Home » In Compton, the deputies helped each other after they were shot


In Compton, the deputies helped each other after they were shot — 29 Comments

  1. Wow, that is gut-wrenching. I have a cousin who was an LA County sheriff in the same area for over 30 years. He’s been retired for a while, but this is horrible.

    My dad was an Orange County (CA) sheriff for over 20 years prior to his death at the very young age of 44. He worked up from patrol to captain.

    This is very personal.

  2. Well done. I was so happy to hear they are both expected to survive — although whether they will have permanent problems has not been made public.

  3. The cops probably know who the shooter was, they generally know who the bad guys are, and I’m sure this prep is not a first offender. Now they just have to find him. This will be more difficult than it seems. There is an unwritten rule in L.A. — if you draw a gun on a cop, or fail to put yours down when ordered to, you die. All the criminals know this — that’s why shootouts with the police are rare, and virtually always done by amateurs. So, the perp is probably already in Mexico by now, it’s only a 2 1/2 hour drive. If he’s a gangbanger — which wouldn’t surprise me at all — he is counting on being protected by his fellow members there. Occasionally a case is so hot that the Mexican government will extradite; this may be one of those cases.

  4. Heroic indeed. And yet, my left-leaning colleagues, family, and friends–many of whom live in Los Angeles County–will still vote the straight Democratic ticket, and continue to express their solidarity with efforts to “reform the police” and dismantle “systemic racism,” even in the face of BLM members shouting “I hope y’all f****ing die!” at the hospital where these two officers were receiving treatment. War is not far off now.

  5. We must support our heroes of the thin blue line who stand between us and the thugs and anarchists who wish to destroy our civilization.

    As for the shooter — I hope he meets a hail of 9 mm in the near future. He cannot be redeemed; he must be terminated with prejudice.

  6. “……BLM members shouting “I hope y’all f****ing die!” at the hospital where these two officers were receiving treatment.”

    These BLM people are scum. Why anyone would support their so-called “cause” is inexplicable.

  7. The shooter was not feral, he is just socialized to a different cultural norm. All cultures being equal, scratch that, non-BIPOC culture is evil, racist, and well, we know what follows. /sarc

  8. Outside the hospital the DNC/Antifa/BLM chanted, “We hope they die”. I return the sentiment, for them and their masters.

    Violent crime in Compton, virtually ended after the Hispanic gangs drove off the “Flower of Compton”. Apparantly the Hispanics stopped too soon.

    Just sayin’.

  9. A touching story.

    It is pretty clear to me that someone is hiding him.

    My daughter is a medical professional in a rehab hospital next door to Compton. Many years ago, Bloods and Crips were among their best customers–well, Medi-Cal of course. (The hospital was an unofficial sanctuary.)
    She said that Compton has long been a violent, gang infested locale. Now they cloak themselves in BLM and Social Justice.

    I strongly suspect a gang affiliation.

    I hope they get him. I am not laying bets.

    My wife just saw a local TV report, and it appears to her that the female Deputy is Black. I suppose a Black person in a law enforcement role is an even more likely target.

  10. Richard Saunders on September 14, 2020 at 5:07 pm said:
    The cops probably know who the shooter was, they generally know who the bad guys are, and I’m sure this prep is not a first offender. Now they just have to find him. This will be more difficult than it seems. There is an unwritten rule in L.A. — if you draw a gun on a cop, or fail to put yours down when ordered to, you die. All the criminals know this — that’s why shootouts with the police are rare, and virtually always done by amateurs. So, the perp is probably already in Mexico by now, it’s only a 2 1/2 hour drive. If he’s a gangbanger — which wouldn’t surprise me at all — he is counting on being protected by his fellow members there. Occasionally a case is so hot that the Mexican government will extradite; this may be one of those cases.
    * * *
    This invites speculation on several fronts.
    If a gangbanger, was it just a random “get the cops” assassination, an initiation for a new member, or a put-up job with some agenda?
    If the first, then (stipulating to the LAPD tradition about guns & cops), Richard is probably correct in general, although I wonder why the Mexicans would want to protect a BLM supporter of any race, so his bolt-hole may be elsewhere.
    If the second (is an initiate still an amateur?), who thought that would be a good idea in the current condition? – but, flight to Mexico is still the most likely action (with the race caveat), especially after the video was released and the perp able to be identified.
    If the third – well, what if the plan is to wait until the “bait” is taken and gun down the cops as they undertake to arrest the shooter, then claim “justifiable response to racist oppression.”

    Read the Federalist article that Newmanian linked at the Newark post.


  11. These two officers are combat heroes, a brother and sister in arms and we need heroes. The senseless tearing apart of of our nation by killing those who are dedicated to keeping peace brings tears to my eyes. This stuff (sh**t) went on in the late 1960’s when I was wearing green clothes that Uncle Sam gave me and I remember discussions with black soldiers from some of the areas that were burning and we, who were brothers in green, wondered what the hell happened to our USA?

  12. OldTexan – from another Old Texan –
    It seems to me that the Communists who are behind most of the destruction amp up their efforts whenever it looks like people of different races / ethnicities / cultures are getting along a little too well.

  13. I watched the video with commentary from some witnesses to the shooting who were just marveling at the deed, admiringly, in black slang which could not be repeated, let alone written, these days. They made no effort whatsoever to help the wounded officers in the several minutes before additional police arrived. Absolutely disgusting. Society will never be safe until people like that have ceased to pollute the earth.

