Home » What happens in the university hasn’t stayed in the university


What happens in the university hasn’t stayed in the university — 33 Comments

  1. I was twice kicked off of a Creighton basketball message board (which includes an off topic area) for my conservative views. Below is the post that got me kicked out. Because people don’t like my opinions, I had to be censored. No free market place of ideas. I’m really shocked how liberal so many Creighton grads are. [Dundee is an Omaha neighborhood where Warren Buffett and his daughter live.]

    “And, Bennie boy, you consider me to be an idiot because I’m a conservative and you don’t agree with my politics. A sort of heckler’s veto. Just shout me down and call me stupid and an idiot.

    Be honest now.

    You liberals hate conservatives and want us to stop talking. You despise Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. You hated Charles Krauthammer and Bill Buckley. You liberals want total and complete power. CNN is the most trusted name in news. All the “smart” people are on MSNBC. Sean Hannity is a complete moron.

    And, of course, you really hate Trump. It is just “Orange Man, Bad.” You’re like Ben Rhodes on the night Hillary lost. “I… I… can’t process this… Confused… Not going to be Secretary of State…..”

    And after Trump won fair and square, your crew ran a three year campaign to undermine and then impeach him. The Russia hoax was the biggest scandal in American political history. Thank goodness Trump did his job during the impeachment trial and stopped flights from China.

    You libs also want to get rid of the Electoral College. To hell with small states like Nebraska and Iowa. To hell with flyover country.

    Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is just plain stupid. Their Creighton degrees should be revoked. You, on the other hand, are the elite. The best and the brightest. No dissenting views or deviations from the liberal point-of-view is allowed. Dissenters must be punished. Books must be burned. Twitter privileges must be revoked. Amazon book reviews must be deleted.

    You people will never shut me up.

    The arc of history bends towards conservatism and freedom; not progressivism and oppression. Trump wins re-election in 2020 despite your efforts. I will be especially pleased to see Trump win about 65% of the Nebraska vote and all 5 EC votes. But I’m sure he’ll lose in Dundee.”

  2. Not, not at all. The prep for radical takeover of the Democrat part by Marxist’s repackaged as SWJs begins in schools by teachers organising for Climate Justice and the Green New Deal because…White Supremacy!

    Because anti-capitalist born-again Marxists who gave us AOC and the fascist Young Turks need money and little foot soldiers to keep the agitprop wheels prepped! So nihilist activists can celebrate riots by drinking shots in the group house!

    Blogger Millenniel Millie.com has 20 minute primer on the radical Climate Justice movement allied with BLM and Antifa on “ Undercover Investigation – Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned”


    This expose is A-making. But are the facts, ideologies, and street war methods shocking?

  3. “So what was once behavior confined to universities is everywhere now.”

    Whose fault is that? This behavior could be shut down hard and fairly easily at any moment. What were those reporters at the NYT going to do if their editors told them to “get stuffed” over the Cotton op-ed? Quit? Firebomb the place?


  4. MBunge:

    All the Times editors are on the left. The only differences are those of degree and tactics. So they will not be standing up to the more extreme younger ones.

  5. Cornhead (4:53 pm):

    “The arc of history bends towards conservatism and freedom; not progressivism and oppression.”

    I wish that were so. There’s lots of bla bla bla on the left about “the arc of history”. They’re convinced that

    -1- it’s an arc, and
    -2- it bends leftward.

    It seems to me that history goes wherever it goes, more like a random walk than an arc. Currently, it’s veering sharply left, if it is indeed an “arc”. What a hackneyed, stupid cliche. Nothing is foreordained, whether it’s an arc or a tangent line or a mobius strip.

    “Trump wins re-election in 2020 despite your efforts.”

    That is *anything* but foreordained, especially since the Democrat Party will learn from the 2016 experience and will not make the same mistakes.

    Honest question, to which I don’t pretend to have in mind an answer: Are there more who voted red in 2016 that will vote blue in 2020, or will more who voted blue in 2016, vote red in 2020?

  6. “All the Times editors are on the left.”

    I have about as little respect for the folks who have held the editor’s chair at the NYT as you can have, but I cannot believe that the people who held those jobs in 1980, 2000, or even 2010 would have caved like that.

    If I had thrown that kind of fit at work when I was a young man, my boss would have yelled at me until my ears bled. If my dad had thrown that kind of fit at work when he was young man, there’s a decent chance his boss would have invited him out back and beat the crap out of him.

