Home » That photo of Hitler holding the Bible like Trump did? Photoshopped, of course


That photo of Hitler holding the Bible like Trump did? Photoshopped, of course — 86 Comments

  1. Unfortunately, your friend is not wrong, the name Antifa is clever.
    It is also devious and misleading. It allows people in different parts of the left to pretend Antifa is what they say they are and to sell that story to people who don’t look very deep.

    Orwellian as you said.

  2. Christian tried to stop Hitler: yes, The Witte Rose movement, for example.

    People today, the young especially, are well indoctrinated against grasping any contexts tipoffs our past. This is by Neo-Marxist design. Make people cynical to their great past achievements, the better they will sunder it all up and embrace the Orwellian future of tyranny as liberating.

    Lindsey Perigo, once a radio talk show host in New Zealand, has coined an accurate and acid test term for this: Moronielle.

  3. “That’s all the US Media is now: platform for information warfare targeting Trump to destroy their opponents, at least half of America.”

    They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. Though the blurb neglected to mention that the media is operating in tandem with the destroyers of the Democratic Party.

    I guess the more people who die and the more destruction there is, the better chance Biden has in November. And other Democrats.

    Not quite the logic of anyone I’d like to have in government (or any other position of responsibility), but there you go.

    America did not elect Hillary in 2016 and so America deserves to be punished.

    America elected Trump instead and so America deserves to be punished seven-fold.

    It all begins to make sense….

  4. A long while back on this site i wrote about their origins, and showed the website with the same flag logo going way back… now it makes a lot more sense why i post what i post way ahead… because of that, people do not see the urgency till way too late..

  5. Another hoot is listening to the leftists explain why National Socialism has absolutely nothing to do with socialism.

  6. But, but, that can’t be true. Hitler died in 1945, and photoshop wasn’t invented until 1987.

    Also, why doesn’t the name “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” count the same as antifa? (Actually there was a German fascist party, and it wasn’t the Nazis. Recent article by Codevilla at Claremont tells a bit of this. Also, look up “Dolfuss”.)

  7. I’ve had the lack of wisdom to allow myself to be dragged into a couple of exchanges with ostensible socialists or atheists who claimed Hitler was a Christian on some basis or another.

    Sometimes they will reference Mein Kampf, or some other Hitlerian text which refers to “God” or “Christian”, or something along those lines.

    Fortunately, one need not go back through the tedious process of speed rereading those unreadable texts in order to dig out that dimly remembered reference to , say, “the God of War”, or “of Fate” or whatever in order to refute these sly contentions. Modern technology in the form of downloadable digital files, word search functions, and the God of History, have made that laborious process unecessary.

  8. Big discussion in progress on a community bulletin board here is Socal. One woman who claims to have worked for a foundation that supported BLM tells us that they do “good stuff”. I don’t know about that; I do know that anyone who responds that “All Lives Matter” better batten down the hatches. That seemingly innocent obsrevation is not allowed.

    But, I digress. She also repeats the refrain that ANTIFA simply means anti-fascist; so how can anyone object to that?

    I responded that ANTIFA has a record that is closer to the Brown Shirts in Germany in the 1930s; and are in fact paving the way for Fascism. I mentioned that though I might call myself “Supreme Potentate” it would not change who, or what I am; and that actions often belie labels.

    Sadly, whether she is a naive innocent, or something more, a number of the ignorant souls on the forum bought her line.

  9. Most people are emotionally and intellectually immature. Hence, propaganda works as intended. Those people don’t want to live and let live. They want me and mine dead. They want other people to do the dirty work. Thus, they are my enemies. I’ve known that for 40+ years.

  10. Oldflyer,

    She’s not naive or innocent.

    What she is doing is gaslighting and is using a series of specific phrases (that refrain is one of them) that Antifa has tried and found to be successful i.e. people tend to buy it if they aren’t critical thinkers and prone to propaganda.

  11. According to Speer, Hitler once remarked that it would have been better if Islam had won the battle of Tours, as Islam was a more militant faith. Who better to know?

  12. Marianne Williamson, the sexiest, kookiest, most New Age candidate of the 2020 Dem primaries, whom some found endearing (moi), put out a stupid and horrible tweet based on the photoshopped Trump photo.

    Anyone who thinks [Trump] had not seen this picture and isn’t using it as a signal, is in complete denial about what’s going on here.

    Geez. Where do you start? Every detail is stupid, wrong and hideously bigoted. Especially the idea Trump had seen the obscure photo in its doctored form and was signalling to white supremacists who would get it.

    Williamson deleted the tweet and blamed it on “too much coffee.” But coffee didn’t put those ideas into her head. Those hate-filled ideas were already there and she had nourished them for some time.

    Someone’s in complete denial, but not anyone Williamson is blaming.


  13. People actively choose to be propaganda zombies. Once hooked, no need for further thought. They are like the people I see driving their cars wearing masks, zombies. I hate zombies because I fear I don’t have enough ammo for 50,000 head shots. (My aim is not always true.)

  14. If I wasn’t told that the photo of Hitler was photo shopped I would have thought he was holding a copy of Mein Kampf.

    As for “Antifa” meaning “anti-Fascist” too many people are simple minded and buy into that lie – not unlike the “Bolsheviks” (Russian from the word for “majority”) calling themselves that while calling their opposition the “Mensheviks” (Russian from the word for “minority”) to get more people to support them.

    Interestingly, I was taught the history of those two words (Bolshevik and Menshevik) from my Russian language teachers; yet, when I just checked Wikipedia it gives a completely different reason for the word origins. Something silly about the Bolsheviks having the major of the votes. Which is something history clearly does NOT support. So, either my Russian language teachers were pulling my leg or Wikipedia has clearly been “edited” by someone who wants a narrative different from the true history.

