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The never-ending DC siege — 40 Comments

  1. the armed insurrection led to arrests and not one gun was confiscated…
    the whole thing is ridiculous to any thinking person
    seizing a building would not give anyone a country

    however… they know if they keep doing things the public does not like, eventually even those fences will not hold and the military they want to protect them might join the crowds… such is history..

    but the world over we look like morons…
    even if they took the senators and the house… they would not get the country or control… they could kill them all and we would just elect new people… there is no way to actually seize these people and have power and control of the US

  2. I’d caution against believing this is all some sort of grand design. It’s more likely a result of Congress critters genuinely panicking and now desperately looking for anything to excuse their cowardice. Not that there aren’t plenty of Deep State actors happy to take advantage of the situation.

    And don’t underestimate the underlying state of terror and confusion in people who just put a guy in the White House when his brains are turning to pudding. They saw Trump as an existential threat but, very slowly and with great resistance, they’re starting to realize they replaced him with an even greater existential threat.


  3. Artfldgr insightfully states, “even if they took the senators and the house… they would not get the country or control… they could kill them all and we would just elect new people… there is no way to actually seize these people and have power and control of the US”

    Not ‘we’ but they, which consists of the indoctrinated millions who voted for Xiden. They are the real problem because it is they who enable the left’s monstrousness. They shall deserve the fate they are enabling and, in that enabling stand cursed.


    “don’t underestimate the underlying state of terror and confusion in people who just put a guy in the White House when his brains are turning to pudding.”

    There is an underlying state of fear among those who put Xiden in the WH but not one of terror and confusion. They know exactly what they wish to accomplish… the “fundamental transformation” of America.

    Their fear is based upon the potential capabilities of we on the right and great certainty as to the ‘loyalty’ of the current majority US Military.

    Nothing presents such a threat to the finalization of the left’s ambitions than the prospect that the great majority of the military’s loyalty is to the Constitution. A document whose fundamental premises are hostile to the left’s Marxist premises.

    Enter Sec. Def. Austin whose actual goal is not ending discrimination and increasing diversity but rather fundamentally purging the military of those who take seriously their oath to the Constitution and replacing them with personnel whose loyalty is to the left.

  4. MBunge – if you didn’t know, I was at the Jan 6th rally. I didn’t go into the Capital when I discovered some people who were peppered sprayed by police. The rally was the best tail gate party ever.

    We are all coming to a consensus that the assault was a pre-planned operation aimed to disrupt the chance for a the challenge to be successfully heard. It succeeded brilliantly.

    This is not panic by the deep state but a power play. It is saying to the country class. “You don’t matter. We can do anything we like.” Look at the weaponization of the Legal system. Holding people with out bail. Sweeping up all the cell phones in the area. Bank of America providing transactions of people in that area. Soon the occupation will drag on until through the summer and eventually the capital area will be off limits like the Kremlin to all except the chosen few.

    Also note that the deep state chose to portray Elaine Chao’s resignation of one of principle.



    (The new format is excellent).

    This is their high water mark. The lies are coming out and being exposed.
    Everything is now downhill. Resistance is organizing. Alternative methods of communication are forming. People are now “woke up” not “woke”. I am a fighter. I will not relent. I will not give up. I am working within the system to overcome this injustice. We will succeed.

  5. We are all coming to a consensus that the assault was a pre-planned operation aimed to disrupt the chance for a the challenge to be successfully heard. It succeeded brilliantly.

    I am Spartacus:

    That’s my read.

  6. I prefer not to dwell upon it overly, but we are heading straight into dystopian territory. This is exactly like the sixties leftist fantasies of the State cracking down with lies and violence.

    Except, of course, it’s coming from the left.

  7. Another huge influence is global warming. They have been true believers for a decade. Yet ordinary citizens rolled their eyes and lived like their forebears.
    You will be forced to care.
    Cities up and down the west coast are examining the deletion of the “single family housing” zoning category.
    Gas appliances are gradually being banned.
    The Left will densify population. It’s the only way to make mass transit work, and force people out of their cars.

