Home » The war on Trump: almost a third of Democrats think the election was probably stolen from Trump


The war on Trump: almost a third of Democrats think the election was probably stolen from Trump — 27 Comments

  1. With all the flips in the House (something like 15 and still counting) you would think even the dems would start screaming FRAUD in Cali and NY!

    But only in those races.

  2. I can easily imagine that many leftists (including the majority of members of D.C.’s permanent bureaucracy, i.e. the Deep State) would be completely unconcerned even if confronted by evidence in court, credible beyond any reasonable doubt, that the election had indeed been stolen. After all, Trump was obviously illegitimate, clearly some kind of puppet of the dastardly Putin, and, quite possibly, the single worst person in the entire history of humanity; wouldn’t the removal of such a monster, by any means necessary, be a moral act carried out by selfless patriots intent only upon saving the republic?

  3. Dems may actually believe this, or simply see it as:
    1) a feature, not a bug, and
    2) Trump deserved it

  4. My outrage is nearly worn out. There is so much to be outraged about on a daily basis starting with how Joe Biden has received bribe money via Hunter. China owns Biden.

    But this is really something: Dems accept the fact that they cheated in order to win.

    Every REAL AMERICAN should be demanding fair elections. And where is the FBI on this? I thought Barr was the real deal. We knew the Dems could cheat with mail-in voting (that’s why they demanded it), but this other stuff is provable. The stoppage of the counting in the key states and then hoards of Biden votes showing up in the wee hours says everything.

    And Sidney Powell better be correct about the software.

    There’s two ways to win this:
    1. Federal court; and
    2. State legislatures in the cheating states send Trump electors to the Electoral College.

    I just wonder if there are enough brave people to do this. And why should this take so much courage? If there is solid evidence the Dems cheated, this should be stopped.

    Heck, the Houston Astros got in more trouble over stealing signs at baseball games then the Dems get for stealing the Presidency.

  5. It is remarkable how willing some people are, who even knowing that they have the right on their side, who, even knowing that all legal avenues have not been explored, who even knowing that the consequences of their folding will destroy the integrity of the very system they rely on to support them, will nonetheless roll over and fold.

    Snap your fingers at them and they cower. You don’t even have to really threaten. They will speed dial their lawyers, decide that standing for what is true is not worth it, and drop to their knees. Just as – one assumes – their ancestors always did.

    These people are unfit to take their place as peers among free men and women.

    Too often however their needy craving for approval, recognition and status successfully drives these morally weak and worthless people to seek positions of responsibility, the duties and demands of which they are manifestly incapable of fulfilling.

    Who would voluntarily choose to associate with such miserable humans? Who finding themselves sharing a political space with such people, would trust them to have a say in your fate?

  6. Just think for a moment how being a good loser to cheats and liars has shaped this country and the lives of us all for the worse in the past.

    If we lose our freedoms, our heritage, and eventually our lives, let us at least not give up on the easy fights.

    A fate shared with the collectivist organisms of the left and their masters, if it is not worse than death, certainly amounts to the same thing.

  7. “I just wonder if there are enough brave people to do this. And why should this take so much courage?”

    Probably not. And it doesn’t really take all that much courage. Just some courage and a lot of integrity.

    But in a “gurl culture” world where inclusion, popularity, acceptance, security, comfort, physical pleasure and agreeability mean everything, and liberty, law and personal integrity almost nothing, those who fought so hard to be given the responsibility to protect integrity, collapse the moment someone looks crosswise at them. Just as in Neo’s link to the Wayne County Republican canvassers.

    People blame too much on feminism though. Personally, I think it is the fault of antibiotics … LOL

  8. “One of many reasons was that I was afraid of fraud, but still another reason was that even if Trump was elected I felt that the attacks would ramp up. Riots, lawfare, allegations of fraud, …”

    Riots in the streets with Trump in office and the Republicans holding the Senate, are nothing compared to what potentially may come your way when the lawless and the limitless marxists run the federal executive, control legislation, and both dominate and command the military.

