Home » BLM and cops: Words aren’t violence, but they can lead to violence


BLM and cops: Words aren’t violence, but they can lead to violence — 31 Comments

  1. And soon, blacks are superior to whites. Which is rapidly where we are going. Creeps. No one is superior to anyone because of their color or ethnicity or “race”. Wicked evil people are inferior. All lives matter-including black lives matter, blue lives matter, white lives matter, South Indian lives matter, indigenous lives matter, etc. I think Trump is making this clear, and GOP in general is tepidly making this clear, but until progressive politicians and media say it, and prosecutors stringently prosecute this police lives are in danger, and so will the rest of our lives. So much is disturbing right now, but especially the rate of change of the progressive mind set and their subsequent actions. They really see this as their time for a putsch.

  2. A few years ago on CNN, the ever-unhinged Angela Rye (wealthy, privileged, and well-connected from her work with the CBC) announced that rogue white cops go out hunting black men to shoot for sport. It is easy to say “j’accuse” to social media, to irresponsible Democrats, and, of course, to the actual perpetrators of such violence, but the lion’s share of the blame must fall with the countless racial arsonists in the MSM, who are eager to incite hatred among blacks (and, sometimes, their white “allies”) against those whom they perceive as their “oppressors”. Much blood is on the hands of the millionaires at CNN, MSNBC, and the other purveyors of falsehoods and propaganda.

  3. Some, Select Black Lives Matter is an incorporated sect under the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent quasi-religion (“ethics”) of the Progressive Church.

  4. A Massachusetts local NAACP leader says working for the police is a choice, whereas being black is not a choice; therefore blue lives don’t matter. Waiting to see if the national group will disown him.

  5. I was going to remark on that occurrence in the currently fulminating thread. But because of the device I had ready to hand, and the time constraints I am still facing, I did not.

    However, initial reporting, which I just glanced at, claimed that the man with an Hispanic name, was supposedly “white”.

    I have already godamned the mentally disturbed as unmitigated threats to civil peace and quality of life so often that I will forgo it here. After all there may be a God, and I am already on the outs with that potbellied sly-eyed little anti-American guy in the Vatican.

    But this nonsense of police being put into the position of social workers catering to the life incompetent and behaviorally incontinent has to stop. Or we lose a republic in which the citizen is reduced under the weight of the needs of the incompetent and the principle of social equality to no more than “ward of the state”

    We enable the insane and emotionally disturbed to offend again and again, and then wonder why any sense of social solidarity or fellowship is withering away …? As quite logically, it should.

    This particular lunatic may be a first offender. Time and investigation will tell. But recent history shows that this is all too often not the case.

  6. It doesn’t take many words to describe the moral clarity of the situation. I only wish those who consume the mainstream media would be shown the clear, simple facts because they would almost certainly make the correct moral evaluation in overwhelming numbers. Too bad the MSM is on a mission to obscure or ignore instead of inform.

  7. I suppose I should thank Neo for posting the news about my home town (I hadn’t heard about the riots until now), but right now I’m just sick. Lancaster was one of the safest and most sociologically stable small cities in the country when I was a kid, and to read the link that Neo posted was a gut punch. One more bereavement in a year that’s been full of them, and all of them the result of the lies that Neo identified.

  8. The democrats, mainstream media, BLM and Antifa all share responsibility for the murder of our police.

    They are ALL guilty.

  9. This was posted on the Newark thread, because of the obvious connection revealed at the link, but it is so important I wanted to copy it here as well, for those who didn’t stay to the end of the movie over there.

    Newmanian on September 14, 2020 at 10:07 am said:
    There are many layers to understand what happened (and is still happening) to Newark. And Detroit, Baltimore, et.al. But a chunk of it lies in the actual plan to destroy it.


  10. All the activist left is doing is removing all doubt as to their richly deserving the fate that they are so unremittingly courting.