  8. Good on you, I am Spartacus!

    Like Artfldgr I feel sorry for foreign countries. America is such a joke, and has been for about 20 years. And we keep oscillating between extremes. Yet we are the biggest economic and military force on the planet; so they can’t just ignore us. I feel most sorry for our best allies; UK, Israel, Australia, Canada…

  9. I almost hope it is due to some “master plan.” For months rioters violently attacked a federal building in Portland, even trying to burn it down with security and staff inside, yet the perpetrators of that crime go unpunished. Yet, one day of being swept up with a group and doing some dumb things gets you held for months without bail.

    If there is no nefarious plan to the Legislative and Executive branch’s actions then the only logical conclusion is because the January 6th event was to “their” federal building, rather than one 2,000 miles away in Oregon. No equal protection under the law. Do something to Nancy Pelosi and you lose your rights as a citizen.

    It seems, more and more, that this is as simple as the elites spiting their servants. They are better than us and we will be made to understand that. Especially depressing in a nation where our government is founded on the principle that all citizens are sovereign and representatives are elected to serve us.

  10. Rufus – no doubt the Portland sieges were kept up to train the Antifa troops on how to act in other areas of the country. They were in Hong Kong too according to Michael Yon. Antifa is the SA, Blackshirts, sans culottes and KKK of the totalitarian left. I don’t think there is a master group directing all the activities but an alliance of like minded groups. I can be wrong and will see how it goes.

    Antifa will be unleashed this spring/summer after the George Floyd verdict. But as I have said the rub is that only the blue areas will burn. Red areas will be safe. What the totalitarians will discover is that the mob is not turned off but will consume others. Hitler had to shoot Ernst Rohm in the “night of the long knives”. Napoleon had to give the mob his famous “whiff of grapeshot.”

    Maybe that is why the National Guard is still on duty at the capital. They don’t want to have to call up the troops because of Antifa. Something to ponder.

  11. I’ve always hoped that I’d get to DC again some day to see monuments, museums, and historical landmarks, and the capital. I was there once a long long time ago. I was born there…Walter Reed Army Hospital. But I really didn’t get to enjoy the sights as my parents insisted on bringing me home to Silver Springs. Now I’m not so sure I will ever get back there. I mean, is DC a safe place to go to any more? I am on the west coast, in a rural county that is very conservative. I feel safe here. Hate to say it, but traveling East is somewhat scary, not that the West coast is any safer per se. There is so much Insanity out there…it seems to me.

  12. Why are red state governors allowing their National Guard units to be used in this way? Bringing them home would be a start. Only Texas has done that. And what happened to the dreaded Qanon assault of the capital, planned for yesterday? So serious a threat that the House had to cancel all activities? Crickets in the Media.

  13. “This is not panic by the deep state but a power play.“

    If these people were as smart as you think they are, you wouldn’t even know what they were doing. The Deep State only works as the power behind the throne, not out in the open where everyone can see it.

    If the Deep State was as smart as you think, they would have embraced Trump and given him some token victories in exchange for things that ultimately advanced their agenda. Like giving him money for his wall in exchange for another amnesty.

    Consider this: Who is actually in charge right now? Some smart people would tell you it’s Biden’s chief of staff…but what if Jill Biden wants to make some decisions? What if Pelosi or Schumer have their own agenda? What if Kamala Harris, who has her own circle of advisors, decides she should be running the show?

    And even if Biden’s COS (is it Ron Klain?) manages to hold onto power for a while, he has no responsibility. One big bureaucratic factor in stopping bad decisions is someone in charge who is afraid of getting blamed. But no one is afraid of being blamed as long as Pudding Brain is an Oval Office shield.

    Why do you think they felt comfortable ending that pipeline deal almost as soon as they possibly could, despite serious economic and political downside? Because the people who actually made that decision know THEY will never be blamed for it.


  14. I don’t think that the Democrats working on Capitol Hill are genuinely afraid of “domestic terrorists” or a citizen uprising. Although they are a large group and not homogenous, so probably a few are afraid.

    A permanent state of coup readiness is apparently now necessary.

    I agree, and there are likely a few reasons why. The reason that occurs to me is that news outlets like CNN are now deeply in bed with the Democrat party and are skating on a thin ice layer of credibility. CNN has been providing support to the party, but it is possible that now the party is supporting their own “narrative” and those that disseminate it.