    It is one thing to have to defend yourself as rioters try to tear your home apart. It is another to have your government at all levels encourage it after proactively seeking to limit your ability to do so.

    Conservatives who talk of civil war have no idea how thoroughly the organisms of the left have gamed all of this out years before. Your electricity is shut off. No gasoline. No state militias anymore. The entire country deliberately and systematically over decades now, salted and settled in even the more remote urban centers with foreign born and Democrat party client populations.

    Their antennae are always out. Their social change precipitation and reorganization plans as we know for a fact from their own publications be it Rules for Radicals, or Cloward Piven, or Gramscian programs, or even the old Humanist Manifesto … have been in play for decades. You have been busy planning and “farming your fields” as they were busy planning on how to farm you.

    Just try to imagine how you can possibly put breathing distance between yourself and them nowadays if and when Joe P.O.S. becomes Joe POTUS. Their entire lives have been dedicated to ensuring that that can never happen.

    Riots WITH Trump in office? At least it bears some resemblance to a fair fight, rather than a massacre and round-up.

    Once Creepy Joe and his posse take charge, conservatives will not be defiantly standing free in free states, they will be scattered to the 4 winds, hiding in their basements, the braver already neutralized … and praying … “Oh come Ye comet, and end it all.”

    Unless they are the Mark kind. In which case they will present their papers and drop to all fours.

  9. DNW:

    I hope you didn’t think that I was saying that the prospects of the backlash to Trump winning were worse than the prospects of him losing. Nothing I wrote was meant to convey that idea.

    I am fully aware of the dangers of the left and have never – never ever – been sanguine about some sort of civil war. In fact I believe I wrote a post long ago (don’t know how to find it) that those who think their gun ownership will somehow protect them are wrong, IMHO. A ruthless enough state has ways of dealing with that. And I think we’ve had plenty of demonstration in the last couple of years and especially the last 8 months or so that most people will comply and surrender their liberty.

  10. DNW:

    Mark “the veteran conservative,” is a poser and a fraud IMO. Saw service in Star Wars or as a Stormship Trooper.

  11. I don’t know if Sidney Powell has the evidence she says she has, but why is it so hard to wait a couple of weeks to find out? Why this need to dismiss her claims out of hand? I hear a lot of people saying that her claims undermine the faith of the American voter in the integrity of the election process. But that ship has already sailed. How can anyone really have faith in such a ridiculous system where we are still counting votes more than two weeks after the election? A system where some votes are stored as percentages by a foreign owned software company and tabulated in other foreign countries.

    I must admit my ignorance on how the vote counting was done in a number of states. I had a similar feeling when I found out that the vast majority of our drugs were manufactured in China. How did we let this happen? No matter what the outcome of this election, it should be obvious to anyone that our voting system is an absolute disgrace. Sidney Powell is not the one to blame for the lack of faith in the integrity of our elections, the blame should be placed on those who designed and implemented these systems in the first place.

  12. Remember what were once referred to as Reagan Democrats?

    I get the impression that among that “almost a third of Democrats” are a considerable number of what we might analogously call Trump Democrats. Maybe my impression is mistaken, but if not, that could go a long way towards explaining how and why so many Democrats (self-identified) in the Rasmussen survey think it very-or-somewhat likely that the election was stolen.

  13. Well, the country survived one Civil War. It remains to be seen whether it can survive another.
    Of course, I don’t expect organized armies in pitched battles. There are many more sophisticated weapons for waging war now. At least one side has learned that it is not necessary to deal with all of the blood and gore when you can simply disenfranchise and marginalize your opponents. Dare I say, “cancel them”? Naturally, some street violence may be necessary to demonstrate that you have the means and the moral imperative to use harsher methods if required.
    It remains to be seen how much will, and with what weapons, the other side will contest the issue.
    Come to think of it, maybe this Civil War was fought and lost in the classrooms, on the campuses, and in chat rooms when we weren’t paying attention.

