare?

  2. She alleges that it was created as a bioweapon

    If any nation creates something like this … what other reason could there be to do such thing? NONE!

  3. I just read the long Vanity Fair article on the lab leak story and the numerous scientists and bloggers who tried to get to the truth. The author is unsparing in her criticisms of Trump, but it almost feels like “well I have to call him a pathological liar to prove my liberal credentials.” Otherwise, it’s a good roundup of the various parties and I would recommend it. If I knew how to post links, I’d post one here, but I’m a real luddite.

  4. j e,

    You are using information from,
    a reporter from the conspiratorial right-wing media outlet Newsmax … ?

    In the words of Vanity Fair’s Ms. Eban. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. It must be so convenient and reassuring to be a leftist and have people like Ms. Eban vet the integrity of various media sources for you.

  5. I laughed when Fauci was “interviewed” on CNN or MSNBC and said he thought it highly unlikely that the CCP would engineer a bioweapon that might kill their own people.

    He’s clueless. Of course the CCP would kill a couple million Chinese in order to get rid of Trump. And once the virus was in the Chinese economy, they let their people travel to Europe and the US. The Chinese didn’t want to bear all the damages due to the Wuhan virus. They wanted to drag the whole world down.

    Trump said the Chinese should pay us $10 Trillion. I’m shocked that others have taken up this demand. China can cancel some of our debt and then issue 100 year bonds at 1-3% payable to the US Treasury.

    The whole world should gang up on China and make them pay up. This problem was avoidable and they know it. They should have cut off all international travel on Day One.

    But the CCP knows Biden is weak and that bribe money paid to Hunter went a long way.

  6. I admire your tenacity Neo. I, too, want to be ready with an answer or support to what I believe to be true. On a day-to-day basis I am around few people that do not share my point of view. But should the opportunity arise I hope for a planted seed to possibly germinate.

  7. Just a “Fauci ouchie.” I could be wrong, but apparently the media is putting the story behind them: Biden is “very confident” of Fauci, Jill is to appear w/ him on some “Live with Kelly and Ryan Show.” Sure, a mistake or two was made, but Fauci is “an American hero.” I haven’t heard a murmur about lab origins from anyone I’ve talked to socially.

    The stakes are just too high. The lab origin coverup won’t go anywhere — “Fauci didn’t want to create panic” “Can you blame him for not wanting a political crisis on top of a pandemic? Especially with the Bad Orange Man in charge?”

    But the politicization of Covid to defeat Trump? Which means that everyone suffered and many, many people lost their lives therefrom. Should be the biggest scandal in American history. Suppressing knowledge of treatments? Delaying vaccines? Would the Chinese kill their own people? We did.

    This is one of the reasons my jaw has been on the floor for more than a year.

    Biden’s Tulsa speech had to be one of the most revolting speeches ever given by an American president. Again, no liberal I know is bothered, or has indeed mentioned it — beyond a few crocodile tears for the victims, shed for the first time this year. The history of the Tulsa riot is terrifying though, given that the Dems are doing everything they can to bring those good old days back.

  8. Along with other pertinent information, such as Moderna having a vaccine ready for FDA testing just two days after the Chinese released the virus’ makeup and “US-linked Chinese military scientist filed patent for COVID vaccine just after contagion emerged: report”https://nypost.com/2021/06/04/chinese-scientist-filed-covid-vaccine-patent-after-contagion-emerged-report/ … what the COVID lab leak “debacle” shows is that there was a widespread conspiracy to commit mass murder. And the proof of that assertion is the concerted effort to deny humanity two proven, highly effective treatments; Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Both readily available, easily mass produced, low in cost and with a decades long safety record.

    Call it what it was and is, a monstrous campaign of mass murder and an act of war.

  9. “The history of the Tulsa riot is terrifying though” Nancy B.

    “Officer Tatum — ‘1921 Tulsa Massacre is a giant lie’…”


    Not denying the racism but in the first exchange of gunfire the death toll was 2 blacks killed and 10 whites killed. That’s the match that started the riots. Nor was the racism nearly as rampant as the left would have us believe:

    “The white mobs which had rioted and run amok in the neighborhood of Greenwood were not representative of all of white Tulsa, which reacted to the carnage and damage with shock and dismay. Despite the segregation laws in force within the city limits, many white homes were immediately opened to provide temporary housing to the homeless victims.

    Donations of food, clothing, money, and other needed items were soon pouring into organizations established by local churches to provide what relief they could. Some were made directly to black families by the donors. Churches opened their doors for black congregations to use, separately from their own services, and tents were collected and distributed. The Red Cross provided food and shelter at the detention centers.”


  10. My idiot sister-in-law asked me if I was outraged by the emergence of the lab-leak possibility. I told her that at my age it’s hard to maintain outrage for nearly a year and a half, and walked away.

