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Trump supporter killed in Portland — 84 Comments

  1. Months ago I was threatened with violence for calmly speaking my mind. I told others at the time that this was where we were headed.

    The only response was: “But what were you saying?”

    This is [CURRENT YEAR]. And having an opinion can be hazardous to your health. Possibly fatal.

  2. Prayers.

    At this point, I expect the local DA to throw the case. This is the Democratic Party.

  3. What can you expect. Keep screaming at kids that anyone to the left of Stalin is actually Hitler, and some asshole’s going to believe it.

  4. Andy Ngo says he knows the identities of the shooter and victim, but will not identify publicly until police do (doesn’t know if the dead man’s next of kin have been notified). The dead man was part of the Trump car caravan, but on foot at the time of the shooting. The shooter is an Antifa activist who has been at many incidents in Portland. He includes an audio which makes this sound like murder. I await details.


  5. Yeah, “Trump supporter” is exactly what the AP reads.
    Based on a “Patriot Prayer” cap, nothing Trumpie about it.
    The young man was shot dead at point-blank range. AP says he “appeared to be white”. Let’s foment a little racism, shall we?

    The AP Goebbels story goes on to say, “Trump and other speakers at last week’s Republican convention evoked a violent, dystopian future if Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden wins in November and pointed to Portland as a cautionary tale for what would be in store for Americans.”

  6. I have to admit that all the violence – along with polls showing Biden in the lead – has me very depressed today.

    The propaganda arm of the democrat party is doing everything it can to blame the violence on President Trump. I’m also fearful too many voters will believe that false narrative.


  7. This murder feels like what people these days keep calling an “inflection point.” I’m not surprised that you posted this on your day off.

    @Tuvea: The polls can show that Biden is in the lead. But Biden is not in the lead. Trump in a landslide — at least an electoral landslide (the Democrats will use mail-in voting and other types of fraud to run up the popular vote count in blue states and precincts).

  8. Democrats are THE party of the Big Lie, organised to lie about Russia Russia-gate, Ukraine, impeachment.

    Please, Tuvea! Talk about it with friends. Get them talking about it! In this election year, word of mouth really matters more than ever!

    Over 50% of people still believe the lie that Russia helped Trump win in 2016. Yet in May, when the Republican investigation testimony of this matter — which the Mueller witch-hunt team had to know! — showed that Obama’s people and team Hillary had nothing. Yet they lied in public for years, while the GOP let the bureaucrats in Intelligence slow walk the release of the facts until the next Democrat House took over and through Schiff for brains schemed to keep the a Big Lie going!

    Democrats are f**king evil. They own the Big Lie and use it for power just like the Nazi Party did in Germany. Tell your friends! Get them angry and chat and sharing it!

    Do a bit of evidence hunting on trusted Right web sites.

    Meanwhile, Antifa is mobbing Shopify.com because they are hosting Kyle Rittenhouse funding efforts, according to Michelle Malkin, and they want this shut down, de-platformed, censored online:

  9. Tuvea,

    Modern polls are meant to make you feel like that. I cannot stress this enough:

    Polls do not gauge. They guide.

    They are meant to hack the part of the human mind that wants to follow a strong leader. Or demoralize the rest, make them believe their preferred leader is weak.

  10. I am waiting to see if Portland police will charge this shooter, assuming the identification is correct. I thought the press conference this afternoon might be to announce an arrest; instead, the feckless mayor used it to blame Trump for the violence, after three months of Antifa mayhem in his city, and after personal threats made to himself by the rioters.

  11. Fractal Rabbit is Correct.

    Since we’re in Truth Telling Season whether we like it or not:

    Modern Polls and media in general exist to hack mainly the ***Female*** mind which has been shaped by a million years of hominid evolution to defect very quickly to the new male bosses when her Tribe is overrun by the one from next valley over and all her tribe’s males young and old have been summarily slaughtered.

    It is an incontrovertible truth that we humans would not be here today if women chose to die with their menfolk every time the tribe from the valley over had conquered. They cannot help it. It’s now baked into the human DNA. We ought not blame them. But it is what it is (as we flyover peasantry are wont to say).

    The 19th Amendment was a terrible mistake, but since we’re now stuck with it for the present, it is incumbent upon females *and* males on our side of politics to police their primal emotions. The feeling that all is lost must be kept in check. The now germinating feeling that this Portland Shooter and that Florida Democrat are test cases for lamp post hemp legalization ought to be nurtured with loving glow lamps and fed only the best quality hydroponic solution.

  12. Zaphod – are you in a serious relationship with a woman….or ever had been?

    Violence before the 19th amendment was worse or just as bad. The Great War, the greatest disaster ever to happen to mankind occurred BEFORE the 19th amendment. All the ‘ism’s sprang from that conflagration. Jim Crow South happened before the 19th. Plessey vs. Ferguson happened before the 19th.

    When you exclude the voice of 50% of your population you dampen and hold back societies progress. Should the hostess of this blog be denied her voice?

    What you blame on women getting the vote is really tied to secular humanism and the appalling lack of civic education and the lack we demand accountability from our leaders. That Clinton did not resign from office, a baby boomer, when scandal broke was an indicator of how far our civic virtues have fallen. Heck the resignation of Jerry Faldwell jr. from Liberty when it was known that the couple were swingers has shown the moral deterioration has gotten worse.

    So you blame women. Wrong. I blame men for not standing up for their families and divorcing when the job of fatherhood becomes hard. I blame men who negotiated trade deals that took jobs from blue collar dark skinned men. I blame men who put into place the Great Society that tore apart the black community. I blame men who didn’t hold Clinton and Obama to account. At least men like Falwell Sr. held Swaggert and Baker to account. I remember Ross Perot and the blow back he got when he said he would fire adulterers with the statement, “If your wife can’t trust you how can I?” This is how you get second stage feminism.

    If you want someone to blame look in the mirror. Change starts with you and me. Let’s speak the truth and hold people to account.

  13. BREAKING: Reports of SHOTS FIRED at Trump ‘caravan’ in Los Angeles, SWAT on scene!


    Key report from KNX1070:

    Breaking: SWAT Called out in Woodland Hills after someone from an apartment on #VenturaBoulevard shoots at pro-Trump caravan of cars. Tire on vehicle was shot out. No injuries. Suspect barricaded in apartment, per LAPD. ?
    Apparently, it was a caravan of 100 cars. Gerry was right to share the news and warn us.

    I see there was a mirthful retort at Twitter:

    Cheyne Fritts
    Replying to
    It was a mostly peaceful shooting


    It’s going be risky to campaign for ourt man.
    Let’s take the Left’s license to lie away!

  14. Zaphod, I have been saying for a long time that the west is suffering from cultural Stockholm syndrome and yes, women are more susceptible to it than men, imo. What all these woke white women need is to feel a little fear from the lawlessness to snap them out of emotional thinking.

  15. I am Sparticus —

    “If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts.”
    — Camille Paglia

  16. Jon Baker:

    They deeply long to fear a little bit of fear of *us* (whom they have turned into Cucks) so as to give them the tingles 😛

    But if we tried it on, they’d have us jailed.

    So they buy more copies of Fifty Shades than the Bible and vote for more Rough Trade Diversity to do the job for them, even if only vicariously so far.

    It’s a conundrum for sure.

  17. “Cuck” — This is a word which won’t go away anytime soon and which elicits visceral responses. I think this is because it hits the nail on the head. Some are more Cucked than others, but we as a civilization have been collectively Cucked. Everyone is to blame.

    Problem is that knowing it only gets us so far. The getting out of this state is a whole other kettle of fish and therefore no surprise that most people prefer to bury their heads in the sand.

    I do more people would grasp the Chesterton Fence concept and appreciate that many political decisions once implemented are only reversible by ‘Breaking Things’ and getting people hurt.

    This goes for clawing back the Matriarchy and it sure as hell applies to the hard and unpleasant work that will need to be done to Rectify the recent Antifa Unpleasantness.

  18. Re Zaphod vs Spartacus:
    A less de-franchising yet still politically restructuring proposal would be to repeal the dated 17th Amendment, which made Senators into a Best Looks contest of popular state elections (Gary Hart, Bill Clinton, John Kerry — we’re looking at you, kids.)

    Why not let the legislators anoint their favorite or wisest voices to the very Roman Senate again? New York could vote In that enviro wacko Patrick(?) Kennedy to be their voice, for instance.

    Unlike the women’s franchise, the 17th is easily found dated (1913). It was advocated and passed because corporate interests could exercise too much influence over legislators in certain small population Western states, whose economies turned on mining metals. Corporate tools could veto or control their Senate voice, defeating the people’s will, went the fear. Ergo, the 17th was needed!

    No more because they no longer do! So let’s repeal it! An advantage is that this makes your local representatives more important to shaping the nation, and raises the trust and wisdom required in local votes.

    This seriousness should prove salutary, meaning that character debates over the recipient’s support matters more because it’s more consequential.

  19. O this is a good idea. At the moment we need to unite to defeat Biden and the left, let’s start arguing about the 19th amendment! Our job, citizens, is to bring out as many voters for Trump as we each possibly can. We need to persuade people to come out to vote – not dust off old grudges.
    Tuvea – my antidote to feelings of uncertainty is a dose of the Scott Adams podcast. I speed up the podcast and skip the sip of coffee he starts out with. He is calming, positive, gives good advice on how to be persuasive and covers the news in a way that leaves you with hope. Keep in mind that win or lose Donald Trump and our movement is not going away. I don’t mean that Trump will stay in office if he loses. I mean that he is going to keep on fighting. And so will we. But I gotta tell ya – if we all do our jobs to get out the vote – we’re gonna have a big win in November.