    Nothing about this is normal or inevitable. I previously referenced the theory that today’s grownups are decidedly not that grown up. This is the stuff I mean. This is a child having a screaming tantrum in the middle of the grocery store and mommy or daddy giving them whatever they want to make them stop.

    This isn’t about Left or Right. Take a look at the deeply childish and immature behavior of the NeverTrumpers. Look at all the conservatives on Twitter who just squealed in anguish about how terribly Mitt Romney’s been treated after Mitt Romney LITERALLY made himself rich by destroying other’s people jobs, livelihoods, and futures.


  7. I previously referenced the theory that today’s grownups are decidedly not that grown up. This is the stuff I mean. This is a child having a screaming tantrum in the middle of the grocery store and mommy or daddy giving them whatever they want to make them stop

    Now that you mention it, AG Sulzberger is nearly 40 years old, as is his wife (who works for NPR). They married two years ago, have one child, and do not have much time for another.

  8. “Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.”

    I used to think that I would never see vigilante justice in the US. Now it would seem it is just around the corner.

  9. I’ve been calling the NY Times the Times-Stürmer for a couple of weeks now. A garbage propaganda outfit, published by garbage people, for a garbage readership.
    And yes, we are just around the corner from vigilante justice. You probably won’t read about it in the Times-Stürmer, though. Just a lot of mysterious stuff going on in that flyover country, which is all beneath the notice of the Times-Stürmer.

  10. Vigilante justice tomorrow and the shy Trump voter today? Gerard vanderluen says vigilante justice “is just around the corner.” Yes. Expect it.

    But also expect a false flag radical far Left sacrifice, a false flag media stunt, an assassination or mass casualty event that the lying media will pin on “evil Trump.”
    Especially come September and October.

    I expect our side to keep the powder dry, hoping for a Trump re-election. But that could be well ruined by The Confederate States of America party winning either House of Congress. Will vigilantism then rise on the Right? Yes, I think.

    Plus, the lone assassin? There was that smaller Ohio University town gunman last year, thankfully taken down by an sharp cop, was a lefty Antifa type into eco-fascism (and thus media rapidly disappeared his story; not their narrative). This type could be used to broadly smear Trump, aiming to turn the outcome of a close election.

    In Spring 2016, Trump under-polled the results of primaries in New York and Michigan.

    This told me that the shy Trump voter was real and significant. Come Election Day, November, I told the first Trump supporting friend I knew (June, 2015), that if the shy Trump vote came out, he would win.

    How is the shy Trump vote doing today? The Tulsa rally this Saturday with over 1 million registered, it might seem we’re out of the closet!

    Not so. I heard a radio cite that I can only incompletely recall.

    Recent polling sponsored by a London newspaper and certain US news outlets asked US voters, “Are you comfortable to tell the neighbours who you voted for President?”

    Democrats said “yes” by over 70%. But of Republicans, only 27% could say “yes.”
    Thus, Trump voters likely feel three times more persecuted than the Biden voter.

    “Welcome to the closet, pal!”

  11. No. Gallup was so scrupulous as to bow out in 2016 completely. Rasmussen got it good then, as well as for another recent presidential election.

    The primary problem is sampling now that everyone not old has a cell phone, not land lines as relied on for decades.

    Add in push poll bias, SWJ activists in the field, and not Trump supporters who properly hate the media, and there don’t cooperate with posters or even better mess with them, and a social science devolved into art and wish-craft.

    The most common media polling distortion is over sampling D’s. Or simply hiding their over sampling, so lies – Hell yeah!

  12. I note the Commentary piece on the Great Unravelling. I find it a manifesto in response to the illiberal hysteria being imposed against all normative values of the United States and modern Western Civilization.

    A set of values, economic system, and culture which in the last two centuries has brought more liberty and dramatically higher standards of living to the world than ever before. Other than an imagined heaven and utopia, which other values, civilization, and culture have come close. Do not destroy and tear down that which has been so hard to build and so rare in history. Few would trade life in late 20th and early 21st Century America for any other place and time in history – no matter your gender, race, or ethnicity (unless you would only accept trading up to the fabled 1%). We can, perhaps, make that which has been far better, even better, but not at the cost of tearing down all that has made it better in the first place.

  13. There is not much good about getting old but one positive is not having to live through this period of turmoil. Of course, my mother did live to 103.

