Home » On voter fraud


On voter fraud — 99 Comments

  1. I’ll make an obvious (at least to me based upon my own personal experience) prediction. The Dems will just want to recount in counties that they know they have and not conduct a statewide recount. That’s what the Dem election consultants did in FL in 2000 and in NE during the Dem primary I was a part of.

    I used to be a Dem and worked at the same law firm as Ben Nelson. He had a very close primary with Bill Hoepner. The people Hoepner hired just wanted a selective recount and not a full statewide recount. We sued for an original writ of mandamus in the NE S. Ct to stop a selective recount and accept the final totals by the Board of Canvassars. The court ignored it. Eventually the other guy conceded after his selective recount didn’t work.

    My point is that the same people who tried to work their NE scam were hired by Al Gore in FL and they tried the same thing.

  2. I was talking with my wife about your absurd voting system.
    I was reading with her that in Wisconsin it seems that the votes in Wisconsin are 104% of the registered number (a feat defying the proverbial 98% “Bulgarian” vote during the Soviet era).

    She’s in disbelief that in the USA it’s possible to vote without presenting an identity document (“Not even in Burundi!” she said).
    Here in Italy it’s absolutely mandatory to show your ID (which every citizen must have); we also have to present our electoral card which is another important personal document – it gets rubber-stamped in the polling station each time you vote.
    If Italy is able to organize in this way, every country in the world should be.

    Your system is a recipe for fraud and evidently that’s happening on purpose.

  3. @ Paolo: A little story. I had to present my credit card for ballet tickets I purchased online when I was picking them up. I then asked of the name in which the tickets were under but when I mentioned my name, not knowing the tickets were under my mother’s name at the time, I was questioned and looked at in slight suspicion. I explained I mustn’t have updated my online profile so that’s why my mother’s name was on file and not mine. I was then made to recite the last four digits of my telephone number. Another little story. When renewing my library card I had to present my old card and then my driver’s license that listed my photo and address. This library location was also doing early voting. When it was my turn to vote I had my ID in hand alongside my voter’s registration card, but was only asked my name and address. There was no need to show identification. In 2016 I was asked to show both my ID and voter’s registration card.

  4. Neo,

    Still disagree about the response to COVID being the biggest mistake in US history? It is the thread that runs through everything. Everything.

  5. Paolo Pagliaro:

    Agreed. I’ve felt that way for a long time. But efforts to make anti-fraud measures tighter only succeed in deep red states, because either legislatures or more importantly the courts have very often ruled them discriminatory. The courts are very important in this.

    What is also very important to understand is that in US, with federalism, election control is mostly in the states rather than the federal government. There are some very basic federal rules, but the details (regarding IDs, for example) are left to the states. In the US we have made anti-discrimination the top priority, way over anti-fraud. And that makes states trend ever bluer, and as they trend bluer, they leave more and more loopholes open for fraud. That is intentional, I believe.

    So that’s why it all is happening.

  6. Griffin:

    I don’t think it’s the biggest mistake. But I definitely think it’s one of the biggest – however, unfortunately, not responding would have been a mistake of the same magnitude.

    COVID was mostly bad luck, I think, because Trump would have been blamed no matter what he did. There was (IMHO) no way to stop this country from having a lot of deaths, on the order of what happened in much of the western world. And there was no way to stop the Democrats from blaming the already-hated person in power. And the economy would have tanked anyway, through fear of COVID even without the lockdowns. Remember, the lockdowns began with the sports industries shutting down as well as many businesses saying stay home. It was all happening anyway.

    Trump would have been blamed for every death no matter what he did or didn’t do. The Democrats would have used it as they used Katrina. The voting regs would have been changed exactly as they have been. I just don’t think there would have been any difference.

  7. I see people commenting, “Well the Republicans should get involved in the fraud game.”

    The problem is that the media, while they claim Democrat vote fraud is nonexistent and ignore reporting on or investigating any and all allegations (and actual charges) of it, they would actually exhaustively root out any fraud if they suspected it was going on on the other side. The media wouldn’t let Republicans get away with it.

    All Republicans have is amateur video of people moving boxes into vote counting offices at 4 AM–those boxes probably just contain donuts and coffee for the workers. How can you prove otherwise?

  8. neo,

    Yes, but he got taken in by Fauci et al. And not bringing in people like Atlas until August defies explanation.

    One of Trumps real struggles these four years is he has been to trusting of these bureaucrats. Starting with Comey and going through to Fauci.

    But I go back to that day around April 1 when Trump went from pushing for Easter reopening to going until end of April and now seven months later here we still are. I said he lost me that day and I did end up voting for him but that was a colossal mistake. I know it would have been hard to fight it but being president means doing hard things that need to be done.

  9. On Covid, I am of the firm belief that CCP let it out of China because they *knew* it would hurt Trump at the polls. For the Chinese, it is no big deal if they lose 2-3 million people. In the long run, the death and damage to China is small compared to the gain in getting rid of Trump.

    Many people are – for some reason which I can’t understand – are blaming the covid deaths on Trump.

    Biden, of course, has been bribed by the CCP. If Biden wins, he’ll cave to China on every issue and *never* pursue China for money damages. Trump, of course, is the opposite. China hates Trump.

    The Dems, of course, took advantage of covid and forced all the mail-in votes which were ripe for fraud.

    China plays the long game and they know how to be ruthless. The CCP would do anything to get rid of Trump.

    This whole thing makes me sick and one of the worst aspects is how the media played along with the Dems and CCP.

  10. Griffin:

    I thought it was a mistake at the time, as well. But I still think he was screwed either way. I really do. That’s because the death toll was going to be significant whatever he did or didn’t do, and the MSM and the Democrats were going to successfully exploit that.

  11. santan:

    I’m no election fraud law wizard, but it’s my impression that challenges involve things like looking at the actual late ballots and examining them for validity.

  12. I take heart that Trump is not “a checked pants republican” expecting fair play from the Democrats or the media and that he will fight the *astards. I also take heart that the Democrats and the fraudsters expect the media to cover for them effectively; after the debacle of the polls and the media talking heads I hope that the public no longer gives a flying “f” for what they are being told by the Democrats and the media.

  13. The problem I have with saying China did this to hurt Trump or any of it was designed to hurt Trump is how does that explain Europe and Australia or smaller countries like New Zealand or Peru completely destroying their countries. That all seems like too much to have been foreseen by China. Their leadership is evil but I don’t think they are geniuses by any means.