  20. I have mentioned here and there that I am surprised by the number of American flags and Trump banners that I see as I kayak around such places as Newport Bay, and Huntington Harbor, Ca. At Newport, almost every water front mansion has an American flag on a full sized pole on the dock or bay side lawn;; and a surprising number have Trump support displayed. I know that this is a enclave of white privilege, but I still admire them.

    Walking this morning, I saw a huge Trump banner in front of an upscale home about a mile–and a few hundred thousand $$ away. The actual home was set back behind a fence and up a hill. Still, good for them. I have thought about whether to advertise my support; but, will probably wimp out. I am reasonably well armed and ready to defend the homestead; but I am too old to sit up on guard duty all night and not sure that my wife is prepared to share the task. Besides, we are in California and if we defended our property we would share the same fate as the couple in Missouri. My vote will be meaningless in California, but it will be cast; and hopefully counted.

  21. Richard Saunders, so how does the 19th amendment impede civilization progress? You think that men vote more rationally then women? I have a feeling that you binged read the Gor or Conan books back in the seventies.

    Again what ails our society is the loss of God or Christianity. Camilla Paglia stated it as such. Women in power is a mixed bag of good and bad results just like men. Who would you rather have your leader. Margaret Thatcher or John Powers? Christie Noem or Andrew Cuomo? Golds Meir or Simon Peres?

    I am not emasculated or cucked. I am a free man who wears his masculinity easily. I speak truth to power. I don’t have to display machismo to know I am in control. I protect the people under my care.

    If you are a fan of Nietzsche saying “That which does not kill us only makes us stronger”. Remember this. He died insane and alone of syphilis. He never had a serious relationship with a woman.

    Talking about the 19th amendment is a red herring. Putting god back into the public square is what is needed. Note that Trump has put God into his campaign and administration from the start. He understands at some visceral level. Fight for that and don’t grump about women voting.

  22. Not only is his death sad; but, that someone would publicly proclaim it to be good is even sadder. Not just for him and his family; but, for our society as well.

    Even sadder, is that this does not shock or even surprise me.

    I don’t recall anyone ever publicly proclaiming any of the recent criminals dying while fighting the police as “good.”

  23. I’m surprised at this because the BLM/ANTIFA thugs have been very disciplined up to now. They have been engaging in violence – assault, property destruction, arson – but they seemed to try to avoid escalating into outright murder. Why? Because they know that the cops, National Guard, and conservative citizens are better armed than they are. Their leaders know they can’t win a shooting contest. They have studiously avoided it, hoping to win the war through doggedness and swaying public opinion. The shootings in Kenosha have broken their discipline. Now, they just want to get even. If they try to engage with guns now, they are going to lose. Both the shooting war and the battle for public opinion. At least that’s the way I see it.

    Of course, we have another problem. It’s the mass hysteria that has broken out in the professional sports leagues. Scores of black millionaires are now convinced (or at least they’re claiming to be convinced) that they and their families are in danger of being shot by police while minding their own business. Most of these men live in gated communities and their children go to private schools. Most of them have college degrees and are intelligent, but have some how been caught up in a mass delusion that police are shooting black people just because they’re black. And their white coaches are encouraging this. I haven’t read “Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds,” recently, but this seems to be a text book case. How did we get here? Facts mean nothing. Feelings are everything. An MSM propaganda machine. Presto, a mass delusion! How does it end? The answer is above my pay grade.

  24. Normally, I would agree that the Antifa, BLM thugs would lose a shooting war. Their main advantage is that the Democrat establishment is supporting them and will lend them any support they can. The Democrat’s most effective approach right now is through leftist prosecutors who will charge every conservative with first degree murder even if it is obvious self defense, and charge leftists who commit unprovoked murder with lesser crimes or else refuse to prosecute the the murder claiming justifiable self defense.

  25. JJ “How did we get here? Facts mean nothing. Feelings are everything. An MSM propaganda machine. Presto, a mass delusion! How does it end? The answer is above my pay grade.”

    We got here by allowing our institutions to be undermined by globalist elites. Elites who think because they can memorize answers and get “A’s” on tests that they deserve to be in charge. They move in circles among themselves in a self congratulatory manner saying “oh how clever we are”. Like the French aristocracy pre-Revolution and European Aristocracy pre-WWI they delude themselves.

    How does it end. By puncturing their cocoon. Trump was the first little pin prick and their frenzied response is a result. Don’t think that things will get easier after the election. Up to inauguration day there will be legal machinations, riots and wild stories. Be calm and live your life. When the thugs come into your neighborhood stare them down with steely determination. Every time they try and show up in a neighborhood that resists they quickly go away. Actually puncture their tires. When they can’t drive away easily they tend to not come back.

    For the rich athletes when salaries have to be cut due to lack of revenue then they will come to their senses. Nothing like have no job to focus the mind. People turning off TV is a loud siren. When the TV contracts have to be negotiated then the reality of the situation will hit them. These things take time but they will happen.

    The ultimate puncture will be when a state (Illinois, New York, New Jersey, California or Rhode Island go bankrupt) because people are revolting against stupid rules and regulations. People vote with their feet. Desperate revenue schemes have only delayed the inevitable. The world will be going through a grand reset because of the debt overhang. It is coming including the US national debt. The social contract will have to be re-written. Will it be written in blood or ink is still an open question. I believe it will be ink because there isn’t enough marxists to make a revolution. The 2nd amendment be praised.

    People in their fantasy world are going to find out that knowledge work doesn’t pay when no one is buying their knowledge. Get a skill and learn how to shoot. Practice practice practice. Be friendly with your neighbors and band together. People will follow a leader who listens and proposes solutions.

  26. “The world will be going through a grand reset because of the debt overhang.“

    THIS. The failure of the elite establishment to recognize this reveals how truly awful they are and it will be what ends the current madness. The upper middle class white people who fill the pews in the Church of The Woke are not going to be happy when the learn their false god can’t protect their 401k’s.

    I won’t be surprised if the image of racism in the 21st century changes from the skinhead or the big-bellied Southern sheriff to the suburban Karen who just found out she can’t afford her current lifestyle.


  27. It would be sad to have to destroy downtown Portland, not a very large area, in order to save the Northwest. The Wheeler or Portland has proved to be an even bigger fool and incompetent than the Durkan of Seattle. Will Gov. Kate Brown of OR prove to be a bigger dumpty than King Jay of Inslee? The Antifa rot has been well watered in Seattle for 20 years (2000 WTO riots) but the malignancy in Portland has been at Stage IV since 2015. The Wheeler and his fellow traveler DA have given the Rose City Antifa/BLM the expectation that they are entitled to murder with impunity, that is some privilege they have been granted. Rant/off.

  28. Zaphod,
    As I was unaware of it, thank you for bringing the very useful Chesterton Fence concept to my attention.


    “Why not let the legislators anoint their favorite or wisest voices to the very Roman Senate again? … It was advocated and passed because corporate interests could exercise too much influence over legislators in certain small population Western states, whose economies turned on mining metals.”

    I have no confidence that State legislators are less ignorant and less susceptible to personal interests than the general public. I am confident that legislators would vote for their ‘favorites’ but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that the majority would vote for the wisest choice. Congress, in the aggregate, perfectly represents the public.

    I an Sparticus,

    “Again what ails our society is the loss of God or Christianity.”

    Long before the impressive Paglia, Whittiker Chambers in 1952 warned of this mortal threat to all of Western Civilization.

    “We got here by allowing our institutions to be undermined by globalist elites.”

    If by “globalist elites” you mean the “academic intelligencia” then we agree. If you mean the fiscal elite, then perhaps you forget that “politics is downstream from culture” and that, “The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next.”

    While I agree that actions should have consequences, if big company’s are “too big to fail” because of the catastrophic ‘fallout’… then what of even bigger States? Is not an interconnected economy like onto a row of dominoes? Arguably, the fiscal collapse of the blue states will drag down the red states with them.


    The lesson is don’t get caught. They can’t prosecute someone they can’t identify.

  29. Diversity in action, third world death squad hits in downtown Portland courtesy of the Wheeler. Assassination for political expediency and of course unequal justice depending on the political community you identify with. Ain’t Marxism/socialism a beauty to behold?

  30. Rush Limbaugh has read this thought by Glenn Reynolds on the air:

    AUGUST 28, 2020
    TRUMP SAVES AMERICA FROM RACE WAR. Thinking about last night’s Republican Convention today at the gym, I realized that Trump isn’t just running for re-election: The story he’s telling at the RNC is also about saving America from the race war that the left is trying to foment. The left wants it to be black vs. white, immigrant vs. native, etc.

    Trump’s making clear that it’s about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race. This is a huge, underappreciated — and very traditionally American — message. By promoting it at this crucial time, Trump may very well be saving America.


    Glenn then elaborates further on the thought two days later:

    AUGUST 30, 2020
    AS INSTAPUNDIT READERS KNOW, I THOUGHT [ABOVE] THE SAME THING: Rush Limbaugh Says Trump’s RNC About Saving America From a Race War. [LINK at original]

    Also: Rush Limbaugh hails ‘uplifting’ RNC as ‘most diverse political convention I’ve ever seen.’ [LINK at original]

    UPDATE: Okay, let me just spell this out a bit more: The typical thing to do — and what critics would have expected Trump to do — is return hate for hate. All the white-people bashing at the DNC, with the platform mentioning white people 15 times, all negative, returned in kind, more or less. Throw the divisiveness back at them. That’s the natural reflex.

