Home » Portland, Oregon: if you wink at bad behavior you will get more of it


Portland, Oregon: if you wink at bad behavior you will get more of it — 26 Comments

  1. I saw a news story about this earlier today which said the guy had been racing at speeds up to 11 mph. Glad to have that cleared up.

  2. It is hardly surprising that Mayor Wheeler (every bit as stupid and incompetent as de Blasio, Lightfoot, Durkan, Frey and all the other morons (D) running the cities which have descended into chaos and violence) is blaming Trump for the problem, exacerbated by leftists, which he himself has failed to address.

  3. The Wheeler of Portland chose poorly (backing Antifa for years) and now it is on his head. Insanity is doing the same (wrong) thing over and over again and expecting better results each time?

  4. great name, must run in the family. Im sure his family had plenty of practice in Krystalnacht

  5. It’s a bit like when you let household maintenance chores slide. Things start Failing in Threes.

    There’s a critical mass of people running amok out there who ought to have been subjected to attitude adjustment or just plain removed from the general circulation. In the old days we nipped these tendencies in the bud.

  6. “The mayor of Portland doesn’t even seem entirely sane, does he?”

    I think the ‘shroom usage is widespread?

    From a recent PowerLine podcast and backed by wikipedia:
    Mayor Wheeler is former Oregon State Treasurer
    Bachelor in Econ degree from Stanford
    MBA Columbia
    Master’s in Public Policy at Harvard
    Is running for re-election as Mayor against a guy who is MORE leftwing

    The elites and their institutions appear to have some basic rot at deep levels.

  7. That Wheeler press conference was something to behold. Unchecked riots in his city for months, finally someone is murdered, and he blames Trump, the day after he sent Trump a nasty email insisting he had everything under control.

    Like California, Portland is getting what it voted for.

  8. From the link,

    “Reinoehl was raised in Sandy and has had recent addresses in Northeast Portland, Gresham and Clackamas. He described himself on social media and in a video interview with Bloomberg QuickTake News as a professional snowboarder …”

    A “48-year-old”, professional snowboarder, part time felon wannabe, and full time miscreant.

    Yeah, maybe there is a pattern here.

    Cite, our good Antifa friend Anthony-Piece-of-Work-Huber, shot through the heart as he tried to wrest away Rittenhouse’s rifle after having first struck him in the neck with his skateboard, who was described as a 26 year old “semi-professional skateboarder”.

    Of course in the charges against Rittenhouse wherein the attacks on him were described, that famous passive voice so beloved of malefactors and their malevolent apologists, is predictably deployed as Huber’s skateboard is described as … coming into contact … with Rittenhouse’s shoulder.

    I suppose Gaige Ganzmonkey or whatever his name was, lost his bicep as it came into contact with a .223 rifle round; because ‘someone did something’, yes? No, of course not; not when it is the radical thing and its apologists that are emitting the text and playing the victim.

    Oh and speaking of official and intentional linguistic malfeasance, we have the newspaper offering the skeptical qualification that the 48 year old snowboarder and murderer only [as Neo’s points out] calls himself an “anti fascist”; whereas, the dead man is unconditionally labeled as a “a right-wing demonstrator.”

    I guess he was not carrying the official Antifa Diploma.

    These … soulless [on their own description] pieces of work, are a metaphysical wonder to behold.

  9. For the first two minutes of Wheeler’s press conference yesterday, he seemed like he was rational and was going to analyze the problem Portlanders faced. Then he became irrational and started ranting about Trump. It was far more hysterical a rant than I expected from a public official — usually they temper their anger and try to act like they’re looking for a solution. Not Wheeler — it was all Trump’s fault for fomenting racism on the USA, and he (Trump) had to fix it.

    I think having the radical left focus on racism was an act of genius on someone’s part — racism is non-specific enough that there is no empirical way of saying “we’ve taken the message to heart and are working to fix it.” It is just a nasty charge that is petty much accepted without proof other than saying “Trump called all Mexicans rapists” or “Trump said the people in Charlottesville are good people.” And the conclusion is Trump is a bad guy motivated by bad intentions.

    We here at thenewneo, of course, have read Neo’s denial of those charges. For much of the rest of America, they are honest charges and the onus is on Trump to change his ways. Until he does so, Portland will continue be wracked by rioting and destruction. And people like Al Sharpton are the judges of whether or not racism still exists. How likely is he to do that when he makes his living off it?

    I don’t know what to make of pro ball players. I have known a few, and they were generally more level-headed than the crazies who are willing to destroy their livelihood for some vague goal. Do they think they can be instrumental in Trump’s defeat? If that’s it, perhaps they’ll come to their senses after Nov 4, if their livelihood lasts that long: I for one will not watch another pro ball game as long as the field is inscribed “Black Lives Matter” and the players have the name of black victims of white police sewn on their uniforms — it is just more dishonesty and cynicism than I can tolerate in the light of the thousands of black lives that are taken every year in the inner city by black gang bangers.

