Home » Pondering Pelosi while Pelosi ponders


Pondering Pelosi while Pelosi ponders — 47 Comments

  1. What’s happening with Pelosi is what happens to everyone who gets nothing but “Yas Queen Slay!” feedback to their behavior. And the effect is probably more pronounced when you get to be as old as Pelosi is.


  2. Pelosi doesn’t realize it yet, but politically she is dead, dead, dead. Nearly everyone is impacted by her feet-dragging, including most Democrats, and for whatever reason she just cannot give up pushing for more leftist pork. As far as I am concerned, she has (virtual) blood on her hands. Democrats, wake up and see what the elites are doing to this country!

  3. Ominously, many of the policies and proposed actions from the left look as if the opinions of the victims won’t count. As if they expect total power.

  4. Nancy is checking back with her woke millionaire SJW funders for further instructions. After all, the 1400 page abortion that she flew back from California on her broom was written by them.

  5. Pelosi has two appealing features: (1) she’s been married for 50+ years and (2) she has five children. It’s all downhill from there.

    The puzzle about Pelosi is that she’s prospered in spite of evident mediocrity. She didn’t have much of a work history outside of political staff jobs (a year or two as an elementary school teacher over 50 years ago). She was a Democratic volunteer with some background – her father and brother had been Mayor of Baltimore – and in that capacity crossed paths with Phillip and Sala Burton. The Burton’s had enough clout to arrange for her election as state chairman of the California Democratic Party and she performed passably enough that she wasn’t dead meat thereafter. Nine years later, the cancer-stricken Sala Burton picked her for the Congressional seat the Burtons had held for 22 years at that point. That special election held in early 1987 is the only competitive contest Nancy Pelosi ever faced. She’s a mediocre legislator, never making a name for herself in any area of policy or shepherding legislation that was not derived from constituent service responsibilities. She doesn’t have any external markers of being more intelligent than a typical elementary school teacher. It’s almost as if she’s a figurehead for someone else, but no clue who that would be.

  6. My understanding, limited as it is, is that the House does not have the bill, and even if the Senate passed the bill it would not be in the House before tomorrow at the earliest. I have just read that four Rep Senators want a fix on the unemployment part. Seems that it might discourage workers going back to work. Don’t really know at this point.
    Nancy is a piece of work, never have liked her, but this seems not to be her fault.

    I don’t like the fact the Trump hotels and businesses are exempted from aid.
    And I think Nancy got some of what she wanted.

  7. politically she is dead, dead, dead.

    She won’t be voted out of office in Frisco. Thirty years ago, Democrats had among them a residue of principle (or a residue of a regard for appearances) sufficient to persuade Jim Wright to bow out for obvious (if not very lucrative) crookery. Nowadays, a Democratic Speaker would have to be caught with a dead girl or a live boy to be run out of office by that awful caucus. The only way she’s gone is (1) the Democrats lose the House and (2) a critical mass of the caucus is willing to tell her and tell Steny Hoyer that it’s time for them to put their octogenarian tuchuses on the back bench.

  8. The democrats strike again!
    DOW up over 1200 points …. then …
    Nancy adjourns the House 115 seconds after it opened, did not address the Senate bill.

    Bernie, the multi-millionaire communist who owns 3 homes (including a Dacha, er, I mean beach house) said he would hold up the bill.

    Dow immediately loses 700 points, closing up 500 points.

    Good show, democrats! We will remember in November who is sabotaging the recovery, working together with Russia and China.


    Here’s all I could find. It seem they have some version of the bill and are studying it. I would imagine they already knew what was in it from their Senate colleagues. The American people are confused about what’s happening and it certainly appears to be that the Democrats are not burning the midnight oil here, but instead wasting time planning their political moves. If not, it needs to be explained quite clearly.

  10. In the press conference, Sen. Tim Scott gave the example of someone in South Carolina making $20 an hour, or $800 a week, who could get up to $326 of unemployment benefits in the state, followed by another $600 a week in the federal benefit, meaning they would be earning more than their normal salary.

    “This legislation would not stop at 100 percent of your income, this legislation would allow you in unemployment to make more than you do in employment,” Scott said. “We know that that is a drafting error and we are simply providing an amendment to fix that so you do not make more in unemployment than you do when you’re working.”


  11. Bernie Sanders said Wednesday afternoon he might torpedo the Senate’s compromise stimulus package unless Republican senators dropped their objections about what they called a “massive drafting error” related to unemployment benefits, in the latest twist to a process that has been marked by delays and last-minute hurdles.