    It sort of smacks of the Cold War thinking that the USSR was clearly winning when in fact they most definitely were not.

    But it worked that is for sure.

  14. Zero (as in 0.0) votes for Trump in the “newly discovered” bundles of mail-in ballots (after vote counting was stopped in several states when Trump was ahead by a comfortable margin).

    What an amazing coincidence.
    (Either that or amazing stupidity.)

    Couldn’t they have “given” Trump 10 votes? Five? One? (Make it look at least, sorta, kinda, as if it MIGHT be legitimate?…)

    Do they hate him that much? Or is it “merely” overweaning overconfidence….

    “We are untouchable” indeed.

    Well, we shall see if they are….

  15. Barry Meislin:

    Their hate for Orange Man Bad has made their fraud obvious. Is it hubris(?), arrogance(?), or just Dunning-Keuger?

  16. They probably were in a hurry…. HAD to get those ballots filled in and be quick about it.

    Well, it’s understandable.

  17. Cornhead,

    Yep, I’m sure that is how they view it now but I refuse to believe they could have foreseen all this.

  18. Griffin, I’m about 70% in Cornhead’s corner on this. No virus, Trump cruises to election. The timing is just fortuitous and beneficial to China and Dems. Also I think the covid game is still being played. How is it that the US has the most number of cases in the world, even ahead of India with its massive population, crowding, and less than ideal sanitary conditions? Well, if you look you’ll see that India has tested about 6 times less than the US per population. More tests, more cases, more restrictions. It will continue until the election is settled.

  19. I’m swiftly coming to the conclusion that no matter how “nice” or “well-meaning” they may seem, there’s just no such thing as an honest Democrat.

    In all my 55 years, I don’t recall ever hearing a Democrat — politician, pundit, or ordinary citizen — say anything like:

    “Changing the rules at the last minute is unfair.”
    “I don’t hold with all the voting shenanigans in the big cities.”
    “It would be best to have a system that everyone can trust.”

    Not once.

    Every Democrat (liberal/progressive/whatever) is apparently just fine with a one-party state By Any Means Necessary. The ends justify any means. As yet, they can’t entirely run roughshod over the system, but every challenge is met with “Can’t prove anything, nyah nyah suck it losers.”

    Congratulations, Democrats, you’ve now proved, again, to half the country that national elections are illegitimate. Hope you’re happy. Oh, and by the way, F*** YOU.

  20. @ Barry: Yes, these mail-in ballots where every single one is for Biden is just plain weird. How utterly convenient. Not one was for Trump. If you want to cheat at least don’t make it that obvious.

    @ Bryan: I think they’re called LIV. The ordinary people that is.

  21. “Couldn’t they have “given” Trump 10 votes? Five? One? (Make it look at least, sorta, kinda, as if it MIGHT be legitimate?…)” – Barry

    Brandon Morse notes the curious thing about the dog in the night that convinced him of fraud.

    Saying that this is an impossible thing wouldn’t be right as statistically, the early vote combined with mail-in voting was always heavily Democrat-leaning. The catch here is that it’s definitely not probable. The idea that not one of them is a Trump vote seems a little off.

    However, what should really make people suspicious is the fact that not one of these votes leans toward a third-party vote. While people voting for Trump definitely wanted their votes counted by showing up in person, third-party voters didn’t particularly follow the same idea as some of these were leftists as well. Not one vote for the Green Party candidate? Not one for Jo Jorgenson of the Libertarian Party?

    It all seems rather suspect that every single one, without fail, went to Joe Biden.

    This has all the earmarks of being fraudulent and worth investigating. It’s highly unlikely that every single mail-in vote that was suddenly found would be for Biden and that this appears to me as if Democrats are fraudulently attempting to play their hand to the point of overplaying it.

  22. Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina are AFAIK still in play (Arizona in spite of earlier reports).

    The Democrats have been throwing EVERYTHING they’ve got against Trump, against the law, against the body politic, against common decency…and yet, IT’S STILL POSSIBLE.

    Breathe deep. Be strong. Steel yourselves. Stay hopeful.

    Jeff Carlson:
    Sean Davis:
    Lee Smith:
    Leslie McAdoo Gordon

    (Not to mention holding the Senate adn achievements in the House)

  23. Another case, in Michigan, raises the question as always: fools or knaves or both?


    Antrim County is a big red area which went heavily for President Donald Trump in 2016.

    But you wouldn’t know it according to the tabulations being put out last night, which claimed that Democrats had taken the county and by quite a bit.

    The clerk is admitting that the results appear to be “skewed” that the very red area is still red, but somehow the votes seem to have been transposed, giving thousands of Trump votes to Joe Biden.

    So that raises the question of how that will affect the total, which is still in doubt, how do you possibly get such an error and are there any other such “errors?”

    Biden is currently up in Michigan but with under a point separating the two. Will this make a difference? It’s not clear, 94% of the vote is in. And if this mistake happened, there might be others. But how do such “mistakes” always seem to benefit the Democrats?

  24. Bryan Lovely,

    I have a sister that I’m very close with and we have many common interests and get along great. She hates Trump and apparently (I’m not on Facebook but I hear things from others) rails on bout Trump and his racist supporters and blah blah blah but we rarely talk bout any of it.

    We talked briefly earlier and she brought up the election and I mentioned that it looks like Biden is going to win and I just said life goes on because I don’t let this stuff rule my life and moods. She seemed flummoxed by my attitude.

    She knows my opinions yet just couldn’t understand my outlook. When your life is all politics it makes you an incredibly unhappy person but I refuse to play that game.

  25. Cornhead, physicsguy,

    Well it was obviously a big benefit to the Chinese I just can’t say they set all this in motion as part of some genius plan. Too many things had to happen along the way like suddenly lockdowns which have never been recommended on a wide scale becoming the thing to do then add in that so many citizens of the west would willingly go along with their own destruction.

  26. Neo,
    I did not know about the consent decree from 1982. But have you considered the now anachronistic but continuing effects of the Voting Right Act of 1965? I’m not very knowledgeable about its history or even the more recent efforts by Obama/Holder’s DOJ to strong arm certain conservative state’s voting practices.