  11. Update on redstate.com story about the defector from the Can Do! land of Wuhan.

    “UPDATE 12:30 PM PDT, June 4, 2021

    Sources tell RedState the defector has been with the DIA for three months and that he has provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials. In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate. Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector.”


    Leaks and damned leaks. Karma?

  12. I don’t remember where I read it, too much stuff out there now, but apparently the State Department was doing what it could to suppress the information about US funding of the WIV lab and gain-of-function research. Makes me wonder exactly what the real purpose was. The State Department is not exactly a hot bed of science. Is State full of paid up members of the CCP?

  13. @Paul in Boston:

    State has no shortage of people who’d commit treason because it’s just their nature. Of course all Honoraria gratefully accepted.

    When you have a relativist sick culture and are no-longer allowed to believe in yourself as a citizen of a homeland that is worthy of love and loyalty, of course you end up being seduced by every Other you encounter. The Others know precisely who they are and are happy in their own skins. Irresistible to a soulless chest-less pod person.

  14. The making of any lever that can convey advantage or reward will always be taken over by negative power looking for advantage or reward… It is better not to make such levers, then there is no way to pull them…

  15. “It is better not to make such levers, then there is no way to pull them…”

    There may be something to be said for Female Emancipation destroying technologically advanced civilizations before Prometheans Pull the Lever (And they will. Every time. It’s Their Nature) and wipe out Humanity.

    Better the Lesser than the Greater Filter.

    Rinse. Repeat.

  16. I’m assuming you are all reading the RedState report on the Chinese defector and all it’s spin-offs in the press. Om linked and quoted some above.
    First the caution – remember that we always have suspicions of single-source anonymous reports from the MSM; exercise the same cautions for the other side.

    Second the conclusion (which most of the pundits are making) – IF the report is true, then we now know why the Vanity Fair article & the Fauci emails suddenly appeared: battlespace preparation, along the lines Neo and many others have suggested, to get out in front and blame as much on Trump as possible.


    Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.

    UPDATE: Sources tell RedState the defector has been with the DIA for three months and that he has provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials. In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate. Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector.

    That the existence of the defector was being kept from the alphabet agencies by the DIA is the biggest shoe-drop in recent history.


    If any of this turns out to be true—particularly the suggestion that China may have intentionally unleashed the most deadly bioweapon in world history—you might want to begin thinking about where you’re going to spend the U.S.-Sino War. If, as Housley claims, the FBI, CIA, and other federal agencies are swarming with Chinese spies, it would constitute the biggest national security failure in U.S. history—and the most deadly.
    The implications are terrifying.


    [The lab leak] theory was long dismissed as tin foil hat nonsense. It was debunked remember. And now the liberal media is trying to pull off another gaslighting exercise by trying to claim this is breaking news. It’s not. Those of us who weren’t idiots knew this was probably the source. It’s just hilarious how the media excuses itself by saying stuff like ‘Trump or the GOP said it was from a lab’ therefore we couldn’t bother to be objective or do our jobs. You cannot take the role of informer when you’ve been misinforming everyone for years. You can’t say ‘I’m a hero for putting out the fire’…when you started it. “

    Townhall’s Vespa adds this, which is news to me:

    The experts now say the lab leak theory cannot be dismissed and we have new video of Wuhan virology lab technicians mishandling bats. They’re not wearing protective gear, they’re covered in blood, and the bats are biting them. In November of 2019, three staffers were hospitalized with COVID-like symptoms. In December, lab samples were destroyed. Gee—I wonder what happened here?

    Anyone seen a link to that video?

  17. Questions remain: How long was the defector negotiating with DIA, and why did he pick that agency? Why did he defect in the first place? If before November 2020, what did Trump know and when did he know it? If after, has DIA ever briefed Biden’s administration? Congressional committees? (Stop laughing; if they had, we would know it, since sieves are jealous of Congress’s ability to leak information – but since their staffs apparently are as full of CCP spies as the civilian Alphabets, I assume DIA did not tell them squat.)

    And the movie screenplay adds these:
    First, assume the defector ratted out sometime in 2020, and was only extracted 3 months ago. How much did he feed the DIA in the meantime? What does he know about higher-level politics, especially the interest of the CCP in getting Biden elected? (That’s pretty much settled science now; at least, there is more evidence than there ever was for the Trump-Russia “conspiracy”.)

    And for serious tin-foil-hat wearers:
    Is Q an operative of DIA? Was he distracting attention from China by concentrating on voting machines, 4-D chess to out the cheaters, and so forth? (I’m not familiar with the full scope of that operation.)
    Is the long-promised election sting that was tossed about by the QAnons, to their great disappointment on January 6, related to more than just the Democrats’ domestic fraud?

