Home » Just call him Bill “Phaethon” Gates


Just call him Bill “Phaethon” Gates — 25 Comments

  1. Hey! They mean well. What could go wrong with such good intentions?

    Hold them personally responsible. Not for being wrong but for arrogantly dismissing reasoned objections.

    You don’t put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, on the off chance that the gun is unloaded, just because someone has suggested that it’s probably unloaded.

  2. Back in the day I saw Paul Erlich give informal classes in Berserkeley, and worked with one of his former students. Famine is on the way, Paul Erlich told us 50 years ago. Didn’t work out that way, didn’t it?

    One thing that persuaded me that that Ehrlich was a self-aggrandizing purveyor of disaster porn was reading The Population Bomb in 1979, when its absurdity was already manifest. Some years later, the young Charles Krauthammer wrote an article on the eschatological impulse in the culture, maintaining that the writings of Hal Lindsay, Paul Ehrlich and the Club of Rome, Paul Erdman, and Helen Caldicott were all drawing on the same cultural reservoir.

  3. These globalist schemes promoted by elites almost always end up hurting the poor the most. Hubris is dangerous.

  4. The idea that mankind (humankind) can somehow control the temperature of the earth is all part of the magical thinking that motivates most progressives.. And as Thomas Sowell has pointed out they engage in Stage I thinking and never quite consider the consequences of their great ideas. More people die of cold than heat and plants prefer warmth.

  5. Tuvea,

    It’s a good technique to sequester CO2. The real question, of course, is do we need to do this?? The whole scheme of CO2 driving the climate is based on models (uh oh models again!) where a positive feedback loop is initiated with CO2 driving up water vapor. Water is the true greenhouse gas, not CO2. It outperforms CO2 in IR absorption by a factor of a 1000. The models are not performing well against real data, but that has not stopped the climate change train from slowing down for the past 25 years. Too good a con to keep the masses and economy under government control.

  6. Bill Gates is a typical People’s Republic Of Puget Sound (PROPS) liberal. Only he has more money than all of them. I applaud his desire to do good with his money. What is passing strange is the form that takes. He consults academics for ideas to use his money to solve BIG problems. Unfortunately, most of those people have no real practical experience. They have BIG ideas, but are short on actual results. Gates could do more good by using his wealth to create new companies and the jobs that go with them than by these vast schemes to solve non-problems like global warming. That’s what his old partner, Paul Allen, did. Mike Rowe does more good for humanity than Bill Gates, even though he hasn’t got Gates’ money.

    Heck, if he really wants to do good, he could use his money to try to solve the addiction/mental health problems that are causing the homeless crisis right here in PROPS. But, no, that’s too small a problem for a man of his wealth and genius. Yes, he’s very much like Phaeton.

  7. Physicsguy, I like your explanation of the warmers theory of global warming. Simple and understandable. I hope you don’t mind if I steal it to use in my debates on AGW.

    One thing I used to badger the Real Climate experts about was the double-edged sword affect of clouds. Clouds can trap the heat beneath them, but they can also prevent heat from reaching Earth. No one needs to be a scientist to understand that. So, water vapor is both a heat trapper and a heat reflector. Since water vapor is unevenly dispersed (Dry air masses and wet air masses.) about the Earth, it makes it extremely difficult to predict or “model” whether water vapor is causing more heating or more cooling. What’s your opinion about that?

  8. Physicsguy, thanks for yet another great SCIENCE based CLEAR explanation.

    Neo, thanks for hosting a fact based blog.

    Everyone … Happy New Year!

  9. @JJ’s

    If Bill Gates were to take on the Sacklers and the PRC to try to stem the drug devastation scything through the peasantry in his nation, *that* would be flying to close to the sun. Which one of the above would burn him to a crisp faster is left as an exercise for the reader. Me, personally, I’d start a Land War in Asia before belling the Sackler Cat 😛

    Gates is possibly just a super high-functioning sperg. All his early behaviour points to this. He only got ‘religion’ double quickfast when the entire equally corrupt establishment went after him in the 90s for his utterly amoral business practices. He received the shock of his life when he realised that he *could* be taken down in a state / federal pile-on witch hunt (because after all he was a total #@#$bag and had accumulated tons of enemies). So he got religion and rapidly acquired a wife plus set up a massive foundation to improve optics and pay off anyone who needed paying off.

    (FWIW, I’ve run into more than one very successful high functioning sperg who relies utterly on his wife to manage the social aspects of his business as well as personal life. Being genius level smart only gets you so far and some of them are clued up enough to realise that going into partnership with a ‘WifeBot’ who gets those pesky humans will work wonders. Problem for the rest of us pesky humans is that said wives tend to be far to the left of their husbands who they proceed to lead around by their noses or other appendages — cf. Jobs a totally apolitical sociopath whose fortune now controlled by progressive witch widow. And of course foundations rapidly take on lives of their own, said lives always being progressive ones.)