    The surprising thing to me was that the DOJ still has some type of hold over those states or regions that once had poll taxes or literacy tests ages ago. I think my county is still subject to it, not because it was below the Mason Dixon line, but perhaps because of Cesar Chavez efforts with farm workers.

    My searches are not as productive as I would have thought, but here are a few if you are interested.

    From 2012:

    Kobach, Kansas’ chief elections official, specifically singled out Justice Department actions relating to the Arizona immigration law and voter identification laws in Texas and South Carolina. He said that he is pleased that Kansas is not subject to the terms of the Voting Rights Act, which outlaws discriminatory voting practices, and could therefore implement its voter I.D. law without approval from federal officials.

    Wikipedia on the Voting Rights Act

    The act contains numerous provisions that regulate elections. The act’s “general provisions” provide nationwide protections for voting rights. Section 2 is a general provision that prohibits every state and local government from imposing any voting law that results in discrimination against racial or language minorities. Other general provisions specifically outlaw literacy tests and similar devices that were historically used to disenfranchise racial minorities.

    The act also contains “special provisions” that apply to only certain jurisdictions. A core special provision is the Section 5 preclearance requirement, which prohibits certain jurisdictions from implementing any change affecting voting without receiving preapproval from the U.S. attorney general or the U.S. District Court for D.C.

    A nice map of the covered jurisdictions

  27. Given four years of corruption, power, and lies, Hunter Biden’s laptop “BidenGate”, documented treason, and now this — the only justice to find is through the ammo box. The kind made freshly empty.

    (Unless thine be a rube, or a supine subject. There are plenty of those, and our enemies are counting on them to sustain victory.)

  28. Win, lose or draw Trump has done the whole country a great service in ripping the blinders off to allow everyone with eyes to see the fraud that the media have become. We all now know they can be trusted in literally no thing!
    I believe that Trump has shown us all that the proper path is to run right at and over the enemy that they are taking no prisoners. I have always been a fan of Ted Cruz and I fully expect that he, being a smart gentleman, will. in a future run, be a much better candidate and stronger President due to the example of Trump.

  29. It does seem very odd that there would be zero votes for Trump among such a high number. It even seems odd to have zero Trump votes if the ballots were falsely fabricated. Wouldn’t that immediately arouse a huge amount of suspicion?

    I just don’t get it.

  30. I’ve been thinking of how I would commit voter fraud in a major city using mail in ballots. I’d start with a big roll of bills and spread the word I would buy signed blank ballots, then fill them out drop them off. If I can think of it — and I regard myself as lacking criminal talent — I would be surprised if others didn’t. How would you guard against such a thing?

  31. Well, Mr. Biden bragged, just a couple of weeks ago, about having the largest and best voter fraud organization in the nation’s history. Maybe this wasn’t dementia talking; maybe it’s true.

  32. @neo:

    Re zero votes for Trump in the big tranche of ballots:

    They. Just. Don’t. Care. About. Appearances.

    It’s gone beyond stealing elections. Our faces are to be rubbed in it, don’t you know? And that’s just the beginning.

    It’s the Current Year, after all.

  33. Cornhead on the Red Dem-CCP alliance: “ This whole thing makes me sick and one of the worst aspects is how the media played along with the Dems and CCP.”

    And how BidenGate reveal was censored by the CCP loving Big Tech oligarchs, keeping voters from knowing and deciding on judging accordingly.

    I’ve outlined a new book title: “The Cassandra Frauds—The Raging Epidemic of Our Times.”

    My thesis is that environmental “Noble Cause” corruption has become an institutionalised norm over the past 50 years, first at the Federal level, then corporately and internationally and “educationally.”

    This metastasised cancer is now the governing Mother of All Crises we are herded to follow. And this accounts for our genuine threat: obedience to the Ruling Class and their Noblesse oblige.

    Ergo, the Trump Revolt, and the Interests fraudulent counter-rebellion.

    “Our Time” explained in one nutshell.

  34. Re China and Covid:

    It certainly *is* possible that they deliberately released a virus to take down Trump and damn the domestic collateral damage. It’s not just about the CCP here. We’re talking about a totally different East Asian mindset which looks at human life in different ways. Read up on the KMT blowing levee banks to try to delay Japanese advances and drowning millions… or what the CCP did at the siege of Changchun and other cities toward the end of the Chinese Civil War.

    (Yes, yes… it’s raycisssss to say that different races calculate differently about Megadeaths and that one may be more sociopathic than another. For those who subscribe to the Orthodox Religion of Universal Sameness, you just keep doing you.)

    So they could have. Certainly are more than capable of doing so.

    Still, Occam’s Razor says that most likely had an accidental and totally incompetent leak from a lab and *then* the leadership saw zero upside to China taking one for the team and decided to take the rest of the world down with them.

    And what a wonderful experiment it has been! This year has laid bare just about every fault line in every society all there to be mapped out and analysed at leisure… or not even at leisure since so much can be learned by machine learning sentiment analysis, and so on.

    In Classical Control Systems Theoretical terms, the CCP has succeeded in applying the Dirac Delta Function to the input of each Western country treated as its own little Black Box System and they now have the resultant output — which gives them all the information they need to predict responses to future large inputs.

    China and anyone with eyes to see and the proper Machiavellian thought processes (and there can be none other in relations between nations) now has a map of what to do when they *really* want to harm the West.

    The thing most laid bare is the utter incompetence of Western Ruling Elites, governmental and bureaucratic structures. Everything has failed. Thought, itself has failed. Our Gods are dead.

    At least the USA with its Forever Wars has been breeding Colonels. Where there are Colonels there is always faint hope. In the rest of the West, all our ‘Colonels’ had to submit to being put on Facebook and Instagram in red women’s shoes and rainbow get up just to keep their jobs 🙂

    Whatever comes out of the US electoral fraud wash and the Year of Covid, remember that these are symptoms of much greater and deeper Cuthulu-sized civilizational weakness.

  35. @Cornhead:

    Intellectually you must know that the messed up voting ‘System’ (really being too kind) is a feature and not a bug. The chaotic nature suits those who suffer least from any lingering infection of Republican Virtue.

    We’re going to need something along the lines of the Confucian Rectification of Names. The DOJ is no-longer concerned with Justice and has not been for some decades. To even begin to inch toward getting actual Justice, will need to call the existing DOJ by its true name which reflects what it really DOES and proceed from there.

