Home » David Horowitz on Al Sharpton and the Floyd memorial


David Horowitz on Al Sharpton and the Floyd memorial — 22 Comments

  1. Horowitz is one of the few conservatives willing to criticize the loathsome BLM without fear of being called racist. His website (Discover the Networks) has the best sources on the viciousness of this group, heavily funded by Soros and by corporate America, and frontpagemag.com has posted the fiery message from Candace Owens about the foolishness of praising George Floyd (who held a loaded gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman during an armed robbery/home invasion) as a hero and a martyr.

  2. Hooray Mr. Horowitz, and hurray for Neo for bringing his words to our attention.

    Repeating a comment I have made a few times recently; I cannot imagine any other society that has worked so hard, particularly over the past fifty years, to bring a vast under-class into the main stream. Progress has been uneven. Mistakes have been made; and some were through flawed progressive programs. Unintended consequences are a by product of most every government program.

    In this age of endemic (that word again) ignorance, and systemic (the other one) lack of curiosity, most Americans seemingly know little about African slavery in the Americas, never mind the pervasive slavery that has occurred throughout human existence. Anyway, many nations were deeply involved in the institution in North and South America. The difference is that when the colonial era ended, the Europeans walked away and left the desolation behind. The United States lived with, and struggled at great cost to overcome the after effects.

  3. The Floyd family has decided to cash in on death by white cop bingo. Yes, Floyd was a victim of unnecessary force, but Sharpton??? Gimme a break. Sharpton makes Jessie Jackson look as clean as Snow on the Pines.

  4. “..he was a big lefty radical in his youth, but now is conservative…”

    Same is true of Sowell. Funny that you should have two consecutive articles about two very prominent conservatives who were formerly equally prominent …well, not Liberals…just out and out Socialists. Funny too that they are about the best conservative voices we have to logically address those same Socialists. Not that most of them seem to be able to appreciate that logic…
    Life is strange!

  5. Sharpton has incited nearly a dozen murders with his demagogic and often antisemitic rhetoric. Almost nothing so proves the depravity of the Democrats as the fact that he is now one of their “respected” leaders. He was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, several times for one-on-one meetings with BO, and recently was seen “consulting” with Biden.

  6. Sharpton must be in the top ten all time con men! I would like to see him brought down, by the IRS for the millions in taxes he has never paid. It worked for Capone.

  7. SueK:

    I read Sowell’s autobiography. I seem to recall that for quite a while in his 20s he was a Marxist. A trip to Cuba to study the sugar cane industry disabused him of that notion.

  8. I am surprised that the KKK has not given Sharpton an honorary Doctorate of The Grand Klaxon, for destroying more black lives – via his lethal message to blacks – than the KKK has been able to do since 1865.
    He certainly deserves it.
    His message to blacks?
    Don’t bother trying to better yourselves or your economic conditions; it’s hopeless because the white racist power structure will prevent you from getting ahead no matter how hard you try.
    Meanwhile, Sharpton, a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE, as is his equally lethal “bro,” Rev. Jackson – also a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE, and somewhat more recently, the OBama’s, never bother highlighting the success of blacks who have become successful.

    If you want to read about overcoming odds, read the autobiography of Clarence Thomas, “My Grandfather’s Son, A Memoir.”
    How Thomas overcame the challenges he faced is incredible.
    Or course, he is hated by slime like Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, Biden, etc.

  9. I cannot imagine any other society that has worked so hard, particularly over the past fifty years, to bring a vast under-class into the main stream.

    Oldflyer: So it seems to me. I recall an article a few years back to the effect that older blacks, who had seen the end of Jim Crow, didn’t understand how upset young blacks were about racism today.

    I’ve reached the point where I don’t believe anyone in America is as upset about racism as they act. Does anyone really care if a white person uses the N-word in a colloquial or academic context? The hysteria looks like theater to me.

    However, theater with a purpose. It’s the sharp end of a stick which they use to obtain power and maintain it.

  10. “It’s the sharp end of a stick which they use to obtain power and maintain it.”

    Not just phony controversies over language but the whole identity politics scam, it’s really all the Democrats have to keep power which is why they are riding it so hard.

  11. Around 5pm I ventured forth for takeout meatloaf at a fave diner which just reopened. The cashier warned me that the police had blocked off the corridor from downtown to UNM for a protest. I thanked him and went home to enjoy dinner.

