Home » Mollie Hemingway has written a new book


Mollie Hemingway has written a new book — 18 Comments

  1. But Bauxite thinks the problem in 2020 was Trump. GOPe(extinct) “thinking?” Looking forward to the book.

  2. I wonder when a member of the press, or maybe Liz Cheney, will come out with a book on the “Big Lie,” and explain point-by-point why this was the “most secure” election ever, and how all of the known irregularities in the five key states amounted to nothing at all.

  3. Mollie is not a kook. I consider her the intellectual heir to Dr. K on Special Report.

    It will be interesting to compare it to Patrick Bryne’s “The Deep Rig.” Bryne was an insider and he attacked the problem from the software and hacking side.

    Bryne told me what I always suspected: Rudy totally screwed that thing up. Rudy was no Jim Baker. Trump needed a Jim Baker.

    Bryne also made a very good suggestion to Trump and, for whatever reason, Trump rejected it.

  4. The MSM and Never Trumpers proclaim that it is a LIE that there was fraud in the election. All claims of such fraud are labeled as BASELESS. And there’s a massive effort to cram this down the throats of the GOP electorate. If there was no fraud and they are so sure of it, they would welcome any audits or other investigations into what happened. But no. The investigations or attempts thereof are called witch hunts and deeply divisive. Honest people are not afraid to have their work examined. They thus do protest too much.

  5. Highly recommend Mollie’s other (co-authored) book “Justice on Trial” about the confirmation of Kavanaugh.
    It covers all the stuff that you and I knew but which WaPo, CNN and NYT consumers never heard. The presentation was perfectly convincing, very open, very well documented, a terrific book to suggest to any liberal who is even half-way intellectually honest.
    Hopefully this one is just as good!

  6. She wrote the definitive account of the attempt to destroy Kavanaugh. I will definitely buy this book. I trust her reporting.

  7. “a “well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

    Had that “well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies” had reason, facts, logic and plain common sense on their side they would have had no need “to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

    That they had to resort to deception, outright lies, censorship and numerous illegalities demonstrates that they knew they couldn’t prevail without resorting to treason.

    No other label than treason fits their behavior.

  8. Mollie is a national treasure and I will certainly buy her book.
    Unfortunately there are not very many people like me.

    I raised the point the other day with my plastic surgeon, while engaged in the ongoing process of whittling me down to a small, non-cancerous object, that although the election will never be overturned, there is 35 to 40 percent of the electorate, including me, who no longer trust the election process. I said that that alone imposes on the government, Democrat or Republican, an obligation to address those concerns and make a major, good faith public effort to transparently investigate and address the problems with the process, rather than dismissing them.
    He is a good government liberal. Who seems to believe everything he is told (what started it is that, rather incredibly, he felt comfortable enough while cutting away at me with a scalpel to express deep concern about what the Republicans are doing to Liz Cheney!).
    This seemed to make an impression. He conceded that I had a good point.
    The fact that nobody in Washington except some allegedly right wing nuts is even talking about election security is pissing me off. I don’t think I’m alone.

  9. Here is a bit of an odd thing. I just went to Amazon to see what the pre-order options were and, partly, to see if they would even allow it to appear. According to that page, the hardcover is set for release on Sept. 21 and there will be a Kindle edition.

    But next to that, there are apparently two other Kindle items on the way. There is something called “Summary of Rigged [, etc.]” by someone (?) named Gold Johnson (never heard of, but okay) that’s scheduled to come out on July 29. And before either of those, another Kindle item called “Analysis of Rigged [, etc.]” by one Eleanore Newman set to appear on June 30 – curiously, well in advance of the book which it purports to analyze. I leave it to you all to draw what conclusions you will from that sequence of dates.

    Assuming those last two objects are even real and not just some kind of Amazonian vaporware (a store search reveals no other actual publications by this ‘Eleanore Newman,’ as far as I can tell), it all makes me wonder what will happen to Hemingway’s book once it is actually published.

  10. Philip Sells, Barnes & Noble has the book for pre-order, with no oddball pre-analyses listed, although there are three comments already for a book which is not yet available.

  11. Agree about Rudy. His shelf life has expired a long time ago. Particularly since Cleta Mitchell was available.

    Everything is out there starting with the Molly Ball Time article. Hemingway is a good collator of information so I believe it will read and lay out the story well.