    Instead he brought up all these positive, successful pro-Trump minority people and told his followers “look, these are our kind of people and we’re glad to have them.” And he reached out to others. Instead of meeting hate with hate, he met hate with . . . love. You might almost say ‘love trumps hate.’ Or maybe ‘Trump trumps hate, with love.’ And he did it without being smarmy or rolling over with some kind of sad ‘Republicans can be woke too’ carnival. He crushed the Democrats on this, and he did it with positivity and inclusion. I don’t think there’s another political figure today who could have done that, and only a few who might have tried. And it’s the only response that could have pulled the rug out from under the race war the Democrats seem unaccountably to want.


    A pro-American strategy to divide the enemy within and win re-election! Methinks. This is Trump’s campaign strategy revealed through the RNC convention.

    Reflections, Neo?

  31. JJ: But why would black people be angry that three white people got shot? It’s like one black man on Twitter noted: It’s not a race war when white people are attacking white people.

  32. A roundup of very positive polling data suggests the path is clear to a Big Trump victory, by the young Tim Poole (discussing print articles on video via whatfinger).

    There is a lot here. The Sunday Express (London) commissioned a Democracy Institute poll of the US Presidential election, and this is front and center. It finds Trump with a 3 point lead, which has grown by 2 points since their August monthly poll. Not meaningful you say? But it also finds more: Trump has a 7 point lead in key swing states.

    Further data suggests more erosion of Biden support to come while Trump support grows. Three times as many Biden voters say they are open to reconsider their votes than declared Trump voters. And while only 8% were favourably impressed by the DNC, 21% were impressed by Trump’s Republican convention.

    Other sources reinforce the monthly Sunday Express DI’s poll findings. Trump is up to 9 points ahead now compared to Hillary in 2016. We know Trump is a strong finisher. Biden is lagging and momentum is now clearly with Trump. And that was when Trump was unknown as a politician. Around 80% of those polled do not like statue toppling.

    Finally, a Bloomberg report of a study on telephone polling finds that Trump supporters and independents are 2.5 times more likely to NOT share their true vote than Democrats. Thus, the shy Trump vote – not measured by pollsters – is not only alive this year but bigger than 2016!

    Wow. Take it from me. This is just juicy! I’m only half way into this video and I want to view it again to grasp more details.

  33. non servator: JJ: But why would black people be angry that three white people got shot? It’s like one black man on Twitter noted: It’s not a race war when white people are attacking white people.

    True. But Democrats went from Left to far Left during the Obama years, and the NYTimes led them there.

    Political scientist Zack Goldberg found that among US demographic groups, only the Progressive Left hated themselves more than other groups. (He believes social media fostered this weird self hatred.) The point is that Leftist are motivated by guilt towards blacks. And they demand other whites share in their guilt by mongering.

    “Guilt is the Left’s stock in trade, and the inducing of guilt is its only means of self-perpetuation. When no actual suffering can be found to induce guilt, the Left is compelled to invent or manufacture it.” — Ayn Rand

    Thus, we don’t face an actual race war, but an imaginary one which is really only about power and control. This oughta be hysterically funny. It isn’t. But indulge yourself some time (if you’ve been exposed to SWJs), and search images of Titania McGrath and her “Woke-a guide to social justice…” satire. THIS IS (hysterically funny).

  34. T J .. “Meanwhile, Antifa is mobbing Shopify.com because they are hosting Kyle Rittenhouse funding efforts”

    Pretty sure that Denial of Service attacks are a federal crime. DOJ needs to get on this.

    Also, one would have to look at the exact language of the statute, but it seems likely that the phony reservation-making (via TikTok) to impede a Trump rally was also a DOS attack, legally.

  35. Geoffrey Britain…”While I agree that actions should have consequences, if big company’s are “too big to fail” because of the catastrophic ‘fallout’… then what of even bigger States? Is not an interconnected economy like onto a row of dominoes?”

    Indeed, interconnecting things on a wider scale almost always has downsides as well as upsides. I wrote about this at my post Coupling:


  36. The point is that Leftist are motivated by guilt towards blacks. And they demand other whites share in their guilt by mongering.

    Rubbish. People who actually feel guilty do practical things or they sit in a chair depressed or they try to distract themselves. People who feel ashamed hide. They don’t recriminate against others. These people are aggressive and self-aggrandizing. They don’t hate themselves, they hate you.

  37. “Political scientist Zack Goldberg found that among US demographic groups, only the Progressive Left hated themselves more than other groups. (He believes social media fostered this weird self hatred.) The point is that Leftist are motivated by guilt towards blacks. And they demand other whites share in their guilt by mongering.”

    I’d be interested in a link to Goldberg’s analysis. From what I’ve observed, ‘Progs’ don’t really (with a few exceptions) feel guilty, they feel *superior*, and get satisfaction from condemning others. C S Lewis observed a similar phenomenon in something called the National Repentance Movement, circa 1940. I excerpted his thoughts here:


  38. Reports this morning are that Portland police are still investigating.

    Violent assault with injury against Andy Ngo was ignored in Portland; charges were never filed. I am beginning to be concerned about whether this will be charged as murder, although, having deplored rapid and unjust charging in Minneapolis and Atlanta, I guess I need to give them time to do a proper job.

  39. And Kenosha! The kid was charged with practically no investigation, where the evidence looks strong for self-defense.

  40. The point is that Leftist are motivated by guilt towards blacks. And they demand other whites share in their guilt by mongering.

    I also second those who called this statement rubbish.

    Most Leftists view black people as a tool to be used to uplift themselves. Short of actually interacting with and directly helping black people, they like to superficially glorify black people in some way or another while also seeking to villify those who do not participate in some sort of similar moral preening. I figured this out in high school while applying to elite colleges. To be honest, part of me was truly interested in and believed in the righteousness of the “glorfication” project that I had crafted and showcased. However, the important thing was that the Leftist admissions officers ate it up because I was building with what they considered the right “tools”.

  41. Fractal Rabbit on August 30 @ 5:58pm …

    Thanks for that. I’m sure you are correct. The polls have discouraged me. But they won’t stop me from voting.

  42. I am Sparticus on August 30, 2020 at 7:07 pm said: I blame men for not standing up for their families and divorcing when the job of fatherhood becomes hard.

    Women initiate divorces 69 percent of the time
    [and they get the children most of the time by far – so men who want to be with their children will not if they divorice – rates of parent alienation syndrome are higher among women too]

    and in the time your pontificating about, they didnt have no fault divorce..

    When men and women seek couples therapy and then subsequently divorce; or, when either partner seeks individual therapy about a marriage conflict that ends in divorce, it’s often the woman who expresses more overt conflict and dissatisfaction about the state of the marriage. On the other hand, the man is more likely to report feeling troubled by his wife’s dissatisfaction, but pretty much “OK” with the way things are; he’s content to just lope along as time passes.

    there are many reasons for this issue, one is that men will have sex down in class if the woman is offering easy, and the woman may think that she, having bedded him, can have such a man. There is also tons of women who are older who think they can have a BBD (bigger better deal)… and of course there are those who are in genuine bad relationships… and those who ignore the stats on child poverty, women poverty after divorce, etc… and act as if you can split a household and still both sides have cash (not possible)… oh, and as in my case, revenge and bankruptcy under the idea of 18 years of payments that would avoid having to work (mine including a faked murder)…

  43. Race war in the streets and the comment section is revisiting the battle of the sexes and debating the 19th amendment.

  44. David Foster, and ArtDeco — Link requested. Sure guys…

    About Zack Goldberg and his study. I encountered his work from Caroline Glick from June this summer, who connects the Prog Left to the NYTimes, social media, Obama’s racialization of police violence, and, of course, the radicalisation of the University.

    Here’s the relevant portion:

    Contrary to the narrative being pushed by the media and America’s elites, the riots are not an consequence of increased police brutality towards African Americans. As Heather McDonald documented this week in the Wall Street Journal, over the past several years, police violence against black people has decreased significantly.

    The violence we are seeing is a result of the steep radicalization of progressive white Americans. Biden gave voice to this radicalization last summer when, during a campaign appearance in Iowa he said, “We choose truth over facts.”

    Last year, political scientist Zach Goldberg published an article in Tablet online magazine where he presented statistical data demonstrating the depth and breadth of the radicalization of white progressives over the past ten years. Goldberg revealed that between 2010-2019, white progressives became the only demographic group in U.S. history to prioritize the interests of other groups over its own interests. White progressives prioritize the advancement of the interests of minorities and immigrants over their own and over those of American society as a whole. Moreover, as Goldberg showed, white progressive positions on race and immigration are more extreme than the positions black, Latino, and Asian progressives hold on these issues.

    Goldberg argues that the massive increase in internet usage by white progressives over the past decade is responsible for the radicalization. Online platforms have created an information bubble which has created a warped presentation of reality to those inside the bubble. In this warped reality, race relations are far worse than they are in reality. Hence, those who inhabit this bubble prefer “truth” as presented in the bubble to facts.

