Home » Orwellian audacity, thy name is Comey


Orwellian audacity, thy name is Comey — 29 Comments

  1. He would look mighty fetching in an orange suit with matching silver bracelets and anklets.

  2. In other words, he’s going to need people on the inside trying to sabotage his prosecution.

  3. Dwaz:

    He already has plenty of those people. He’s addressing them, and they know who they are.

  4. The list of anti-Trump responders who are linked to the morally obscene Comey tweet is long. Like Trump says, they are scum, all of them.

  5. “He already has plenty of those people.”

    No doubt, but given the way things have been going of late (see, P.S., below), will they be able to remain steadfast, standing firm at their positions? At their “stations”?
    Van Grack has already felt it necessary to step down and there will have to be ripples (or even waves) of nervousness (or more—anxiety? fear?) among “those people.”
    https://www.foxnews.com/politics/drops-doj-case-against-michael-flynn-in-wake-of-internal-memo-release (search for “Van Grack”)

    So Comey has GOT to rally those “troops”. Because otherwise, it’s dominoes. Pick-up sticks. Jenga.

    Hence the “coded” message….

    P.S. Another victory (H/T Lee Smith Twitter feed):

  6. When can Flynn start suing the NYT for defamation & libel?
    How about wrongful prosecution suits?

    Wouldn’t it be nice if lots of those gov’t criminals got sued and the DOJ refused to provide any defense lawyer money? Then they would be, like Flynn was, responsible for defending themselves.

    \which, in a just system of justice, would be much harder. Since Flynn really was innocent, and these Dem gov’t criminals really are guilty.

    I’m getting the feeling this year’s October Surprise might come a bit sooner, and the Dems ain’t gonna like it.

    (I’m also afraid of getting cocky.)

  7. When can Flynn start suing the NYT for defamation & libel?
    How about wrongful prosecution suits?

    also sue people like Nikole Wallace

  8. when you think about it, this is most likely standard operating procedure for the FIB.
    maybe the black community is right

  9. I agree with avi. This is type of corruption is probably standard operating proceedure. That is why they have such high conviction rates. Perhaps I”m over reacting, but I’m leaning towards the position that the FBI is a criminal enterprise.

  10. It’s hilarious to see dead end Democrats respond with something like “But Flynn already pleaded guilty! It’s not fair!” As if poor black men are the only ones who can be pressured into false confessions.


  11. Comey deserves a long, slow, painful death. But I am willing to settle for life in Leavenworth.

  12. Dennis,

    I would tend to believe that the vast majority of the FBI is honest and competent. However, the top management got seeded with corrupt political players. Let’s hope that our trust in it can be restored.

    The intelligence community, on the other hand… I believe that the rot goes much deeper.

  13. and bidens legal troubles are just starting…
    the dems are falling apart like a car in a buster keaton fatty arbuckle film

    A court document from 1996 shows former Senate staffer Tara Reade told her ex-husband she was sexually harassed while working for Joe Biden in 1993.

    The declaration — exclusively obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California — does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention Reade’s more recent allegations of sexual assault.

    Reade’s then-husband Theodore Dronen wrote the court declaration. Dronen at the time was contesting a restraining order Reade filed against him days after he filed for divorce, Superior Court records show.

    In it, he writes Reade told him about “a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

    It appears to be the only written record that has surfaced from the time that substantiates Reade shared her account in the years following the alleged incident, though a former neighbor came forward last week about similar conversations she said she had with Reade in 1995.