    It’s 10:30pm now and I’ve been hearing helicopters and seeing them in that downtown/UNM direction for a while. I got curious, collected my cameras and tried to drive to UNM, but the road was blocked by a police car.

    I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but something is. However, the local news on the web mentions nothing.

    I didn’t expect this stuff to go on so long, especially not in Albuquerque.

  12. Horowitz: “Slavery…which still exists in a Africa today.”

    And that’s its institutionalised form. The last case imported into America was prosecuted in my back yard.

    A rich and well-connected Saudi was studying for the PhD in Boulder, at the University of Colorado. He kept as his sex slave and help mate a woman from the Indonesia.

    About 15 years ago, immigration “ICE” made this discovery. (Yes, that arm of the federal government so often vilified by the Left and by fascist Antifa.) He was convicted, his sentence later reduced.

    And yes, in his defence, he claimed that cultural and religious traditions were different from where he came from, and that he, therefore, would not be prosecuted there, and so should not be prosecuted in the US.

    The Homaidan Al-Turki case sparked controversy and high-profile attention from Muslims worldwide, particularly in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where local media portrayed him as a victim of bias against Muslims and said he would not have been convicted of these crimes had he been tried in his native country. For example, in a show of support, the Saudi government provided Al-Turki with $400,000 to post bond. In November 2006, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers travelled to Saudi Arabia where he visited King Abdullah, Crown Prince Sultan, and Al-Turki’s family in an attempt to clear up “misperceptions” about the U.S. judicial system and ease the Saudi royal family’s concerns over whether Homaidan Al-Turki was treated fairly.[13] Suthers went there at the request of the U.S. ambassador in Saudi Arabia….

    Even years after the case was closed, the issue continues to arouse powerful emotions in Saudi Arabia and affect the delicate balance of Saudi-US foreign relations.

    This is a fact well worth remembering for the reality challenged Left-idiots you will encounter. Prep to school ‘em!

  13. “And yes, in his defense, he claimed that cultural and religious traditions were different from where he came from, and that he, therefore, would not be prosecuted there, and so should not be prosecuted in the US.”

    Yeah right. And you can just imagine how well that would go over if the reverse situation existed!! You know…like women driving in Saudi…or wearing a bathing suit … or having a religious celebration… or about a million other things that we in the USA do within a normal day’s activities and which are not against the laws of the US, but are against the laws in Saudi. Do you think they’d ignore those situations in SA just because they weren’t against the law in the USA?? I sure don’t.

  14. The protest I mentioned last night was for Breonna Taylor, a young black woman in Louisville who was shot to death in March when her apartment was raided in what sounds like a classic bad drug bust.

    “Blog: Protests, demonstrations remain peaceful in Albuquerque”


    No racism I can discern, but Taylor was black and it’s an opportunity to cash in another “Black Lives Matter” chip.

  15. huxley – the killing of Taylor is one case where I could willingly join a protest march; the number of those “oopsie raids” by lazy, ill-informed, tip-too-good-to-check, unannounced police has been a national scandal for years.

    However, I am with Spiked: I did not kill Floyd, or Taylor, or any other victims of bad policing, much less the alleged victims that the BLM has rioted for.
    I didn’t vote for the mayors or city council members who supervise those police departments; I don’t advocate or support their local leftist political policies that have done nothing in 50 years to make the lives of black citizens better; and I resent being extorted by everyone from the media to my alma mater (the obligatory PC email came yesterday) to concur with the leftist intimidation so graphically on display.

  16. huxley – the killing of Taylor is one case where I could willingly join a protest march; the number of those “oopsie raids” by lazy, ill-informed, tip-too-good-to-check, unannounced police has been a national scandal for years.

    AesopFan: Amen to that. The police are absolutely necessary and the left is out of control, but there is a police problem.

  17. I believe that some of the black people in America are going to detach from the Democrats good and hard.

    The plight of the black shop owners in burned-out cities, the personal recognition by many that not every white person is a racist killing machine out to get blacks and that most black deaths are caused by other black people, the heavy-handedness of Joe Biden’s campaign gaffe, and the trashing of the economy by Democrats just as blacks were making historic gains — well, that’s a lot of red pills floating around the internet.

    Some posts alluded to above are familiar here (Candace Owens, for one), but I came across a few more recently.

    I’ll start with a Solzhenitsyn quote that applies, and then one by Thomas Sowell.
    They have a lot of common ground in their thinking.



