Home » Old terrorists don’t die, they just go Gramscian


Old terrorists don’t die, they just go Gramscian — 25 Comments

  1. The donations that have been pouring into BLM are mostly funneled through the “charity” Thousand Currents, a tax-exempt “non-profit” on the board of which sits a certain Susan Rosenberg (whose entry on Wiki is very misleading), a domestic terrorist pardoned by Clinton on his last day in office. For an accurate assessment of this woman, see the recent piece by Lloyd Billingsley at frontpagemag.com. McCarthy’s excellent piece is (alas!) an example of vox clamantis in deserto.

  2. neo,

    Replace “decide” with “decade” in paragraph 2, sentence 1 [wink].

    Your friend,
    M J R

  3. ‘….a ‘transformative’ vision…”

    Transformative, transformative, gosh, where have I heard THAT word before….?

  4. Because I have two 20-something daughters, I occasionally drop in to various lifestyle blogs, most of which are run by millennial influencers. I’ve been stunned by many worshipful tributes to Angela Davis on these blogs. She is apparently a very quotable grand dame these days and her Marxism/Communism is now a feature, not a bug. She’s endorsed Joe Biden:


    And here she is telling us how glad she is to have lived to see this current moment:



  5. Boy, I’m awash in typos today.

    My excuse: had less sleep than usual, up for many extra hours last night fixing a blog problem regarding an update. It wasn’t easy, but fortunately it worked.

  6. CV:

    Yes, one of my older friends who’s on the left spoke a lot of praise for Angela Davis recently. That’s how I know Davis has had a revival. She must be pleased as punch these days.

  7. I also think it was a perfect storm of timing in the 80s: Ayers transforming K-12 teachers and the rise of postmodernism thanks to Foucault et al in higher ed.

  8. Ayers is gonna get his. I am making sure of that.

    As for Gramsci, wait until the world goes Full Ymar.

  9. We all recognize the problem. The only real question is “What is to be done?”

    Short of violence it is unclear there is a solution but one must fervently hope for one to be revealed.

  10. Ok… I am putting this here because we really dont have a thread for it, its somewhat related given that we have a communist revolution going on and they
    are doing their thing given the TROIKA that serves them.

    1) Antifa, communist anarchists, etc…
    2) Democrat politicians in power…
    3) The press…

    Trump sent in, and they did the arresting people from unmarked vehicles
    They then pushed the meme that this were gestapo, however whether gestapo, CCP, soviet Russian black morias, the distinction is that you dont go home again, you are NOT released. The people they picked up are mostly informers, which is why they are released.

    How to handle the situation in Portland…
    after several days of analysis and watching I realized that you have to be as clever as they are to get anywhere, that you have to analyses that they have foreign help, training, and advisors… (this would not work otherwise, they would not behave perfectly the way they do)…

    Now, the reason that the US Federal tactics has to change is before the left employs a shoot and scoot sniper, who during the fireworks, and noise, sets themselves up 500 yards away, or like Malvo from the back of a car, and makes a random protestors head explode… This then will be blamed on the Feds. The ONLY reason they have not started this yet, is that they do not want such a thing to cause the insurgents to stop or lose momentum.

    The Feds are very limited in what they could do, but what they SHOULD do is already in their playbook in foreign soil. Back up trucks, load in the sensitive information and equipment, destroy disable and make neutered any equipment that can serve the opposition. AFTER doing all that, remove and evacuate ALL FEDERAL presence. Let them have the buildings, let them comb through the empty offices, let them take it all, and do not be there. Ghost them as you would if they took over an embassy in a foreign land.

    but but but… I already know what your thinking… how would that HELP?

    here is how… ALL federal programs need federal offices to work. Its that simple. The federal government does NOT disburse federal funds to state offices, it all first goes through a federal presence.

    Some headlines and excerpts i found as a quick example:

    1) Oregon expects $2.45 billion in federal coronavirus relief, including direct money for Portland, Multnomah, Washington counties
    2) TriMet to receive nearly $185M in federal funding to help in economic recovery
    3) Federal Research and Development in Oregon – $320 Million
    4) National Institutes of Health – $346 Million
    5) Pharmaceutical / Medical Device / Research, Testing, and Laboratories – $1.5 billion
    6) Source of FEDERAL R&D Funding $7.1 BILLION

    There is no way for these offices to conduct business…
    IF they want the FEDS out then withdraw the feds, this means Federal Funding too
    The money will be disbursed to other states who want federal presence

    IT’s that freaking simple… you kick mommy and daddy out of the house, mommy and daddy stop paying mortgage, utilities, food, electric, etc… you want to be on your own, then your on your own

    you want Federal research dollars, then let the offices open and do their business, if you dont, then move the money to other states that do. If your a Portland company that wants that money, then move, leave Portland.

    This goes for the FBI too… you dont want FBI there? you dont want NATIONAL GUARD there?
    you dont want Federal officers protecting federal offices and the workers that disburse these funds?

    Give them what they want…

    and the simple reasoning is that you cant disburse funds to businesses, schools, state offices, the poor, and more without offices and the protection afforded these institutions. You dont get to eject part of the machine, and endanger the rest, and expect them to sit there at their desks, do their jobs, and disburse the funds. Federal programs need federal oversight, and federal oversight needs offices, telephones, and more to do so.

