Home » The sleep of reason: leftist Furies turning on their own, who don’t know what hit them


The sleep of reason: leftist Furies turning on their own, who don’t know what hit them — 37 Comments

  1. And look at what’s been happening to J.K. Rowling.

    The insatiable madness has been unleashed and it requires victims…insatiably.

  2. The Bacchae is my favorite Greek tragedy. Different translations of it can sometimes be better or worse, but the main action, the plot, is just so great. Oh, Pentheus! It’s his mother who ends up as the tragic one.

  3. This seems to be a Pandora’s Box situation when the perceived intent was to improve things by taking it to the street it has unleashed the under-belly of insurrection. Giving these youths (utes) a mission and purpose in life along with excitement, recognition and perhaps glory makes for valiant young warriors no matter what the cause and don’t even dare confuse them with any facts.

  4. This is more evidence that it is well past time to limit federal student loans to STEM majors. These leftist crazies have PhDs in African American Studies, and Gender Studies.

  5. But … BUT … the AARP magazine article said the only ‘science deniers’ were on the RIGHT.


    The Revolution always ends up eating it’s own.

    And, just like that, the thugs take over.

  6. Rowling might actually be winning. I saw an article the other day that talked about how feminists were beating the trans crowd in the UK. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the details. But the important part was the the trans crowd was apparently experiencing successful pushback.

    I’ll note that unlike the members of that progressive listserv, the Furies were at least useful. They were employed by Zeus to go after particularly wicked individuals. The members of that listserv are on it primarily to gratify themselves.

  7. What’s this i hear about furries? why are people afraid of furries?
    running around in animal costumes…
    oh… furies..

    In remembrance of Roseanne Roseannadanna
    RIP: May 20, 1989

    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…

  8. Left cannibalizing left… what fun! Bring it on leftards. You so deserve it.

  9. But this is the natural process of revolution; There are no rules or guiding principles, just fervor and carnage. Yes, they eat their own. The list of potential victims gets shorter and shorter as victims are consumed. The politically-opposed are first, then attention turns to purity testing. And at the end, after the consumption of victims weeds out the competitive field, those who remain in authority are the new elite, the replacement aristocracy.

  10. They’re winning. I can’t imagine I’m the only one out there that doesn’t want to live in utter despair and take constant humiliation any more in order to prove that I am a “good person” and a “smart person”.

  11. Let them eat their own. The more extreme their radicalism, the more intense will be the whirlwind they reap. No sympathy here for anarchists and, as they’re willfully blind to reason and even attack the very right to disagree, they will suffer the consequences of their actions.

    But not of course until they attempt to pillage outside of their ‘blue’ protected safe spaces. At which time they shall discover just how unsafe spaces can be.

    Violence that cannot be criticized is a two sided coin.

  12. Chait had an article that mentioned this in early in the month too as well as other such madness from the left calling out their own for not falling in line.


    One that really was odd was a guy name Lee Fang who interviewed a BLM protestor in Oakland who said he was troubled by black on black violence. So Lee tweeted the video interview and was upbraided by a colleague and called a racist for daring to quote MLK about remaining non violent and sharing a tweet of a black person talking about black on black violence. [If you want to know the mindset of some on the left try reading the comments underneath the interview tweet in the link].

  13. “spewing racial slurs with a foaming tongue.”

    Always they spew, but with a foaming tongue…that’s bad.

  14. The path for a Thermidorean reaction became wider and easier with every new act of the woke insanity occuring. There is no point in arguing with crazy or expecting any reasonable response from them.

  15. It’s been suggested that the reason we haven’t seen any travelers from other solar systems is that once they reach a certain stage of technology, they invent nuclear weapons and destroy themselves.

    Don Sensing suggested an alternative theory: They invent video games, and become so involved in their game-playing that they lose interest in exploring the physical universe.

    I now offer a new theory: They invent something like Twitter, their whole planet becomes the equivalent of a particularly nasty middle school on earth, and they melt down under waves of mutual accusations and denunciations.

  16. And look at what’s been happening to J.K. Rowling

    The irony is that feminists (i.e. female chauvinists) opened Pandora’s box to [unqualified] progressive ideologies. Abortion… cancel culture. #WickedSolution

  17. [aliens] melt down under waves of mutual accusations and denunciations.

    A dysfunctional convergence a.k.a. clusterfuck.

  18. @David Foster – My opinion is that they invent collectivism, eventually it catches on everywhere, and they devolve… fighting wars an suffer an inability to climb the tower of babel again..

  19. Personally, I suspect that the most probable explanation for why we haven’t seen any travelers from other solar systems is because humanity itself is under a form of quarantine.

    Too many UFO sightings for it to be simply imaginary. While also preparing humanity for first contact in a “little steps” approach.

  20. Anonymously posted, “They’re winning. I can’t imagine I’m the only one out there that doesn’t want to live in utter despair and take constant humiliation any more in order to prove that I am a “good person” and a “smart person”.