    Goldberg is undoubtedly correct that the more time people spend inside their internet bubble the more removed they become from objective reality. But internet isn’t the only source of the radicalization. The Obama presidency was also a factor.

    When Barack Obama won the presidential race in 2008, many Americans believed his victory was proof the United States had overcome its racist past. Obama however, did not support this view. Throughout his tenure in office, Obama used the power of his position to resonate and legitimize positions on race that until then had been relegated to the leftist margins of American politics.

    Obama cultivated the view that far from being a post-racial society, America is inherently racist and that American racism is structural – that is, it was baked in and impossible to overcome. In so doing, Obama gave credence to the false claim at the heart of the riots: that black Americans are under continuous, existential threat from the state as a whole and from law enforcement bodies first and foremost. Calls by Hollywood celebrities and Obama administration alumni to defund the police take this view to its logical endpoint.


    Goldberg: “America’s White Saviors—White liberals are leading a ‘woke’ revolution that is transforming American politics and making Democrats increasingly uneasy with Jewish political power” from 6 June, 2019:

  45. This seems quite important. But I cannot reach either web site: a firsthand witness to the murder by victim Jay Bishop’s partner.

    At first up at Facebook, but quickly removed. Links:


    9 posted on 9/1/2020, 4:29:35 AM by FreedomPoster (Islam delenda est)
    [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies]
    To: bray
    A First Hand Account Of The Fatal Shooting Of A Patriot In Downtown Portland 8/29:


    Links from FreeRepublic.com

  46. T J..thanks, very interesting data. Certainly agree that the ‘progressives’ have become increasingly radicalized, what I question is whether these Progs really hate *themselves*. I think they are exalting themselves, even when kneeling, just as a very arrogant aristocrat might kneel in a church or a mosque to demonstrate his piety.

    One of the questions in the survey that Goldberg used was ‘When you see someone being taken advantage of due to their race or ethnicity, how often do you feel protective towards them?” There should have been another question, “‘When you see someone being taken advantage of (for *whatever* reason), how often do you feel protective towards them” to measure general empathy vs empathy restricted to this specific situation. Also, self-reporting of virtuous feeling is likely to exaggerated.

  47. If the pix circulating of Reinoehl and the shooter are true, they’ll have him dead-to-rights with those tats.

    The Multnomah County DA is a tool, so I’m wagering a plea bargain where the perpetrator (whoever he may be) gets a slap on the wrist for 2d degree manslaughter.

  48. One way for this violence to continue, indeed, to build, is to not punish, or to give just a slap on the wrist to the perps.

    See, for instance, the example below, where four apparent teenagers deliberately set up an ambush situation to lure a cop to respond and, when he did, they let out a bunch of curses and lobbed a home-made toxic chlorine bomb (basically a home-made, and potentially lethal chemical weapon) at him that rendered him unconscious.

    The officer probably would have died from asphixiation if others hadn’t arrived to give him first aid and to get him to the hospital).

    It appears that–even after several months of hospital treatment–tis police officer still has trouble breathing, and may have permanent lung damage.

    P.S. This crew also set off some 7 other bombs.

    This looks like there should have been charges of Terrorism, a manufacturing a WMD charge, plus attempted murder and/or attempted assassination charges to me.

    Their penalty–three of them reportedly got 60 days in jail followed by two years

    I wonder if this attempted murder victim can sue these kid’s parents?

    See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/four-young-leftists-sentenced-court-hurling-chlorine-bomb-police-officer-nearly-killing-detonating-7-bombs/#post-comments

  49. “Be friendly with your neighbors and band together” – Sparticus on August 30, 2020 at 11:35 pm

    Ordinarily, I would agree with you.
    However, it kind of depends on what your neighbors are like.

    Fox News contributor Guy Benson on Saturday posted a letter allegedly given to a friend’s neighbor because they “have a Trump sign in their yard.”

    “Thank you for proudly and prominently displaying your signs of political support! These symbols make it impossible for us to ignore how you truly feel about us as your neighbors,” said the handwritten note, which was signed “your neighbors who dare to be different.”

    “You make it clear by these signs that you neither respect us as humans nor believe we are entitled to equal protections and rights under the laws of this great country. You do not believe that we deserve life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness, that we are not really Americans to you, simply because we may not look like you or share your beliefs. So again, thank you for showing us the prejudice and hate that truly fills your heart and telling us so proudly that although you may be our neighbor, we are not equally yours.”

    Talk about jumping to conclusions, hitting back first, projection, and all the other cliches.
    Obviously, the letter writers never bothered to actually get to know their Trump-supporting neighbors, ask about their actual beliefs, or persuade them to entertain a different view.

    It’s “all attack, all the time, and all about me.”

  50. From the blurb to Titania’s book:
    “Timely and indispensable, Titania’s step-by-step guide will help you to become the woke person you need to be in an increasingly progressive world. In a non-patronising manner, Titania will explain why you are wrong about everything and how to become more like her.”

    I would love to see a video made by Titania and J P Sears.

  51. Our little neighborhood has a restrictive covenant against political signs. I am so glad, in these hate-filled times. Nearby, someone put up a BLM sign and claims to have gotten a nasty racist note in the mailbox. As no threats were made, we’ll never know if that was real.

  52. “One way for this violence to continue, indeed, to build, is to not punish, or to give just a slap on the wrist to the perps.” – Snow on Pine

    The tweet by the Arvada police about the teens is laughable on the face.

    We are glad the good samaritan in this case is okay. We hope these young men take advantage of lessons learned here.

    Except that the cop is NOT okay, even if the civilian is, and anyone who knows anything about juvies knows most of them don’t learn, and don’t appreciate clemency – the few who do are to be applauded, but it’s not a big crowd.

    Since the crime occurred in April 2019, maybe the PD’s naivete then would be understandable, but not at a sentencing carried out today (on a case which should not have taken a full year to resolve!! we have a lousy justice system, racist or not).

    Sixty days in jail – probably with credit if they were locked up pending sentencing (probably they were not) — and no one pays attention to probation anymore.

    Roadside ambushes yesterday with chlorine bombs; looting and rioting tomorrow with Molotov cocktails.

  53. Back to the Arvada case: even a year ago, there were enough incidents nationally that the cop in the case was woefully under-suspicious of a clearly deliberate road-block, and should have done some investigating before just pitching in to clear it out.

    The Officer arrived to find that street signs had been pulled out of ground and stacked in middle of the road, then plastic wrap had been strung across the road. The Officer and the citizen began to attempt to clear the road barricade when a plastic bottle was thrown and landed near the Officer.

    We hope these law enforcement organizations take advantage of lessons learned here.

  54. Arvada case continued – on failure to make the punishments fit the crimes:

    That’s why we have so much violence already, isn’t it?
    And it’s been going that direction for years now.

    You could probably go back to the treatment of sixties rioters and killers, in fact.
    “Guilty as sin, free as a bird” Ayers comes to mind, and the rest of his cohort.
    Releasing convicted or alleged violent criminals from jails; freeing blatantly guilty rioters without bail, even just turning a blind eye to the perpetrators of violence in schools.

    Now we have this willful murder in Portland – if the suspect had been in jail on one of those prior charges, maybe he wouldn’t have been able to kill someone for having the wrong political ideology.


    Reinoehl was cited at a July 5 protest on allegations of possessing a loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest and interfering with police, The Oregonian said.

    He was given a date to appear in court later that month, but the allegations were dropped on July 30 with a “no complaint,” according to court records. No reason was given, and the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office said it was reviewing the case.
    He had a slew of other charges — including being accused of racing his 17-year-old son at speeds of up to 111 mph in June, the paper said, citing state police.

    He was also previously charged with having a loaded Glock pistol, for which he didn’t have a concealed handgun license, when once stopped with his 11-year-old daughter as a passenger, police told the paper.

    The Portland Police Bureau did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    No comment, indeed – what can they say that doesn’t make them look even more like the aiders and abettors that they are?

  55. From T J’s link to Caroline Glick, posted in June:

    Democrats believe the riots will wreck President Trump’s reelection hopes. Polls this week indicate that at least in the short term, the unrest is hurting Trump’s chances of being reelected. Then again, it’s possible the chaos in the streets will strengthen public support for President Trump who voters may view as the last bulwark separating them from national destruction.

    After two months, her second possibility seems to be the one now operative.
    Back around June, some pundits were already pointing out that the Revolution may have been sprung too soon.
    If June’s riots had happened in October, then Trump almost certainly would lose the election – Presidents get the blame for what happens on their watch, regardless of actual culpability, and the Leftist DeMedia has been pushing the “OrangeManBad” narrative without pause.

    Even if we experienced the chaos of July in October, he probably would lose, because the violence was still mostly confined to the business centers of Leftist controlled cities, and most people could pretend that it was justified, didn’t really harm real people (insurance covers everything!), police deserved whatever happened to them, etc etc etc.

    Now, the anarchy has gone on too long, become blatantly unmoored from the causes that independents were supportive of, and is threatening middle-class and elite voters where they live, instead of just the mostly-poor urbanites (mostly black themselves) and the businesses they owned and needed.

    NIMBY to the max, dudes.

  56. I have a couple of observations, riffing off the OregonLive news post.

    Aaron Danielson, a supporter of the conservative group Patriot Prayer, was shot in the chest and died in the street. It was soon after most cars in a caravan of supporters of President Donald Trump had left the city’s downtown streets.