    The list i have up there is not comprehensive… stop collecting federal taxes from Oregon
    Stop disbursing federal funds to people who openly dont want federal presence

    Its really quite simple actually…
    without stability necessary to run the offices, programs and disbursements
    they stop… and they are NOT held in escrow, but redistributed
    The HOUSE may not like it, but these are not new funds, and they have no control over that
    The Senate can move money around by moving programs…

    There are less than 5 million people in Oregon…
    IF they want to take care of themselves let them

    the mean feds are not there to arrest anyone
    the federally paid for national guard is not there either
    they want to handle their own problems, let them

    Be careful what you wish for, you may get it

  11. These educational changes are old old old. When my mom attended the Education department at the Univ of Miami in the early ’60’s (after having escaped communist Cuba) she was shocked because all of her professors were Marxists. It just accelerated in the ’80’s.

  12. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) supplies electricity to Portland and most of Oregon. Be a shame if the electricity to Portland was cut off. Unintended consequences could result.

  13. Ok. Sorry. I posted two replies on Ayers/ Obama, BLM and SDS-Weathermen “Prairie Fire” that oughta been posted here – Damit! My bad.

    Just to serve notice that I’ve made extracts of good sources in the CBS news Rathergate thread.

    Some short OT humour, this about the risible “sources” for the Steele dossier that came out, late this week, ie, Steele’s own employee was the source for third hand info imaginary secret on Trump – nothing exotic or foreign, declassified docs say.

    Then at ConservativeTreeHouse comes this zinger comment:
    “$10 million just does not buy what it used to in the Russian dirty dossier market. Poor Hillary“

    I dunno about you, but to merm that’s a belly laugh LOL! It’s true, and Hillary still believes she was robbed by Trump!

  14. When the D (and lawyer) Oregon Gov, both senators, the mayor, the AG of the state, the Obama US Attorney, and the Speaker of the House all rush to defend the riots, I think it is safe to say that the Dems are running this. So, start rounding them up. Take them to Quantico like any other terrorist. Waterboard the crap out them to root out the conspiracy. Put them in front of a military tribunal and hang them. This will include lots of so-called journalists. Rinse and repeat.

    We should NOT abandon the 40% of Oregonians who voted for Trump.

    (People are hanged, dead meat is hung, so first he was hanged and then he was hung)

  15. In 1969, at the big SDS convention, a Black Panther was onstage speaking when someone asked him, “What do you think should be the position of women when the Revolution comes?” “The prone position,” he replied, laughing, seeming to think he’d said something witty. Some booing commenced.

    Bernadine Dohrn stood up, quite photogenic in her miniskirt and long dark hair, and angrily rebuked those who booed. She then led about ten people to walk out of the convention and split from SDS forever. They became known as the Weatherman faction. Her boyfriend Bill Ayers naturally was included. They were heirs to great fortunes who believed that blacks should be the “vanguard of the Revolution.” This was an idee fixe with them. It was after Fred Hampton, a charismatic Black Panther leader in Chicago, was killed (some said murdered) by police in December that Weatherman went underground and began their campaign of bombings and bank robberies, the details of which have never been revealed.

    When Dohrn came out of hiding in 1980 or so, Leonard Garment, the high-powered Washington attorney who’d previously represented President Nixon, was her lawyer, and it came out that the FBI had violated some laws in chasing Ayers, Dohrn and the others — in any case neither she nor Bill Ayers served any time.

    Back in 1969, she was for a while just as recognizable as Jane Fonda, at least in the consciousness of the young on the Left.

  16. We are in a new Civil War. (A cw starts when one side denies the legitimacy of the other, and on that account it began with the election in 2016.) And if Trump is re-elected, the cities will burn.

    That last part comes from talk radio reports after the battle for Denver on Sunday, when the 6th annual “Back The Blue” (celebrate police rally) at the Capital. A few hundred folks met with a band playing, and Black Bloc/Antifa/BLM supporters violently trashed them, as police stood by and watched. And under Commie Democrat (Mayor, council, Governor) orders, did not intervene.

    Thugs were organised, paid, prepared to push but not kill. Accounts of their size varied from twice to ten times of the rally holder. One 64 year old man
    was a former medic with the Bureau of Prisons, named Mark. He saw several weeks duty after during the Rodney King riots in South LA, nearly 30 years ago. He says this was worse than anything he saw in LA. (He says he wore a video cam to document what happened and it will be posted on line.)

    Of course, the roots go back to Obama and his henchmen. That’s when dissent became reviled, rebuked, and fought against.

    The solution? Argue bigger than they do.

    This Civil War is to finally exterminate the Democrat Party!
    The Party of Slave Owners.
    The Party of KKKlan domestic terrorism.
    The Party of Treason!
    Death to Democrats.

    Exterminate them!

    If we make this our brief program, then the party
    of Patriots and the middle class and the Republic shall win.

    Prepare. It’s here. You can longer ignore it. It’s here.

  17. Pursuant to what TJ just noted: apparently Michelle Malkin was one of those violently assaulted . So we have a rally supporting the police that was violently attacked by Antifa et al, and the police, whom the rally was supporting stand by and watch. It should now be clear that normal citizens cannot depend on the police for protection. Maybe they should be defunded, then there would less of them to deal with as it seems we now know which side they are on. Things are only going to get worse.

  18. You didn’t know Bill Ayers was an Eagle Scout?

    He’s always prepared to start a fire.

    Goes for the Governors of WA and OR too (Kate Brown was the closet all those years).

  19. Lee Smith is on a tear:

    Some reasons why massive violence, terrorism, and destroying their own cities—while placing the blame squarely on Trump—are the only resort left for the Democratic Party:

    And things will likely have to heat up.

    There is so much to hide. So much to deflect. So much to pretend never happened.

    And no matter how good—and how motivated—the NYT, the WAPO and the rest of the MSCM are at it, the rabbit hole is simply not big enough.

  20. And to think, these miscreants are going to be ramming the execrable ‘1619 Project’ down our kids throats at thousands of public schools across the country.

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