  15. actually hitler was pro life.. .especially near the end when there werent enough germans being born to support what was a failing situation… the weird thing is to compare posters between russia, china and germany… very derivative of each other…

  16. It’s been striking how the left has singled out Christians for bad treatment.
    Closing churches when other, similar gatherings are allowed, charging taxes to that group who put up a field hospital in NYC (Shepherd’s Purse?) and so on.

    Most organized believers don’t seem to draw the obvious conclusions

  17. JimNorCal,

    When you considered Christianity and what it stands for, I don’t thing it’s been stealing at all to see the way the left has singled it out. Expected and inevitable.

  18. JimNorCal,

    Wow. I must have turned autocorrect back on. Gibberish.

    I meant to say, When you consider Christianity and what it stands for, I don’t think its striking at all to see the way the left has singled it out. Expected and inevitable.

  19. I was listening to the radio yesterday. A woman called in from an area not too far from NYC on Long Island. There is great concern that the rioting and looting is spreading out from the inner city to the suburbs. The woman described three access points to her community, each a drawbridge. She demanded that the bridges be lifted at 6pm when the looters start to gather. The radio show is hosted by two people on opposites ends of the political spectrum. The democrat was crying “but these are peaceful people protesting racist cops, they need their voice heard!” The lady on the telephone shot back “I pay $23,000 in property taxes each year, and I demand that the government do everything within its power to protect me and my family!” That shut the democrat up.

    It amazes me that these democrat mayors and governors allow this to occur. They are biting the hand that feeds them.

    Someone posted that insurance companies don’t cover damage due to civil insurrection. So all of these businesses that have been looted and destroyed are stuck with the bill? Why would they rebuild and reopen in a democrat party dominated city and state that won’t protect their property? People pay huge prices and tax bills for the luxury of living in NYC and surrounding suburbs. Why go back?

    There are so many ways of addressing societal problems without resorting to violence. It boggles the mind that these people hold high elected office. Completely worthless.

  20. JimNorCal: A significant number of Christians have drawn that obvious conclusion.

  21. My last post was a bit O/T so let me try again. I was baptized Christian, went to Sunday School in a family who were active in the church. Although I can not recite bible passages, one stuck with me: “turn the other cheek.” I may be wrong but I believe it means “walk away from confrontation.” I think that is sound advice but what happens if the thug starts beating you on top of the head? Do you try to walk away? I find that many Christians believe that violence is never the answer even if it leads to your own death. I wonder what others here think of that? Any Christian scholars?

    I mentioned my upbringing while framing that question because I believe it is relevant. While the adults advised me to walk away from confrontation, they also emphasized my civic duty to protect the weak and the vulnerable, your family. I remember a few times when I had bully problems. The adult’s advice was “turn the other cheek.” I’d follow their advice but inevitably the bullying escalated. I kept adults in the loop, and again the answer was “turn the other cheek.” Eventually the bullying would become so bad that the adults would sanction the act of fighting back. Believe or not, that always solved the problem, and the bully went away.

    I tell this story because I run into many Christians today who take “turn the other cheek” as one rule never to be violated. I was brought up being taught that there was an escape clause to the rule but with today’s Christians there is no such clause. I’ve had conversations with Christians who fervently believe that if a thug breaks down your door and threatens to kill you and your family then you do the “Christian thing” and accept your fate. Funny thing, when I tell them that I’m going to take at least one of them out with me, they look at me horrified.

    At this point I don’t know if this is a change in Christian teaching, or if this is simply the result of decades of harassment from the left. Either way Christians have allowed themselves to become a hated minority class, in my opinion.

  22. I can’t believe some Christians actually think they are supposed to let someone attack them. I asked a Catholic priest about “turn the other cheek” once. He said you have every right to defend yourself. God isn’t commanding you to literally let another person harm you. There are situations where we are called to “be the bigger person,” to rise above pettiness, bullying, hatred, and vengeance; that is different from saying you should accept all harm that comes to you.

    Besides, isn’t a refusal to defend yourself just standing by while a sin is being committed?

    As Christians sanctioned wars for centuries, I do not think a literal interpretation of “turn the other cheek” was ever mainstream Christian teaching. Most religions condone violence in some circumstances, though there might be “peace sects” within the religion that are committed to nonviolence.

  23. “Every detail is stupid, wrong and hideously bigoted. Especially the idea Trump had seen the obscure photo in its doctored form and was signalling to white supremacists who would get it.”

    I have come to the conclusion that Democrats, as the keepers in perpetuity of hate, have some kind of archive of every occasion when someone, somewhere made some reference that was racist, sexist, or otherwise -ist, and they assume that everyone else spends all of their free time perusing it as much as they do (or searches it exhaustively to cross-reference every passing utterance or image). Someone says something, and Democrats trot out that 79 years ago in Fort Madison, Iowa, John Smith said “…” and therefore, what the current someone said was a “racist dog whistle” to white nationalists or whatever. The assumption is that everyone is familiar with every -ist reference, no matter how obscure or ancient or purely regional. In fact, Democrats are the only ones who hear these dog whistles, but that never stops the madness.

  24. Thanks for your reply, shadow. I’ve found that Catholics take it literally also, although I’ve never asked a priest about it. Perhaps the nuances aren’t taught any more. By the way I was born and raised Methodist but I can’t say what the teachings consist of now. Like I said I believe that the church has bent over backwards to please the Left over the decades so I wouldn’t be surprised if the church tweaked its teachings.