    Coming soon to a Twilight Zone near you.

  18. One more thought, of some comfort – DIA is a component of DOD, and apparently has not sold out to the CCP like the rest of Washington.
    That augurs well for the, fundamental integrity of the military, despite recent fears.
    But what – if anything? – have they told the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary, and when?
    Most importantly:
    Who is the leaker, who authorized him to leak (everybody knows that important leaks are scheduled and controlled by the hierarchy, right?), and why?

    And who knew the leak was coming in time to authorize the release of the Fauci emails (See Sundance at Treehouse; FOIAs are routinely ignored or stonewalled), craft the narrative memos for the Democrat Media, and pull together the Vanity Fair article (do you really believe the author got all those details through her intrepid investigative reporting?)

    This will be fun for several news cycles.

  19. “(do you really believe the author got all those details through her intrepid investigative reporting?)”

    As I become older and meaner and more, shall we say, Based, I find myself pining for a Few Good Honest Seymour Hershes of all people. Life truly *is* strange.

  20. More thoughts – Pompeo was trying to get to the bottom of the lab leak hypothesis, against the NIH and some State operatives, and what was one of the first things Biden’s team did?
    “…as we previously reported, they shut down the State Department investigation into the lab leak theory.”

  21. Aaand we all knew this was coming, right?

    by Shipwreckedcrew
    China is not our friend. The US and its Western allies are finally starting to come around to that fact. For those who haven’t, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a video earlier today that should be required viewing:

  22. This was an interesting story back in January.
    Let’s revisit it in light of the reluctance of the DIA (thus DOD) to reveal their defector to the civilian agencies .


    Hours after President Joe Biden delivered his inaugural address promising to bring unity and healing to the country, his administration began a politically charged attack on a highly respected, newly appointed career intelligence official over fears he would be insufficiently loyal to Democratic partisans. The attempted purge has thus far followed the playbook publicly laid out by top Democrats and their left-wing media enablers.

    In a stunning violation of precedent, Biden’s National Security Agency (NSA) placed General Counsel Michael J. Ellis on administrative leave pending a Defense Inspector General investigation of his recent appointment, as well as an unspecified claim of mishandling of classified information. Ellis has maintained a top security clearance, without any blemish, for more than a decade. He is a trained classification official both as a military officer and civilian.

    While Ellis has prominent defenders from his many years of service in the intelligence community, his detractors include high profile participants in the Russia collusion hoax, proponents of former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s attempt to publish classified information in a book, and some of the individuals who orchestrated the Ukraine impeachment effort.

    He worked for the House Intelligence Committee from 2013 to 2017. In that role, he worked closely with the NSA on legislation, oversight, and investigations. He was the lead staffer for the bipartisan committee report on the Edward Snowden disclosures. While Rep. Adam Schiff on Sunday denounced Ellis for thwarting Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s efforts to distribute and amplify information closely held by the National Security Council, he had previously praised Ellis’s work on the Snowden report.

    Ellis helped draft the bipartisan Intelligence Authorization Acts, FISA reform bills, and cybersecurity information sharing laws. He is an expert on FISA and other intelligence collection authorities, and regularly briefed then-ranking member Schiff on those matters.

    He served the Trump administration as deputy National Security Council legal advisor and then as senior director for Intelligence Programs on the National Security Council. Having worked closely with NSA at senior levels continuously since 2013, he has more relevant experience than any other general counsel in recent memory.

    Anonymous sources purportedly claim that NSA Director Paul Nakasone did not want Ellis in the role. But it’s not his say. The Defense Department general counsel selects the NSA general counsel because of a need for independence. The general counsel frequently needs to speak truthfully to the director and other senior officials, which is made more difficult if he or she serves at the pleasure of the director.

    Defense Department General Counsel Paul Ney selected Ellis in November. But then the NSA slow-rolled Ellis’s appointment. Ellis passed his polygraph exam in December and was subsequently granted his security clearance by the NSA. Among the stalling tactics that NSA deployed was having Gen. Nakasone request an Office of Personnel and Management review. OPM informed him that they don’t review NSA appointments.

    The refusal to appoint Ellis was in violation of merit system principles until it was ordered by the acting secretary of Defense. Pelosi and Schiff have justified their political interference in this career intelligence community position, normally considered off limits for political interference, by asserting without evidence that Ellis’s appointment must have been political.

    Trust in media has declined to an all-time low, with only 18 percent of Republicans trusting outlets. Only 57 percent of Democrats trust the news media. Nearly 60 percent of Americans believe that “most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.”

    The media-enabled push to help Biden politically interfere in a civil service position is an example of why media trust has cratered.

    Like General Flynn in 2016, Ellis is somebody who has the knowledge to get behind all the secret doors where the Democrats have been hiding their illegal and unethical activities.