    Too many NPCs wandering around in the game muttering about Muh Constitution, Muh DOJ, etc. When these labels become detached from reality, uttering incantations… well it seems futile to me.

    You’re most certainly *not* an NPC… clearly a very wise and successful old lawyer with a deep experience of the nuts and bolts of how parts of the political process work at least at state and local levels. Do you think cleaning up ‘Process’ can turn things around at this late stage of the game. Serious question as I just don’t have your experience.

  36. From the PJ Media election liveblog:

    MEGAN FOX | NOV 04, 2020 7:54 PM EST
    This is an interesting thing that keeps coming up. My teen daughter came home from school today and informed me that a friend of hers who hates Trump and was rooting for Biden is hopping mad about what he sees as an attempt to monkey with votes. He’s an aware kid who pays attention to the news and he says the media and what has happened in this election just ripped the veil off his eyes. He sees it now. He’s not the only one. We want fair elections. We don’t want whatever this is.

    And then the screenshotted tweet says:

    I’m at a family dinner with liberal members present, who don’t even like Trump and they are even saying the vote fraud that is being pulled is obvious —

    Democrats have overplayed their hand, MASSIVELY.

    My thesis may still stand, though, if Democrats who become honest quickly stop being Democrats.

  37. “My thesis may still stand, though, if Democrats who become honest quickly stop being Democrats.” Bryan Lovely

    I think there is a large contingent of people that align with Democrats and vote accordingly but do not know that the party platform is Godless, doesn’t respect the rule of law and thereby prone to dishonesty to the core, especially seen in “the ends justifies the means” behavior. This is what I meant by well-meaning voters. They don’t know the nature of the framework to which they give their assent. They view the platform through their own rose-colored glasses.

  38. Tucker Carlson’s post Election Day monologue Wednesday night with VDH to elaborate is powerfully spot on, and a masterpiece about bullets ducked. But like you, “I’m worried” segues Victor. People are gaming and influencing others to warp our once solid traditions against one-party tyranny to their own advantage, he went on.

    PLEASE POST A YT video link, later. Neo prominently, others in comments too.

    Yes, I agree with neo’s outlook on the Virus. I also believed that many could not blame Trump for what might well be nature, like past pandemics.

    But I’ve listened to TWiV (This Week in Virology virus) experts reject the man-made thesis, and they barely touch on only one of the several lines of evidence there. Instead, they straw man it, as if only alien DNA could count and falsify their groupthink beliefs! Science is decrepit these days,

    No. There are good grounds to think Covid-19 was lab engineered and accidentally released. It might even have been nature improved to selectively kill useless Chinese elders as a group, and thereby relieve demographic pressures in the CCP, and thus help avert a revolution.

    Niall Ferguson is a British born and educated historian in the US who has long taught at a Peking University. In the winter of 2019, he began saying “New Cold War” without objection from Chinese officials, there in China and in his syndicated columns.

    He argues that China started it when they rejected the International Court in The Hague ruled that the Spratley Islands belonged to the Philippines in 2016. (The Spratley’s are in the South China Sea where they have dredged up undersea matter to create a landing platform and sea port on tiny atolls, useable for military occupation.)

    Thus, China’s CCP has demonstrated motives to keep weaponising nature to serve their new Imperial conquests. Why would a killer virus be any different?

    Trump’s only failing was in the weeks after February 28th, where he trusted our NIH to turn out fast virus testing to guard our borders from virus carriers, screening out the new and novel health threat. They promised him two weeks. But it took six because of Obama era FDA centralising “reforms.” And the proverbial horse had left the barn in that time.

    Sure, he sold us optimism. And so did Dr. Fauci. They were both wrong.

  39. My goodness folks, if an entity is willing to spend multimillions before the election don’t you kind of think they would be willing to spend millions after the election to get the right re-count. Greed = Fraud a whole lot of times, “Hey you-all re-counting, how about we send all your kids through college on a nifty scholarship and maybe help you, the leader of the group get set up for life on a nice endowment fund as a reward for doing your civic duty. “

  40. Tucker Carlson eviscerates our evil overlords tonight. Must see tonic!

    God damn does he nail these Ruling Class frauds. Topped by Mark Steyn on their “blizzard of lies.” “Ceausescu levels of deception.”

  41. Well, we see how the Democrats have been getting away with so much fraud for so long. Another red pill.

  42. And we all thought 10% Joe was just off his meds when he made that Kinsleyian gaffe 10 (or so) days ago about having “the best vote fraud” organization in presidential election history.

  43. There are red flags galore within our elections system, but these are considered features by professional politicians and political operatives, not flaws.

    Wholesale mailed ballots without requests? No voter ID or confirmation process? No political oversight during vote counting? No bi-partisan checks and balances for examining or rejecting ballots? No chain of custody for ballots? Most of these conditions have been put in place for this election. It’s too many red flags, and it sticks out worse than having too many ballots for the number of known registered voters, or a turnout over 90%.

    Trump is being methodically defeated by the political community – Democrats and Republicans both – who see him (rightly) as an existential threat to their lifestyle, and in some cases, their freedom of movement outside of jail.

    The masses of votes that we saw in wee-hour dumps in battleground states, which are almost exclusively for Biden, and some of them only for Biden (no down-ticket votes) are almost guaranteed a distraction, I’ll bet. I’m betting they are squeaky clean, mostly, and have been culled for that purpose.

    If you want to find fraud, then look for the Republican counties where Biden outperformed Hillary or other historical norms, but where Trump prevailed. That’s where the fraudulent votes have been seeded and hidden. The RINOs are in on the deal, and they’ve had 4 years to plan it.

    The news media’s blatantly biased poll-prodding, and the social media’s real-time censoring, with the Antifa Reddy-Riot backup prepared & standing by, should chill the soul of any American considering the prospect of their freedoms going forward.

    Pray for the President, if you are so moved. If he wins, all of this can be fixed by simply making Voter ID and Federally-mandated law in all states, with no exceptions.

  44. Zuckerberg Facebook money financed “poll watchers” in Philly. Similar monies were poured through a Michigan, reportedly.

    The cheat is in.

    Only demanding state secession, say by Texas, can put a brake on this stolen election.