  25. @shadow:

    You’re correct: Christianity is not a normatively pacifist faith. The Catholic priest you spoke with probably had in mind the Catechsim of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 2263 to 2267:

    2263 The legitimate defense of persons and societies is not an exception to the prohibition against the murder of the innocent that constitutes intentional killing. “The act of self-defense can have a double effect: the preservation of one’s own life; and the killing of the aggressor. . . . The one is intended, the other is not.”

    2264 Love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to life. Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow:

    If a man in self-defense uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful: whereas if he repels force with moderation, his defense will be lawful. . . . Nor is it necessary for salvation that a man omit the act of moderate self-defense to avoid killing the other man, since one is bound to take more care of one’s own life than of another’s.

    2265 Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm. For this reason, those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility.

    2266 The efforts of the state to curb the spread of behavior harmful to people’s rights and to the basic rules of civil society correspond to the requirement of safeguarding the common good. Legitimate public authority has the right and duty to inflict punishment proportionate to the gravity of the offense. Punishment has the primary aim of redressing the disorder introduced by the offense. When it is willingly accepted by the guilty party, it assumes the value of expiation. Punishment then, in addition to defending public order and protecting people’s safety, has a medicinal purpose: as far as possible, it must contribute to the correction of the guilty party.

    2267 Assuming that the guilty party’s identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.

    If, however, non-lethal means are sufficient to defend and protect people’s safety from the aggressor, authority will limit itself to such means, as these are more in keeping with the concrete conditions of the common good and more in conformity to the dignity of the human person.


    At the same time, C.S. Lewis (a source not as authoritative for Catholics as the Catechism, but broadly respected as orthodox and wise by Christians of all stripes, says in his essay Why I Am Not A Pacifist: “In so far as you are simply an angry man who has been hurt, mortify your anger and do not hit back.” He takes this to be the correct understanding of Christ’s doctrine of “turning the other cheek”: That the Christian is obligated not to reply to an insult to his person simpliciter with a reflexively vengeful retributive strike. Lewis distinguishes this from the magistrate who has the civic duty to defend the populace, the father who defends his family against a home-invader, and even the passerby who can with reasonable safety act to halt an act of violence against a helpless third-party.

    As for the “peace sects”: I think we can have a certain respect for the principled behavior of, say, the Quakers, inasmuch as they bravely practice their principles in good conscience while opening themselves to a great deal of scorn or abuse, and still point out the error in those principles: They are taking a response which ought to be used by most persons at most times, and converting it into a law that they hold God to have imposed on all persons at all times. This is not very different from some of the Baptists who, in response to the commonplace problem of drunkenness in the culture around them, over-interpreted certain Scriptures until they felt they could claim that all consumption of alcohol was prohibited by God.

    @Brian Morgan:
    There are a variety of Catholics and other Christians who’ve slanted leftward in response to the left-wing propaganda that’s so effective in our culture. But the actual teaching of the Catholic Church is not compatible with leftism, and those who interpret it must remember the longstanding principle of interpreting it according to the “Hermeneutic of Continuity”: One may not interpret a more-recent authoritative teaching so as to contradict an earlier one. That’s why, for example, Catholics can say that as a matter of prudence one could advocate for abolish the death penalty, but one is forbidden on pain of heresy from claiming that the death penalty is always and everywhere wrong. (See the quote from the Catechism, above.)

  26. Thanks R.C. for that. I just report what I observe first hand. I’m sure it has a lot to do where I live in a blue state.

  27. Just curious, how would you rate your state’s laws? Are they in agreement with church teachings?

  28. As for the “peace sects”: I think we can have a certain respect for the principled behavior of, say, the Quakers,

    Mennonite and Amish. The Brethren and the Quakers have gone suburban. Leftoid influence has been more of a problem among the Quakers than the Brethren. The American Friends Services Committee was a pro-Soviet outfit during the late Cold War.

  29. What is going to happen when Trump is gone? Whether now or in 2024? I suppose they could try throwing him in jail after he leaves office but…

    A. Trump can afford the best defense attorneys money can buy.

    B. He’s old and legitimately won’t be around that long no matter what happens.

    I know a lot of NeverTrumpers think they’ll be restored to their previous places of influence but they’ve pissed off too many “normal” Republicans for that to ever happen. But I genuinely have no idea what the media and Democrats think is going to happen after Trump, other than some super-myopic nostalgia for the 1990s that makes GOP longing for the 1950s look like hard-headed realism.


  30. “I tell this story because I run into many Christians today who take “turn the other cheek” as one rule never to be violated. I was brought up being taught that there was an escape clause to the rule but with today’s Christians there is no such clause. I’ve had conversations with Christians who fervently believe that if a thug breaks down your door and threatens to kill you and your family then you do the “Christian thing” and accept your fate”

    I’ve come to the conclusion that the world is full of highly social masochists who believe that they deserve to be punished: and who derive some kind of release from the experience. It probably derives not so much from an outright sexual perversion, as from the knowledge that they really are the beneficiaries of undeserved advancement and corrupted selection processes,that they are perpetrators of calumnies and detractions that have worked harm on others, and that they have within themselves an active spirit of malice.

    Of course, if they can experience that punishment vicariously by offering up someone else as a sacrificial goat, all the better.

    I don’t think Americans used to be like this. Or at least that most Americans were not. Whether it is an easy life that has left people feeling that what they have gained through the sweat of the brows of others does not deserve to be protected, or whether there is some cultural or demographic shift that has caused it I cannot say.

    I acknowledge that it has always been there to some extent. Especially in the Unitarians and Mainline Protestants … who as might be expected, are dying out, by a kind of voluntary suicide.

