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Trump commutes the sentence… — 10 Comments

  1. Neo: But everything is fuel for their fire.

    Ah… and therein lies the rub…

    When this becomes the knowledge, the person subjected to it is free to do whatever they want without any impedance from those who are making a plea. If one is damned if one does, and damned if one doesn’t, one might as well do what one wants, as placating the demons is irrelevant.

    One of the big mistakes McDonalds made was confusing the demons with customers, not realizing that regardless of what healthful changes they tried to make, the people making noise about their menu, were never going to go eat there anyway (nor was their population large enough to actually matter in terms of growth). They ended up sacrificing market share rather than gaining, which is why there is now butter back on their breakfast sandwiches and they are sold around the clock.

    Once this is known, the truth surely does set you free…

    As to the fuel in their fire, it an eternal ire that their upbringing instilled in them and insured a life most unhappy as the world will never reach or be like the childhood without dad that mom let them have anything and do what they wanted without aprobation just so she can be friends, and not a parent, and believed that would put them on her side. Even with two parents this happens, but even with two decent parents this happens given how many faulty prunes there are in the jar in which the good soaks in the broth of the wickedly selfish and demanding.

    The only thing that one can be happy on is that when such people win, they really really really lose, and their wails of pain of the new order they bring, will satisfy, even if those that remember, are saddened. At least they had the joy of living and remembering, what others never had.

    Let a Lithuanian tell them:
    Baltic close enough

  2. Matt Margolis at PJM mentions Obama’s treatment of Bradley Manning and a FALN terrorist. Dems seem to have no memories.

  3. What about all those D Governors who are releasing people from their state prisons because of C19 issues? Or the catch & release policy of NYS? Do you hear the Ds complaining about those issues?

  4. Yes, I’ve seen on Facebook a number who are outraged by this — but then, they are outraged by every single thing Trump does. He is, in their eyes, both witless and diabolical. At the same time.

  5. Commuting a sentence is a presidents prerogative, as changing her mind is a woman’s

  6. If Trump says, “Good morning.”, the Left will excoriate him for it.

  7. I believe that the “official” sentiment is expressed as:
    “In for a penny, in for a pound.”

    (Though this may have to be “translated”, as was “Harry Potter”, into “American”….)

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