    You are not alone, but…
    They are winning. You are correct.

    Major oppression is coming if Dems capture the White House and Senate, as seems likely. The USA will be shot to hell in killing blows. It will become a South Africa equivalent; South Africa, where whites under the constitution now do not have any property rights, targeting the white farmers. Zimbabwe awaits.

    Great countries are not defeated by external forces. They die from within, like a human with a rapidly spreading incurable cancer.

  21. Cicero: Comparison with South Africa is invalid. Whites in South Africa were a minority, a rather small one. After they lost power, they lost everything. In USA whites are still a majority and are well armed. Even total collapse of the state will not make them defenseless, the opposite is true. The blacks should pray for preservation of the rule of law, otherways they would be ruled by white lynching mobs.

  22. Sergey:

    Minor correction IMO, the “Marxist” blacks should pray for the preservation of the rule of law and that they don’t get what they and non-black Marxists deserve.

  23. I have to agree with Sergey. The elephant in the room is that if a time comes when there is no rule of law, the rabble on the left might not like what happens when the law-abiding majority is no longer hampered by having to obey the law.

  24. There is a perverse logic to the SJW Furies efforts. The above quote in regards to Shor is quite telling:

    “Racism can wrap itself in the trappings of credible logic and I swear it can make sense. But when you see how data can and has been used to oppress, undermine and devalue movements, it’s impossible not to offer a critical eye. The context to anything is everything.”

    Context is extremely important, I agree. What is the context here? A Listserv of progressive data analysts. It seems like this would be the ideal context for Shor’s post. Anyone who thinks Shor is wrong, the research is ill-founded, misinterpreted, irrelevant, etc. could then offer their critiques, grounded in empirical evidence, or reasonable argument, or even an impassioned anecdotal narrative. Shor and any supporters of his position could then respond in kind. The give and take of civil debate would, ideally, lead to more informed opinions on both sides of the issue.

    But of course, that is not what the SJW Furies want, as the whole Shor imbroglio amply demonstrates. Civil debate is anathema to any fanatic, any dogmatic movement, because it encourages reflection, reconsideration and *gasp* even doubt of the ideology. SJWs are uninterested and hostile to any sort of discourse because they are convinced of the absolute truth and utter righteousness of everything the believe and every action they take. If anyone critiques either, no matter how politely or tepidly, they are part of the problem and should be treated as such.

    That is what the above quote means by ‘context’. Any argument, any evidence, any comment, passing thought, mild joke, ANYTHING which contradicts the narrative, is a tool of oppression and the individual promulgating this tool is an oppressor. That Shor is a white male adds to the oppressive nature of his post and comments (even if the original research was done by a black person). He must be unpersoned. Perhaps he can (partially) redeem himself with sufficient penance and groveling (like Lee Fang), but it won’t come easily.

    Or perhaps, just perhaps, he will be red pilled. One can hope.

  25. They are NOT winning! They wouldn’t be doing what they are doing if they were winning. They are thrashing around like a Mastodon in a tar pit. They are in scorched-earth-retreat-to-Moscow mode.

    I have a feeling that something is coming down from Orange-Man-Bad because he did use the word evil and the demons know it.

  26. Was in a gun shop yesterday. A guy came in looking for 22LR. Cabela’s was out.

  27. A big problem is that people who are upset and depressed by all that is going on, but for the WRONG reasons, cannot get mental health help. My work has all these “wellness” avenues for employees that we are encouraged to seek out if we are feeling depressed by everything going on, but what benefit would those provide me? The majority of healthcare professionals, especially in the psychiatry community, are fully on board with the Leftist agenda. And you’re supposed to tell one of these people about how you’re frustrated by the impositions on your speech and thought because you support Trump or the right of law or the inherent differences between people of different sexes or races? At best, they would laugh at you to themselves (or your face) and try to convince you that what you believe is evil and wrong. At worst, they would report you to your employer as a “threat to public safety” and have you fired and jailed. After all, psychiatrists see themselves as the “good people” that have to correct bad ways of thinking by the sick, and in their minds, anything going against their worldview, especially support for Trump, is pathology that must be eliminated by any means possible.

    All one could hope for in our shoes is to talk about our despair with a professional in vague terms without any “suspicious” details, which sort of defeats the purpose of it all. In other words, it would be yet another forum where we must carefully keep our thoughts and beliefs to ourselves. The only acceptable reasons to go to a psychiatrist these days are to lament over systemic racism, to discuss your fear and hatred of Trump and Trump supporters, to alleviate your worries that Trump might get reelected, or to talk through how to go about atoning for your white privilege.

    Imagine what it will be like when websites like neo’s where you can conceivably post anonymously are shut down in short order after the Democrats reclaim the White House and Senate in November. When you have no outlet to vent about the blatant mail-in voter fraud that you know took place that will meanwhile be touted as the “fairest election in history” to our faces? Will to turn to the legions of mental health professionals in the country, who will be eagerly awaiting to identify and cull you “fascists” from the herd?

