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What caused the ice ages? — 38 Comments

  1. Trump did it. He used his time machine. Impeach the s.o.b! Subpoena his time machine records!

  2. It’s a conspiracy! There were no Ice Ages! It’s the Deep Freeze (before the Deep State) and the Earth is flat! 🙂

  3. I used to tell my best friend who happened to believe in man made climate change to a large degree. that his home in IN was under glaciers and then the climate changed. He is not so dogmatic now, not because of my comments but because it became such a religion.

  4. It’s because all those hominid ancestors of ours stopped using their cars and blew up all the coal-fired electric plants.

  5. The bottom line is that, given our current state of knowledge, and our current ability to model our climate, taking into account all–as if we know today what that “all” consists of–the influences on it, we cannot identify with any certainty each and every one of what appear to be a multitude of forces which apparently cause fluctuations in our climate world-wide, nor can we determine just which ones are the most influential forces in causing these fluctuations.

    Just how bogus are some of the models predicting climate disaster?

    Well, when I discovered that one of the chief climate models predicting such a climate catastrophe just ignored–didn’t factor in at all–the influence of the oceans on climate–too complicated, don’t ya know–that’s when I realized that something else was going on.

    Nor, it currently appears, if we could figure out, identify all the forces at work, could we take any steps to influence them that would be sufficient to make any real difference in their effects on climate, particularly in the short term–say, in the next 30 years or so, when the catastrophe is supposed to hit us.

    Thus , when some “scientist,” supposed “expert,” politician, or “activist” says that they “know”–particularly when they state that there is no doubt, and that that absolutely know–for a fact–what is causing climate fluctuation, and they know what draconian steps are needed to be taken to “fix” the problem, you know that they are a fraud.

    You know that they have another agenda entirely i.e. using this ginned up Emergency, this “existential threat” as a pretext under which these Leftist politicians, scientists, experts, and activists can seize as much control over every aspect of our society, behaviors, and wealth as they possibly can, using as their excuse preventing catastrophic global warming/climate change.

  6. Far far more recently , speaking in geologic time scales, the causes of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age, are totally unknown.

    The MWP started roughly in the year 950 +/- or so and lasted a few hundred years until about 1250 or so.
    This is the time when the Vikings settled Greenland (because it was so warm, Greenland was actually hospitable to farming and animal stock raising) and wine grapes were being cultivated in NORTHERN England .

    The MWP ended in about 1300 or so with the commencement of the Little Ice Age (LIA); which lasted until about 1850. (Recall George Washington’s encampment in the FREEZING Valley Forge encampment) as well as art work of Hollanders skating in the canals there). This is also the time that the Viking settlements were abandoned; it was too damn cold for crops and grazing.

    NOBODY knows what caused these climatic events nor what caused them to cease. NOBODY.

    If CO2 is responsible for warming, from where did the “excess” CO2″ emerge to cause the MWP? Nobody knows.
    Where did the CO2 go if it’s paucity “caused” the LIA?
    Nobody knows.
    And if the historical climate cannot be explained, how can one presume to predict the future climate?

    So far the best correlations with climate on earth have been connected with solar activity and to a lesser extent, the rotation of the Milky Way (of which Earth is merely one tiny, tiny rock amongst BILLIONS within the galaxy) .

    The entire notion of CO2 – which constitutes 0.04 PER CENT !!! (a TRACE gas in the atmosphere) as being the cause of warming is really a joke. After all, the most abundant green house gas is water vapor – which constitutes well over 95% of ALL green house gases.

    The climate change fraud is directly out of the theology of Joseph Goebbels – “repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” and of Hitler ” the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.”

    By the way, check out the comments of the most zealous global warming proponents; they ADMIT !!!! it’s all a fraud and merely a means to redistribute wealth from , you guessed it, the USA, to the less fortunate nations.
    This is why you hear ZERO commentary regarding the HUNDREDS of coal fired plants being constructed in China and India.

    The man made global warming thesis; the biggest scientific fraud in the history of the world.

  7. influence of the oceans on climate–too complicated

    As I recall, this list also includes: aerosols, clouds, the efficacy of the mislabeled “greenhouse” effect, the very nature of thermodynamics (e.g. energy vs matter), geographical (e.g. mountains) and anthropogenic (e.g. urbanization) features, among the characterization issues, and, of course, the unwieldy nature of their operational space, where even super-super computers are forced to narrow their frame, round, and estimate their calculations. The fact that heating has been statistically insignificant, and the qualifying effects of heat and carbon dioxide are in dispute, are also a cause for skepticism of motives and methods exploited by the proponents of catastrophic anthropogenic global cooling, warming, climate change.