    It’s noticible in Catholicis too, especially since the days when the priesthood began to become a “gay profession”. (It remains to be seen if the reforms ostensibly instituted in the seminaries will have a chance to take full effect, or whether the current crop of homosexual bishops and cardinals will manage to subvert the reforms before they fully root)

  31. Mike, good point. I know that they’d like nothing better than to round up all of us and Trump for a short ride to the nearest gristmill. Supposedly there are Constitutional protections but I am not so sure after seeing our leaders respond to COVID and Antifa.

  32. This is important to hear so i am putting it here too (may neo forgive me):

    TJ on June 3, 2020 at 10:17 am said: Fractal, Barry, I’m in Complete agreement. We’re in a Cold Civil war gone…from Luke warm to hot. Not yet scalding, though.

    I completely disagree… overmagnification of the chicken sh*t protestors is the problem of why it may SEEM this way…

    did you notice that open carry states did not have riots this way or as much, as people were going to get shot attacking businesses and persons?

    did you notice the sale of guns went through the roof

    did you notice that compared to the population in any single place, the protestors were a very small minority and the looters even smaller?

    did you notice that these protestors attacked in locations that were their friendlies? but also focused on damaging the poor? that by far, each person watching the looting in their neighborhood wasnt seeing black folk tearing apart the landscape in anger (even less so in UK, France, Australia, and Germany). They were seeing college educated anarchistic social justice warriors who really wanted to look cool and have a story but didnt really care about the reason they protested or what they did to protest:
    11 – 13 dead
    2 cops murdered by a van that opened doors shot them and drove off
    poor sections of town destroyed and left w damage that wont get repaired
    poor sections noticing that ATMs, Drugstores, Phone shops, Jewelry stores were targeted more than other things? oh, and liquor stores…

    in the tremont section, grand concourse section of the bronx where i grew up, the news reported it looked like a tornado hit… they talked to a liquor shop owner who is obviously an immigrant, who is very poor, and whose business was destroyed… as they filmed people walking around with bottles stolen from him and with no recourse.

    you see, there is a huge contingent of people who dont mind authoritarianism because they dont do anything in their lives that let them think it would be directed at THEM. Like the third rail they just wont touch it and would go through their lives mostly unmolested, even if they lived in communist China.

    then lastly… the protestors did not get any politician of any side way means or shape to promise to reform the police departments… but you can be freaking sure that these same politicians are thinking up legal code that will put such in their place next time. Christ Cuomo part of a really asshole family, said where is it that it says protests have to be peaceful, being completely ignorant of the first amendment that allows him to be a news personage.

    The over 40 percent of democrats who say its ok to use the national guard to stop this, and the other large percentage (not as much as the not right) saying go ahead use the military, have insured that we will have a more authoritarian state going forwards.

    rather than fix the police, your going to see a military presence all over the place.
    The behavior of the rioters looting have resulted in a less free state with more police and you can be sure laws to be drafted which will allow them to use more force in such situations without punishment because it will then be legal not questionable.

    when the real force showed up, not one protestor fought… none, zero, zilch, nada
    no one stormed the police lines… at worst they acted like babies who would throw a water bottle or some item and try to run away… this is not like the days of rage in any way shape or form… these are not impassioned people who, knowing they will be arrested, go whole out to attack the opposition… these are poseurs and posturers who once real force shows, run to their cars and drive away… who are shocked when they are hit with a rubber bullet and go to the news cameras as if the world which saw them standing there making an ass of themselves protesting for no reason (as there are no demands to be met that were not met already), would give them sympathy

    and lets not forget that wonderful black woman, who i think might have served in the military… she may have worked at Mount Sinai hospital as a nurse being let go… (her giving her life portion of her rant)… she was shaming those white middle class assholes going into alphabet city (2nd ave and 12th, i know it well from its heroin days and cocaine crack eras of the 70s then 80s), destroying poor peoples only resources like charging stations

    as this went on the 9 million slated to be unemployed as a number came in at 2 million… the stock market has been rallying through all this… if ANYTHING can tell the future, or be panicked easy as a barometer of uncertainty, its the stock market… seriously… it plummeted on Covid, its rallying through the riots..

    does that sound like they are crazy thinking there is going to be a insurgency that will last beyond the next few days or week or so?

    no.. this is not going to be what it seems to be as people focus so close they cant see the big picture… just as i said covid wasnt going to be that big cause the slope of the line was not enough to reach escape velocity vs time… and the bs around it… i can call this out too…

    i have seen it in history when real protests happen with real concerns, and people are not paid, and real fights go on… this is nothing like that.. the news may want to make it into that, but you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear

    the democratic party may have committed intergenerational suicide
    as their mostly more moderate supporters realize that they supported this
    that they supported the press to do this, and the state people elected
    i dont know if they will realize that they were taught to be the targets!!!!!!!!

    That their pacifism, their trust in the left, their bleeding heart socialism, their willingness to ignore a insurgency as a protest… made them all victims!! that they have been taught to be weak, and so, be attacked as their own side as the weakest point to do so.. they been disarmed, they been unprepared to fight thinking that what they support would go after the ‘other side’, they thought their support would garner the spirit of death passing over their doorways covered in lambsblood… it didnt… they are confused… they may even still support things… but they are no longer going to be so set and easy to be the target of their own side!!!

  33. New York State’s COVID daily deaths are down to 64 from a high of nearly 800. We have so flattened the curve. So why can’t I get a haircut, or walk the aisles of my grocery store without being scolded for walking “against the arrow”? I don’t trust these people with my safety when Trump completes his term(s).

  34. @ R.C and Brian Morgan …

    It’s a difficult problem in logic to suggest that some men have the duty to protect and to defend others, yet simultaneously have no natural or canonical right to defend or maintain themselves in the face of an assault.