    “In my view, it would be an outrage to prevent working-class Americans to receive the emergency unemployment assistance included in this legislation,” Sanders said in a statement, also posted on social media.

    “Unless these Republican Senators drop their objections, I am prepared to put a hold on this bill until stronger conditions are imposed on the $500 billion corporate welfare fund to make sure that any corporation receiving financial assistance under this legislation does not lay off workers, cut wages or benefits, ship jobs overseas, or pay workers poverty wages,” he continued.


  12. Montage:

    Because those Republican Senators control the House of Representatives? Are you getting your talking points from Joe Biden? Try to focus on the topic of discussion.

  13. OM
    It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about the House or the Senate. Legislation has not been passed and given to the president to be signed. Period. Try to keep up.

    Same applies to Sanders. Let’s get this thing passed. All sides have objections but to say one side is evil is absurd,

  14. It is not worth the typing to respond to Montage.
    His logic system is nonexistent. Rational arguments and facts are not heard by liberals. Only the “feelz” matter to them.

  15. Ask yourself, were these stories available when neo wrote the post? If not, then ask, what the hell am I doing chiding her for a thing she could not have known? Dur

  16. Montage:

    Talk about keeping up.

    Pelosi stopped it in the House. The senators haven’t stopped anything since it can’t get out of the House. Talking about what the senators might do and could do when Nancy has already done what she did is purely the talk of a fool.

    Nancy is yours, all of her.

  17. Neo, I believe that I heard it on FOX.
    OM, Nancy can’t stop something she hasn’t gotten.
    Seems that The Old Communist Bernie now is threating to stop it.

  18. Om
    The Senate bill is currently being held up in the Senate. It hasn’t gone to the House yet.

    “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday praised the Senate’s sweeping, $2 trillion coronavirus relief package, but declined to say how the House would pass it.”

    The House has a separate bill at the moment.

  19. So will Comrade Bernie stop it? He too and Slow Joe are yours Montage.

    Because the house needed all of two minutes today to do their work on their separate bill? She’s all your’s Montage.

  20. This is a repulsive and cruel show that the Democrats in Congress are putting on –totally unnecessary, slow torture for the companies and citizens of the U.S.

    Its like these Democrats are sadistically dangling a dripping glass of cool life-giving water–just out of the reach of someone slowly dying of thirst–and, then, repeatedly pouring the water out on the ground—over and over again, day by day of delay.

    From the news I just saw a few minutes ago, the Democrats on Capitol Hill are still pursuing their ugly, heartless, and narrowly partisan business of preventing the stimulus bill from passing, unless they get some of their demands for legislation—almost all extraneous–met.

    Apparently the Democrat’s limitless hatred of Trump is so strong that one of their demands is language preventing any of Trump’s business interests from receiving any stimulus money.

    All well and good but that also, it would seem, means that all of the workers employed by those extensive Trump businesses—high and low—also won’t get any help from the government. So now the Democrat’s monumental and unreasoning hatred of Trump now extends to all those people employed by Trump.

    Saw the odious Schumer trying to justify this, by saying that this legislation also bars the business of any high government official–like a Cabinet Officer, for instance–from receiving government stimulus loans. Again, this is a vindictive, hatred driven dagger, directed straight to the heart of the Trump Administration.

    Gee, I wonder if that ban extends to other “high government officials” like Members of Congress, and to their business interests —some of which are very extensive indeed? To take just one example, the multi-million dollar California vineyards owned by Nancy Pilosi.

    Does this language mean that her vineyards, and her other extensive financial interests, and each and every company that she has those interests in, will get no money, nor will those who work for those companies? What about the financial interests of Mitt Romney, and all the other millionaires in Congress?

    Somehow, I don’t think so.

    These obstructive delaying actions by the Democrats are cruel, despicable, totally unpatriotic, and disgusting, and they ought to disqualify every Democrat participating in this spectacle from office—now and in the future.

  21. Women are wonderful effect

    The women-are-wonderful effect is the phenomenon found in psychological and sociological research which suggests that people associate more positive attributes with women compared to men. This bias reflects an emotional bias toward women as a general case. The phrase was coined by Alice Eagly and Antonio Mladinic in 1994 after finding that both male and female participants tend to assign positive traits to women, with female participants showing a far more pronounced bias. Positive traits were assigned to men by participants of both genders, but to a lesser degree.