    Increasingly, this all reminds me of the confidence game. When the scam threatens to unravel, always maintain the lie and deny the truth. I’ve been meaning to re-watch the film “House of Games” for 30 years or so, and last week I finally did. It’s a very nice screenplay by David Mamet, and the execution is not bad. There are two points in the film where the fiction of the scam has been botched badly enough that the lie cannot be maintained. The master con artist Mike says,

    Mike: You see, in my trade, this is called – what you did – you cracked out of turn. Huh? You see? You crumbed the play.

    No matter how badly the Dems might crumb their play they will continue to put an Adam Schiff or an Eric Swalwell or a hazy Mazie Hirono in front of a camera to bolster the fiction.

  15. Mike – “If these people were as smart as you think they are, you wouldn’t even know what they were doing. The Deep State only works as the power behind the throne, not out in the open where everyone can see it.”
    I never said these people are smart. But some of the things they have done are ingenious. The battlespace preparation for the great election steal will be studied for years to come. The inept incompetent response would make us the stupid ones. They have a long-term plan and they work it. I recommend that you listen to a podcast on Mondays with the People’s Pundit called “What are the Odds”. In the next post I will provide an email blurb about the latest episode I send to my team of happy warriors.
    They are in charge and they want people to know it. Keeping people in jail without bail is an intimidation tactic. Where is the ACLU in this? The good part about this is now when the totalitarians talk about civil rights I can throw this right back in their faces…and I do.
    Right now there is a power struggle between the Biden Crime Family with their consigliere Ron Klain vs. the Obama Cabal lead by Susan Rice. There are some Clintonistas but with the withdrawal of Neera Tandem they appear to be a spent force. The struggle is surfacing because of the actions/struggles these power factions are engaged in. Who authorized the Syrian air strikes is one I would love to know.
    It is a deliberate strategy to have this unaccountable people have these brain dead executive orders done while Zhou Biaden is in his dotage. That way the blowback will not fall on them. Clever. If you think Kamala is in charge you don’t know her history. She is an apparatchik whose theme song should be Shalamar “Dancing in the Sheets”. She will do what Barak tells her to do.

  16. This one deals with a podcast “What are the Odds” with the People’s Pundit Baris and Barnes that discusses the concluded CPAC and Trump’s speech. I am going to do an overview and not a timeline as they keep bouncing between topics and put a time in () so you can listen to that portion if you desire.

    One comment I will make here is that there was a panel right before Jim Jordan hosted by Maj Toure (founder of Black Guns Matter). It discussed how Black Conservatives are not really part of the populist movement even with Trump’s support. They feel “shut out” in a sense. Really made an impression on me. I tried to get a video of just the panel but it is not available. On the video below go to the 6:09:00 mark for the panel.
    Video: Trump’s Full Speech at CPAC 2021 (theepochtimes.com)

    I encourage you to listen to the changing composition of the party at 53:00 mark as well as presidential contenders and speaking styles at 1:12:30 mark.
    Barnes and Baris on Trump’s CPAC Speech: What Are the Odds? – YouTube