    I have always wondered why Danielson and his partner were still downtown, in an obviously hostile situation. Did they intend to be? Had they been accidentally left behind, or separated from a group? Ideally, they shouldn’t have been attacked for just being there, of course, but practically – you better have some situational awareness, and a good reason for putting yourself in harm’s way.

    (I think Kyle’s situation in Kenosha was fully explained by his lawyer: he did not intend to be out on his own, and had been with a group of other people when the night started.)

    Addressing Snow’s point about the Arvada terrorists:

    Brent Weisberg, a spokesman for Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, said the office is still reviewing that July case involving Reinoehl.

    Schmidt earlier Sunday decried the deadly violence. He took office on Aug. 1 and quickly announced that he wouldn’t pursue low-level charges against demonstrators, such as interfering with police or resisting arrest. He wasn’t district attorney when the office handled Reinoehl’s gun case.

    Addressing the bias of Facebook & social media in general – the alleged killer’s violence-inciting posts were still up, otherwise the reporters couldn’t have snagged them.

    On June 16, he wrote, “Every Revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are so many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That’s just the beginning that’s that where the fight starts. If that’s as far as you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100 % ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! … We do not want violence but we will not run from it either! … Today’s protesters and antifa are my brothers in arms.

    In one post, he shared a video of people burning a “Trump 2020” flag outside the Multnomah County Justice Center steps earlier this summer. A post from November 2015 shows a Trump face painted on the wall of a restroom with a urinal in place of the mouth. Another post shows a poster of Malala Yousafzai with the quote: “With guns you can kill terrorists. With education, you can kill terrorism.”

    On the bipolar nature of the Leftists, who can say something like this…

    Our time here is short, always stay true to what you know. And know that you are here to help the innocent ones who do not know. Be that bright light to the ones who are lost. And as you like your own way hopefully some will follow. #love #loveeverything #loveeveryone.

    … and then deliberately shoot someone they don’t know just because he supports a different political position.

  57. The Breitbart post on polls ran next to their sidebar of stories: most of them were the the two parties blaming each other for the riots and violence.

    Only one of the candidates is blaming police for trying to stop the riots.

    Only one of the campaigns is bailing out the rioters.

    Only one of the parties has government officials who appear on stage with people who make violent threats.

  58. A story from Breitbart mentions something I didn’t see in the OregonLive post I read, and had not seen elsewhere.


    Oregonlive.com noted that this marked the third consecutive weekend in which the groups had clashed.

    What happened in the other clashes? Obviously, no fatalities, but were there people from each faction out to rumble that night, once the mostly peaceful protesters went home?

  59. A few side-bars on the “defund the police and replace them with unarmed social workers” movement – even unarmed police officers can’t handle erratic and violent perps:

    An “irate” driver went from 0 to 60 in just seconds this week in the Bronx, attacking a pair of unarmed NYPD traffic agents when they asked him to move his car away from a fire hydrant, according to police and footage of the incident.

    Witnesses were stunned by intensity of the wild brawl.

    “He was instigating all the fighting. He was really violent,” said Yvette Izavuirre, the owner of nearby La Perilla Latina restaurant. “I was just like this is crazy. What can make this guy just actually go on and hit the meter guys? If you got a ticket just accept it, don’t break out and hit somebody, because he’s just doing his job.”

    Stuart, an 11-year veteran, said such violence comes along with the job.

    “This happens to traffic agents on the regular,” he said. “Our job is a dangerous job.”

    But the state’s bail reform law has made it even more dangerous, by giving the lawbreakers a sense of entitlement, both men said.

    Meanwhile, another recent video posted to social media showed an unidentified man grabbing the ticket writing machine from an agent and refusing to return it.

    And Olufemi said there was a scuffle Friday in Manhattan’s Diamond District when an agent confronted a driver over a double-parked car and punches were thrown.

    “Assault on traffic agents is very common, but now it’s a daily occurrence,” Olufemi said. “The situation is getting worse daily since the city council handicapped the cops with the stupid laws (that) favor the criminals. Who can we go to for help? Police officers? They’re seeking … help too, nobody is listening to them.”

  60. Police in NYC still think it’s more important to send their officers out to break up literally peaceful gatherings than to let them rest up for the nightly riots by the mostly peaceful protesters.


    “They are just so happy to send heavily armed militia forces into our neighborhood because they’re afraid of the size of our wedding party,” Borough Park pol Kalman Yeger told Radio 620 AM, according to a clip of the interview circulating on social media.

    “We have skyrocketing crime in New York City, and we have an entire department, a sheriff’s department — armed, uniformed police-style cars with lights and sirens. And what are they doing?

    “They’re coming to Borough Park to check out our weddings. They’re standing on bridges, stopping motorists, asking them where they’re coming from, where they’re going.

    “Is this really the best use of government resources?’’ Yeger said.

    What the police deal with in their spare time from harassing residents over Covid regulations:





  61. AesopFan. It’s not right to shoot people who stroll too slowly across the street. That’s the law. But…..I’m glad I’m not going to be on that jury.

  62. AesopFan…I notice that the letter is signed ‘your neighbors who dare to be different.’

    Actually, of course, it’s the guy with the yard sign who dares to be different…the like-thinking herd is the group of like-thinking people.

    Not everyone can be highly courageous, but it is really offensive to see people posturing as courageous when they are actually following the safe course.

  63. ArtfldgrUselessNothing = “Women initiate divorces 69 percent of the time
    [and they get the children most of the time by far – so men who want to be with their children will not if they divorice – rates of parent alienation syndrome are higher among women too]

    and in the time your pontificating about, they didnt have no fault divorce.”

    Pontificating? I take a bit of umbrage at that but no matter. Yes women INITIATE most divorces but usually it due what men DID. Ie. adultery, abandonment, physical/mental abuse etc. We don’t get off so easily.

    I read through your torrent of words the passion and pain of a past relationship. Wow, that woman was a piece of work. But remember YOU MARRIED her for whatever reason. From what I interpret she was a real passionate person with issues. They don’t make the best life partners as you have found out. I hope you find peace. Good luck.

  64. Aesopfan @ 8/31 4:01 pm – “Be friendly with your neighbors and band together” I don’t think so.

    When it comes to politics, people can vehemently disagree. But when it is their home, their kids and their cars vs. the mob the mentality shifts in a hurry. People know that when the mob comes it doesn’t matter if you shout “black lives matter” they are coming for them too. I remember with hilarity videos of store owners with windows smashed and business looted saying “hey I am with you”! In a riot, we become the bourgeoisie and the mob becomes the “sans culotte”. The Biden folk will band with you when it comes down to protecting their own.

    As it has been said “people are conservative about what they know the most about” and people know the most about their homes.

    Just be sure to let them know ahead of time that when the crap comes down in your neighborhood then you are ready to defend yourself and property and will help them if they want to help themselves. I have let that be known to a family with a Biden sign in their yard. The wife was receptive but the husband was non-committal. It comes down to being prepared and communication. Be prepared.

  65. LI draws attention to the stealth spin of the MSM about the murder in Portland, and links a video by Black Tweeter Terrence K Williams.


    Of course, you would have to dig deeply if you relied on the elite news media to determine that the victim was a conservative activist. The headlines run by the American press are less than transparent about the incident.


    Mr Williams, wearing a MAGA hat, does not mince words telling his followers the truth about the Democrats.

    I had to look him up. He is a comedian, but he is not finding the Portland killing and the Democrat response very amusing.


    There is some negative spin in that post, but it does contain a lot of interesting information.

    On another LI post (which one, I don’t remember now) appeared another Tweet by a Black, female this time, castigating the Democrats for trying to pretend the riots and violence were Trump’s fault.


    Not a big surprise to find that Trump’s poll numbers with Black voters are going up.

  66. I am Sparticus on August 31, 2020 at 11:28 pm said: Yes women INITIATE most divorces but usually it due what men DID. Ie. adultery, abandonment, physical/mental abuse etc. We don’t get off so easily.

    Not any more true than the protests were peaceful… when there was no fault divorce, women could divorce with cause, like adultry, etc… they need no cause now, and so, your quite wrong… in fact the study that came up with the 69 percent number pointed it out…

    I said, “I bet when he walks into the room he doesn’t have to say or do anything and you are already annoyed, just by him breathing.” This stirred a laugh, and she told me I nailed it. Resentment seeped into their marriage like the black plague, impossible to cure but much easier to escape. In a marriage, resentment can grow with every annoying comment, every roll of the eyes, and with every failure to connect. Resentment is a marriage killer.


    When fixing the marriage is met with resistance or even denial, the wife starts to think that a divorce is the only way to go. If he is not willing to work on it, then what else is she to do? This is the pivotal point where the word “divorce” is initiated into conversations.

    Making the decision to divorce is never easy. By the time a woman says the words “I want a divorce,” she has most likely mourned the marriage and moved on, making it too late for reconciliation. This may leave her husband pretty blind-sided.

    the HAPPY GULAG takes em down…

  67. Trending news – better than the MSM.

    PORTLAND, OR—In an effort to prevent the reelection of sitting President Donald Trump, Mayor Ted Wheeler is encouraging citizens to raze their city to the ground. They hope that by desolating the entire city and reducing it to nothing more than smoking heaps of ash, that Trump won’t stand a chance in 2020.

    “This is a small price to pay, if it means getting literally Hitler out of office,” said Mayor Ted Wheeler pouring gasoline throughout the city. “Now burn those buildings down! Burn them all!”