    I for one have had enough. Enough of the lies from the press, from the pro ball players, from the team owners and managers, and from mayors like Ted Wheeler. You guys have all taken one step too far. And I know I’m not alone in this conclusion.

  10. https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=21159

    “ We have reached a point where the ruling class is at war with reality. Part of that reality is they are a ruling class with certain duties and responsibilities. They reject that solely on the grounds that the people they rule over define a ruling class as having certain duties and responsibilities. This is why they celebrate the anarchists burning cities and murdering citizens. They oppose Trump, because he rhetorically represents the rest of us and they are the forever enemy of us.

    There appears to be only two options at this stage. Either the ruling class abandons its war on the rest of us or the rest of us accept that we are at war. The former requires the ruling class to break free of the partisan madness that now grips them. This is something without precedent, but we live in an unprecedented time. The other option simply reacquires time. At some point, necessity will require people to accept reality and act accordingly. The rest is predictable.

    Either way, we have reached a point that the Founders anticipated. They could not imagine men in sundresses shrieking like lunatics about white privilege, but they knew that unrestrained factionalism led to conflict. They knew that irreconcilable differences could only lead to one thing. That is where we find ourselves. Normal society is now at odds with the people that rule over it. Either the people in charge come to their senses or the people will have no choice but to remove them.”

    PS: Whatever you do, don’t read the comments. DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS.


  11. F:

    As far as the pro ball players go – it’s been going on for a long time, even prior to Trump. It really got going when the Trayvon Martin case happened (see this for example). Athletes swallowed the left’s story hook, line, and sinker back then, and they’ve been very much on board with BLM ever since.

  12. So, “On July 5….Reinoehl was cited….on allegations of possessing a loaded gun in a public place….but the allegations were dropped on July 30 with a “no complaint,”

    Well now. Inasmuch as the allegations were dropped, I wonder if they gave him his gun back, and if perchance that was the same gun he allegedly used to kill Mr. Danielson.

    I would consider that unlikely, but still, a question the media should be looking into, if we had the kinda media who would look into those kinda messy details in a non-conservative area, which we don’t.

  13. You are right about this having gone on for a long time with professional ball players, Neo, but they made their statements of personal belief and their fans could cheer or ignore those statements. Now we have to accept their one-sided statements, or. . .

    I am taking the “or” side on this: I will not be a supporter of their Black Lives Matter pressure, even tacitly. I will speak out, saying I do not support what I consider extremism, and I encourage other Americans not to support it. Actually, it’s fairly easy for me: I used to. watch Sunday football and some base ball. I never watched basketball, so I won’t miss that.

    But now I won’t miss football either. It has passed me by. Major League Baseball too. The Black Lives Matter inscriptions on the fields just leaves me cold. It’s an insult, a slap in the face. Sorry, players, I won’t support your myth. I don’t believe in systemic racism, and I will make that statement boldly.

  14. Ted Wheeler – the “Nero of the Northwest”? What do you think?

    Is this Reinoehl an urban or a non-urban person? I want to know if he’s more likely to be a rural meth-head or an urban dweller. I’m just wondering if the tendency toward being ‘anti-fascist’ can be localized in the cities or if there’s a rural element as well.

  15. Long past time for federal forces to administer high velocity lead injections. Kill a few hundred and the rest retreat to mommy’s basement. Show them death as a consequence and they flee to video games and porn.

  16. The radical left has essentially implied that Wheeler can only atone for his ancestral sins by taking a vow of poverty and donating all of his worldly assets to the Left.

    I’d guess that perhaps 5% of the wealth supporting the Left now has just the faintest inkling of what awaits them should the Left win.

    “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them” Vladimir Lenin

  17. Rest assured that had the Portland cops caught an opponent of Antifa with a gun he would have been arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  18. JimNorCal, Ted Wheeler is not just a member of the elite by virtue of the elite colleges he attended, but also by his family background.From Wikipedia:

    A sixth-generation Oregonian, Wheeler was born in Portland to a family with roots in the Oregon timber industry. His father, Sam Wheeler, was executive vice president at Willamette Industries,[2] a Fortune 500 lumber company formed in 1967 by a merger of several smaller companies, including one established by the Wheeler family in 1912 in eponymous Wheeler, Oregon.

    Ted Wheeler is a trust fund baby aligning himself with the revos- or letting the revos do their thing with minimal legal consequences, which amounts to the same thing. He is finding out with the street demonstrations outside his condo and the occupation of his condo lobby, that hasn’t been a very wise strategy.

    If I owned a street-facing condo in the building where Ted Wheeler “lives” (when is the last time he slept there?), I would purchase a garden hose, attach the hose to my kitchen faucet- probably need to purchase some attachment- and spray water down on the street demonstrators. If you could get a bunch of street-facing condos to do that…..

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