    The absurdity of the current pope’s animadversions on US immigration policy and his seeming indifference to the rule of law, which is in fact what differentiates the supposed refuges he wishes to exploit from the social shitholes the migrants emanate from, show that he is either stupid, or more likely, has a deconstructive agenda he is not quite forthright about. Though, to anyone who has read much about him, his sociopolitical agenda not that much of a mystery.

  35. The phenomenon with the discussion on Christianity above and the inane pacifism that passes for PC ethics today, taught from child abusing schools through the pulpit, is called deracination.

    Deracination means to uproot others from their natural cultural, social, or geographical environment and to cut off people from their past identity.

    Thus, it qualifies as a form of neo-Marxist ethnic cleansing.

    For example, I was in my apartment building’s common area and rec room one day, in Denver. Two men were engaged in Bible study. They met to discuss their findings, now debating how to construe a Bible passage and ptrying to narrow their contours of understanding.

    How good and Noble, I thought. It’s a long and important tradition of the Protestant system of belief.

    Without it, and without the high value on Truth seeking as seen by a Jesus and His disciples, neither the Western tradition in science and knowledge then, nor my own small and brief tradition of atheism is developed.

    Somehow, overhearing led them to invite me to chat a bit. And I told them how alarmed I was at the Christian genocide in the Middle East, the losing of not hundreds of years of Belief, but thousands there, as explained by historian Raymond Ibrahim, not long ago.

    They knew, they said. But they were not moved to alarm, or concern, or outrage, like me.

    When I next saw them, I knew that they were soul corrupted by their exposure to PC pacifism. School indoctrination leads to indifference which leads to roadkill and quiet complicity.

    They who were heirs to centuries of underground conviction, against persecution and threat of death for nonconformist Belief, but now devoid of the courage to defend themselves. This was a hard realisation, that they had surrendered themselves to PC virus of self contempt. These once brave soldiers for Christ were now men without chests.

    How could I now go to Europe and wear the Big Wooden cross of Christ in protest and solidarity to the victims of Christen genocide, if Christians like these neighbours do know, but are unmoved by the depths of their fellow Believers in Christ suffering?

    Such Christian’s make it tough for me. But I resolved to so for me and for my love for Western Civilisation, a great achievement being betrayed by such Christians, sadly.

  36. “The more time people spend debating the difference between tear gas and “smoke canisters and pepper balls,” the less focus on the fact that the Trump administration had peaceful citizens attacked so he could pretend on camera to be brave and religious.“


  37. To all: I just want to say I am in awe of how eloquently you speak. I understand what you say but am unable to articulate the way you do. The price I paid, I guess, for a lifetime spent programming computers.

  38. OK, Reason is propagating falsehoods in service to applied autism. This is news?

  39. @Montage, you may disagree but I was never impressed with what comes out of Reason.com

  40. New York State’s COVID daily deaths are down to 64 from a high of nearly 800. We have so flattened the curve. So why can’t I get a haircut, or walk the aisles of my grocery store without being scolded for walking “against the arrow”? I don’t trust these people with my safety when Trump completes his term(s).

    Set priorities in your complaining.

    The real problem is that 1/3 of the workforce has been shut up at home and the Democratic Party has allowed their clientele to manufacture a series of superspreader events. Most of our political class is beneath contempt.

  41. @Montage, you may disagree but I was never impressed with what comes out of Reason.com

    I’m for the wag who said libertarians are dweebs who don’t want to be yelled at by liberal women.

  42. I know a lot of NeverTrumpers think they’ll be restored to their previous places of influence but they’ve pissed off too many “normal” Republicans for that to ever happen.

    The opinion journalists are on the payroll of liberal donors of one sort or another (though some of them don’t need the money). One odd exception is Mona Charen, who is protected by the current director of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. At some point, a new director may arrive and ask just what she does to earn her salary. They’re nearly all Vichy operators whose book is providing emotional validation for liberals. Oh, and have you looked at the comboxes at National Review? Their content is just what you’d expect if the publication had no ordinary Republicans among its readers. It wasn’t that way six years ago.

    George W. Bush (who said flat nothing about the IRS or FBI scandals) just took a dump on the people who have voted for him and defended him. Can we please round up the descendants of Prescott Bush Sr and exile them to the Yucutan? Can we send Mitt Romney there too?

  43. Montage:

    Sorry bozo, but that is not true. Any more gaslighting you want to push? Sorry bozo but you do not get to restrict my rights of free association and freedom to move in public because of your feelz. Wear a red baseball cap and see how peaceful those citizens are. Eat your mask while you are at it, these protests have cured the virus fears and restrictions, or haven’t you noticed?.

    “Attacked” peaceful citizens? Take your magic bicycle down to a “peaceful” protest in your area and let us know how you like your walk home. Your gaslighters in the media now tell us that “protests” don’t have to be “peaceful.”

  44. When I read this

    “The more time people spend debating the difference between tear gas and “smoke canisters and pepper balls,” the less focus on the fact that the Trump administration had peaceful citizens attacked so he could pretend on camera to be brave and religious.“

    I realize that what you meant to say was

    “He restored order so that he could communicate with concerned American citizens”.

    That sounds like part of his job description to me.

  45. Art Deco
    The Reason article is an opinion, yes. But if you don’t think Trump’s walk was nothing more than an odd photo-op then I don’t know what you would call it. Perception is a big part of politics and this one was somewhere between cringe worthy and bizarre.

