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Something is broken in America — 23 Comments

  1. The below information is from research I did 4 1/2 ago, but the point is still relevant:

    Current U.S. totals: B = 72,168,057, T = 68,677,310.

    Current CA totals: B = 7,910,112, T = 3,986,276. That means if California were not in the Union Trump would be winning the popular vote. Without its 55 electors Biden would currently be down by 5 electors.

    Quite a few smaller states (ID, WY, the Dakotas, AL) had similar, lopsided margins for Trump.

    The most unfortunate thing about this election is I don’t see the unrest lessening. No matter who wins, half or nearly half the country will feel disenfranchised as well as entire states being mainly in lockstep for or against our leader.

  2. Good take on this, Neo. The Deeper thought has a new post up that takes this a step further… Yaacov thinks its about lying and careerism – the ideology and damage to the country is just collateral damage.

  3. I agree, neo. Whether one wanted Trump or Biden, this is the worst possible outcome.

    First, we’ve only had media “officially” calling states. States have not yet officially certified their ballots.

    Second, under the current media projections if Biden wins any of the six remaining “unprojected” states he clinches the election. I’m already reading, hearing, seeing… many Trump supporters citing illegalities, corruption, vote fraud. The Trump campaign has already filed several lawsuits and it appears there are more to come.

    Third, if the media projects Trump the winner of the remaining six, giving him the requisite electoral count we will see the same from the Biden camp; rumors, lawsuits, attacks…

    This is not good. Not good at all.

  4. But only one party wishes to destroy—make that, “Fundamentally Transform”—the country.

    The other wants to preserve it.

    Therefore, both are equally guilty?

    Or, as many have it, the one that wishes to preserve is the guilty one? (According to the definitions and rules of the party that wishes to destroy.)

    The ONLY “good news” here is that it is PRECISELY the party that wishes to destroy —sorry, Fundamentally Transform—the country that feels that the ONLY WAY it can implement its monstrous, perverse and sick ambition FORCED to cheat at the polls, lie in the media, suppress information and riot in the streets.

    (And the bad news is that they might actually get away with it.)

  5. What I have written below is, I think, legally significant, If you like, please share it on FB or wherever.

    There are legal remedies here.

    1. Per SCOTUS precedent in 1892, 2002 and July 2020, the state legislatures have *plenary* power to select the Electoral College electors. Given the massive voter fraud in WI, MI, PA and possibly NV, AZ and NC, the legislators could just select Trump electors.

    I got this idea from SolonGT at Power Line. He states that the GOP controls both houses in all but NV.

    2. My idea is to go to federal court and get new elections ordered. There is strong proof of election fraud in WI, MI and PA. What is happening here is that federal voting rights are being denied by corrupt state actors. The federal judges could then order new elections for president only and the DOJ would have to supervise the elections.

    3. Trump has a top legal team. I certainly hope they are pursuing both remedies!

  6. Trump should (and probably will) fight this all the way to January.

    Motivate his followers to protest loudly through all possible venues.

  7. “That’s what all that talk about how he wouldn’t leave the White House and would have to be arrested was about, too.”

    All that talk appears to have started more than a year ago, not just over this past summer.

    How do I know?

    Last Thanksgiving, I heard my progressive friends seriously discussing what the remedy would be when (not if) Trump lost the 2020 election and refused to leave office.

    At the time I simply thought that my friends were TDS-crazed (they are) and that they were spending too much time on the rage engine known as Facebook (they were and they are). What I did not understand is that this vile speculation was already being spoon-fed to them on social media, since they get the majority of their “news” from far-left Facebook/Twitter memes, and the remainder from Rachel Maddow et al.

  8. One side’s willingness to use “any means necessary” to gain and keep power is the very reason why they must be prevented from gaining that power.

    We are in for ugly times, I’m afraid.

  9. I was watching Fox on election night. At about 9:20 EST Brit Hume remarked that the betting odds had suddenly switched in Donald Trump’s favor. It suddenly looked like Trump might cruise to election again.

    “As per US Journalist Brit Hume, the betting odds have now flipped in Trump’s favour with a 64.8 per cent projection of him retaining the white house for four more years. Earlier betting companies were giving him a winning chance of around 39 per cent.”