    But… end of the day… we’re all just Ants to the likes of Gates. He hasn’t had much interaction with regular humanoids during his entire life. Plus on the spectrum to boot. Experimenting on us is no doubtless no different to what he was doing with ants and magnifying glass at age 6. Whatever fun games he gets to play with the environment, they’re not going to hurt him if they go wrong.

  10. Eventually, we will have the technology and power to enact global changes in climate. For now, we are not even close.

    Consider… when Mt. St. Helen erupted in 2008 the release of energy was greater than the total sum of all energy generated by all human beings to date. That eruption, in the duration of seconds, blasted enough dust particles into the stratosphere blocking sunlight, to produce a slightly measurable drop in global temperatures for two years.

    We simply do not yet have the magnitudes of power needed to make such changes. Which is a good thing… When you have all your eggs in one basket, is it really wise to experiment on that basket?

    Eventually, we may get a chance to try to terra-form other planets. When we do that, there won’t be live humans on the planet at the time.

  11. The hubris and arrogance of some folks, like Bill Gates, is beyond description.

    Check it out; planet earth many times in the past has been as warm or warmer than present; well before humans could have affected the climate and well after the present configuration of the continents was established.

    Nobody knows what caused ice ages to commence / terminate; no one knows what caused previous warm periods to start / end.
    And when has earth’s climate not changed??
    If the historical climate cannot be explained how can one presume to predict the climate 50, 100, 200 years hence??

    We all still await the permanent inundation of lower Manhattan as predicted by Hansen in about 1990 or so.

    The global warming scam is a perfect example of the effectiveness of persistent, determined, repetitive propaganda. Despite its proponents having a near perfect record of being totally wrong over the last 30 years, many average folks believe in this fraud.

    By the way, this fellow Hansen – the guy who literally started the warming scam – in the 1970s was one of the key players in warning about The Coming Ice Age. He, and others , based this upon the previous 30 years or so of very cold winters.
    (Wait a minute; if CO2 has consistently risen since 1900, how is it possible that a 30 year +/- period of colder climate could have “snuck in” in the middle of the 20th century?? Oh well, let’s move on)
    On youtube you can watch a pseudo-documentary on The Coming Ice Age with interviews of scientists and scenes of Arctic like weather in the USA. Yep, it’s very convincing.

  12. Total hubris.

    They have NO idea what that will unleash IF they are successful, which I doubt.

    Cannot stand those people who think they are gods.

  13. Zaphod: “He only got ‘religion’ double quickfast when the entire equally corrupt establishment went after him in the 90s for his utterly amoral business practices.”

    Thanks for the memory. I had forgotten how we was taken to task for buying up all the competition. He must wonder what’s going on now. Facebook, Google and others are much more rapacious than he was.

  14. Best news aggregator of the ‘Webz has the last word.


    Bill Gates, being one of our betters, is always on the lookout for new ways to save dummies like you and me from our own bumbling idiocy. From pandemic prevention, to vaccinations, to climate change intervention, Gates has dedicated substantial portions of his billions to knowing what’s best for you.

    And now he wants to lower the temperature of the earth by…

    *Checks notes*

    Filling the atmosphere with more pollution?

    Because the best way to save the world from the effects of pollution is by adding more pollution.
    Guys, don’t mess with the weather. Please, just leave it alone. It’s fine.

  15. Om,

    I have confused nothing. The Mt. St. Helen’s eruption was just one I happen to know something about.

    Do have anything actually relevant to contribute or do you just come here to demean others in an attempt to inflate your own ego?

  16. Before Gates starts messing with the atmosphere, I think he should get the bugs out of Win10.

  17. Rusty: he doesn’t work at Microsoft anymore, technically. Even Gates gave up on Windows!

  18. Roy Nathanson:

    I actually worked for BN on the Mt St Helens geothermal prospect in the summer that Mt St Helens erupted, the prospect and property wound up mostly in eastern WA. BN wound up trading their land to the Forest Service, no longer a viable prospect being on an active volcano. ….. So I know a bit about the eruption and the geology\volcanology. Mt. Pinatubo had a significant impact on global climate thought to be a result of sulfur based aerosols in the upper atmosphere. Mt St. Helens not so much.

    Your point is what again?

    Your faith in science fiction speaks for itself.

  19. Have these arrogant fools considered the decline in sunspot activity in recent years that will almost certainly lead to global cooling, over several decades, and whether this extra cooling they so wisely decided to provide us would have an additive or multiplicative effect?

    This is unbelievably dangerous. Gates, with his WHO and vaccines for all craziness has become one of my least favorite people.

    A dumb idea based on hubris that we completely understand how the world works, well enough to “fix” it without screwing it up worse. Never mind that the world does not belong to us in the first place, These people are insufferable.

  20. Roy Nathanson:

    Of course the non airborne part of Mt St Helens eruption mostly went down the Cowlitz River and into the Columbia River (debris flow/mud flow) IIRC. And of course it erupted in May 1980 not 2008. Details matter sometimes even more than ego?

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