    [btw the Hitler photo was apparently not presented in the mainstream media. It was an absurd meme that hit social media. Just like fake photos of Hillary or Obama. People usually believe them according to their political leanings]

    Nobody gaslights more [or better] than the Trump administration. About the protests; I supported them until they got violent. In New Orleans they were peaceful. The police even kneeled with them. In Los Angeles they were half good and half awful. Looters = losers.

  46. @Montage: It sounds to me like you are running cover for the opinion writers at Reason.com. So it goes from “peaceful citizens teargassed” to “an odd photo-op”. Wow that is quite clever.

  47. But if you don’t think Trump’s walk was nothing more than an odd photo-op

    The Park Police dispersed the crowd in preparation for curfew, per policy. Stop lying.

  48. @Montage: Please tell us where you really stand. Let it all out.

    Two months ago I was fortunate to be at the right place at the right time. Neo had just posted a new topic and you were the first to reply. It was a vile communist screed. I immediately responded. In that time you had pulled your comment and I replaced mine with a single question mark. Go find it. It is still there.

    Please do us a favor and tell us what you really think. Right here, right now.

  49. But if you don’t think Trump’s walk was nothing more than an odd photo-op

    That’s not what he gets paid to do.

  50. Brian Morgan,

    Tell you what I think about what? Does it shock you that I support people’s right to protest but that I hate rioting and looting? Welcome to what the majority of Americans believe right now.

    You seem blissfully unaware of the idea that someone can dislike Trump and also dislike the left. The world is not an either / or black / white all the time. There is an incredible number of opinions and political views that you and some conservatives never consider that do not neatly fit into left / right categorization. Instead you seem to use stereotypes that align with your beliefs of everyone who dislikes Trump but that don’t actually reflect reality. The left does the same toward the right, true. We all can do better than that. I’m curious what my ‘vile communist’ screed’ could have been? Since I’m not a leftists then it must have been a misunderstanding of what I wrote.

    Take care.

  51. For PhysicsGuy, retired Conn College prof.:
    Salem on the Thames: Moral Panic, Anti-Zionism, and the Triumph of Hate Speech at Connecticut College

    At Connecticut College, in the Spring of 2015, Andrew Pessin, a professor of philosophy was grossly mistreated. He was grossly mistreated by student and faculty activists, by faculty members who went along with the activists, and by Connecticut College’s administration, who encouraged and rewarded Pessin’s tormentors. By the 2015-16 academic year, when protests swept across campuses and received obsessive media coverage, Andrew Pessin had already taken medical leave. He had been driven out in part as a result of stresses caused by the tarnishing of his good name, by multiple betrayals on the part of a community of which he had long been a valued member, and by death threats. He would not return until Fall 2017.

    Although this incident received some coverage, most prominently from David Bernstein for the Washington-Post-hosted Volokh Conspiracy blog, it has not received the attention it merits. Salem on the Thames, edited by Richard Landes, remedies that deficiency. Landes, a historian by trade, does not pretend to be an investigative reporter. He adopts “the perspective of the victim,” Andrew Pessin, who, to this day—Landes plausibly assumes that there is a non-disclosure agreement—has not been properly heard. But if Landes and the other contributors to this volume make no bones about whose side they are on, their account is supported by extensive documentation—emails, public statements, newspaper articles—that readers can examine for themselves here. In addition to providing a detailed account of events, Landes and his co-contributors consider the Pessin affair as a “microcosm of events in the current global academic community,” reflection on which “offers important lessons to that community.” Landes’s fellow contributors include Ashley Thorne of the National Association of Scholars, John Gordon, Professor Emeritus of English at Connecticut College, and Fred Baumann, Professor of Political Science at Kenyon College. Asaf Romirowsky, of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, provides the Introduction……

  52. Montage said:

    “Nobody gaslights more [or better] than the Trump administration.”

    Nobody gaslights more [or better] than a gaslighter calling other people gaslighter while he gaslights us.

    Montage is a charlatan. It’s not worth responding to him. He’s proven this time and again with his rote agitprop.

  53. Montage,

    Allow me to answer my own question. It comes down to the fact that Trump defends himself every bit as much as Obama and Clinton did. The difference is that the media attacks Trump but praised Obama and Clinton, and for some reason you are swayed by what the media thinks and says. Believe me, lots of people are swayed by appearance.

    Let me ask: Are you afraid that Trump will get us into a shooting war with China? And the alternative is exactly what? Continue to sell out our country for cheap goods while the CCP infiltrates every institution in America until one day you are marched off to a re-education camp? Are you sure that you are not just virtue signaling in an effort to CYA.

  54. Brian Morgan,

    I should have put that differently. My apologies. It’s Neo’s Blog, not mine and I shouldn’t just give commands.

    Respond to who you wish, when you wish. But know that in the case of a guy like Montage, he’s not debating or arguing in good faith. He’s doing nothing but spinning leftist agitprop and causing well-meaning people to waste their time with him, as if he actually cared to have a civilized debate. It’s a sham.

  55. Brian Morgan

    The number of lies and misleading statements that Trump has made is rather staggering. That alone is one place to start.

    In 1,226 days, President Trump has made 19,127 false or misleading claims according to the WaPo. [Will they do the same when Biden is president? I hope so].


    The other reasons are hypocrisy, narcissism and whining. Many politicians are hypocrites and narcissists but few whine like Trump does. He thinks he should be loved and respected at every turn. When he is not he lashes out at everyone who challenges that notion – including people in his own party. It’s a flaw IMO.

    I will say, however, that if Trump did not have these three qualities he wouldn’t be president. But he would [ironically] be more liked because up until this year the economy is doing well and we are in a time of peace. His re-election should have been fairly easy [between Bush and Obama’s] but I believe he has made it more difficult to win. He feeds the media’s hatred and while it endears him to his fans it turns off many Americans who might vote for him otherwise. We’ll see in November.