    The authors supposed that the positive general evaluation of women might derive from the association between women and nurturing characteristics. This bias is suggested as a form of benevolent sexism towards females which is a concept within the theoretical framework of ambivalent sexism

    The term was coined by researchers Alice Eagly and Antonio Mladinic in a 1994 paper, where they had questioned the widely-held view that there was prejudice against women. They observed that much of the research had been inconclusive in showing a bias. They had found a positive bias towards women in their 1989 and 1993 studies, which involved questionnaires given to students in the United States

    This research found that while both women and men have more favorable views of women, women’s in-group biases were 4.5 times stronger[5] than those of men. And only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem, revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic preference for their own gender

    …this study found people showed automatic preference for their mothers over their fathers, or associated the male gender with violence or aggression.

    One study found that the effect is mediated by increased gender equality. The mediation comes not from differences in attitudes towards women. But in attitudes towards men. In more egalitarian societies, people have more positive attitudes towards men than in less egalitarian societies

    She can do now wrong… and she knows it…
    there is a bias in her favor regardless of what she does

    there is a large segment of feminists who excuse such as how a woman has to act to get along in a mans world…

    its all part of their world view, and as such, they would rather the nation go to crap than suffer the identity quake of changing their world view or even finding an exception to it… everything they are is wrapped up in that identity, without motherhood, they have nothing else – so dont be surprised if women and men invested in this world view see nothing wrong…

  22. They will all have to cave tomorrow when the jobless claims come out at 2-3 million (highest ever 650,000 last recession) with more next week.

  23. “Nancy can’t stop something she hasn’t gotten.” Lynn Hargrove

    Of course she can. Before the bill reached the Senate floor, Pelosi and Schumer met with Sec. Mnuchin, McConnell and McCarthy and presented her party’s unofficial demands, directly communicating to Mnuchin, McConnell and McCarthy that House democrats would not vote for a bill that did not satisfy those provisions. That instantly rendered the bi-partisan bill null and void. Legislation must pass both chambers. QED

  24. “right now some GOP senators are holding up the passage of the bill because they think the unemployment benefits are too generous.
    Please consider criticizing some of the GOP rather than just Pelosi”

    Nice try at obfuscation. The GOP Senator’s objection is easily accommodated and has the benefit of being a reasoned objection. Pelosi’s demands are a blatant attempt at criminal coercion that arguably, attains to treason.

  25. For years and years the Dems could always count on the news media to paint the GOP as at fault for a deadlock. And the GOP knew it which is why they always folded sooner or later.

    Is Pelosi running this old playbook? Because Trump shredded it. He tweets and the internet/social media gets the GOP story out to the world. The news media has been exposed as fake news. The old play will blow up on the Dems and looks like it already has in a matter of a couple of days.

    I’ve said before — if all that Trump accomplished in four years was exposing the fake news media, he would be one of the most successful presidents in my lifetime (I’m 63). He’s done so much more, but that may rank highest on the list. It will pay dividends long after he’s gone.

  26. The market crash and the economic fallout from the coronavirus have led to nearly $1 trillion in investment losses for U.S. public pension funds, Moody’s Investors Service said. The credit rating agency said the funds are generally facing an average investment loss of about 21% in the fiscal year that ends June 30, based on a March 20 snapshot of market indexes. The severity of the spreading COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, and government-ordered shutdowns in various U.S. states have weighed heavily on Wall Street, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average erasing over three years of gains

    The Trillion dollar virus…

  27. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that a massive stimulus agreement reached by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer and key members of the Trump administration shows improvement over a GOP proposal released late last week. But she didn’t give a clear sign of approval or commit to a House vote.

    “House Democrats will now review the final provisions and legislative text of the agreement to determine a course of action,” she said in a statement.

    Pelosi said the agreement could take negotiators “a long way down the road in meeting the needs of the American people.”

    “Thanks to the unity and insistence of Senate and House Democrats, the bill has moved a great deal closer to America’s workers,” the California Democrat said in a statement.

  28. And the senate passed it 96-0 which I think is good. Would be nice if the house did something similar. This bill is kind of ridiculous but it has to be done so let’s all be on the same side.

  29. GB said
    Of course she can. Before the bill reached the Senate floor, Pelosi and Schumer met with Sec. Mnuchin, McConnell and McCarthy and presented her party’s unofficial demands, directly communicating to Mnuchin, McConnell and McCarthy that House democrats would not vote for a bill that did not satisfy those provisions. That instantly rendered the bi-partisan bill null and void. Legislation must pass both chambers. QED

    We were discussing today’s House opening and closing, not Mondays sh## show. QED

  30. Montage:

    Cue the crickets. What about those evil Republican senators (who did more than 2 minutes of work today)? Put it where the sun don’t shine.