  14. A couple of posts at Hot Air make the same point about spill-over beyond the hedges:


    In Weinstein’s view, the anarchist Occupy movement has now fused with Black Lives Matter which, as he points out, doesn’t mean simply that black lives matter. It stands for much more than that including, at the moment, the idea that police should be abolished or at least defunded substantially. Weinstein considers defund the police to be “possibly the stupidest proposal I have ever heard.” He added, “I’ve lived it.” And indeed he has lived it and it wasn’t a good situation.

    But Weinstein suggests that people who consider this idea so extreme that it can’t actually happen are missing the lesson of Evergreen. It can happen and it can happen very quickly.


    Taibbi made clear in his piece and in the interview with the Hill that he sees the Fang incident as just one example of a more widespread change taking place in journalism. He said the new “style of thought” had originated on college campuses but was now finding a home in many newsrooms. “It’s bullying in tone, it’s accusatory, it uses shaming tactics and it doesn’t particularly believe in civil liberties. It’s very illiberal in its conception of the world.”

    I really expect Taibbi to be denounced to the Committee of Public Safety as an Enemy of the People any day now (the conflation is accurate, since we have been made painfully aware that the Revolutions to Usher in Utopia are in all ages and countries essentially the same).



  15. Two essays on the soft socialization* of the body politic:


    (citing an incident at a university)

    (hire non-college graduates only)

    And finally, lamenting the fate of the universities that they have brought on themselves:

    *concept borrowed from a Gateway Pundit post

  16. Aesop Fan — sadly, Bill Whittles Team Blue/ Team Red distinction is deeply marred by propaganda of conventionalised disinformation.

    Red is the international colour of communism. And blue is the international color for capitalism. And for a long, long time, even to ancient Roman times.

    Marxists sold this switch deliberately to the US news networks after communism failed by 1992 in order to confuse us — and quite successfully!

    If we hope to aright ourselves and be internationally successful again and lead, then we on the right must insist on reclaiming Our Colours of True Blue capitalism!

    I hate that Whittle either doesn’t know this or else obscures this Truth. Reclaim Capitalist True Blue!

  17. Aesop Fan. Regarding the Rogan/ Bret Weinstein interview, they completely lose the plot when they call the Brooks shooting in Atlanta as just some guy in a DUI subjected to “militarised” police force tactics (which are immoral and oughta be illegal, they imply).

    First, no policeman much, less the two whom Brooks attacked for their weapons, can put up with an assault on their deadly weapons holding. The now fired police chief even stated that PD policy was that the tazer Brooks forcibly stole was deadly force. (Opportunistically, and playing to the mob, the new chief – or was it the DA? -yes, see neo’s post – claims the opposite.)

    Second, Rogan completely misses that Brooks wasn’t just some guy. He was a man out on early probation because of Covid19 after serving only four months of a felony child abuse and domestic assault conviction for 7 years.

    Thus, he really was highly motivated to assault and escape arrest because he would have to serve his full sentence for parole violations, probably multiple violations.

    Sorry to say it about a man I also wanted to see as a normal good guy, as a Rogan does. But he was not. And Unlike George Floyd’s probable murder, this case is likely justifiable self-defense.

  18. And Unlike George Floyd’s probable murder, this case is likely justifiable self-defense.

    Floyd died of a combination of heart disease and fentanyl overdose. He was also resisting arrest and the body cam videos of the officers have not been released. I hope they are not “lost” before trial like the Epstein cell videos were. The official autopsy found no evidence of asphyxia.

  19. And Unlike George Floyd’s probable murder, this case is likely justifiable self-defense.

    The term ‘murder’ does not mean what you fancy it means.

  20. This does not surprise me. I started college in 1960 and remember the “free speech” demonstrations, AKA riots. The college administration would talk a good game then collapse like a wet paper sack and give the rioters what they wanted. We joked that there was nothing more craven and cowardly than a college president. College president behavior is now obviously SOP.

  21. If you only watch one video today, it should be this one.


    AesopFan: This is what bothers/saddens me about Tony Robbins. According to the (always excellent) Bill Whittle video, Team Red is based on “individualists, individual justice and looking to the future,” as opposed to Team Blue based on “collectivists, social justice, and looking to the past.”

    You go to a Tony event, you hear Team Red values. Tony doesn’t want to hear sob stories about anyone’s intersectional woes or individual woes either. He wants to know what you want for your future and he will coach you on how to get there.

    My experiences at Tony events laid much of the groundwork, though I had no idea at the time, for my later conversion from Team Blue to Team Red.