  28. miklos000rosza on June 25, 2020 at 6:27 pm said:
    The Bacchae is my favorite Greek tragedy. Different translations of it can sometimes be better or worse, but the main action, the plot, is just so great. Oh, Pentheus! It’s his mother who ends up as the tragic one.
    * * *
    I had the opportunity to produced and directed that play in college, with an excellent cast. I also produced Lysistrata, ditto. The setting for both was an outdoor plaza next to the art building, which was as close as we could get to emulating a Greek amphitheater.
    We had to tap into the electric circuits of the next-door building, the administration hall, for lights and sound. A security guy questioned us one night about the cables running across the lawn, so I gave him the name of the lead techie, who had presumably gotten permission.
    “Oh, well, that’s all right then,” he said, and sauntered on about his rounds.

    It’s not what you know, but who you know!

  29. As far as I know a psychopath is evil because he/she is unavoidably mentally ill. But can the psychopath’s evil be channeled (by brainwashing) to attack victims chosen by the brainwasher (university professor) and are some blacks who hate whites and whites who hate their parents particularly vulnerable to the influence of the sociopaths (university professors) that they hold in such high esteem?
    If this is the case then the blacks and whites who loot and burn and kill must be forgiven and awarded dodgy university degrees to facilitate their employment as Walmart shelf stackers.

  30. Hey, ArtfldgrUselessNothing, you’re thinking of the late Gilda Radner’s SNL character Emily Litella. Ms. Radner’s Roseanne Rosannadanna character was the consumer affairs reporter on SNL’s Weekend Update segments.

    Trivia: In her Roseanna Roseannadanna character, Ms. Radner was the commencement speaker for one of the graduating classes of the Columbia University’s School of Journalism. IIRC, part of her speech included, “When I graduated from Columbia (pause) School of Broadcasting*….” This was followed by uproarious laughter from her audience.

    * old timers will remember the school’s omnipresent come-on ads on Top 40 pop radio during the 1960s and ’70s, they may also have advertised on the back of matchbooks; the school claimed to prepare people for jobs in radio

  31. Geoffrey Britain on June 25, 2020 at 9:44 pm said:
    “Violence that cannot be criticized is a two sided coin.”

    Mark Steyn said:
    “If the political culture forbids respectable politicians from raising certain issues, then the electorate will turn to unrespectable ones.”

    Sergey on June 26, 2020 at 12:45 pm said:
    “The blacks should pray for preservation of the rule of law, otherwise they would be ruled by white lynching mobs.” (typo fixed)

    KyndyllG on June 26, 2020 at 2:38 pm said:
    “… if a time comes when there is no rule of law, the rabble on the left might not like what happens when the law-abiding majority is no longer hampered by having to obey the law.”

    Sir Thomas More, via Robert Bolt said:
    “And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned around on you–where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast–man’s laws, not God’s–and if you cut them down…d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake.”

    * * *
    There have been several threads where I was tempted to quote from MFAS, but at this point I would have to copy the entire play.

  32. How about repeating a quote from Judge McHaney that could be stretched, by only a tiny bit, to apply:

    Before I rule, I’m advising everybody in this room, no public outbursts or displays. The court is still in session until you are told otherwise.

    Since the inception of this insanity, the following regulations, rules or consequences have occurred:

    These are just a few of examples of rules, regulations and consequences that are arbitrary, capricious, and completely devoid of anything even remotely approaching common sense.

    When laws do not apply to those who make them, people are not being governed, they are being ruled. Make no mistake, these executive orders are not laws. They are royal decrees. Illinois citizens are not being governed, they are being ruled. The last time I checked Illinois citizens are also Americans and Americans don’t get ruled. The last time a monarch tried to rule Americans, a shot was fired that was heard around the world. That day led to the birth of a nation consensually governed based upon a document which ensures that on this day in this, any American courtroom tyrannical despotism will always lose and liberty, freedom and the constitution will always win.

    Steyn opened with this observation, which contains an appellation superior to Karenwaffe, which is itself a choice meme:

    In free societies, if the police want to enter your premises, they have to obtain a warrant. In the New Normal of the new New Jersey, Phil Murphy’s Health Commissars broke into Ian Smith’s Atilis gym and changed the locks – and all without a warrant. When the Catholic churches then briefly re-opened, the Coronagruppenführers of the New Jersey State Police had them closed down.

  33. Geoffrey Britain on June 26, 2020 at 11:07 am said:
    Personally, I suspect that the most probable explanation for why we haven’t seen any travelers from other solar systems is because humanity itself is under a form of quarantine.

    Too many UFO sightings for it to be simply imaginary. While also preparing humanity for first contact in a “little steps” approach.

    OMG GB, didn’t they tell you not to go full Ymar here?


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