    [I just saw your question on China. No I don’t expect a shooting war. No way. Trump does not hate China. He benefits from them but he pretends to hate them. It’s good politics].

  56. Montage:

    Who is that majority in your pocket that you keep referring to, the “we” you claim as “your’s” and that you speak for? The king of gaslighting, His Royal Highness Montage of LA, cites the WA Post. LOL, LOL, LOL! 🙂

  57. No worries, Fractal Rabbit, I take no orders from anyone except my wife and…Neo

  58. Brian Morgan – thanks… and i been programming since the 1970s… 😉

    here is another take i just told a left liberal off… who could only stare blankly at me

    i said you want to make a difference you wnat people to hear you, and change things? what would have happened if the people in the crowds decided, lets get some hammers, lets get some saws, lets each put $10 in and get some wood, some paint… lets get some sackrete…

    lets march on alphabet city, 5000 strong, and ask the poor what they need fixed… lets unstick their windows, plug up their leaks, put a coat of fresh paint over the graffitti… if you cant do that work, then grab a fu**ing broom, sweeping shit into a pile… repair the cracks in the stoop with sackrete…

    and when the news stops by to cover the incident, tell the losers off.. tell them if they REALLY CARED.. they would be out there with you plastering the holes in the elderly kitchen they cant do themselves… carrying out old crap too heavy for them to remove, washing the windows that have been dirty a decade cause they are too ill to do so themselves.

    shame the motherf**ers… show them who really fu**king cares..

    rather than fine the protestors caught… make them sit and watch the whole unedited video of 77 year old D Dorn bleeding out on the street dying and slow doing it, because they provided criminals cover and anonymity to go out and do this to good decent fu**ing people…

    Tell the news your tired of their crap… that everywhere in the US there are poor neighborhoods with helpless people… that their houses clapboards are rotting off, that their staircases are too dangerous for them to leave home..

    by all means prosecute the officer that does wrong… but why murder dorn and 5 other innocent black folk? why murder some white guy who did nothing to anyone?

    why not fix up the place so that when the next floyd is born and is there, he grows up with the idea that people he neer knew cared, that he doesnt have to do fentanyl, and pass crapy twenties… stop protecting criminals in your midst and gain the respect of the rest of the world…

    the ‘protestors’ are just as guilty in my eyes… they were the smoke and the numbers that created the cover needed for antifa and looters to destroy… their high and mighty selves are not at all… they have evil hearts and selfish means, and if they wanted a better world, they should get up off their arses, and make a better world.. not wander around, feel cool and demand others do that for you!!

    i am so done with these evil people…
    they never cared one whit for floyd or anyone else but themselves
    a pox on their houses..

  59. Wow, I like the new and improved Artfldgr!
    By the way, same here since the 1970’s.

  60. The number of lies and misleading statements that Trump has made is rather staggering.

    You need to work on your technique. This talking point gets passed around a lot. Glenn Kessler is a fountainhead of political messaging, so no non-fools take him seriously.

  61. One of the things exacerbating the problem is that between 8 years of Obama and four years of Trump, we’ve got a bunch of journalists and commentators who’ve either forgotten how to do their jobs or never learned. One of the fundamental duties of anyone in public discourse is being tough with your friends and fair with your enemies. There’s a generation of young reporters being trained to run with ANY story as long as it serves the narrative and ignore ANY story that doesn’t.


  62. Ah. For so long the Left lived by Nazi minister of propaganda’s Josef Goebbels, for the one huge Big Lie, “Russia, Russia, Russia!” Three years, was it more?

    Now their operative are reduced to a blizzard of calculated, subtler smaller Trump-Hate lies delivered on an almost daily basis.

    Elsewhere I linked to Ed Scarry’s excellent brief roundup of the magical rhetorical diarrhoea. Now, Maestro Rush Limbaugh has out done him with a longer exegesis, with links to Scarry, illuminated by pics.

    Please share, amaze, and entertain you friends and hate-filled enemy neighbours. The circus IS the USA!
    “The Lying About Trump Is Consistent, Constant and Out of Control”

  63. Barry Meislin:

    That link could have been a satanic version of Babylonbee as the author also wrote a book titled “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.” He most certainly must be an objective voice about Antifa and Trump. (not)

    Maybe the WA Post is the voice of Satan?

  64. Montage: I am curious why you show up from time to time. Not that you shouldn’t and I don’t require you justify yourself to me or anyone. But I am curious.

    Most often it seems you show up with a gotcha. Trump did this or Trump did that. Trump lied or misled 19,000 times. Trump did a photo-op. Etc. Horrors!

    I often find Trump obnoxious myself and wish he wasn’t. But as whatever sort of American or conservative I am, at a substantive level I assess Trump as doing a good, conscientious job. Not perfect, but far better than Democrats.

    I can understand his opponents disagreeing with that job — after all people often disagree about politics. However, much of what you say boils down to “I really don’t like Trump and a lot of people really don’t either.” You support that with opinions which are debatable and we can debate.

    Is that what you are here for?

    PS. Trump brags and exaggerates, but as far as I’m aware, nothing Trump has said compares with Obama flat lying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” — an issue that directly and intimately affected the lives of all Americans.

  65. Fractal Rabbit:

    You wrote: “Nobody gaslights more [or better] than a gaslighter calling other people gaslighter while he gaslights us.”

    Very nicely put.

  66. Sorry all… just a bit fed up with the bs and namby pamby..

    The truth is i grew up in such a neighborhood…
    later after we moved and i would come back to the city, I had friends in alphabet city, Washington heights, etc… (and i am not black).