  45. Joanne Nova provides stark, honest perspective from Australia.

    USA 2020: Looks like a coup, smells like a coup… [BECAUSE IT IS A COUP—TJ]

    With 200,000 and 138,000 Votes For Biden suddenly appearing at 4am in Michigan and Wisconsin, they are not even trying to hide the voter fraud. But since the media collective were able to suppress the biggest political scandal since Watergate in the last two weeks, presumably they will try to do it again. The best thing anyone can do right now, is share the message asap.

    The way elections are normally called, Trump has already won (listen to Rudy Guliani), but the media are working hard to keep the Biden case looking as though it is on top.

    The strange appearance of 200,000 votes 4am in the morning:

    As Rudy Guiliani says, in many states it was impossible for Biden to win by the usual methods the Television networks have used for all past elections. But whoever it is that decides these things held off announcing states that Trump had won. The Trump states were delayed or not declared, Biden states (like Arizona) were called with many votes yet to be counted. In key states at critical moments the counting of votes were stopped. In the dark of night suddenly 200,000 pure Biden votes appeared. What are the odds? 200,000 people in a row did not pick any other candidate?

    China will be very happy
    Gateway Pundit and @Trollasaurus

    MI votes jump 200,000 for Biden overnight.
    MI votes jump 200,000 for Biden overnight. (Click to enlarge)
    Same thing happened in Michigan, 138,000 votes appeared: 96% of them were for Joe Biden. Steve Bannon talks to an expert who says this has never happened on this scale ever before. He also said, unlike previous elections they didn’t have data on absentee numbers, or the usual metadata in advance. They didn’t expect votes to be added at 4am. They were told it would be the “next day”.

    @ScottAdamsSays: The Michigan legislature refused to allow counting mailed ballots ahead of Election Day like other states do. What reason other than planned fraud would explain that?
    _. _. _

    Exit polls show Trump won over the undecideds (54% DJT to 40% JB). This was a much bigger win in Exit polls than in 2016 (45% DJT to 42% Hillary).

    Twitter are shutting down these messages and in the last 30 minutes @trollasaurus has been suspended. Trumps Twitter account is littered with deleted posts with “security messages”. Is he the leader of the free world or is Twitter?

    Trump wrote this, but Twitter censored it. Why is this message so dangerous?

    “Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled. Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the ‘pollsters’ got it completely & historically wrong!”

    It’s all about managing expectations, and as long as Democrat voters think they have won there will be riots in the streets if they get anything less. Joe Biden has apparently said he will announce he won “by 5pm” and start to set up a Cabinet and assume the title President Elect. They told us the election would look like a Trump win on the day, but a Biden win later. Twitter and Facebook warned us yesterday that they would be tagging and deleting any posts that claimed a victory before it was justified. Nancy Pelosi warned us the House will decide the winner if no President is decided by January 2. The polls have been saying “Biden” relentlessly for months.

    Many honest people are going to believe Biden won legitimately, and once “gripped” they may never let that go…


    THE TRUTH HURTS. AND it has reached the Peanut Gallery Down Under.

  46. Our Gods are dead.

    I am still here, zaphod.

    i wonder if anyone is still in the “Hey, Ymar, voter fraud doesn’t matter, because Trump won 2016” camp.

  47. “We’re talking about a totally different East Asian mindset which looks at human life in different ways.” – Zaphod

    This reminded me immediately of Pierre Boulle’s classic masterpiece, “Garden on the Moon.”
    Back before anyone had actually gotten there, it was clear the big hang-up was structuring the vehicles so you could get the astronauts back home afterward.
    The Japanese engineer simply decided to forego that step, and won the race.


  48. A batch of 23,277 votes ALL for Biden, in PA?!?!?!

    This is just impossible. I can’t think that such a think is not investigated and the ones involved punished – tell me it is not so.

    I’m starting to think that the Dems’ warning about Trump not accepting a loss was a conscious preparation for his reaction to this level of fraud.

  49. Dov Fischer lets us know what he really thinks.


    What Kind of Sore-Losing Idiot Would Suspect the Democrats of Voter Fraud?
    The answer: A remarkably sensible, adequately intelligent, reasonably skeptical idiot — with a graduate degree in American history, who knows what Democrats in this country have done in previous elections.

    A real doozy of a rant.
    With facts.

  50. Tweet from James O’Keefe (Project Veritas) now posted to Instapundit reads:

    “BREAKING: Michigan @USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors: Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots As Received November 3rd, 2020 So They Are Accepted

    “ ‘Separate them from standard letter mail so they can hand stamp them with YESTERDAY’S DATE & put them through’

    No surprise. But how far does this corruption go?

  51. New this morning –

    A Traverse City, Michigan postal worker (Barlow Branch) was told by his supervisor Jonathan to collect any ballots in the post, to separate them at the end of the day, and then to hand stamp them with the previous day’s date. The worker gave today’s date (November 4) as context, which meant he would stamp the mail with the date of the day prior. These ballots were then placed in a special tub and put through the express distribution center.

    In October a Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that all absentee and mail-in ballots must be postmarked by November 2 in order to be counted. Essentially, the supervisor was instructing the workers on how to circumvent election laws in order to have a stash of ballots ready for… whatever.

    O’Keefe asked him what made him come forward. His response:

    “It’s sketchy. I don’t like sketchy. It screams of corruption. Also knowing the post office’s leanings politically, it didn’t seem quite right.”

    O’Keefe called the worker’s supervisor, Jonathan Clark for comment. After O’Keefe introduced himself and explained why he was calling, Jonathan hung up on him.

    As of this writing, former Vice President Joe Biden is the projected winner in Michigan. Michigan is one of the state’s that the Trump campaign is suing over ballot counting.

  52. @AesopFan:

    Had never heard of Pierre Boulle, so thanks muchly for the intro. Seems that he had a very interesting WWII up and down the Mekhong and later also wrote Planet of the Apes — which was translated into English by Xan Fielding, great friend of Patrick Fermor — favourite author of those who regret the passing of Lost Worlds.

  53. Let it be noted that unlike our Resident Deity, Ymar, I *am* taking my hypothetical meds. And no they’re not manufactured by those fine upstanding Mayflower Passengers, the Sacklers 😛

    I’m also not going to go full Archbishop Vigano Meets Malachi Martin here.

    Having got that out of the way, something to consider:

    This is not a point-scoring exercise. It *is* a thought exercise.