  14. its getting communism crazy out there

    It could be more than a year before churches are allowed to resume their in-person gatherings, according to Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
    During a press conference on Wednesday, Pritzker confirmed that churches will be held to the same standards and not be allowed to hold in-person services of more than 50 people until phase five, even if it takes more than a year to get to that position.

    and NYC Blasio has shut down the right to protest…

    Austin makes saying chinese virus a crime… (and kung flu)…

    the left leaders seem to be on a torrent to implement communism
    i hope it scares the bejesus out of people voting

    Illinois Pastors Who Fled Romanian Communism Tell Gov. Pritzker They Are Opening Their Churches

    According to Liberty Counsel, they once “lived under the heavy hand of a totalitarian regime in Communist Romania” and are “painfully familiar” with the “jailing of pastors and Christians as criminals for merely following their religious teachings to meet and preach the gospel.”
    Having heard many stories from my Romanian friends about the repression of their religious freedom under Communism, I never would have thought that in America they would experience similar treatment,” said Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver. “We are proud to stand with these pastors who understand the importance and value of religious freedom. This shocking discrimination against houses of worship and people of faith must end.”

  15. Dennis, avi,

    Unfortunately it’s standard operating procedure for most District Attorneys and local police forces. “Show me the man and I will give you the crime.”

    I understand the benefit of plea deals; they can save time and money when used properly, but the process can be the punishment. If your local DA hauled you in on a trumped up charge how long would it take before the prospect of mounting legal fees, having your name in the paper, the simple stress of being prosecuted and not knowing your future… How long until those things would have you cop to a charge you are not guilty of to end the process?

  16. I would tend to believe that the vast majority of the FBI is honest and competent. However, the top management got seeded with corrupt political players. Let’s hope that our trust in it can be restored.

    Fire the top three echelons and then break it up into pieces. Scarify the federal criminal code while you’re at it.

  17. Texas may be a litmus test as we open things up down here. I read the guidelines from the Governor’s commision on how to open churches and they recommend that us fold folks sit things out a bit longer, That those who attend sit with families or with those who they ride to church with, allow spacing between groups and skip pews, sitting in every other pew. Guidelines for serving communion and taking up collections are common sense and we shall see how this works over the next month or so.

    I would not be surprised if there is not an initial uptick in known cases, hopefully not a large increase in deaths and maybe even by the end of the month as we open up even more settling down to a low simmer. The virus will not go away but the initial curve went flat and in the meantime us folks in our 70’s need to stay out of the lie of fire and with caution find out own time frame to let our guard down, just like responsible adults who don’t have to be told by our nanny gov. what to do and when to do it.

    If Texas can become more open, stronger and lots of people back to work by the end of June then the states who want to keep their citizens locked up will have some unhappy people. If we all die here in Texas in the next couple of months then there will be some real happy commie politicians in the lock down states. We shall see what we shall see.

  18. And those 53 interview transcripts that Schiff was sitting on will shortly be released. I imagine he’s dropping bricks out of a certain orifice.

  19. Schiff is the way he is cause he doesnt have that orifice… he is a crockagator… like a pushmepullyou but more ornery as the crap builds up inside..

  20. By heritage, JB Pritzker is a Jew, but in practice he is an anti-Christian atheist. He would have voted to free Barabbas and crucify Jesus.

  21. Cicero:

    See this:

    According to all four canonical gospels there was a prevailing Passover custom in Jerusalem that allowed or required Pilate, the praefectus or governor of Judea, to commute one prisoner’s death sentence by popular acclaim. In one such instance, the “crowd” (ochlos), “the Jews” and “the multitude” in some sources, were offered the choice to have either Barabbas or Jesus released from Roman custody. According to the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and the account in John, the crowd chose Barabbas to be released…

    The custom of releasing prisoners in Jerusalem at Passover is known to theologians as the Paschal Pardon, but this custom (whether at Passover or any other time) is not recorded in any historical document other than the gospels, leading some scholars to question its historicity…

    According to Jewish historian Max Dimont, the story of Barabbas as related in the gospels lacks credibility from the Roman standpoint, as it presents the Roman authority, Pontius Pilate, backed by overwhelming military might, being cowed by a small crowd of unarmed civilians into releasing a prisoner condemned to death for insurrection against the Roman Empire. A Roman governor who had done that could have faced execution himself…

    The story of Barabbas has played a role in historical antisemitism because it has historically been used to lay the blame for the crucifixion of Jesus on the Jews, and thereby to justify antisemitic prejudice — an interpretation known as Jewish deicide. Pope Benedict XVI, in his 2011 book Jesus of Nazareth, dismisses this reading, in which he translates “ochlos” in Mark as “crowd”, rather than to mean the Jewish people.