  11. I think we have some ideal footage for the President’s next campaign ad.

    These stories (both Compton and Lancaster) need to be blasted into the ears of law-abiding, working class and middle class Americans (of all races) ad infinitum. This is what the Democrat party brings; this is what it coddles (at best) and actively promotes (at worst). Running a senile, groping, incoherent, old idiot (who has been seeking elected office for a half century), who can barely string together a coherent paragraph without the help of a teleprompter, doesn’t change this fact, no matter how “moderate” he may have been decades ago. He is not the Democrat Party; he is an empty shell. Everything that has happened since late May…THAT’S the Democrat Party.

    And it’s only going to get worse. Progressives revel is misquoting Sinclair Lewis:

    “When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”

    Here is my paraphrased rejoinder:

    “When anarcho-tyranny comes to America, it will be wrapped in CNN/NYTimes/NPR logos and carrying a copy of “White Fragility” while ‘taking a knee'”

    And, it is here. It is all around us. I have no idea if it can be stopped, or even slowed. But I do know this: if Democrats win in November, the answer to the above is a definite no.

  12. Francesca on September 14, 2020 at 9:05 pm said:
    We are becoming S. Africa. Slaughter of whites ongoing.

    Karmic boomerang. USA polices and resources helped destroy Rhodesia and disrupt South African colonialism, creating a power space for the black gang lords.

    It is decreed that by Divine Law that any nation that attacks another using ethnic cleansing, will experience the same attack in the time space continuum of their existence. Invasion is met by occupation. Bombs, by fire and death. The Karma debt is accumulated by your nation, because your leaders are ridden by Satan, yet it is you the citizen serf slave that pays the cost in the end. That is how the System works.

  13. “And, it is here. It is all around us. I have no idea if it can be stopped, or even slowed. But I do know this: if Democrats win in November, the answer to the above is a definite no.” Ackler

    If Democrats steal the election (a self-evident truth) it will directly lead to another Civil War. Whereas, if they were simply patient for but another generation, it would fall into their lap. Of course, passionate youth and patience is an oxymoron and dem leadership finds itself upon the “tiger’s back”. If a hot civil war comes, they will discover that they “choose poorly”.

  14. Ymar,

    That direct line to God you have, must be… comforting.

    Fortunately, you’re only half right. Satan is surely in play but for all her sins, America has never practiced ethnic cleansing, not here nor in Africa. Rhodesian and South African apartheid was evil and withdrawing tangential economic support for it does not make America responsible for black African gang lords.That’s on them.

    Nor despite Satan’s best efforts are all our leaders ridden by Satan. No part of Satan’s plans includes support for Donald J. Trump being elected President. And though much of the GOPe’s support for Trump is out of self-interest, nevertheless that support is a hindrance to Satan’s agenda.

    And the reason why the common man pays the highest price is because to be overcome, great evil requires of good, great sacrifice. And that, is how reality works.

  15. My prediction (made privately, to a few friends) was that we were not going to see the temperature seriously rise in this Civil War until we began to see a body count. Well, we’re moving into that phase.

  16. Words aren’t violence.
    There are those who will say “Silence (in defending THEIR cause) is violence”
    The SCOTUS has recognized the pertinence of “fightin’ words”.

    The acolytes to the words in (eg)the Qu’ran give me pause to EVER trust them behind my back.

    The bearer of a flag in direct opposition to my own only serves to elicit
    fight or flight (on an appropriate spot of a spectrum)

    Simple enough?

    That is all.

  17. It is apparent that–while everyone was looking the other way—an invisible, subterranean river of subversion and sabotage has done it’s work of undermining things—has hollowed out what, on the surface, appeared to be a sold structure.

    Think of the high school science experiment, in which a single salt crystal is dropped into a supersaturated salt solution, and the whole situation changes.

    That is what has apparently happened here, we have had a very stealthy, under the radar, behind the scenes, “phase change.”

    This undermining causing a radical change to take place here in the United, such that, when challenged, the established authorities, who one could formerly count on to just reflexively enforce law and order by acting quickly to put down riots, and to arrest, hold, and to prosecute those involved, have stepped back, have now almost universally abdicated their responsibility–and have either just gone through the motions, have tried to somewhat contain them, but have not seriously gone on the offense against the rioters–or have actually declared their support for/solidarity with the rioters.