    So, every one of us should think ourselves back to the 6 months leading up to Trump’s 2016 victory. Many things were said and thought by all of us back then about Trump which turned largely to be incorrect. All of us were wrong about some of the things which happened, myself included.

    Many of our 2016 personas would react with knee-jerk derision / horror to things now known to be objectively true by our Late 2020 personas. All of us now know things to be True about the state of US politics and societal decay that they simply were unable to face back in 2016. Now some of these things have become worse, but in a lot of cases it was simply that back then we were still inoculated against seeing certain things right in front of our noses.

    Of course some could see back then what we all see now. And what were these people called? Cranks, racists, conspiracy theorists, etc.

    I am not saying that the Lizard People are hiding out the back of your local Pizza Joint, don’t get me wrong.

    But… and it’s a Yuuuuuge But. Let’s all make an extra special effort to keep our eyes open and be on the look out for the beginnings of trends. A whole bunch of things which seemed impossibly insanely stupidly unreal a few years back or even a year back (Covid Hysteria) are now matter-of-fact quotidian boring old givens.

    So ask yourself what horrors and bizarre things you would totally discount today as the rantings of a Zaphod (or Heaven forbid an Ymar) might be ho-hum a year from today. Proceed accordingly.

    PS: Is possible I’ve gotten this all wrong and Ymar thinks he’s a Dog. Or a Bog. But let’s keep the Slavs out of it. Could be a Log. Yggdrasil and all that. Getting confused here.

  54. Aesop, thanks for the Dov Fischer link.

    It is clear that massive voter fraud has occurred. This should have been—and was—expected.

    The question now is whether it can be successfully contested.
    Another question is how much violence may be fomented by this effort to right another execrable Democratic Party criminal—which, unfortunately, this has become a tautology—outrage.

    Following Hillary Clinton’s (and the DNC’s) huge mistake in not having cheated enough in the 2016 elections, it is clear that this time, the DP criminal machine (there’s that tautology again), this time with the oh-so-apropos Joe Biden OFFICIALLY at the helm, has overcompensated. The “Honorable”—if not so exceedingly clever—AG of Pennsylvania knew whereof he spoke when he said there was NO WAY that Trump would carry the state.

    NO FREAKING WAY. (Gosh, how did HE know that…just another question, I guess.)

    Which leads one to the next question: how to untangle this massive criminal conspiracy (albeit “just another” Democratic Party criminal conspiracy). Well, Democrats will be Democrats…

    Clearly, the Democrats think that Trump will—MUST—like Nixon did in 1960, refrain from demanding a recount “for the good of the country”. (Indeed, there they go again—those Democrats, with their “intense” respect for tradition and the law, their “acute political intuition” and their PROFOUND “sense of values”).

    Which leads to yet another question: Given the fact that the Democratic Party is an out-of-control criminal gang with insatiable ambitions, deep pockets and absolutely no shame or sense of ethics, what in fact IS “the good of the country”?.

  55. And just like that, all over the land, in homes, and at workplaces ordinary men began to think previously unthinkable thoughts. Later, much later, around the campfires, naughty children were told admonitory tales and warned not to misbehave and Make the Ancestral Spirits Think.

    But that’s a story for another day.

  56. On a totally unrelated Topic, Parker seems to have slipped beneath the waves and transitioned to silent running mode. Hope all is well and that your powder is dry!

  57. Both parties agreed on fraud* when both parties were American, wanted America to exceptional, admired American ideals, and rejected brutal foreign ideologies. Not anymore.

    * I shouldn’t have to say this, but “both parties agreed fraud was bad” because they worked for the American people, not to implement ideological conformity.

  58. After more than three decades, Republicans are free of a federal court consent decree

    A ruling compelling behavior for more than a generation is exactly the kind of power judges should not have. Only the legislature has that power.

  59. That the Dems have committed massive fraud is not a suspicion. It is a mathematical certainty. CERTAINTY. They are stealing the election and laughing their asses off. They are being blatant about it. They are daring the people to stand up for the republic and betting we won’t.

    House of Representatives vote on whether to certify the results in December. They can choose not to. See 1824 among others. The vote is by state delegation. The GOP will have a majority. They can make Trump the winner if they choose.

    The GOP in the House can see justice done by stopping this blatant and egregious election theft. For that to happen, the people need to make damn sure that every GOP congressman understands that he is dead politically, if he doesn’t do the right thing.

  60. Griffin,

    “she brought up the election and I mentioned that it looks like Biden is going to win and I just said life goes on because I don’t let this stuff rule my life and moods.”

    People whose lives depend on oil and gas or restaurants or any of the countless jobs and small businesses that have been or are at risk of destruction don’t have that luxury. The left uses political power to destroy millions of lives and enjoys watching as the suffering happens. In fact, feels morally superior for wreaking the destruction.

  61. I posted this last night at Conservative Treehouse and tried to here. I think the word count was too high. I have broken it into separate posts

    Democracy Dies in Darkness
    Today I was at the Detroit Absentee Ballot Center and I want to describe what happened there. This was a planned ballot harvesting scheme that strikes at the heart of our democracy. Many of you may have seen scenes of what was going on and they are all accurate. What Martin Luther King died fighting was pulled out of the Democrat’s Jim Crow playbook and deployed in 2020 Detroit.
    On Monday, both parties were working on the ballot process with a lot of pushback resistance from the Democrats on how it was to work. The Republican Party mobilized a special team to work on the ballot verification as they were opened. There are 139 tabulating/verification tables with both a Democrat and Republican challenge worker. There was a lot of people mobilized and trained for this effort. They worked all day Tuesday and thought it was winding up on Wednesday. The Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson stated as such on Election Day. Then suddenly on Wednesday @ 4 am 30,000+ ballots showed up needing counting. At that point, the Republican Party put out an emergency call @ 9:47 for people to do poll challenging as the original team was worn out.