  22. The release of more than 6,000 pages of formerly classified/secret testimony—testimony given under penalty of perjury—full of statements that are directly opposite to what these government officials have said in public statements, statements amplified and endlessly repeated by the Left wing MSM—do, indeed, qualify as the outline and substance of a “vast left-wing conspiracy.”

    The levels of perfidy, and deliberate deception here are almost unfathomable, and truly historic.

    The image I am getting is of two different governments—one underneath the other.

    One government that faces the public–in which these officials put on the cloak of righteousness, brazenly lie and say the right things, and apparently adhere to the Constitution, to the Rule of law, to Justice, and to fair play.

    But, underneath that government, their actual government, one driven solely by Leftist ideology, and by the thirst for Power–the enemy of our Constitution, of Justice and fair play, and of our individual Rights and Liberty—a “shadow government,” one all too willing to use the power that they have been entrusted with, the power of government, to destroy anyone who stands it the way of their ideology, and their quest for and retention of power.

  23. Snow on Pine:

    I’m beginning to be surprised that they didn’t continue to lie even when under oath, and that they didn’t get rid of the documents and create others. I think the only reason they didn’t must be that the record of the originals would still exist somewhere.

  24. neo,

    I think I remember this coming up here before and you are aware, so I apologize if this is redundant.

    Every Palm Sunday Catholics recite the Gospel account of Jesus’ capture, trial and Crucifixion. Various clergy or lay people read the various roles but the role of the crowd is read by the parishioners. The point is made very clear that we are the ones chanting, “Crucify him, crucify him.” Another scene that is also prominent is Peter denying he knows Jesus three separate times while Jesus is being questioned and tortured. The point is that even his own disciples would not defend him in his hour of need. The message is that the world rejected him, not followers of any specific religion.

  25. The levels of corruption and villainy in our government—just to take the examples of the DOJ, and the FBI alone–are frightening; a danger to the Republic, and dangerous to each and every one of us.

    Notice that all of this manipulation of the law, all of these “irregularities,” all of these lies were backed up by meetings, and discussions, and paperwork–which means that there was a whole supporting cast of people at these two law enforcement agencies who had to have at least some knowledge of what was going on–some inkling of how “irregular” and crooked all of this was.

    Yet, as far as I can see, no word of this leaked out; these “irregularities,” these massive multiple railroad jobs, this attempted coup, triggered no whistle blowing, and no protests.

    This says to me that this corruption is not confined to just these few high profile actors—to the surface, to the skin–but that this cancerous tumor has burrowed deeper, into muscle and bone.

    Frankly, given all that has been revealed by just these 6,000 pages, with much more–and supposedly much worse, to come–I don’t know how these agencies as they exist, with such deep corruption, can actually be “reformed.”

    A thorough house cleaning—not just a transfer or demotion here or there, reshuffling the pieces—but a whole slew of firings, of prosecutions, and jail time for many of those involved is the absolute minimum necessary.

    Even this may insufficient, and only breaking up the existing agencies and replacing them with whole new agencies–with whole new–carefully vetted–leadership teams, employees, and procedures–may be the only way to have a chance of restoring public faith and confidence in our Federal law enforcement.

    And even if this massive reshaping were to actually take place–so much trust has been lost that, I don’t know how much trust and confidence a lot of citizens will place in any such reshaped agencies “going forward,” and for the foreseeable future.

    If he can weather the political storms, Attorney General Bill Barr may be up to this year’s long campaign of thorough Augean stable cleaning/reshaping, but from what I’ve seen, current FBI Director Wray certainly isn’t.

    Given Wray’s statements and lack of decisive actions so far, Wray is more likely to be trying to stop such a thorough cleansing and reorganization than carrying it out.

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