  14. CatoRenasci “They made no effort whatsoever to help the wounded officers in the several minutes before additional police arrived. Absolutely disgusting. ”

    Totally agree. It is unfathomable to me not to try and help a wounded human being. But we also have to remember that they live in that neighborhood. If it is seen that they helped a cop then they become a target. That is how a minority terrorizes a majority.

    So what is the solution? First challenge all the glitterati to say this was acceptable. Videotape their response. Lebron James, Maxine Waters, Kamela Harris, Gavin Newsome, Pelosi’s hairdresser, Taylor Swift, Dwayne Johnson et al. Time to Alinsky them. Have Project Veritas organize it. Heck I would put some money in for that.

    I liked how the sheriff challenged Lebron to match the reward money. Videotape that response. Follow-up that question with a question about the Uigher slave trade and ask if he is okay with it. Does he support Trump’s ban on slave labor? After all it is his sneaker profits being enhanced.

    When they have to address what they endorsed in the abstract then you will see how quickly they change their stance.

    For real guerrilla tactics find some rich white liberal person with a BLM sign and ask if this is what they support because BLM does. Most important is to record their response.

  15. “Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites…in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good, in preference to the flattery of knaves.

    Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without.

    It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.” Edmund Burke

    Clearly and inarguably a large number of American citizens are either unwilling or incapable of putting moral chains upon their ‘passions’. It’s leading them to a terrible reckoning.

  16. Those who believe that “cops hunt down black/African-Americans” in America are either exceptionally naive or exceptionally stupid. Or both. As a PoC all I’ve seen are people targeting cops, verbally and physically assaulting them, or assassinating them.

  17. wondered what the hell happened to our USA?

    Satan and child ritual torture and sacrifice happened.

    It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.” Edmund Burke

    In other words, hello slaves.

  18. I am Sparticus,

    Excellent suggestions.


    If only we here measured up to your exalted standard or at least gave homage to it. As for myself, I stand in awe of your omniscience.

    Actually and don’t shoot the messenger but you long ago became tediously repetitive. As those who are legends in their own mind always do.

    Sadly, to engage in discussion with someone who clearly thinks that others have nothing of value to contribute is the equivalent of casting (whatever poor value) our ‘pearls’ have, before swine.

  19. I’ve seen the video a number of times and really wonder if the shooter was a child. Moreover, possibly a female. I’m looking at the way the person moves and runs. Back in the 1980s in Detroit there was a gang in Detroit known as Young Boys Inc (aka YBI), who had 12 and 13 year old “hit men” who were not shy about posing for photographs with their guns. Growing up listening to gangsta rap in Compton, such a culture is all such kids desire to emulate. It used to take a lot to get charged as an adult.

    There were also occasional teenage girls who shot people on the street or, just like this, in their cars. I saw several pictures of such actions when I was taking a close look at Detroit gangs a few years back.

  20. miklos, that’s terrible that even teen girls are being trained into this! It sets up for a truly no-holds-barred scenario if things really get interesting.

    I admire the poise of those two officers. It really is like a battlefield scenario as one hears in the stories from soldiers. This kind of thing, if it keeps up, will probably result in the police treating any and all activity in these types of areas as requiring full military dress if they’re to feel they have any chance. That means routine use of armor, heavy weapons, everything they have. Is that where this will end? And of course there will be the attendant consequences to public perception of them in said areas. ‘You wanna see an occupying force? Okay, here’s what a real occupying force looks like.’ At least it’s one possible option…. How to avoid?

  21. miklos:

    I’ve read a lot of speculation that it might be a child or woman. But others have pointed out that the SUV the deputies were sitting in is higher than a car, and that the person is not all that small. Well within the range of a full-grown male adult, although on the small side. The gait has also been discussed, but a lot of people say it’s because the person is wearing that style of pants that hangs way down and hampers walking and running. So although it could be a child or woman, I think it more likely a small man or older teen.

  22. watching the video captured on the security camera (even though it is merely a few seconds) of these two police officers helping each other is just plain heart-wrenching.

    Let’s hope they catch this animal soon, real soon.

  23. “the person is wearing that style of pants that hangs way down and hampers walking and running.” – Neo

    If I was going out to assassinate someone, especially cops with guns and radios, I think I would choose a more advantageous style.

  24. The police have now identified the shooter as a black male, 28-30 years old. I deduce that means they have excellent digital photo enhancement or they know who it is. If they are correct, that pretty much rules out the Mexico theory. On the other hand, if the assassin is a dark-skinned Hispanic, the height — about the same as the squad car — suggests MS-13 who are normally short Salvadorans, in which case a quick trip to Mexico still is a strong possibility.

  25. GB, the ego keeps triggering but things will change for you after 2021. Make sure you survive into the New Age of Gold. Or at least Silver, that’s good enough.

    Why do you humans always weaken yourselves to the point that Satan hijacks your mind and heart? And you allow or actively participate in these self killings, where one group kills another group and merely invites death in return.

    You do not comprehend Ymar and do not comprehend or understand how Ymar can be right about so many things, absent logic or facts to back it up at the time these statements were made.

    Join the Party! Haha.

  26. Yammer:

    Why do you need gold, your mind is as big as a planet after all? Facts, logic, even less tangible than gold. 2021, what is that in the calendar of Yammer?

    Comedy gold for sure.

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