  18. Cont’d–This is, of course, the response that will lead to the eventual collapse of the civilized order and–since the “authorities” have abandoned them, won’t defend them and keep them safe–to every citizen looking to their own and to their family’s defense–thus, the gun and ammo sales that have had staggering, record-breaking increases, month after month.

  19. Cont’d–One can’t help but wonder, with increasing trepidation, what would happen if your area or you yourself came under attack by the mob.

    What would your local law enforcement’s response be? What would it be if you had to use force to defend yourself?

    And that growing uncertainty and lack of confidence is exactly what the Left wants to provoke.

  20. Some very interesting commentary on how to stop the riots. A reporter on the street in Lancaster. Search “#thelancpatriot# and you will find his reporting.

  21. ‘Progressives revel is misquoting Sinclair Lewis:
    “When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross” ‘- Ackler

    Misdirection as to the source of existential danger to the United States is part of the Left’s agenda, of course. Christian Patriots (the genuine ones) dislike Fascism because it directly conflicts with basic tenets of both biblical doctrine and the Constitution.
    However, there are many Democrats we could name who do don flags as Mantles of Virtue Signaling when it suits their purposes, and who brandish the cross to distract us from their anti-Christian policies.

    This seems to accord more closely with the reality we are witnessing:
    “When Anarchy comes to America, it will be burning the flag and pissing on a cross”

  22. Gordon Scott:

    According to RedState setting the bail for those arrested at $1,000,000 seems to have have discouraged participation in last night’s “mostly peaceful protest.” That and arresting dolts.


    I’m sure the National Lawyers Guild and ACLU are already searching for a judge to stop this threat to “mostly peaceful protesting.”

  23. om – they are already complaining that the bail is too high and out of proportion to the offense.
    However, since their preference is either no bail at all, or something that the Democrat Party Get-out-of-jail-free Fund is willing to handle, I hope the judges continue to ignore them.


    “The absurdly high bail amounts indicate that what we’re seeing is not a measured pursuit of justice, but a politically motivated attack on the movement for police reform and accountability,” the group tweeted.
    [A quickly mobilized “grass roots” organization called “Lancaster Stands Up.”]

    The bail amount also came under fire from Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who called it “blatantly unconstitutional.”

    “It’s self-evidently unconstitutional,” Fetterman told Lancaster Online. “Whatever the merit of the underlying charges, what is absolutely indefensible is a million dollar bail for those charges.”

    Just a reminder of what the Left now considers as obligatory qualifications for martyrdom.

    The officer involved in the shooting was responding to a 911 call placed by Munoz’s mother, who said that her son was getting “aggressive” and attempted to break into her home.

    His family has said he has a history of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and was not taking his medication at the time.

    Munoz was scheduled to go on trial for allegedly slashing four people in a knife attack in 2019.

  24. All Lives Matter.

    That’s what Reps mostly say, and those who love America believe. Including Black Lives Matter. And White, and Brown, and Blue (Police). And even pre-born — to the pro-life folk.

    I can’t help but fantasize about hundreds of lawsuits against the Dems in media and colleges who are supporting the protests and riots and, essentially, the killing. But I know it won’t happen … so the Dem support of riots will continue.

  25. AesopFan:

    The preference is no arrest at all, for anything except wrong think, wrong speech, or wrong silence, or you are just the wrong color ….. Keep smiling! 😉

  26. “Keep smiling! ?” – om

    I smile a lot when I’m not ranting on a blog comment thread!
    And I try to use lots of non-violent speech and silence.

    PS How do you code the emoji? It didn’t copy through.

  27. AesopFan:

    Never learned to code beyond Basic, so I am not fit to be a journalist. Typing colon and parenthesis 🙂 gives the smiley, colon and zero gives another emoji. Seems to work. 🙂 :0 Nope colon and 0 doesnt work. Maybe :O Nope.

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