  31. Breaking – and broke.

    The package passed the Senate 96-0. There were a few minor hiccups earlier in the day Wednesday as Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham held a press conference with a group of Republican Senators to call for an immediate fix to a “life-threatening drafting error” in the coronavirus package.

    The group of Senators later agreed to drop procedural issues and let the bill move on in exchange for a vote on an amendment, which failed in a 48-48 vote, before the vote for final passage on the coronavirus package.

    Also, Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders and 2020 presidential candidate threatened that he will put a hold to the Senate coronavirus package unless there are stronger sanctions on a $500 billion corporate welfare fund. …



    “In order for people keep that thought in their head, they have to pretend that corporations are run by some kind of inanimate object,” Gutfeld said. “Corporations are made up of people. The people have families. Families consist of children. People need the money so they can continue living and of course pay their rent. I disagree. You don’t have to get this bill to be perfect. We don’t have the luxury of perfection right now. We have to get something through that will help people.”

    “When you see people in disasters who take advantage of those, those earthquakes or floods, they are called looters,” he continued. “And the fiends who are sneaking stuff into this relief package or trying to slow it down, they’re looters too, because they are a hurting relief package that is there for millions and millions of people, and government is not helping by wasting our time.”

    Asking sardonically what “these people do for a living,” Gutfeld added, “For the past two weeks, we have sacrificed our freedoms so that we can beat this virus. And they can’t even stop acting like politicians with a metaphorical gun to their heads, i.e., a virus in an emergency situation. They can’t even change their goddamn behavior. It is absolutely disgusting!”

    After co-host Jesse Watters took his turn criticizing lawmakers, Gutfeld jumped in to apologize for his on-air language.

    “Excuse me, sorry, I just want to apologize for swearing a few minutes ago. I lost my cool,” he said.

    “I didn’t even hear it,” Watters joked.

  32. Sundance is predicting what the states will do with the federal relief – as with Obama’s stimulus – and it’s a stark difference between Red and Blue.
    (further down in the post)


    On the horizon it appears the state and regional shutdowns are going to mirror the shutdowns from Obama’s infamous sequester-fiasco from the spring of 2013. That looks like the road-map that will be followed as the coronavirus issue starts to level-off.

    Blue state governors, mayors and local officials will use the $2 trillion bailout funding scheme to keep their economies shut down as long as possible and inflict as much political damage as possible. Meanwhile we’ll likely see red state governors, mayors and officials start to reopen their local economies.

    The aligned resistance media will criticize the red state decisions, and the blue states will be heralded as more concerned about their citizens. There will be no pressure on the blue team to reopen because they will be funding themselves from the government trough. Meanwhile the red team that wants to get back to business will find themselves limited if they took any bridge funding from the mechanism within the coronavirus bill.

    Alinsky would be proud.

    It’s inevitable.

    Watch.. you’ll see.

    Socially the COVID-19 issues will be used to weaponize, politicize and mitigate any economic recovery attempt for maximum partisan damage. It will be an economic civil war of sorts, only this time instead of North -vs- South it’s going to be urban -vs- rural and the weapons will be economic manipulation.

    Red state supplies will not be permitted to exit blue state areas. Transit from red to red supply chains will have to travel around blue regions which will be blocked. In this process the traditional GOP candidate -vs- DEM candidate, and weaknesses of the blue team, will be obfuscated by a national social crisis defined by regional economics and party affiliations.

    There are pre-existing models for this.

    Spring and summer 2020 political contests will break out exactly like this map below, except the central debate will circle around economics. The underlying issues will be ideological…

    The graphic is one of those 3-D maps showing the towering blue cities, their populations dense with Democrats, and the flat red plains, which cover more land area.

  33. She did it again because she got away with it last time. The 2008 was full of left wing pork. Republicans did some grumbling, but there was no real push back. She was emboldened by this, so this time she went whole hog, so to speak. And she went too far, and Republicans have more fight now. About time.

  34. Pelosi is trying to game the situation to her and the Democrats best advantage. She does not want to be known for in any way letting this crisis go to waste.

  35. I would recommend the ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz’ podcast. It’s on YouTube and they have been doing episodes almost everyday and they recorded one last night after the senate vote. Good way to get a conservative view of this and Cruz is so damn impressive as always.

  36. Where is Montage to give us the Pelosi spin? Has the house worked on this since their two hour marathon session earlier in the week? Somehow it doesn’t seem to be a priority.

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