    So far there have been no signs of these actions negatively affecting Trump’s re-election chances. Confusingly, some polls even show Trump gaining ground.


    U.S.—Michelle Obama, a black woman over whom the media fawned for 8 years and beyond, said on her extremely popular podcast last week that black women are ignored and might as well not even exist in Trump’s America.

    She made the comments to her massive, adoring crowd of followers who worship the ground she walks on. Her statements were immediately reported on and echoed and enthusiastically shared by scores of adoring journalists, bloggers, and social media activists. Her bold statement that black women are invisible became the talk of the country for days on end.


    U.S.—Democrats around the nation are growing increasingly worried that their candidate for President, Joe Biden, will live through election day, November 3rd, 2020. Biden had surprised Democrats around the nation when he spoke for an extended period of time off a teleprompter at the Democratic National Convention, causing a bit of a panic among Democratic Party operatives and voters.

    This concern comes at a time when national polling among likely voters shows the race tightening between Biden and Trump, after weeks of Biden holding on to a commanding lead.

    “Biden is a great pick for us because he reassures middle America that he isn’t a total left-wing nutjob, while at the same time, he speaks to all the left-wing nutjobs that he won’t be around for very long. If he throws a wrench in that by looking vibrant, coherent, and less than senile, I’m not sure how we are going to capture the progressive vote we alienated before in 2016.”

    At publishing time, the DNC was throwing the idea around that maybe they should be airing ads that make Biden look a little more on the verge of dying to reassure progressives.

  68. Do not miss this analysis by J E Dyer. She is always two steps ahead of every other conservative pundit.


    Worth noting about the tentatively identified Portland shooter (there’s been more than one, and I’m not posting anything directly here because we don’t know for sure): he isn’t wearing the characteristic all-black clothing of the organized Antifa, BLM, and other black-bloc agitators. If he’s the shooter, there’s a good possibility that he isn’t dressed in all black because he didn’t want to be too readily identifiable as Antifa. I’ve seen two potential IDs so far, in fact, and neither man is dressed in the Antifa manner.

    That last point makes a nice segue into the primary reason for this post. It’s essential to recognize that what’s happening around us cannot be properly explained with one-dimensional thinking; e.g., if someone who’s rioting with Antifa and shoots a Patriot Prayer rallier isn’t dressed like Antifa, that means he’s not Antifa.

    It doesn’t mean that. It’s possible that that will turn out to be the case. But the people organizing to riot night after night, coming with arsenals and props and their own food-service coaches, aren’t doing it for giggles, with no thought to where it’s headed. They have a goal. They have, in fact, thought about tactics, strategy, next steps and consequences. They have done so; it’s others who haven’t.

    All of that is the set-up for the main point. Which is this: too many commentators are missing the real significance of the last few days. They are looking at the media’s sudden about-face on the riots – shifting from refusing to name them to actively condemning them – and accepting the narrative that this is about “internal polling” on American sentiment toward the riots.

    I’m afraid that’s one-dimensional thinking. We can’t afford it. We have to think faster than that. We have to think faster because the behind-the-scenes thought leaders of the rapidly-transforming Democratic Party already have (as have many in the mainstream media). I’m sure there are still many Democratic voters, and party workers at the county level, who are only dimly aware of what’s going on. But the Democrats have become too radicalized at the national level for us to assume they’re clueless about the role of Antifa and other black blocs – whom Democrats continue to enable – in a socialist “revolution.”

    The Democrats’ turn on a dime, from ignoring the riots to condemning them, occurred within a couple of hours of one event: the shootings by Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha.

    That’s the event the radical playbook was waiting for. That was the event that opened the narrative to the prospect of a two-sided street war, with actual pushback and violence coming from the “other side.”

    Up to then, there was obviously nothing two-sided about what was going on. On one side, arson and looting and vandalism, shrieking and intimidation and destruction, taunting of police and waylaying of innocent bystanders. On the “other side,” tears and anguish, as lives were upended and livelihoods burned to the ground.

    But once Kyle Rittenhouse had fired his first shot, the Left had something to condemn that could be said to involve “violence” from the “other side,” and could be characterized as a two-sided outbreak of vicious extremism.

    They were waiting for it. Most observers probably didn’t realize that’s what they were waiting for. But it bears some resemblance, albeit superficial at the moment, to the pattern of provocation and retaliation that defined the street war of Soviet-backed “international socialists” versus “national socialists,” or Nazis, in the Weimar Germany of the 1920s and early 1930s.

    The Stalinist “international socialists” are the side Antifa affects to carry a banner for. The Weimar Republic street war is their touchstone: the world-historical conflict they take as their model and inspiration.

    Antifa’s orthodoxies and slogans uniformly mirror those of Stalinism in the 1930s. One of the chief ones is that their purpose is to oppose fascist, heretical national socialism – which must exist, in their now somewhat tautological thinking, because they do.

    There are no organized Nazis in the U.S. on the scope and model of Hitler’s horde, however. So the media, and prominent cultural figures on the Left, and even a number of supposedly moderate Democrats are going to start a campaign of lying – literally lying – to proclaim that there are.

    The sudden Democratic condemnation of the riots started at the exact moment they had the slightest pretext to do this.

    We can hope we still have this going for us: the pattern of self-exposure we keep seeing over and over with each new tack the Left tries. They’re not getting away with it, because they’re not deceiving much of the public now. For months, it’s been like watching a toddler trying to manipulate an adult and being caught repeatedly with his hand in the cookie jar and an oopsie in his Pull-Ups.

    But even if the intent to manipulate and deceive is still blatantly obvious, the fact is still that shooting has started. That makes it more dangerous than laughable.

  69. Support for Dyer’s predictions about the Democrats’ response to Portland shooting. (all links h/t Liberty Unyielding)


    Former Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday that the pro-Trump caravan that drove through Portland, Oregon, on Sunday was “spoiling for a fight.”

    In a statement, Biden condemned the use of violence by all sides, but then blamed President Donald Trump for “incitement.”

    He also said: “It is not a peaceful protest when you out go out spoiling for a fight.” He has made no similar criticism of the left-wing activists who have rioted in recent months.

    Critics suggested that Biden was blaming the victim.

    Byron York of the Washington Examiner wrote: “[Biden’s] conclusion: It’s all President Trump’s fault. When a Trump supporter shoots a rioter in Kenosha, Wisconsin, it’s Trump’s fault. When a rioter shoots a Trump supporter in Portland, it’s Trump’s fault. And in that latter case, Biden suggested, the victim was asking for it.”

    Remember which Party is supporting the riots, and which one is trying to stop them.

    Claiming to be America’s second-largest private foundation, the Ford Foundation has poured almost $2 billion into groups active in “disrupting systems to advance social justice,” according to its grant database.

    The Ford Foundation boasts key members of the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaign as alumni executives. Harris’s sister and ex-campaign chairwoman Maya Harris served as the Ford foundation’s vice president alongside Biden’s now senior advisor, Cristóbal Alex, who served as its program director during the Obama presidency.

    Some of Obama’s top staffers are now Ford Foundation’s top staffers. Taara Rangarajan, now Ford’s chief of staff, served as Obama’s national security advisor from 2013-2016. Before that, she served as a special assistant to Susan Rice during the Benghazi affair. Another Ford exec, Xavier de Souza Briggs, served as President Obama’s associate director of the Office of Management and Budget.

    Lots of details and connections to radical activist groups follow.

    The Ford Foundation is financing a network of insurgents that intimidate elected officials and citizens to bring about dangerous political change. The FBI defines using intimidation and violence to achieve political ends as domestic terrorism.

    Like other private foundations, Ford is governed only by basic IRS filing requirements and has virtually no public oversight. With woke leaders like Cisco’s CEO Chuck Robbins, Ford Motor Company’s Henry Ford III, and abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s former president Cecile Richards sitting on Ford’s board, be assured it will not cut off the funding to these Democrat street squads.

    And remember that the people calling themselves conservatives or Republicans may no longer understand what those words mean.
    Add this bunch to the GW Bush, John McCain, and Romney staffers now openly working for the Democrats.
    I used to kind of shake my head at the railing against RINOs and GOPe, but I don’t anymore.

    Former consultants for failed Republican presidential primary candidate Jeb Bush are now working with a “Never Trump”-associated group to help Democrat Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris win the swing state of Florida.

    The group “Republican Voters Against Trump,” funded by Never Trump’s Bill Kristol, Sarah Longwell, and Tim Miller, is spearheading an initiative to flip Florida blue this election cycle. The group has tapped former Bush consultants Mike Murphy and David Hill to help elect Biden.

    The former Bush consultants and Never Trump group have branded the effort “Project Orange Crush,” spending between $8 million to $10 million in the next couple of months on advertising targeted to moderate Republican voters and swing voters.

    “Our plan is to surgically target the key 450,000 Independents and soft Republicans who will decide the election,” a memo obtained by the Herald reads.

    The Republican establishment, based almost exclusively in Washington, DC, and made up of consultants, donors, and political operatives, has been opposed to Trump’s economic nationalist agenda since the 2015 GOP presidential primary when they unsuccessfully attempted to stop him.

    They really don’t like the way President Trump has derailed their Gravy Train.

  70. Spinning spinning spinning just like predicted.

    Notice that condemnation is only required for one side of the confrontation.

    President Donald Trump criticized CNN on Monday after a reporter asked him to condemn his supporters who were in Portland on Saturday night.