    Elbert Guillory, whose video posts are always calm, but passionate, and present the conservative black POV with reason and confidence has a video that is definitely a must-see.
    “Joe Biden thinks we are slaves on his plantation. He recently told black people that if we don’t vote the way he wants us to, then we are not black. That is insulting, despicable and oh so wrong. Our response to massa Biden!”

    A black vlogger, Modern Renaissance Man, who says: “If you enjoyed Black Lives Matter when it comes to Mr Floyd What About Retired St. Louis Police Capt David Dorn? ”

    “Play stupid games, get stupid prizes” department:

    “Antifa dude drops incendiary, protesters throw it back into his car-”

    “Give her to me. Her parents raised this thing. They should be ashamed.” –

    If you don’t want to commit twittery, the last two can be seen in the comments here:

    Ramirez sums it all up in a picture, as usual.

    Remember: whatever you read on the news, for the left the narrative is never the reality.

  18. A young black guy named Max, interviewed on the street (possibly in Oakland), summed it up best, “Why does a black life only matter when a white man takes it?”

    His remarks won’t get any play on the MSM, and I hope will not get doxxed by #BLM.

    It was impossible to find the clip again, of course, in either my history or bookmarks, but a search at DDG turned this up from 2019, which is by another black man making the same point: the media and the left are only interested in dead black people if they can make a racist narrative about it.

    Black Lives Only Matter If They Are Taken by Whites
    Armstrong Williams / @Arightside / January 18, 2019

    Social media rang with righteous indignation over the senseless killing of Jazmine Barnes, who was shot and killed while riding in a car along with her mother and three sisters on a Texas highway on Dec. 30.

    The gunman, who was identified as a white man, allegedly drove a red pickup truck and fired upon the Barnes family seemingly randomly and without any provocation. A picture quickly emerged of a racist murderer on the loose, hell-bent on killing innocent black children.

    All of the usual alarms were triggered. New York Daily News writer Shaun King, a leader of the Black Lives Matter movement, who was made famous in the aftermath of the Ferguson, Missouri, protests, rushed to tweet out accusations about the alleged suspect, a man named Robert Cantrell.

    [*I am omitting this paragraph for reasons that will be apparent later*]

    … in the days immediately preceding the arrests, Black Lives Matter activists quickly mobilized in Houston, holding rallies and vigils and decrying the racist slaying of an innocent girl.

    Celebrities like former NBA All-Star player Shaquille O’Neal also got in on the act, promising to donate money to cover Jazmine’s funeral expenses.

    Houston Texans’ star wide receiver, DeAndre Hopkins, promised to take the field in Jazmine’s honor, after tweeting, …
    Prominent Dallas civil rights attorney Lee Merritt also joined the case, primarily due to his belief (based on the initial description of the suspect) that the shooting was racially motivated.

    *Here’s what I left out above
    “Tips began to pour in to King, who forwarded them to police. One of those tips ultimately led to the arrest of two suspects, both of whom turned out to be African-American males.”

    Mr Williams continues:

    When, on Monday, the new suspect was arrested and it appeared the motive was not race-related, the hoopla immediately died down. Gone was the righteous indignation on social media. No more celebrity attorneys announced they were interested in the case.

    Sadly, this appeared to be just another case of black-on-black crime. … Nothing to see here.

    In a week, Jazmine’s case is likely to fade from public discourse.

    Where, one wonders, is the outrage over the nearly 500 black children killed by guns last year? How many of those names have even made it to the national media? Is each of their lives less important because a black person took them?

    It seems that in all too many cases, black lives don’t matter unless they are taken by a white person. We almost never hear about the thousands of senseless murders of blacks by blacks.

    But when the suspected killer is a white person, well, of course, that’s news. **All of a sudden, there is an outcry of support and care and concern and activism. The murder unfailingly makes the evening news. Prognosticators are ready on the draw with the usual platitudes and complaints and inferences about America’s worsening racial climate.

    The troubling narrative that emerges from the grossly disproportionate treatment of the relatively isolated instances of violence deemed “racially motivated” versus the virtual sea of other crimes not deemed tainted by race begs the question: Is the only reason we even know about Jazmine Barnes because people believe she was killed by a white man?

    And that question begs another question: When black children are being murdered in absolutely horrific proportions, mostly at the hands of other black people, do black lives actually matter to black people? Or do they only matter when someone white kills them?