    I haven’t listened to Tony’s 3 1/2 hour podcast. I suspect it contains some gold. I think he’s trying to steer that conversation into more constructive channels, though without a single conservative voice I can discern — did the woke folks demand that? — I have my doubts as to its effectiveness. I also wonder how much Tony is trying to immunize himself from the Cancel Culture.


  22. huxley:

    I know next to nothing about Tony Robbins. But I would guess that your last sentence – he’s trying to immunize himself – is probably on the mark. Will the crocodile eat him last?

  23. Will the crocodile eat him last?

    neo: Tony’s a smart guy and he has much good will in Hollywood and among CEOs, as well as self-improvement folks like myself. Unless the US goes full Red China, I’m sure Tony will manage.

    Still, it disturbs me Tony has made this move. The Woke Acid is eating into everything.

  24. huxley:

    True courage is unusual.

    I doubt I’d be all that courageous if I was younger and had a job on the line.

    About Robbins – apparently he’s caved before. I found this on his Wiki page just now, when I looked him up:

    Robbins was criticized for critical comments made about the Me Too movement at a seminar in San Jose, California, on March 15, 2018. According to a video of the event released on social media by NowThisNews, Robbins stated his opinion that, “If you use the #MeToo movement to try to get significance and certainty by attacking and destroying someone else… all you’ve done is basically use a drug called significance to make yourself feel good.” He went on to tell a story about a “very powerful man” who passed on hiring a female candidate even though she was the most qualified because she was too attractive and would be “too big a risk”. Following criticism for these comments, Robbins posted an apology on his Facebook page, saying “I apologize for suggesting anything other than my profound admiration for the #MeToo movement.”

  25. neo: I haven’t followed Tony closely for over ten years, but I recall noticing that #MeToo moment and I felt sad about that also. His initial response to #MeToo was his real one.

    Tony lives in a mostly Blue world, while teaching mostly Red values.

    I was shocked at my first event, “Unleash the Power Within,” where at the climax when Tony is leading the participants full-out in an affirmation chant, which can look like a Nuremberg rally, he replaced the generic “I am a Force for Good!” with “I am a Force for God!”

    Now I am the voice
    I will lead, not follow
    I will create, not destroy
    I will believe, not doubt
    I am a force for good
    Set a new standard
    Step up!
    Step UP!
    STEP UP!

    “Tony Robbins Now, I am the voice”

  26. True courage is alive and well in Africa. Teen age WOMEN when asked to deny their Christian faith told Boka Harum (sp) NO. Their head were removed and BH moved on to next WOMAN who said
    NO. I don’t know if I have courage.

  27. Ron: I get what you are saying. Much of what is happening in America is because we are so very comfortable and the crocodile seems faraway.

  28. Mike K on June 18, 2020 at 11:16 pm said:
    There is not much good about getting old but one positive is not having to live through this period of turmoil. Of course, my mother did live to 103.

    I wish… all this has made sure there is no future to look forward to for me
    and i do more harm than good being around…
    the turmoil just adds crap on top

  29. I posted this on the previous entry replies, but just in case, I am reposting it.
    After I spent the evening last night watching what I have linked below, it was refreshing to see the video done by FIRE and seeing 3 sane and stable students talking about this issue, and the two professors’ objection to Shaping young minds of mush with an ideology that will not advance society, but tear at the fiber and cause tremendous damage to relationships of all kinds.

    Must watch to understand!!!

    2 college professors who were sacked from Evergreen College hold a session where they tell their story. Videos of the mob take-over fill in the details, and show the dangerous atmosphere and audacity of students vs. faculty. Their boldness in the face of “authority” of any kind is what has me back on my heels and wondering how we move forward. The students lack of articulate discussion makes me wonder how did they get into college and what have they learned?

    What ever happened to black is beautiful? These kids have been taught to hate their own skin color, and use something that can never be changed to achieve victim status in the face of Whites who also cannot change their skin color.

    From 2017, but was a predicate for exactly what is happening now.
    Just one comment from me: You reap what you sow when you hold no line in the sand. When there are no absolutes, when free expression is part of the curriculum in a way that kids get to determine pretty much everything. Wisdom is abandoned and communist/marxist/leftist tenured professors get to “experiment” on their students. I find of the two professors, the woman’s demeanor is off putting & filled with hubris and elitism. Not so sure about Bret, he at least had the axe maker mind to fight this insanity. She most likely in her 15 years at the school contributed to her own demise.
    Slightly time consuming but would be a Pre-Requisite for what is happening as we share our thoughts on the current atmosphere.

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