  14. I watched the election results in the 2018 mid-term elections in Orange County flip overnight from Republican (in conservative districts) to Democrat. At that point, I told my sweetheart that Democrats had mastered voter fraud, and that no election in the future would be free of it. Sometimes, I hate it when I’m right.

  15. neo states, “They will never stop.” and “The left would stop at nothing to stop Trump.”

    Oh they can be stopped all right. If they and we are lucky, America’s justice system retains enough integrity to stop them. If not and that is the more likely outcome, then “politics by other means” will be all that remains.

    Absent sufficient fidelity to the rule of law, there is no other recourse than force to ideological fanatics who will stop at nothing to forcibly impose their ideology upon others.

    The question then becomes are there enough patriots willing to go to war to preserve the American Republic and do they have the means to win…

  16. “wouldn’t the removal of such a monster, by any means necessary, be a moral act carried out by selfless patriots intent only upon saving the republic?” j e

    Not when that ‘moral act’ also requires the “deprogramming” of 75 Million Americans. “By their fruits shall ye know them”


    There are three ways to win this;
    3. “politics by ‘other’ means”…


    “those who think their gun ownership will somehow protect them are wrong, IMHO. A ruthless enough state has ways of dealing with that.”

    Ruthlessness is not the sole province of the left. Preservation of our Constitutional Republic has stayed the hand of the right. But once the left demonstates the Constitution to be a dead letter, which a successful but undeniable theft of a Presidential election will begin to make undeniable, followed by tyrannical actions which remove all doubt, then the kid gloves will come off and the left will have a short and highly ‘unpleasant’ introduction to 4th Generation Warfare and logistical realities.

  17. Geoffrey Britain:

    When I write “they will never stop” I do not mean it is impossible for them to be stopped from outside. I mean “they will never stop their efforts to take over, they will never get discouraged, they will never give up, they will only seem to rest, they will consider any defeat they encounter to be a mere pause on the way to their goal.”

  18. DNW,

    “Riots in the streets with Trump in office and the Republicans holding the Senate, are nothing compared to what potentially may come your way when the lawless and the limitless marxists run the federal executive, control legislation, and both dominate and command the military.”

    If Trump wins legal recognition of his reelection, then handling riots in the streets will be easily accomplished with his invoking of the Insurrection Act.

    If Biden’s puppet masters manage to steal the election, then Civil War is inevitable because they will drive America over that precipice. In which case, marxists running the federal executive, controlling legislation, and commanding the military will prove to be an ephemeral advantage.

    As commanding the US Military to put down the rebellion of 25 million Americans employing 4th Generation tactics who enjoy the covert support of 50 million Americans sympathetic to a rebellion acting to restore fidelity to that Constitution will prove to be beyond the capacity of a military in conflict with itself.

    I would remind you that military personnel swear an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. It’s not just civilians who know that the democrats have engaged in massive fraud whose intent is to seize permanent power. And while the upper echelons of the Pentagon are ‘cooperating’ with the left, there are many Colonels, Majors, Captains and Lieutenants who are not. Most of all, the vast majority of the NCOs are loyal to the Constitution and it is they who actually run the military. Those men and women are well aware that following the orders of those intent upon unconstitutional actions is mutiny and treason. Nor is there any way for those in the military to constitutionally support the “deprograming” of 75 million Americans.

    “Conservatives who talk of civil war have no idea how thoroughly the organisms of the left have gamed all of this out years before. Your electricity is shut off. No gasoline. No state militias anymore. The entire country deliberately and systematically over decades now, salted and settled in even the more remote urban centers with foreign born and Democrat party client populations.