    High points:
    • Trump’s speech was a success (duh). He started out slow and got warmed up when the crowd response was overwhelmingly positive. (17:00)
    o Barnes thinks that he has been isolated and laying low for two months while the impeachment farce was going on. That is why it started slow and then got stronger.
    0 The third party threat was to keep the Senators in line during the i impeachment.
    o He needs to start going out and having rallies and meetings again.
    o CPAC confirms that this is Trump’s party now.
    • Trump is waiting and looking over the landscape to see if he is going to run (1:00 and 27:00)
    • Trump still has some people that need to be purged from his organization. This has been a theme of Barnes since the election.
    o People he deems incompetent or grifters are on the political side. Bill Stepian, Justin Clark and Jason Miller. They have the endorsement side and the first endorsement for Indiana Senate was weak ala Brian Kemp and Luther Moss level of weak/bad.
    0 This team botched the election and wasn’t ready for the shenanigans.
    o Trump’s pollster (McLaughlin) gave out really bad polls. He has a habit of giving the client what they want to hear and not honest polls (1:00:00). More on polling methodology later
    o Endorsement power is diluted if given out too freely (1:45:00). Loyalty vs. competence
    o Good people on Trump team is Corey Lewandowski, Steve Miller and Don Jr.
    0 Don Jr. has replaced Kushner which is a good thing as Jared botched the election oversight. (57:30)
    0 Great news is that Trump started his own PAC and not helping the RNC who diverted funds like grifters. (43:00)
    o Trump needs to ease out the GOPe people like McConnel/Graham who will turn on him or give very bad advice.
    • Very interesting conversation about the changing composition of the party. Its base of strength is shifting to a more working class vs. evangelicals. (53:00). Current polling misses this. McLaughlin is stuck in the suburban mom polling mold. Because of this Trump has added 5 states to the toss-up status.
    • A factor that cost Trump the election was bad data. Bad data is worse that no data. They wasted time and effort in Arizona and Nevada and didn’t do enough to solidify Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. (1:00:00)
    o The expensive data center that was built was reviewed by Baris and it was crap. (1:22:00) This is what the RNC does with money raised by Trump.
    o Energy Independence was not stressed as an issue and now people in Pennsylvania and New Mexico are “surprised” by the Biden policies.(1:03:00)
    o Immigration was not an issue as Trump fixed it. It will be now.
    o Other wedge issues.
    ? Don’t call it Socialism call it Fascism (1:05:00). I really endorse this idea.
    • Corporate Tyranny
    0 Use Gates now as a foil or boogey man vs. Soros. (1:08:00). He is equally disliked by both right and left.
    0 Equality act/Defund the Police are a huge winners too. (39:00)
    o Democrats employ a long-term policy of trying to flip states. They strategize over several election cycles and right now they have Texas and Georgia in their sights. Republicans is living up to the “stupid” party moniker as they don’t have a similar strategy.
    o Biden current poll number are crap as the wrong questions are asked. (1:24:00)
    o Baris is working on an alternative polling methodology that looks at factors other than just socio-economic demographics for example, rural vs. urban (1:53:00)

    • Presidential Contenders and speaking styles (1:12:30)
    o DeSantis and Noem would be excellent VP choices.
    o Don JR and Laura are natural. Don should try and be a governor out west.
    0 Both are authentic and really like people (1:40:00)
    o Hawley, Cruz and Pompeo are “political” style speakers and needs to change to be more effective.
    o Trump is a riffing jazz speaker who should go back to using his hands more as illustrators (33:00)
    0 Trump is closer to black preacher style in phrasing and delivery. In summary let Trump be Trump. (1:37:00)

    Trump actually left office looking as good as he came in if not better. Compare to how Bush and Obama looked before and after leaving office (1:19:00)

  17. Garrett Crawford:

    What makes you think red state governors still have their troops there, except for Texas? Six weeks ago a lot of states pulled out and criticized the continual presence of the Nation Guard there. See this from January 23, for example:

    …[A]t least eight governors, including Florida’s Ron DeSantis and Chris Sununu in New Hampshire, have already pulled back troops, angered at their treatment.

    Both appeared on Fox News to slam the decision to keep the troops in D.C. after service members were seen sleeping in a freezing parking lot on their breaks, and it emerged that up to 200 members deployed there have since tested positive for COVID-19…

    The Florida governor also took issue with reports that members were vetted ahead of the inauguration amid fears that the event could be targeted by a person on the inside. There were 12 troops dismissed as a result.

    ‘And this comes on the back end of them trying to investigate the backgrounds of our Guardsmen,’ DeSantis added.

    ‘Florida, we did not let them go into their political beliefs. I thought that was totally inappropriate. I thought it was very disrespectful for people who are clearly patriots. So, this is a half-cocked mission at this point, and I think the appropriate thing is to bring them home.’//.

    DeSantis and Abbot were joining in calling troops home by the governors of New Hampshire, Montana, Alaska, Massachusetts, Arizona, and Tennessee.

    Note Massachusetts and Arizona, not red states. And as I said, that article was six weeks ago. I would bet plenty of other governors have done the same since then. Only 5,000 troops remain, and I have read that 1,000 of them are from Michigan.

  18. “She will do what Barak tells her to do.”

    Why? Seriously. Why? She’s Vice President and the next President is almost certainly going to be either her or a Republican. If Obama tells her to do something and she refuses…what’s actually going to happen?

    Let’s try this another way. If Obama is so cunning and powerful, how did he and Democrats end up with only one of two choices in 2016 – Bernie or Hillary?


  19. MBunge:

    They’re smart but not clairvoyant. They thought Hillary was a shoo-in. They didn’t anticipate Trump, but then few did.

    I agree, though, that Kamala might turn out to have a will of her own. However, I doubt her will diverges much with the will of the left.