  62. My Experience:
    I answered the call and I was at TCF Center at 11:30. I am proud to say that about 200 of us showed up about the same time. It was like the Minutemen of 1776. I went to the Republican room as I had to be re-credentialled. I noticed at that point a swarm of people signing in to get into the hall where ballots were being counted. More on that later. We got our instructions on how to properly challenge suspicious ballots when the word came down that the counting hall was full and no more people were being admitted. At the same time the Fire Marshall declared that TCF was at its COVID limit and barred people from coming in.
    Michigan Law permits recognized voter integrity groups to also poll challenge. Who the swarm of people were was democrat leaning voter groups showing up “to challenge”. In reality, they were there to obstruct the one Republican challenge worker from properly performing their task. The work force was also very hostile. The other challenge team members would jostle, get in front of the Republican Challenger preventing the person to see if the person was registered and tried to verbally intimidate them. They looked for reasons to have a person removed from having a “mask violation” when they adjusted it to perceived infractions that they magnified. However not many were removed. Training and maturity helped.
    I never got into the counting hall. These actions were described to me by several workers who were in the room working. One person asked where some of the “voter integrity” groups were from. Most were from Ann Arbor where University of Michigan is located. In other words they were prepped in advance to come in by someone.
    Then we got the word that no Republican challengers would be allowed in but independent poll watchers would be. There was one such organization that supported the Republican Party and many of us transitioned to that organization. But when we got to the polling check in area they refused admittance to us. That is when the noisy protests started and were filmed. One election official came out and tried to explain about what was happening but we did not buy it. He said that there was check in sheets and all Republican slots were filled. No one knew that they had to sign out so we know that there was gaps because we could see tables without coverage. This caused the noisy demonstrations to on for several hours. During this whole time members of the press were freely allowed to go into this “over crowded” room which increased our ire.
    We practiced our first amendment rights to peacefully assemble and express our grievances. The Detroit police was there but nobody hassled or bothered them. We know that is was not them that was performing this injustice, nor was it the minimum salary clerks doing their duties as trained but rather it was Jocelyn Benson and Janice M. Winfrey Detroit City Clerk and other members of the Board of Elections with the Democratic Party. On the outside of TFC there were protests with some BLM counter protesters too.
    During our peaceful protest, a CHALLENGE WORKER, not a city employee started to put up blocking posters to prevent us from seeing what was going on. It was taken down once but it came back up and remained. We waited and waited with a cadre of people and periodically they would let in some dribs and drabs of poll challengers calling out for democratic, republican or non-partisan challengers. What they allowed in we filled in immediately. We have been camped out at that entrance watching and waiting. A second shift came in after the BLM protesters went home and are still there. I left at 10:30 to be ready to go in again tomorrow. I got a text from one of the second shift challengers that city employees were leaving the voting center with ballots. They got pictures of that. Another truckload of ballots has arrived and is waiting to be pulled in. None of the waiting challengers has been allowed in as of Thursday 1:55 am when I write this.

  63. All through the 20th century, up to about, say, 1990 or so, presidential elections were fairly smooth. Results were known, and mostly uncontested, within a day or so.
    And there were no computers used in the voting process for the first 80? years of the 20th century.
    Everybody had to show up in person to vote and present ID and voter registration card.

    Since the Gore – Bush election mess, it’s all gone downhill.
    Because the demokrats no longer believe in the Constitution, our system of govt. and they hate everything about our nation.
    They refuse to accept that they cannot be in power; they refuse to accept that compromise is essential if a representative democracy is to survive.
    They really do not care about anything at all other than the attainment of absolute power.
    This is no different that Hitler’s Nazis or Lenin/Stalin’s Bolsheviks.
    The ends justifies the means.
    You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette (though that omelette never seems available to anyone not a member of the ruling elites).

    The republicans have got to stop adhering to rules that only they themselves adhere to. One side playing football by the rules will lose to the other side that takes the field with 50 players holding guns and knives to the game.
    Playing by the rules is suicide.

    Trump should not give up and he must challenge the legality of each ballot.
    There is no way in hell that there was not massive cheating – mostly as a result of the mail in ballots.

  64. Well, I took a vacation day and now this…

    I’ve long suspected vote fraud — those boxes of ballots suddenly appearing from some car trunk — but this is blatant. I never expected anything so obvious.

    I’m not clear what recourse we have.

    Help us, Obi-Barr-Durham. You are our only hope!

  65. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
    Meanwhile the world goes on.
    Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
    are moving across the landscapes,
    over the prairies and the deep trees,
    the mountains and the rivers.
    Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
    are heading home again.

    From “Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver

  66. Still, Occam’s Razor says that most likely had an accidental and totally incompetent leak from a lab and *then* the leadership saw zero upside to China taking one for the team and decided to take the rest of the world down with them.

    Zaphod: That’s my read on the Chinese and Covid.

  67. C. 45 minutes ago, Fox was showing Grinnell’s presser, about NV fraud.
    A white woman spoke, about how her bid to vote was unfairly blocked.
    Then, a black guy (poll watcher?) started to speak about what he’d seen, but after maybe 1 minute, Fox *broke* away from him, not to other *breaking* news, but to Hemmer with Andy McC, on *technical* legal aspects of such dustups.

    I could see Fox doing this, had the black guy been droning on for 5+ minutes, but to cut coverage, so soon after he started his story, reeks of biased journalism.

  68. Not the Occam I know.

    The one I know hints that although the leak was indeed an accident, the virus WAS developed intentionally for use in the future if and when necessary, but most importantly when China was more ready militarily. Currently, China is not quite ready. Not yet.
    (Of course the official excuse for its development is that it was part of a program to create new strains of virus so as analyze them with the goal of creating new cures. That is, “to help humankind”(TM), which does indeed sound quite a lot better than the previous conjecture and may even strike some as plausible.)

    He further postulates that while there can be no doubt that the virus has caused a lot of hurt globally, the fact that it escaped before China was ready to use it—i.e., before it was intended to be implemented (either as an actual bio-weapon or as a tool of intimidation, extortion and/or blackmail) means that the world, in spite of all the damage and chaos, has dodged a bullet—at least for now, with value added if anything can be learned in the interim to counter this most exasperating disease.

    Moreover, while he’s a great admirer of Chinese culture, generally, he’s also quite a bit wary of their long game and their tendency to cut corners (especially with regard to reliability and honesty).

    Ironically, he’s pretty inscrutable himself, even if he passes himself off as a simple, man of the people, WYSIWYG kind of guy….

  69. This is like 1960 on steroids. Nixon decided not to challenge the results in Illinois, Texas, and Alabama for the good of the Republic.
    Trump is no Nixon. That’s not how he rolls.

  70. The one I know hints that although the leak was indeed an accident, the virus WAS developed intentionally for use in the future if and when necessary, but most importantly when China was more ready militarily.