    It won’t be an amorphous armed resistance alone whose electricity and gasoline will be shut off. It will also be water and food along with electricity to the left’s urban centers that will be shut off. Gasoline and medicine as well. Logistics highly favor the right and should the left destroy the Republic by turning the Constitution into a dead letter, then they will have brought a terrible retribution upon themselves.

    “You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. William T. Sherman

  19. There is a good reason why so many people believe it is okay that the Democrats cheated to win the election.

    WWW prnewswire DOT com/news-releases/survey-shows-cheating-and-academic-dishonesty-prevalent-in-colleges-and-universities-300402014.html

    NEW YORK, Feb. 6, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Kessler International issued the results of a revealing new survey that shows that students are cheating frequently using a variety of methods, particularly in the face of the advent of online schools and mobile devices. Conversely, some teachers were found to be becoming increasing unethical in the face of increased pressure to have their students perform while others have left the profession because of the pressures of Universities to pass students so the income stream continues. In total, Kessler surveyed 300 students from both public and private colleges and universities, including online universities.

    Relative to students, the Kessler survey found:

    86% of the students surveyed claimed they cheated in some way in school.
    54% of the students surveyed indicated that cheating was OK. Some went so far as to say it is necessary to stay competitive.

    WWW edutopia DOT org/article/why-students-cheat-and-what-do-about-it

    First, know that students realize cheating is wrong—they simply see themselves as moral in spite of it.

    “They cheat just enough to maintain a self-concept as honest people. They make their behavior an exception to a general rule,” said Dr. David Rettinger, professor at the University of Mary Washington and executive director of the Center for Honor, Leadership, and Service, a campus organization dedicated to integrity.

    According to Rettinger and other researchers, students who cheat can still see themselves as principled people by rationalizing cheating for reasons they see as legitimate.

    There were a host of search hits, but you get the picture.

    NOTE to Neo: for some reason the moderator AI kept eating my comment until I doctored the URLs. That has happened to me before, but with no discernible pattern on either sources or number of links.

  20. Despite what anyone thinks of Donald J. Trump, or the validity or invalidity of the election, the media’s and many elites’ (including academics and attorneys who specialize in politics) willingness to refer to Joe Biden as President Elect is maddening. Assuming this article is correct, only 15 states have certified their election results.


    Referring to Joe Biden as President Elect is the very definition of fake news yet we hear and see the term in print and on our screens every day. And we see haughty news anchors and pundits sneering at anyone who says otherwise. Even when Ronald Reagan won 49 states in 1984 he was not “President Elect” until the State’s election boards certified the votes. Well, actually I’m not even sure the term should apply until the Electoral College meets and their votes are officially tallied.

    It does not matter if there are legal challenges from the other side, or how valid those charges are, our media should be making it clear to the American public that the media does not elect our President. The opinion of the media based on what they learn from observing States’ tallying their ballots is interesting, and a good predictor of how things will turn out, but words have meaning and the media, of any aspect of our system, should take words and their meaning seriously.

    Why aren’t Facebook and Twitter flagging every post or tweet that refers to Joe Biden as “President Elect” as false, or unverified? Everytime Biden stands behind a podium that reads, “Office of the President Elect” reporters should ask him why he refers to himself as that, when it is untrue.

    Talk about gaslighting.

    I do believe Joe Biden will end up being sworn in as President on January 20th, 2021, but it is beyond a joke that a media and public who seem obsessed with “fake news” (especially social media) persist with this blatant lie. Reuters, or the New York Times or the “CNN Decision Desk” do not elect American Presidents. State election boards certify their votes then send their Electors to vote on behalf of the State. We are only 15/50ths (3/10ths or ~ 1/3) of the way through that first step. Nobody has been elected to anything yet.

  21. Ymarsakar,

    You are correct in that regard. Some do it to popularize and mainstream the notion. Also, sadly, some do it to promote ignorance in the populace. But I believe most are too ignorant to even know it is a fallacy. How could anyone paid to be a professional political advisor on television, radio or print let the fallacy stand, let alone speak or write it oneself?

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