    During a White House press conference with the president, CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins asked Trump to condemn a group of his supporters who traveled to Portland for a counter-protest on Saturday night. Some of Trump’s supporters were reportedly firing paintball guns at protesters from their pickup trucks as leftists threw objects and debris at them. Aaron J. Danielson of Portland, identified as a Trump supporter, was shot dead during the clash between the different groups.

    “That was a peaceful protest,” Trump said. “Paint is a defensive mechanism, paint is not bullets.”

    “It’s a paintball gun, it’s a bullet,” Collins replied.

    “Your supporters — they are your supporters indeed — shot a young gentleman and killed him,” Trump continued. “Not with paint but with a bullet. I think it is disgraceful.”


    The former vice president, who will face Trump in November as the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, spoke after a weekend in which a Trump supporter was shot and killed in downtown Portland.

    That supporter was also a member of a right-wing group, Patriot Prayer, which is not a militia.

    Biden may have been referring to accusations, yet unproven, that 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot three and killed two people during a riot last week in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was a member of a militia.

    Bide was criticized for failing to condemn the riots even though he condemned police for the shooting of Jacob Blake, 29, that triggered the unrest last Sunday.


    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Monday accused President Trump of inciting violence across the country but failed to provide any specific examples to support the weighty accusation.

    Sanders’ commentary comes as Democrat politicians continue to offer measured responses to the violence plaguing U.S. cities, such as Portland and Kenosha. Few have been quick to condemn the protester violence against not just members of law enforcement, but politicians, as was seen last Thursday following the conclusion of President Trump’s Republican National Convention address.

    Black Lives Matter protesters swarmed Sanders’ colleague, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), in the nation’s capital. That same night, protesters harassed Georgia House Rep. Vernon Jones (D-GA). He referred to the protesters as a “violent mob of supporters of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”

    Despite the documented cases of violence, looting, and destruction, far-left progressives have been slow to condemn the lawlessness in U.S. cities, diverting their attention to the meaning of the greater “movement.”

    Neither of them [AOC and Tlaib] condemned the violence plaguing U.S. cities for months on end in the brief interviews, but they and their progressive counterparts have been quick to cast blame on Trump for the violence, much like Sanders did on Monday.


    While it is true that Trump focused on left-wing violence — which is the dominant form of political violence today — it is false to claim that the president did not condemn political violence in general. He certainly did so, in full view of the press.

    In his statement, Biden also took Trump to task for failing to “repudiate one of his supporters who is charged with murder because of his attacks on others.” He is referring to the Kyle Rittenhouse case. It is not entirely clear what Rittenhouse’s political views are. [AF: I think it’s pretty obvious, actually.] Regardless, the president said that the case needed to be investigated, and correctly pointed out that Rittenhouse killed his attackers as he was trying to flee. There is currently no evidence that Rittenhouse initiated the attack.

    On the other hand:

    President Donald Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that he wants his supporters to “leave it to law enforcement” when it comes to confronting violent left-wing activists.

    Ingraham asked Trump to respond to his rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, who called Trump supporters “an armed militia in this country.” Trump defended his supporters and said Biden was “weak,” noting that Democrats had lost control of violent left-wing mobs in the cities that they governed.

    Ingraham then asked: “But do you want your supporters to confront the left-wing protesters, or do you want to leave it to law enforcement?”

    Trump responded: “No, no, no, I don’t want them — I want them to leave it to law enforcement.”

    The problem, Trump explained, was the lack of political support for law enforcement, and Democrats’ refusal in some cases to accept help from the National Guard and federal law enforcement agencies when they could not control left-wing riots.

    Earlier in the evening, Biden had falsely accused Trump of failing to denounce violence at a White House press briefing.

    In fact, Trump said that “violence has no place in American political discourse.”

    Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), encouraged her supporters to contribute toward bailing out arrestees in Minneapolis, Minnesota during riots earlier this year.

    Those who were bailed out included several people who had been arrested on charges of violent criminal behavior, including murder and attempted murder.

  71. Steven Hayward makes some important points (as he always does):

    The problem is no one really believes Biden and the Democrats are sincere in their criticism of rioters. Because they aren’t. Deep down they can’t square their sympathy for the “root grievances” of protesters and rioters with the political necessity of being credible in fighting against rioting, which would mean Portland and Seattle, for starters, would sweep the streets and not let people go hours later with no bail. (It would also help if Democrats, including some of Kamala Harris’s staff apparently, hadn’t contributed to fund drives to bail out protesters and rioters in the few places where bail is being set.)

    Ultimately this connects to the contempt most liberal Democrats have for the country, and have had for a long time. We keep hearing from the left that Trump is “shredding political norms,” but who is it who wants to abolish the Senate and the electoral college, repeal the 2nd Amendment, tinker with the First Amendment to allow censorship of “hate speech,” pack the Supreme Court, and admit DC and Puerto Rico as states just to add four more Democrats to the Senate? And that’s before you ask for any Democrat to make a criticism of the 1619 Project. I’m not aware of a single one yet who has done so. But remember: Trump’s tweets are mean!

    This has a long history. People think the “Blame America First Democrats” was an invention of Jeanne Kirkpatrick in 1984, but it goes back much further than that. At the height of the urban rioting in the 1960s, Hubert Humphrey remarked that had he lived in a ghetto he could have led a pretty good riot himself—a remark he later came to regret and tried to walk back. In 1971 Walter Mondale remarked that “The sickening truth is that this country is rapidly coming to resemble South Africa.” Shirley MacLaine said in 1972 that “Right now the social soul of America is so sick that even the overthrow of a political regime may be insufficient.” I can go on with pages of statements like this from Democratic politicians, leading journalists, and, naturally, academics.

    other words, what we’re seeing today is the essential DNA of the modern Democratic Party coming to the fore amidst a crisis, and a lot of voters can perceive this clearly, which is why the polls are tightening.

  72. Three good articles about The Current Unpleasantness.

    Professor Loury always makes sense. Must be something about studying economics, despite the field’s reputation of impracticality.

    The wave of protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd rolls on. Riots have erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin after the shooting of a black man by police, and two protesters have been killed. The US seems as divided as at any time in its recent history. But is America really a ‘structurally racist’ country, and are its police truly oppressing black people?

    Glenn Loury is an American economist, author and commentator. He was the first ever tenured black professor of economics at Harvard University, and is currently a professor of social sciences and economics at Brown University. He joined spiked editor Brendan O’Neill for the latest episode of The Brendan O’Neill Show. What follows is an edited extract from their conversation.

    Babygate was a bridge too far even for this Leftist.

    Anti-racist Arguments Are Tearing People Apart
    What a viral story reveals about contemporary leftist discourse

    AUGUST 20, 2020

    Conor Friedersdorf

    Lessons from history from a professor of classics – a collage of topics but a unified theme.

    The story of all Dark Ages is that when civilizations finally prefer suicide, they do it easily, and the remnants flock to the countryside to preserve what they can—allowing the cities go on with their ritual self-destruction.

    By Victor Davis Hanson • August 30, 2020

  73. I told you all about CW2 before it was a band wagon pop topic these days.

    Now I tell you, a message I am directed to give you by the Divine Counsel. Pay attention, mortals. You won’t get too many chances later.

    September 2020 Spiritual Insights

    Brace yourself for the last part of 2020 because so much is about to happen. Many events are building for a final release. We are nearing the end to the coronavirus pandemic as the month of September brings much-needed relief. By the end of September, both Jupiter and Saturn will turn direct and Rahu and Ketu will transit into Taurus and Scorpio. But at the same time, Mars will take center stage as it stations and turns retrograde on September 9.

    Amid a pandemic, civil unrest, and a divisive U.S. election season, we now have an asteroid zooming toward us. And on the day before the presidential vote, no less. The celestial object known as 2018VP1 is predicted to come close to Earth on November 2. Comets and asteroids are historically known to be signs or symbols of things to come. I believe this is a powerful symbol of the extremes of change and transformation to come.
    The political race is about to change and become a serious concern. No matter who you favor in the race, realize what is actually happening is a powerful uncovering of the corruption that has been operating deep within society throughout the years. As both political parties attack each other, we are getting to the truth. As I have mentioned before, nature is balancing the extremes of unbalance. The laws of the Universe and nature involve balance and cycles are part of balance.

    Everything happens for a reason! Even the coronavirus is a part of the cycle that will balance all the imbalances. The political race in the U.S. will reveal corruption in the world as the parties and reporters unravel the truth for many aspects of humanity. Humanity is about to uncover even more of the corruption worldwide. More than ever, people want the truth!

    The anger is about to come to a head soon and will bring extreme blow-ups worldwide. As Mars stations in Aries in the nakshatra Ashwini (ruled by Ketu), riots and conflicts will begin to intensify. The world is beginning to explode with emotion. Mars will be retrograde from September 9 – November 14.

    This month, planets are strongly placed with Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in their own signs, and Mercury exalted. As Rahu is in Taurus and Ketu is in Scorpio, these are the signs in which they are exalted. So, the planets will deliver strong and powerful effects. This is the month great strides in a cure for the coronavirus will come to fruition.

    The ghandanta planets Mars and Ketu are causing great fires and floods. Planets are ghandanta when they are in the last degrees of a water sign and first degrees of a fire sign. These placements represent drowning and losing control. As Mars transits in late Pisces and early Aries, there will be the most extremes in weather and fires around the world. Ketu will also be ghandanta most of this month as it is in early Sagittarius and late Scorpio. The remainder of 2020 will see an extreme crisis in weather, fires, and violence.