    The 2nd truth is that when you see people who live in NYCHA apts, and in those areas, they OFTEN could use and benefit most from the kind of help the Amish give each other at a barn raising… not money: God knows if they were good with cash they would not be in that location, nor does cash help when cash enables their demons. not programs that require leaving their homes to sit and wait to get demoralized by the process that takes too much time and does so little… not to mention that the people there who need it the most are often elderly. They have been there long enough that the rent games insure that they could never leave (keeping theirs down and driving alternatives up), and they have grown weak and alone not able to do some basic things…

    here is a simple example..
    they been living in the apartment since the 1980s..
    and have a refrigerator like i had in my current apartment
    took me forever to convince my wife to let me buy another one
    her attitude was the landlord should, and they wouldn’t as long as the old one worked (and some places play games raising rent by a tiny percentage forever to pay for a not forever charge).

    the power consumption of my new fridge was so different (i knew it would be)
    our electric bill was cut in half… and hovers around 90 now… in the summer it would be even more than double this..

    well.. how many of these elderly people are throwing away what amounts to 1000 a year that would make a difference in their life?

    think of that… that one time gift of a 300-400 refrigerator would not only change their electric bills significantly… but their food, like ours, would last longer saving money there too..

    this is a fundamental real world significant change

    it would only take 40 protestors $10 each to do that for some person

    get 5000 elves in Alphabet city…
    and 100 people could have bills reduced for decades… be healthier..
    with stores matching, even more..

    you want to help people…
    walking down the street under false pretenses helps no one
    not even the cause you are claiming to be doing something for

    someone give me an example of when these protests, after they became normed and common, ever yielded success?

  67. ‘…”If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”…’

    Waxing nostalgiac are we?

    Well, knowing what we now know, it sounds so quaint. (Ah, if he had only stopped there…. Of course, this was simply NOT possible. He was just warming up, testing the waters, checking the optics, testing the sound system, getting into the groove.)

    And so it goes…. No scandals. No Malarkey. No artificial anything. President Ivory Soap….

    Anyway, here’s another dreamy idealist (with a weakness for fireworks?) tripping the light fantastic about a book he found and seems to really, really enjoy:

  68. Montage: I am curious why you show up from time to time.

    They rotated Manju out.

  69. Artfldgr, just worried about you. Don’t let the trolls get to you.

  70. My poor, dear, sad, deluded Montage, you are currently stuck in the Matrix.

    You rely on the propaganda media committed neither to Truth finding nor Truth telling and never admitting mistakes, oh no! – but only to maintain dominant narratives. What narratives? Why Marxist tales!

    Tales of victimisation and evil oppressors. But instead of retailing the classical Marxist stories of innocent exploited working class by the Evil capitalist exploiters – we have neoMarxist fables recasting the first as the sacrosanct minorities protected by Civil Rights laws (and the Heroic Journalism of Big Media), but still exploited by the Privileged racist White male Christians, and their lackeys the East Asians. ( How can that be, lackey’s? don’t ask questions, you pawn. Logic and scientific ambitions are so…classical Marxist. We’ve moved past that idiocy today!)

    Thus, media is now all about Chomskyan style adorning of the neo-Marxist Higher critical fable, day to day, illustrated by a simulacrum of factoids. And since Trump opposes the Great Noble programmes and agendas of St. Obama, Peace Be Upon Him, Trump is recast to fit (booo! Hisss!) His enemy, the Villain!

    Seee? He Lies! Constantly! Say it with conviction…because you are in the NeoMarxist Matrix where up is Down, and down is Up, and Red pill is Blue pill, or maybe the reverse. How could one ever really know?

    How indeed. You must make an effort to fact check the “fact checkers,” or else you’ll never know if they are correct or I am.

    How do you do that? Primary sources, my boy, primary sources only.

    Here, long form video and recordings come first, along with actual, honest written transcriptions. Or else you will never leave the Matrix and become Enlightened, and actually know the facts.

    For this, c-span is your first and fastest friend. Video stream on cable or else their many channels online. Sometimes you can hunt out similar sources online at YouTube, but the Big Tech censors are making this tricky.

    If you simply do this, you may avoid becoming a modern day Jim Jones ‘kool aid’ drinker victim (ie, poison), a psychopath that all the DC and California elites were certain He was a Saint, and could do no wrong. And deeply so, like you, these well-meaning Right Ruling sorts Believed the Lies, until his leadership was horrifyingly exposed to all by his mass murder-suicide at Jonestown in Guyana, in the 1970s.

    Montage, you’re certainly welcome to keep “living in the Matrix” instead of outside it, in glorious and ugly contact with something called Reality. But there is a definite price to be paid by confusion and recurrent mystery if you ask inconvenient questions like how a circle can get squared.

    Or else you can start using primary facts and fact check the institutionalised “fact checkers.” It is hard work. But once you have, you aren’t likely to go back into the Matrix,.

    If you make the effort to primary yourself to real sources, then mosey over the newish site, justthenews.com. They do pre-Matrix old fashioned reporting, not neoMarxist confabulism.

  71. Neo:
    Artfldgr: Your points are well taken.

    They very nearly always are, but a barrage of well-taken points can be overwhelming. Not that I considered his recent posting to be a barrage. It’s when they are SO long.

    BTW, Freda Utley’s memoir is on my to-read list.

  72. “if they wanted a better world, they should get up off their arses, and make a better world” – Artfldgr


  73. “I’m for the wag who said libertarians are dweebs who don’t want to be yelled at by liberal women.”


    OK, I’m trying to come up with a list of who *wants* to be yelled at by liberal women…

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