Home » Andrew C. McCarthy has a new book out on Russiagate


Andrew C. McCarthy has a new book out on Russiagate — 15 Comments

  1. McCarthy should have entitled his book; “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election, Destroy a Presidency and End the American Republic.

    IMO, the ending of the Republic would be an inescapable result of effectively implementing a One-Party State.

  2. We’ve watched McCarthy over the last three years as he has gone from strenuously defending the honor and integrity of his erstwhile colleagues to the realization that even their eyelashes were false.* I strongly suspect that something similar happened with Lindsey Graham. His palpable anger is the kind that comes from a betrayal of some substance. This whole scandal? battle? has an odor of the personal about it that we haven’t seen before, at least in living memory. Ladies, cover your ears and hide you eyes. It ain’t gonna be pretty.

    * from the lament of a disappointed groom.

  3. McCarthy: ” It is now clear that the institutions on which our nation depends for objective policing and clear-eyed analysis injected themselves scandalously into the divisive politics of the 2016 election.”

    Yup. Obama and his minions politicized the top of the agencies. It was made clear that people with the right “attitudes” about the Progressive agenda would be promoted. The ambitious bureaucrats got the message and the “right” people got promoted. The prospect of a loose canon like Trump being elected was mortifying to them. Even though it was believed that Hillary had it in the bag, they did not want to take chances. We don’t know who came up with the idea to frame Trump as an asset of Russia, (My guess is Sid Blumenthal) but the DNC and Hillary’s campaign funneled the money to Fusion GPS to find the “dirt.” And they did – except it was all fantasy/lies.

    When Trump won, they decided to use the “dirt” (The so-called Steele Dossier) to undermine his administration. They hoped they could either get him to resign or to impeach him. IMO, most Republicans would have caved under all the pressure that was exerted on Trump.

    Thank God for Devin Nunes. He was the first Republican to sniff a rat when he was able to view the Obama administrations unusual unmaskings of American citizens (Trump campaign members) on phone calls with foreigners, which were collected by NSA. His chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee actually got the ball rolling on investigating the investigators.

    I welcome McCarthy’s book, but the whole story is just beginning to unfold. The DOJ’s IG report, John Huber’s investigation, and John Durham’s investigation are coming.

  4. We don’t know who came up with the idea to frame Trump as an asset of Russia,

    It was pure projection. Read Gregg Jarret’s book. We listened to it deriving to and from California this week. It is a but outdated as it was published pre-Mueller Report but explains Hillary’s Russia connection.

    I became convinced Watergate was a coup ten years ago.

  5. Tangential but probably relevant.

    Jeffrey Epstein–reportedly on “suicide watch” after being discovered injured in his cell a couple of weeks ago–never did see definitive word if Epstein “tried to hurt himself” or if someone else tried to do so– was just reported dead of suicide.

    With all of the powerful people Epstein could have implicated, I thought it was only a matter of time before he somehow became dead from “Arkancide,” or the efforts to knock him off coming from some other interests.

  6. Bet you if their were surveillance cameras/microphones focused on his cell, they will have suffered some mysterious “glitch” that rendered them inoperative during the time of the supposed “suicide.”

  7. It’s certainly relevant in regards to the criminal incompetence we have been witnessing in many government agencies these last few years. Whether relevant in respect of criminal corruption as well? Well have to wait for the incompetent investigating agencies to choke out a non-answer some years from now.

    One thing is certain, Snow: Epstein’s suicide can not be acceptable. Multiple job dismissals should swiftly ensue.

  8. It does look bad that a prisoner on suicide watch succeeded in killing himself. It was the jail’s job to prevent this, and they knew he was a risk.

  9. I think the only hope of justice in the Epstein situation is if the president became aware that Epstein was likely to be killed, and sent in Witsec to fake his suicide and hide him until he could present evidence at trial.

    I hope. (Not with much optimism.)

    If that’s what happened, good.

    If he’s been bumped off by those he’d otherwise have implicated, @&$#!

    (The notion that he actually killed himself — when already on suicide watch — seems too vanishingly unlikely to be worthy of consideration.)

  10. Follow the thread on the JoeNBC tweet. The liberal take is that Trump had Epstein killed, in collusion with Russians, no doubt. Unbelievable, and that’s because there’s no cause I know of for “Russians” to have killed Epstein.

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