  20. I’d add that Harris is not a popular figure, even among Democrats. She had to drop out early in the 2020 primaries, even though she made sense as an identity candidate.

    Therefore, I’d say retaining Obama’s support is important to her.

    I’m wondering where the Bernie Bros. have landed. The fast behind-the-scenes work to give Biden the nomination at Bernie’s expense must pissed off some of the Sanders supporters.

  21. “Why? Seriously. Why? She’s Vice President and the next President is almost certainly going to be either her or a Republican. If Obama tells her to do something and she refuses…what’s actually going to happen?”

    She will be impeached, removed or worse ignored. She has no independent power base. No one in the White House is from her team. So she has the title but not the people to execute the policies she demands. Just ask Trump. He can give you the blow by blow account of how the Deep State does what it wants to. Until there is a massive restructuring of the Federal Government or there is a hard ass Human Resource Team it isn’t going to change. When you do what the Deep State wants they will support you.

    She is immensely unlikeable and has no command leadership. She is use to taking orders not giving them. Woke ain’t going to help her either. She is the figurehead and nothing more.

  22. And why does Dr. Edith not direct the Cloth-headed Dummy (aka Creepy Joe) to do whatever she wants? Is she the actual President or not? Too much dirt on the Biden crime family, kompromat from CCP? Could it be that what Dr. Edith “wants” seems to line up with what the CCP and the left and Kamala “want?” It is really a conundrum.

  23. “She will be impeached, removed or worse ignored.”

    A Democratic Congress is going to impeach a Democratic Vice President because Barack Obama tells them too? Put down the peace pipe, my friend.


  24. “They’re smart but not clairvoyant. They thought Hillary was a shoo-in.”

    It’s not that they thought she would win. It’s why did they supposedly want her in the first place? It wasn’t because she was a woman because that didn’t matter AT ALL in the 2020 primaries.

    It’s because the Clinton Machine still largely ran the Democratic Party, even 16 years after leaving office and after eight years of another Democrat in the White House. Hillary’s loss destroyed the Machine and the Obama crew have stepped into the void, along with the neocons getting kicked out of the GOP, but I would bet money that Hillary was NOT Barack Obama’s preferred choice of a candidate in 2016.


  25. “If Obama is so cunning and powerful, how did he and Democrats end up with only one of two choices in 2016 – Bernie or Hillary?”

    Followed by “but I would bet money that Hillary was NOT Barack Obama’s preferred choice of a candidate in 2016.”

    Is he or isn’t he? Does he or doesn’t he matter? What is the story? Just trying to keep up (not really). It’s Friday after al. 🙂

  26. MBunge:

    I disagree. I think he was fine with her running. I think he felt she would continue his “legacy.” And it wasn’t as though there were tons of other great options. His more preferred candidates (Eric Holder?) wouldn’t have been able to win. It had to be someone basically simpatico politically who could win.

  27. It just so happens that “The Conservative Treehouse” has created a post about the same thing we are discussing. It starts with what is happening to Cuomo and goes to Harris. The money paragraphs.

    “Team Obama selected Joe Biden specifically because he was controllable; extremely controllable and almost cognitively disconnected from any functional capabilities. Team Obama also selected and installed Kamala Harris as the Vice President with the intent to use her as the substantive and moldable ally.

    When Biden is removed, willingly or by political power, the radicals are planning to use Kamala to continue their “fundamental change” priorities. Biden is being thrown upon the spears of those who want to defend against the attack of the radicals. The extreme policies we are seeing come from the Biden administration are being assigned to him specifically because he is disposable. The radicals do not care about public opinion of the policies or outcomes because they have Biden in place to absorb all the negative attachments.

    Kamala Harris is the key to seeing the hidden hand of the Obama control agents at work. Harris’s associations are Obama’s associations. Harris’s crew is Obama’s crew. Anyone who is not Harris; and who carries a perspective of potential political influence; is now a thorn in the agenda.”

    This is the foe we fight. They had to go above ground to defeat Trump. We need to isolate and render them powerless. Susan Rice/Mark Elias (election lawyer)/John Podesta are some of the high profile decision makers/implementers.


  28. John Podesta is one of the major powers in the Democrat party. It was not long after Podesta became Obama’s chief of staff that Obama came up with his “a pen and a phone” strategy. I believe it is true that ruling by executive order was historically and correctly seen as an anti-democratic mechanism.