    Shortly after that, the vote counts in the remaining battleground states began to slow. States where Trump seemed to be doing well such as Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania slowed their vote count.

    At 11:30 EST Fox called Arizona for Biden. Many Republicans and the Trump campaign have claimed this was premature and erroneous. Many votes yet to be counted and there have been charges of fraud there as well.

    At 4:30 AM EST Wisconsin was called for Biden on the basis of 69,000 absentee ballots that went mostly to Biden. Interestingly, Wisconsin claimed an 89% voter participation rate – a new record. 🙂

    Anyway ,it appears that the Biden campaign saw the momentum switching to Trump at 9:20EST and began their “enhanced” voter participation program in the remaining battle ground states. Trump’s team appears to be on it. Whether it will change the outcome in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan or stop the fraud in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina remains to be seen. It’s a fight worth waging and it’s completely within the legal process.

  10. J.J.: IMO that’s an excellent reconstruction of election night.

    I saw the betting market flip towards Trump and I relaxed. Than all of a sudden the votes slowed down and questionable stuff started happening, such as Fox calling Arizona for Trump prematurely.

    Jon Gabriel, the Twitter-warrior who brought you, “My favorite part about the Obama era is all the racial healing,” started chiming in that votes from Arizona had abruptly stopped for four hours.

  11. @huxley:

    Thanks for the Paul Galbraith links in the other thread. If he looked like Yuja Wang, he’d have his own Gulfstream.

    Such clarity in the Mozart. Spikes FTW.

    I love the Albeniz. It’s as if a harp has grown a pair.

    Which reminds me:


    Hang on to your Bow Ties, People… We’re not in Kansas anymore.

  12. Zaphod: You’re welcome!

    Interesting point about Yuja Wang. I would think Galbraith would be bigger than he is, though I’m hardly an authority on classical guitar.

    Bell Nuntita caught me by surprise!

  13. Yes, so well written. Thanks, Neo.

    The left has, by any means necessary as stated on their signs, decided that their ends justify whatever means. But instead of the relatively honest rolling out of tanks in the public square, they’re hijacking the formerly respected means of the ballot.

    And then the left imagines that we’ll respect this demon because it wears the mask of a democratic election.

  14. “I saw the betting market flip towards Trump and I relaxed. Than all of a sudden the votes slowed down and questionable stuff started happening, such as Fox calling Arizona for Trump prematurely.” – huxley

    I don’t think it’s a good idea to diss the bookies.

  15. When I renew (much less apply for) my passport, I have to produce my birth certificate.
    Voting should be no less serious.
    Voting in person, on election day, with either birth certificate or current passport in hand needs to make a comeback (with, perhaps, few exceptions).
    Here’s an personal example of potential for election fraud. I have friends who moved to Canada over a year ago and they, with my blessing, use my US address for forwarding mail. I received their two college aged children’s voting packet. They didn’t want these forwarded so I kept them until 11/4 and then shredded and tossed them.
    There was nothing stopping me from filling out both voting forms, forging a signature, and sending them in.
    Do you think these would have be caught as fraudulent??
    I haven’t thought hard about the various scenarios that are ripe for fraud, but I imagine there are many.
    We need to go back – and particularly get as far away from the internet as possible – in the mechanics of our elections.

  16. What I do not understand (among many other issues!) is how two out of every three voters in MA voted for Biden. These are generally educated people (correct me if I’m wrong, Neo) not living in the hollows of eastern Kentucky, making meth, but they will vote for an obviously demented man just because he is the D?

  17. Cicero

    What I do not understand (among many other issues!) is how two out of every three voters in MA voted for Biden. These are generally educated people (correct me if I’m wrong, Neo) not living in the hollows of eastern Kentucky, making meth, but they will vote for an obviously demented man just because he is the D?

    Recall that Massachusetts repeatedly voted for Ted Kennedy. There is a reason for the existence of the term Yellow Dog Democrat. My sister-in-law from Massachusetts is an exemplary example of a Yellow Dog Democrat.

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