    The obvious answer, and maybe Mr. Williams didn’t want to go there, is that of course the Left doesn’t care if black people kill other black people, because their fate is not the issue, the revolution is the issue –and the only use Leftists have for blacks is as cannon fodder in that war.

    Maybe some of the black people who lost their homes, jobs, stores, and family in the Floyd Riots will start to see that.

    David Horowitz knew that a long time ago, and told us.
    “An SDS radical once wrote, “the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.” In other words, the cause — whether inner city blacks or women — is never the real cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause, which is the accumulation of power to make the revolution.”

    **PS – it’s NEWS (even if true) because it’s so rare. That’s why there are so many fake hate crimes being staged – there is a serious dearth (thank goodness) of real ones.

  19. See huxley’s posts on the Mark Esper thread about the origin and agenda of Black Lives Matter.
    “Black Lives Matter is another Leftist movement built on the shoulders of those preceding. It as about Marxism, not race, but by trial and error American leftists have determined that race is their most effective weapon to pry open American society for attack.”

    (check out the link to a Legal Insurrection post that reports on the BLM activists)

  20. In addition to being a movement with a marxist agenda and familiar communist methods, #BLM is blatantly targeting Jews and daring them to remain silent.
    Daniel Greenfield reports from California, and concludes:

    Decency and self-respect alone compel us not to remain silent. And if we do remain silent, while chanting the cause of those who vandalized our houses of worship and shops, we will have neither decency nor respect. We will have become as contemptible in our own eyes as we already are in the eyes of the Black Lives Matters pogromists who did this knowing that there would be no response.

    Fighting anti-Semitism doesn’t mean launching educational programs. It means, as Mordechai told Esther, “If you remain silent now, salvation will come to the Jews from some other place, and you and your father’s house will perish.”

    All those many generations ago, the Jews faced genocide because one stubborn old sage refused to take a knee before a brutal thug and abandon the aspirations of his people.

    A Jewish organization or synagogue that takes a knee before brutal thugs and refuses to speak up when Jews are attacked is not worthy of claiming to speak for Jews. It is not worthy of Jewish support or loyalty. I, personally, will not donate to any Jewish organization or synagogue that sends me a George Floyd letter, but says nothing of the pogrom in Fairfax. I encourage you to do the same.

    Tyler O’Neil reports from New York City, where the Jews are speaking out about the indefensible double standards of the mayor:

    Jewish community leaders are condemning New York Mayor Bill de Blasio for a “blatant double standard.” He singled out the Jewish community in enforcing coronavirus restrictions, yet defended protesters who violated social distancing rules in order to protest the heinous police killing of George Floyd. In fact, videos showed police officers dispersing Jewish mothers and their children at a playground while a larger group of protesters gathered in violation of lockdown rules.

    Jewish marketing professional Yossi Gestetner provided more context for PJ Media: “Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg Brooklyn a mile away from where thousands were protesting at the same moment without distancing.”

    Gestetner also shared a video which he claimed showed New York cops berating a group of Hasidic Jews on the sidewalk while rioters destroyed the city. “As THOUSANDS of protesters are in Manhattan and in Brooklyn tonight in violation of the curfew, [the NYPD] has time to tell Hasidim something about the curfew. What’s the point of this? If 5K Hasidim were out in a protest, you will leave them alone?”

    And it gets worse, in New Jersey.

    Weinstein said he has seen numerous social media posts saying “protesters want to specifically come to Lakewood to destruct the town on Saturday.” Many stores owned by the Orthodox are closed on Saturday because they observe the Sabbath.

    “I agree 100% with the protests and we have to definitely show something to the world that what is going on is wrong,” Weinstein said. “But I just ask to please be peaceful and don’t destroy our stores. We didn’t do anything to you, we have nothing to do with this. If it were on a regular day, we would be there right with you.”

    However, local and county authorities cautioned that it was still too early to distinguish whether the chatter was a legitimate threat or unfortunately the commonplace anti-Semitic rhetoric directed against Lakewood’s Orthodox Jewish community.

    Inzelbuch said while some of the chatter on social media surrounding the march was “concerning,” local and county law enforcement have been consulted and will be on hand to secure the demonstration.

    Fortunately, there were no incidents of violence, or else they were the silent kind.

    Record time fulfilling a prophecy, even if it was in a slightly modified form:

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