  23. Things are getting curiouser and curiouser. Good that we have Creepy Joe and the Ho on top of these situations (not).

    Did Creepy Joe know about any of this or know about any of it now? Sort of reminds me of Uncle Joe’s surprise in 1941 to find the German’s on the move again, despite the Nonaggression Pact!

    What did Creepy Joe expect from the CCP, infinite grift?

  24. Now for some more dots on the page. Remember that DIA is a part of DOD aka “The Pentagon” —

    The virus uses its spike protein to bind to cellular receptors in the human body. It burrows into the cell and starts replicating itself until the cell explodes and thousands of baby viruses enter the bloodstream to repeat the process. But the spike protein in question doesn’t appear in many other bat species, although it’s not unheard of in the animal world. That’s why Anderson and a few other researchers are perplexed about the way the virus enters the body.

    This is exactly what gain-of-function research does: it makes it easier for a virus to invade the human body despite being originally infectious only to bats.

    This has been self-evident all along and it’s a wonder that responsible, prominent scientists would go so far as to dismiss the lab-leak theory before all the evidence was in. And it appears that Peter Daszak has played a big role in trying to deflect any investigation away from the Wuhan lab.

    Daszak not only received several million dollars from the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci’s infectious disease group, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,but he also received millions more from the Pentagon which was interested in EcoHealth Alliance activities in gain-of-function research.

    Independent Science News:

    Meticulous investigation of U.S. government databases reveals that Pentagon funding for the EcoHealth Alliance from 2013 to 2020, including contracts, grants and subcontracts, was just under $39 million. Most, $34.6 million, was from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which is a branch of the DOD which states it is tasked to “counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.”

    Most of the remaining money to EHA was from USAID (State Dept.), comprising at least $64,700,000 (1). These two sources thus total over $103 million.

    The Pentagon funding explains why Daszak was so eager to keep his gain-of-function research from going on the chopping block.

    How many people in the grant-granting agencies really knew where Daszak was sending the money? Did the US military knowingly fund a Chinese military op?

    Do we have an authorized leaker about the defector (as I thought before), or a whistleblower who is afraid his insider information is being suppressed by the Pentagon as it would have been by State (under Biden – see Pompeo story above), CIA, FBI, NIH, etc.?

  25. From the “Some of My Best Friends Are…” File comes the latest from the DiploMad:


    “It now seems that rulers of America have decided that Fauci has outlived his usefulness. Time for him to go. I am sure that not too long from now, we will see an announcement that Fauci is leaving; the former Senator from Delaware will award him the Medal of Freedom; he will get a lucrative contract with CNN or MSNBC. The old white guy will be replaced with some appropriate charlatan of the right hue and gender.

    But, of course, the departure of Fauci just means that we will live under Faucism without Fauci.

    Faucism, as you all know, consists of the rule by self-anointed “experts,” maintained by the huge administrative state, protected by high-tech billionaires, shielded from criticism by extreme censorship, and praised by the brainless education industry, and the fake scientists produced by that industry. That continues with or without the old hack.”

  26. I got this story but I do not remember where…
    The story start that The lab was studying old age virus which destroy of kill mass of humans back deep in history.
    The went to search for this in very old historical sites to get some clue or find that virus to study. They found something, they brought it to the lab.

    Is that discovery somehow related to this COVID -19

  27. The problem with banning misinformation is that someone else or some agency
    – but not the reader – determines what constitutes misinformation.
    Of course, this inexorably leads to censorship, which is the entire purpose of banning misinformation.

    This is the same problem with banning hate speech.
    Who defines hate speech?
    When governments have imposed speech restrictions, hate speech is anything and everything the govt. deems is hate speech.

    It is no coincidence that left wing groups , including the demokrat party , are all for banning hate speech or misinformation.

  28. Any speech is “hateful” to somebody. I know — let’s ban all speech! Except Party approved speech…THAT will work!

  29. I wonder why the word “coward” is not applied more frequently and prominently to those people who would restrict speech (hate speech, misinformation, abuses of national security classifications, etc.). We know the best counter to wrong speech is good or better speech.
    Or as Dr. David Brin has so aptly said: “Criticism is the only known antidote to error – CITOKATE”.

  30. One more thought, of some comfort – DIA is a component of DOD, and apparently has not sold out to the CCP like the rest of Washington.
    That augurs well for the, fundamental integrity of the military, despite recent fears.
    But what – if anything? – have they told the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary, and when?

    The Sec of Defense is Lloyd Austin. I’m sure he will support the whistleblower NOT!

    Shaken by concerns of possible right-wing extremism among the troops, Austin on February 5 announced that every single unit of the United States military; Active, Reserve, and Guard would be required to stand down within the next 60 days in order to conduct sensitivity training.

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