    In contemplation over all the extreme events playing out this month, I have asked over and over for the spiritual message to give and to keep us going for this month. To be honest, I questioned the message over and over again, but it kept coming again and again.

    What is the lesson I kept getting for the month of September? At first, it just didn’t make sense to me but this is the message that kept coming in loud and clear: have gratitude. In receiving this message, I asked how can we have gratitude amidst a pandemic, growing violence, and out-of-control conditions with floods and fires? So, I had to go to the book I wrote in 2005, Awaken to the Power within You, in which I wrote an entire chapter on gratitude and I reread it to understand the message.

    Here is the chapter on Gratitude:
    Gratitude is a feeling. To come from a place of thanks, show your appreciation. When others are grateful toward you for what you have done, it makes you want to do more for them. This has the same effect on the Universe. When you are grateful for that which you receive from your life, you put a positive loving energy out toward all that is, and it will only create more. You want to give to those you feel are grateful, and not those who have no appreciation for what you have given them. Gratefulness makes life flow with ease, the way it is supposed to be.

    If you focus on what you don’t have instead of what you do have, you will attract more of what you don’t have. You are, in essence, being ungrateful for what you do have if your focus is on what you don’t have.

    When there is a terrible loss, the pressing issue of the loss will be your focus. It is like an injury. The pain of the injury will capture your focus. If you broke your arm, then you must focus on fixing the break instead of focusing on the parts of your body that are healthy. My point here is you must give your attention to what needs to be fixed but once that is healed, then it is time to give thanks for that which you are grateful for.

    Gratitude is giving thanks for the blessings in your life. Take the time each day to focus on one thing you are the most grateful for on that day. Then, at the end of the week, take an inventory of all the things you gave thanks for during the week. Write all this down. Keep this list in a box. At the time of the full Moon each month, take the list out and reread them all. Feel with emotion how fortunate you are for receiving all these blessings. Although you may feel there is a power outside yourself that is granting you these blessings, you must realize you have played a major role in multiplying these gifts.

    When we focus on what is right in our lives instead of what is wrong, we become part of the universal flow. To concentrate on what is wrong stops the flow and causes blocks and setbacks. There will always be something that appears wrong with everything because this world isn’t perfect, and not according to our expectations. And what one considers wrong may not be so to another. If you have a picture of a beautiful forest and there is one dead tree, focusing on the one dead tree instead of the thousands of healthy beautiful trees will cause you to lose focus of the big picture. Life doesn’t flow, and you will be caught up in the negativity. Let life flow and focus on its beauty even though there are some imperfections. The imperfections have their merit for there is a reason for everything. The dead tree in the forest must die to fertilize the ground for the other trees to grow. Don’t dwell on the apparent imperfections. This is a form of acceptance. For there is a reason for everything, and everything is in Divine perfection. If you cannot change things, then there is no use worrying about them. To accept things the way they are and focus on the beauty in life will create a flow and harmony for more giving and a life full of prosperity.

    Being in a state of gratitude and appreciation is a very positive state of mind. To be joyful in this way will attract more of this feeling to you. To appreciate the beauty and gifts you have will only multiply more of this in your life. Your outside world is always a reflection of what is going on inside you. So if your home is in disarray, then this means there is confusion within you. What a beautiful reflection you will see in your world if you have gratitude.

    You will come to a point where you understand why you are here. You will understand that each and every person you perceived as a threat, or who hurt you, has given you the Divine insight into the issues and feelings you needed to release. We come to a place of gratitude for our suffering, for the suffering woke us up to the exact problems that were keeping us from our realization. We thank the people who hurt us the most, for they have given us the insight into our soul so we could see the real issues in us that we need to change, so that we can come to the place of an enlightened soul. It is all an inner journey to reveal the attitudes that keep us from this ultimate realization.

    Resentments are the powerful emotions that keep us reincarnating here on earth to work out. We are so emotionally attached to these resentments. Our teachers are the ones who activate our resentments the very most. If you can recognize they are here to teach you that you are here to release these resentments, then you will be full of great gratitude. This realization will give you the freedom and realization of what you came here to learn. You will be free, never suffer or hurt again. You will know only love. This isn’t about forgiveness, for there is nothing to forgive. This is one of the most important keys to our ultimate understanding. Forgiveness means there is something wrong. There is nothing wrong. Our focus needs to be on what is right instead of what is wrong. Gratitude focuses on what is right. There is only gratitude in all of this. Gratitude will release you from the suffering and pain of this world. You are love, joy, happiness, and oneness. You are a part of the almighty power; you are one with God.

    Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others
    Marcus T. Cicero 106-43 BC

    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
    Melody Beattie

    After rereading this chapter, I now understand why this was the message that kept coming to me loud and clear as to what we are here to do amidst these incredibly difficult times on our planet. Realizing everything is happening for a Divine reason and we are here to grow in awareness, consciousness, and spiritually, then there must be an important lesson in these trying times. Even though it may seem impossible to find something to be grateful for at this time, it is the only way to overcome the negativity rampant on the planet now. When you come from a place of gratitude, you come from a place of love and perceive the world from a place of love, acceptance, and beauty. You will receive and create wonderment and happiness in your life and this multiplies outward into the world.


    September 02: Mercury enters Virgo, Full Moon 16 degrees Aquarius
    Mercury in Virgo is another strong indicator this month in the area of finding cures for disease and particularly the coronavirus. Mercury is the planet for communications and connections. Virgo is the sign for health and healing and this empowers minds in a way that healing and better communications are sought around the world.

    The full Moon in Aquarius is another indicator for advances in healing humanity and cures as
    the full Moon is in the nakshatra Shatabhishak, which also pertains to healing as it is said to be the hundred healers.

    September 03: Saturn quincunx Rahu 1 degree Capricorn/Gemini
    This is a difficult aspect as it represents an unharmonious time with government leadership. This will not help the issue concerning the fight over mail-in votes as Saturn is in Capricorn ruling government and Gemini rules the ways we connect and communicate, and, therefore, rules the mail service. This will be a major debate at this time.

    September 09: Mars Retrograde 4 degrees Aries
    Mars is the planet of war, anger, and violence, and the sign Aries is most associated with action and impulsive energy. This retrograde period will magnify anger and hostility globally. Retrogrades reveal issues from the past that need to be healed. This sign and nakshatra issues of anger will resurface such as racial and political concerns around the world. The nakshatra Ashwini pertains to healing and travel. These will be issues to be worked out to heal the global pandemic and travel on all levels, such as airlines, trains, and ships. This can even represent danger or accidents involving travel.

    September 13: Jupiter Direct 23 degrees Sagittarius
    Jupiter moving direct is a big indicator of the world moving forward instead of the delays and setbacks experienced before. This is another indicator of forward movement in the progress of eliminating the coronavirus. Optimism and confidence in freedom from the global lock-down is finally here. The last time Jupiter transited over this degree was around February 20, 2020 when the coronavirus was becoming a major threat. Now that Jupiter is finally transiting forward in Sagittarius, it will bring the realization of the spiritual transformation that is here to stay. Expect exciting news in the area of healing and an awakening with new trends towards opening the minds and hearts to a more spiritually awakened world.

    September 19: Rahu enters Taurus/Ketu enters Scorpio
    Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio are exalted in these signs meaning this is a time of great healing. When Rahu and Ketu leave the signs Gemini and Sagittarius, there is always a healing from the aftermath of what the nakshatras Ardra and Mula produce. Once Ketu has passed through the last ghandanta degrees of Scorpio, then there will be a major healing globally. This will be in the beginning of 2021. Rahu in Taurus will empower the economy around the world as well.

    September 24: Mercury opposes Mars 02 Libra/Aries
    Conflicts and aggression surfaces. There is a strong deadlock in beliefs especially in the political scene around the world. Arguments, disagreements, and conflicts begin to heat up.

    September 27: Venus enters Leo
    Creative energy runs high as optimism begins to return around the world. Music and movies inspire souls and consume the media. Indications of leadership begin to give hope again.

    September 29: Mars square Saturn 1 degree Aries/Capricorn, Saturn Direct 1 degree Capricorn
    Cardinal signs seem to dominate the heavens, which means forward movement in all areas of life (Mars in Aries, Mercury in Libra, Saturn in Capricorn). Saturn stationing direct is another indication that the economy will improve and countries will become prosperous. Saturn in Capricorn means there will be a transformation in the way that the economy and the government is run. Mars and Saturn will indicate setbacks and delays in the economy at the time of this aspect but will quickly be resolved as Saturn begins to move direct. If the stock market is affected by this square, then it could be time to invest because I see a quick reversal.———-Joni Patry

  74. Pontificating? I take a bit of umbrage at that but no matter.
    Art’s a bit demon possessed. We’ll fix him after the divine descent.

  75. Yammer:

    TLDR, blather and yammer and a wall of word salad. Mind as big as a planet and a comment as long as a Star Wars introduction. Is the Death Star in there too?

    Maybe Yammer is going for the self parody angle?

    Yammer has been repossessed it appears.

  76. “we now have an asteroid zooming toward us. And on the day before the presidential vote, no less.” – Ymarsakar

    I already have the t-shirt ordered.


    Read all about it here.

    PS – astrology often looks like word salad, but having an attitude of gratitude is always good advice.

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