    While Obama used EO’s adroitly and powerfully, my recollection is that he did not go berserk in spewing them out in quantity. Now even the pretense of moderation is gone.

  29. Kamala Harris is the key to seeing the hidden hand of the Obama control agents at work.

    I am Spartacus:

    That’s how I see it. She was the Obama heir apparent, but couldn’t hack it in the primaries. Obama couldn’t control Bernie and probably didn’t like Bernie. Biden was a flawed, but acceptable vessel in the age of Covid. QED.

    I don’t think Obama wants to work hard or in the public eye, but exercise power from the shadows? Suits him down to the ground.

  30. Just proof that the National Guard should be replaced with minimum wage workers in an emergency. It takes training and organization to support a coup. And they are getting paid for an insurrection in addition to the cookies!

  31. Powerful posts by I am Spartacus, and comments relating to his thoughts.

    I understand that FNC has an exclusive leaked report from Lt Gen Russel Honore, that he recommends a permanent Quick Reaction Force be set up in DC, costing some $130 million a year, in order to put down any vague or none existent “threat” to our new Oligarchs ruling from there.

    As reported exclusively by Fox News, based on a draft copy of the general’s recommendations, contain a startling provision to staff a “quick reaction force” at the nation’s capitol permanently.

    “The government should create an around-the-clock ‘quick reaction force’ of federal law enforcement officers or members of the National Guard at the U.S. Capitol,” Fox News reported, based on a “six-week security review of the Jan. 6 riot led by retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré has recommended.”

    “A draft copy of the task force’s recommendations, exclusively obtained by Fox News, also calls for U.S. Capitol police reforms, an increased National Guard presence and stocking up on mobile fencing that could be deployed in response to a crisis in the future, then quickly packed up when it’s over,” the network reported.

    Speaker Pelosi’s purportedly ‘non-partisan’ review panel, dubbed Task Force 1-6, is led by Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré. As reported here exclusively, the general has a more extensive history of partisanship than most reports indicate.

    The Quick Reaction Force or QRD, would be “manned 24/7, 365 days a year,” Fox News reported, and would cost taxpayers “between $40 and $130 million annually.”

    “Members of the force would either be recruited from existing federal law enforcement, established under the D.C. National Guard or from Guard units from all over the U.S. for three to six month stints, or reestablishing a military police battalion from troops. who live in or near the city year-round, perpetually on active duty,” Fox News continued in its exclusive report.

    “Other recommendations include hiring nearly 900 more USCP officers, a 40% increase to the force,” the report continued. “The department put in about 720,000 overtime hours in the last fiscal year, and currently has more than 200 vacant positions.”

    “Not only is this model unsustainable, it leaves the force with no ability to pull officers from the line to train,” the report says.

    “The [Capitol Police Board’s] deliberate decision-making process proved too slow and cumbersome to respond to the crisis in January, delaying requests for critical supplemental resources,” the report concluded. “Specifically, the USCP Chief should not require CPB approval to request assistance from external agencies or the National Guard in an emergency.”

    Speaker Pelosi’s hand-picked panel suggests that blame lies with the Capitol Police and the National Guard for security failures.


    I am Spartacus’ insights look confirmed by this development.

  32. @TJ:

    So who gets to play General Sejanus while Biden frolics with his Little Fishes?

  33. I disagree with all the anti-Obama, anti-Harris comments.
    IMO, the Democratic Party has become the communist party, and acts like it without blushing. The Capitol complex has become the new Kremlin, accessible to only a rare entry.
    Harris & Xiden are only two pawns on the board, providing legitimacy by their “election”.

    If you think tables will be magically turned in 2022, you are delusional. Look at the poll that finds 60% of New Yorkers STILL do not think Cuomo, the mass murderer of the elderly, should resign. Despite the complaints of the sexually harrassed, we really have no facts as to what Cuomo the single governor has really done to achieve orgasms, which have become our greatest and highest secular goal (God save us!)

    The USA is peopled mostly by the willfully ignorant and is no longer to be depended upon.

  34. When Biden is removed, willingly or by political power, the radicals are planning to use Kamala to continue their “fundamental change” priorities.

    I think Sundance overestimates Obama.

    Our problem isn’t ‘communism’, but flagrant criminality and the assent of half the public in that criminality. This will not end well.

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