    Barry Meislin: That’s not what I’m saying and probably not Zaphod either. Mabye Covid has not been engineered as a bio-weapon yet but the Chinese sure as heck aren’t researching bat viruses for the benefit of humanity.

  71. Now that they have come out of hiding in their efforts to destroy, first, candidate and, then, President Trump, its pretty well undeniable, at this point, that Gramsci’s ”Long March Through the Institutions/Culture” has resulted in the Left occupying and “fundamentally transforming” almost every major center of power here in the U.S.–Academia and Hollywood were obvious and so, too, was the MSM, but we probably hadn’t realized quite the extent and depth of the transformation of the Judiciary and the Federal Government until more recently.

    In sum, in their overwhelming and frenzied zeal to destroy Trump, those on the left have “broken cover,” revealed their true nature, “destroyed their brands” and, in the process, have driven a bulldozer through all of the formerly relatively stable landscape, signposts, and guardrails of our society.

    As Tucker Carlson commented last night, the Left has also now managed to destroy what may have been our formerly naive and way too confident faith in “the ballot”; in our electoral system.

    If you were and are paying any kind of attention–and aren’t blinded by TDS–that’s now just gone, utterly and—absent draconian reforms–we can never again have that certainty and trust that the vote is legit.

    Thus, another central and stabilizing prop of our society is knocked out from under it.

    One wonders how many such props are left, and what happens when a couple more get knocked out as well.

  72. Zaphod:

    I seem to recall he said he was going to take some time off from discussing politics. Then again, I’m not sure. I hope he’s okay.

  73. Huxley – one of the 5 goals of China is to be the Bio tech leader of the world. This virus was designed to deliver gene therapy to the cell as a “gain of function” therapy. In 2014 the US Congress banned this research when similar gain of function organism had accidental releases come out of our Level 4 labs. Fauci then washed several million dollars to the Chinese to continue the research. So the US and Fauci had indirect roles in this virus. It was not intentionally released by the Chinese but once it came out, Shi made sure the rest of the world got it.


  74. Zaphod, entertaining comment, at least what i can read of your emotions. Since there is no or little negative emotions directed at me, i ll answer what ymar is. Ymar is an avatar account name i made. I am not ymar.

    Ymar is…..

    1. A son of god
    2. A melchizedek priest
    3. A telempath que b5
    4. Fighting vampiric cabal, aka deep state pedos
    5. Sleeper cell awakened
    6. Maintaining opsec since myspace.

    My 2021 predictions are more interesting than the calls for 2020.

  75. Yes that’s right.
    It seems that in addition to not marking ANY ballots for Trump they also neglected to mark votes for any candidates (e.g., for the Senate, House) EXCEPT for Biden.

    Sloppy, but who knows if it will matter in the end….

    Would serve ’em right if it did come to something.

  76. The media continue their narrative that “there is no evidence of massive voter fraud”, or “widespread manipulation”.
    What would the media consider “massive”? When an election is decided by a very small margin, very small voter fraud can swing an election.
    Those in Washington state will never forget the manipulation in King county that gave the Democrat candidate the governorship by a few votes.
    A few illegal votes precinct by precinct in a Democrat county can be hidden. Spread over a few counties the results can be what we’re seeing in several states.
    Add to that, the late counting of mail in ballots, gives the impression of sandbagging. Kind of the “you go first” strategy.

  77. huxley on November 5, 2020 at 12:05 pm said:
    Well, I took a vacation day and now this…Help us, Obi-Barr-Durham. You are our only hope!
    * * *
    “I’m out of it for a little while, everyone gets delusions of grandeur!”

  78. “I could see Fox doing this, had the black guy been droning on for 5+ minutes, but to cut coverage, so soon after he started his story, reeks of biased journalism.” = aNanyMouse

    Fox has totally burned whatever residual credit they had with the Right after some of their recent debacles in the debate and election coverage.
    “Fair and balanced*” is now clearly revealed as the “Democrat stealth network.”

    See Iowahawk’s “skin suit” metaphor.

    *They actually dropped the slogan 3 years ago – shows you how much TV I watch (answer: none).

  79. Oblio on November 5, 2020 at 1:32 pm said:
    This is like 1960 on steroids. Nixon decided not to challenge the results in Illinois, Texas, and Alabama for the good of the Republic.
    Trump is no Nixon. That’s not how he rolls.
    * * *
    Nixon made the wrong call.
    Whatever you don’t punish, you get more of.
    Is the Republic any better off for his caving than it would have been if he had fought, and possibly won?
    Even if he hadn’t been able to prove the fraud, he would have brought needed attention to the problem.
    Instead, the snowball has been rolling down the hill now for 60 more years, and getting larger and filthier all the time.

    Hindsight is 2020, of course.

  80. Barry’s link to Zerohedge’s reprint of Brandon Smith’s post at Alt-market is worth a read; it’s not “news” but it shores up some of the thoughts bandied about here over the last few weeks.

    However, what got my attention was another article on the website — with a very direct relationship to fraud. If you don’t like the stealth edits on Wikipedia, or the “warning labels” at Twitter and Facebook, you’re really not going to like this.


    According to an Archive.org blog post, you will now know if a page was pulled down or received an alert over what “fact-checkers” consider “misinformation.”

    This also includes “dead” web pages that were archived. The Internet Archive has started adding fact checks and context to Wayback Machine pages to explain just why the pages were removed. If a page was part of a disinformation campaign or pulled due to a policy violation, a distinct yellow banner will explain why.

    The fact checks will come from a variety of mainstream outlets, including FactCheck.org, Politifact, the Associated Press, and the Washington Post. Which absolutely in no way will be manipulated, right?

    You can make your own judgments about the probity of some of the poster’s concerns, but the main point is still valid and worrisome.

  81. Om, a lot of humans think yeshua was yammering too. That is why they got rid of him. Old yeshua is still around of course.

    It is a basic human response to the sons and daughters of god. They fight them more than the fight deep state or satans.

  82. AesopFan, don’t get me wrong. I am looking forward to the litigation and the disclosure. Maybe we will win a case or two. The urban vote fraud machine needs to be exposed, for the good of the Republic.

    How it was done is already becoming much clearer.

    Go to the mattresses.

  83. Yammer is yammering. Nothing new just another day.

    Yammer, have you picked out your planet yet, maybe that one will be flat?

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