Home » Joe Biden’s contempt for the American public – and for the facts


Joe Biden’s contempt for the American public – and for the facts — 29 Comments

  1. At this point he could claim to be Batman and Jake Tapper would thank him for saving Gotham.

  2. He realized what he was saying and cut himself off in mid-sentence, but not before he said, “No, they don’t deserve.” Amazing. His answer has been that he won’t say because then it would be a headline. He wants to be the President of the USA but doesn’t want headlines about his intentions.

    Basically, all this prevarication means, yes, he and/or Kamala will pack the court if they gain power.

  3. I don’t know why they don’t just lie and say no they don’t support it and then when they win do it anyway. It’s not like their supporters care about the truth and the media will cover for them.

  4. Griffin:

    Because their interests wouldn’t be served by that approach. If they answer, they alienate half their voters. If they say “yes,” they alienate a large number of people planning to vote for them who wouldn’t approve. And if they say “no,” they alienate the far left among their supporters.

  5. neo,

    But remember Obama’s obvious lie about being against gay marriage in 2008. Everybody knew it was BS and sure enough he ‘evolved’ after the election and nobody on the left cared one bit.

    It would be a ‘wink, wink’ kind of deal.

    Notice how the riots went away when it became obvious they were hurting the left? Their base is so devoted to winning at all costs they will do and say whatever needs to be done in the moment.

  6. Griffin,

    The riots haven’t gone away. I think it’s more like coverage of the riots is muted.

    I believe Trump is going to win, hopefully large enough margin to beat election fraud. In which case, the riots will only get worse.

  7. There’s a meme floating around Facebook, saying that you can’t love America if you despise half its people (quoting Pete Buttigieg)…this is a shot at Republicans and Trump supporters, who are assumed to feel that way about their fellow Americans.

    Actually, of course, it’s mostly Democrats and Progs who despise masses of their fellow citizens…’deplorables’, etc….I’m assembling some links to make that point, if anyone has suggestions.

  8. Griffin:

    Yes, I have thought of that. It may be that gay marriage was more universally popular among Obama’s voters than court-packing is among Biden’s, and Obama’s voters understood the “wink wink” nature of his reply. Or maybe Biden just doesn’t have the same breezy confidence Obama had, although Biden is certainly a very experienced liar.

  9. It’s a simple political calculation; the dem’s radical base won’t accept a list of potential S.C. nominees who aren’t hard left, while too many low info voters won’t accept hard left nominees that they have time to ponder.

    So a refusal to answer is politically, the least bad answer.

    Especially with their MSM propaganda orgs to run interference.

    Plus, it’s for the public’s own good…

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we start to deceive” Sir Walter Scott

  10. LYNN HARGROVE (8:50 pm) said:

    “One would hope that this would be Biden’s ‘Gary Hart’ moment.”

    One is entitled to hope, but who’s going to see/hear it — that matters? Most people (to the tune of ohhh, 99.5 percent?) have quite made up their minds, and even this ‘Gary Hart’ moment won’t change those minds.

    If anyone’s reachable at this point, will they ever get to see/hear this moment?

  11. “I don’t know why they don’t just lie and say no they don’t support it and then when they win do it anyway. It’s not like their supporters care about the truth and the media will cover for them.” – Griffin

    If you like your Supreme Court, you can keep your Supreme Court.

    Obama’s base was so committed to electing The First Black President, he could have taken any position he thought would get votes from the center / independent / LIVs, regardless of whether the Left saw the winking or not.
    Biden doesn’t have that unquestioning support — Neo pointed out the dilemma — because the Democrats in the opposing factions can’t really be sure if he is lying to them or to the other guys.

  12. The Main Stream Media is the greatest labor-saving device ever harnessed by a political party. The Democratic candidates can say anything during the campaign season – and post-election, all sins that were promised will be washed away as if they were never there, and replaced by the Progressive Commentariat with a brand new context and interpretation to suit.

    Campaign promises are a thing of the past, in more ways than one. The modern age began in 2010 when Nancy said of the ACA, ObamaCare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

  13. Good grief, Barry Meislin. That congressional candidate is the disabled young man who “stood up” for the flag. The vandalism, as described, and the quoted tweets from the Dem candidate are violent and disgusting. Fortunately, this district in the mountains of western NC is not going to elect the creepy Democrat.

  14. “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we start to deceive” ———————————— Heyl-El

  15. Apparently one can never have enough Hillary Clintons:

    She is truly an inspiration!

    On the other hand, one COULD WELL ARGUE that since the polls have Biden consistently leading by wide margins AND since the polls are NEVER wrong and ALWAYS honest, fair and accurate, then—in fact—the ONLY WAY that Biden could lose is by Trump cheating.


    But who might they get around to blaming this time? Probably just recycle the Russia Collusion thing, as it’s easier, most people would have forgotten about it and it’s all ready to go! Get ready for Trump-Putin Redux!!

  16. We’ve been waiting a long time, a heckuva long time, for Biden to come clean about his less than stellar sense of values, his lies, his thuggish behavior, his corrupt proclivities.

    Finally—finally!—he’s made a clean breast of it. Thank you, sir. It could not have been easy but you’ve done the right thing and you have earned the respect of a grateful nation:

    File under: No! More Malarkey!!

  17. “all twenty-two (Presidents in this situation) made the decision to send up a nomination”

    Including, according to a podcast I listened to, one President who nominated a Justice and got him installed AFTER losing re-election and before, of course, the new President was sworn in.
    This was the famous Supreme Court Justice John Marshall.

  18. Recall the #WalkAway lady that neo posted about a while ago?
    One of her commenters wrote this, which a friend sent to me.
    “She’s only ever made one video. It’s had 1.1 million views in two weeks and she’s got 27’000 subscribers craving for more. That tells you she’s not alone.”

    Joe, are you listening?

  19. Relevant comment cross-over:

    Barry Meislin on October 11, 2020 at 5:35 pm said:
    Turley describes, if a bit too dispassionately, the overarching, serial fraudulence of the Democratic Party and the MSCM as he hints somewhat mysteriously at what’s on the line in three weeks:


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