Home » Questions the press will never ask Joe Biden…


Questions the press will never ask Joe Biden… — 5 Comments

  1. The press doesn’t HAVE to ask Joe Biden anything.

    Biden is so forthcoming, he’ll tell us EVERYTHING we need to know—without even being asked:

    For example, by telling “us” that “we” don’t need to know whether he intends to pack the court or not, he is essentially telling us, “Yes, I intend to pack the court”.

    In Biden’s defense, however, “I” is not “I, Joe Biden” (since “I, Joe Biden” has essentially ceased to be functional and simply can’t be expected to formulate, discuss, describe or defend ANY policy position of his own or on his own).

    Rather, “I” is “My Team” of handlers and bundlers and coaches and doctors and make-up artists.

    “I” is “We”.

    More specifically, “I” is Obama’s team.

  2. Hunter has received millions of dollars from Russia, China and Ukraine. Why aren’t those bribes to you?

  3. What is perhaps most fascinating about the pre-“woke” Sleepy Joe is that, once upon a time, he truly was a moderate Democrat and had positions on various policies which were reasonable and sensible. He argued decades ago against the insanity of reparations, and he was also in favor of stringent measures on criminal justice, at a time when the CBC, concerned about the scourge of crack in the inner city, also advocated for strong sentences for drug trafficking.

  4. Below is the question I wanted to ask Joe in Council Bluffs, but he took no questions.

    You had lunch with the President weekly. What did you know about the FBI spying on the Trump campaign and the fact that Hillary cooked up the entire Russia hoax? And when did you know it?

  5. Ex-Dem Georgia (H?) was pretty good about checking the media and finding out how biased they were.

    After she asked herself the question about whether they were biased, and how would one know.

    People have to have the question in mind, before they are ready for answer.

    The Dem media, following the Dem dominated colleges, is suppressing the question.

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