    Byrne account was a good yarn of personalities, but I still do not believe that there was votes switched overseas. They all fell under QANON disinformation campaign using confirmation bias. There was no Special Forces raids on foreign servers. Did the closed source machine change votes through the adjudication process? Most likely. However we can’t get to the data because people that perpetrated the fraud controlled the data. What a gig!!

    One of my assignments working in the local Republican Party is to write up a summary of election fraud in non-swing state. The fraud was tremendous because the Democrats were determined to be sure Trump would not win the popular vote.


    Here is my conclusion of the report. As a preamble, the RNC was under a consent decree since 1982 to not challenge local election practices due to its earlier mal practices. It was lifted in 2019 but the RNC did not have institutional muscle to work election fraud.

    “Trump must be defeated and his kind never be allowed to rise again.” David Plouffle

    There was an alliance of interested parties to defeat the Trump Agenda as discussed by Molly Ball. The Trump campaign did not prepare for it nor truly prepare the citizens or legislatures that the fraud was coming. This failure lies at the feet of one man…Donald Trump. If a team isn’t not ready then it is the fault of the leader. Trump is famously known as a counter puncher. But for election fraud you have to do pre-emptive punches and it didn’t happen.

    The seed of the RNC consent decree 40 years ago had borne its bitter fruit and the Republic is suffering because of it.

  12. I really enjoy your site, and am glad to hear that you remain one of the few to call out these matters without ambiguity. Where are we heading, indeed?

    I was surprised to have a comment deleted at Liberty Unyielding. It simply indicated that if we do not have a voice in free and fair elections, then most of the rest of what currently passes for politics are thoughtless “support your team” red herrings meant to distract us from the absolutely crucial importance of preserving our birthright, our constitution, and our republic.

    The moderator indicated that he saw no evidence that any such comment had ever been left, although I had edited it several times over an extended period, on their site.

    I wonder if this comment can remain standing? How broad is the reach? How trivial and unimportant a commenter is worth eradicating, to prevent such thoughts from stirring in a body politic?

  13. Trump was saying well before the election that Mail fraud was a huge issue. Remember him telling voters to vote in person, not by mail, and to make sure they brought their mail in ballots with them to make sure they didn’t get used?
    He was pilloried for this, and the Republican Party didn’t back him up.
    Election security should have been job one of the RNC. The idea that the massive fraud was either Trumps fault or something he could have done anything about is more revisionist history.

  14. Boatbuilder – Trump was the head of the Republican Party. He controlled the RNC. He gave direction to the state parties. He warned, but did not put a strong “no crap” person in charge of maintaining election integrity. Peter Navarro would have been a good choice.

    So like any large organization, success or failure lies with the leader. It was Donald Trump. He was warned many time what was coming at us and all he did was talk. In the end he failed himself and us.

    If he runs again I would work even harder for him then in 2020. But I am aware of his shortcomings. Only when we are truthful to ourselves will improvements be made.

  15. I Am Spartacus; Boatbuilder:

    There actually were a lot of legal challenges mounted by the GOP against the election “reforms,” but many of those cases were lost. Somewhere I have a post about it, but I don’t have time to find it now. I don’t know how well coordinated the GOP legal defense was. It may have been centrally coordinated; I just don’t know, and I don’t know how involved Trump would have been or should have been if others were spearheading it and he was delegating it. In addition, some of those voting “reforms” were instituted when there really was a lot of COVID fear, and that made the GOP’s task harder.

    I’m not saying I’m sure you’re wrong about Trump’s dropping the ball. I just don’t know and I’ve never read anything that deals with the issue in a substantive manner.

  16. Officially, yes.
    >Trump was the head of the Republican

    >He controlled the RNC.

    Practically, the Republican Establishment is full of people that Hate Trump. And unfortunately they control a lot of power in the Republican Party and at a state level.

    The 98 to 2 confirmation vote for a Russian Dossier Truther shows you a lot about how pro Trump the gop senators really are. There were no recess Trump appointments, because not even one Senator would dissent.

    I’m still astonished at who must have been in on this election fraud. And the huge silence on the election security issue / fraud from gop office holders is Very Telling. The Ga Gop elected establishment seems to hate Trump.

    The investigation on the gop side seems to being done grudgingly, and only under enormous pressure from gop voters.

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