Home » Governor DeSantis says whoop dee doo


Governor DeSantis says whoop dee doo — 9 Comments

  1. Given the comments of Kamala Harris, Andrew Cuomo and other demokrats who claimed that because Trump was spearheading the vaccine production and distribution the vaccine would be faulty / lethal / ineffective, etc., it’s too bad that these assholes cannot be prohibited – along with their ENTIRE EXTENDED families – from receiving the vaccine.
    Of course, if these SOBs delivered a public apology, perhaps their family members should be allowed to take the vaccine; but not Harris, Cuomo, et. al.

    Unfortunately politicians , in particular leftist politicians, are immune, exempt and never held to account for their actions or statements; they literally can get away with murder or even stealing an election.

  2. Once you vaccinate the l/t care population (> 1 million) and the hands-on medical sector workers (~ 9 million, of whom 4 million are nurses), you’ve got about two sensible ideas for distributional priorities.

    1. Line people up in birth order, oldest to youngest.

    2. Make an actuarial calculation with a couple of vectors taken into account: (1) the probability of death at a given age if you contract the virus and (2) the life expectancy of an undifferentiated person that age. You could calculate for each age the number of projected years of life saved if those in said cohort were completely spared of COVID. You could then rank-order chronological ages according to this metric. One might guess there would be an age where the effects of the vaccine were optimally felt (say, 72 years old) after which the rank-order would proceed roughly according to which ages were most proximate to that optimal value.

    Note that the CDC committee recommended neither of these approaches. They just said the first was unacceptable because too many high priority people were of the Benighted rather than being drawn from the mascots of the Anointed. Most of our professional-managerial class is untrustworthy and simply doesn’t have the same moral sentiments normal people do.

  3. What commentary on our society’s voters that so few elected politicians have their head on straight. Bravo Gov. Santis.

  4. De Santis 2024.

    Here in NC, they are following the warped CDC guidelines. They’re offering vaccine to front-line heath care workers (good) and hitting the nursing homes (good). Then they’re detouring to “essential” workers before going back to over-65s.

  5. This guy has hands down done the best job with COVID of any elected official in the US. He has taken reasonable action, he has been open to hearing outside experts, and now Florida is in better shape than the idiots that have destroyed California, New York, New Jersey.

    Kristi Noem has also been great but South Dakota is too small a state.

  6. Griffin:
    California, NY, and NJ deserve destruction. They brought it on themselves. NY has a mass murderer of the elderly as guv.

    Perhaps you read the story of the wonderful public health dodoes that gave 40-some people injections of the COVID antibody instead of the vaccine. They did not even read the labels before giving the injections. But they are deemed “essential workers”.
    I won’t be taking the vaccine anytime soon.

  7. Personally, I am entirely on board, even enthusiastic, about a Noem/DeSantis ticket in 2024.” – Ackler

    “Hawley is future presidential material and the left really hate him. He’s got a lot of Ted Cruz with a more likable personality.” – Griffin

    I’m torn between so many good prospects for the future.
    I would even take Ted if he ran again, but would prefer to see him on the Supreme Court once the true conservatives have control of the Senate & Presidency again.

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