  8. Judith Curry:

    She tells me, for example, that between 1910 and 1940, the planet warmed during a climatic episode that resembles our own, down to the degree

    Those of us who had family who lived during the Dust Bowl era may have heard of the high temperatures of the 1930s. Bing search: high temperatures 1930s

  9. Another factor possibly relating to climate fluctuation is the work by Svensmark. His interesting idea is that as the sun undergoes it usual 11 year cycle and its longer cycles of activity, those cycles also change the solar magnetic field which expands and contracts. So what? Well, as the sun’s mag field changes so does the flux of incoming cosmic rays; larger solar field, more of those charged particles are deflected. Again, so what? 🙂 Cosmic rays impinging on the atmosphere causes ionization of the atmospheric molecules, which are known to be “seeds” for cloud formation. More clouds, more cooling as the clouds reflect much of the incoming solar radiation.

    The actual total solar irradiance (TSI) varies by only a few percent at most and can’t account for the correlation we see between solar activity and global temperature. Svensmark’s idea may be the key. It underwent a lab test at CERN last year but was inconclusive. More data needs to be gathered before his idea has an validity, but it’s intriguing nonetheless.

    AND, it’s a natural process. No SUVs needed.

  10. It probably matters a great deal whether or not you have a continent sized landmass at a pole-Antarctica- and a lot of landmass at latitudes greater than 60N or 60S- in present times, northern Eurasia and Canada.

    I have always hypothesized that it is a collection of factors that eventually tips the climate in a particular direction- the Summers in the northern/southern landmasses get cooler, which means that not all the snow and ice of the previous Winter melts, which means the albedo of the planet increases slowly, year after year as the Summers get cooler, and the Winters colder- in effect, the ice and snow grow and reflect ever more of the solar energy. The problem is figuring out why this reverses, but, again, it is probably a collection of factors that tip it in the other direction- the Winters get shorter and warmer, the Summers longer and warmer- the ice retreats and the Earth absorbs more of the Sun’s energy converting it to heat.

  11. I remember the dire warnings of the rapidly approaching new ice age that made the cover of Time magazine. Of course it was the fault of the gaia destroying capitalists. I remember thinking at the time, this sounds like BS. The global CO2 warming scam was apparent from the start, a one ring to bind them all under the new world order globalist agenda.

    We know a lot, but we also ‘know’ a lot that is not true. And, science is not pristine when mixed with politics. Prince Albert Gore has a private jet to fly around the globe to push his agenda and line his pockets

    You don’t need a PhD to recognize a scam when you see one.

  12. Ages ago I had lots of time to kill in Central Park, NYC. There you can see the surface of these immense mostly buried boulders, which often have these weathered parallel grooves carved onto their top surfaces. An article from 2005 in the NYTimes describes these grooves as “striations” produced by a glacier that covered all of Manhattan.

    In Central Park, for example, much of the visible bedrock was shaped by ice, and unmodified glacial features abound. They include striations (abrasion grooves that show the flow direction from northwest to southeast), glacial polish (caused when rock was buffed by sediment), chatter marks (gouges in bedrock made by glacier-dragged stones), and erratics (boulders stranded on bedrock by the glacier).

    About 18,000 years ago this glacier began to recede (or had left the island depending on the source). I believe that I had read somewhere that the thickness of ice was once as tall as the Empire State building.

    The Times piece closes with the warning that the current global warming could lead to abrupt deglaciation, raising sea levels, interrupting the warm Gulfstream, and thus lead to a new ice age. Got that? At least they were on the same page as Hollywood which released “The Day After Tomorrow” in 2004.

  13. It is no wonder that I give no credence to the Left’s hysteria over our current existential threat de jour of global warming/climate change, and that is because I remember all of the other such “existential threats” to our existence, announced with similar hysteria and cries of doom on the horizon, over the last several decades by various “scientists,” ”experts,” and Leftist “activists”; existential crises that were supposed to doom us all.

    Let’s see, there was “the coming Ice Age,” then, we were supposed to face destruction from “overpopulation,” then, we were all to starve as we ran out of food or resources, and along the way—almost as an aside—and thanks mainly to Rachel Carson’s book, “Silent Spring,” we banned DDT.

    I am sure that the hundreds of thousand of people in Africa who have died from the Malaria that was on the way to being vitally eliminated (or at least well contained) by the use of DDT were all very grateful for that ban, as are the even greater number of people in Africa and elsewhere in the world who have had or who now suffer from the massively debilitating effects of Malaria.

    On this scale of suffering, I guess that it is just a minor nuisance that banning DDT had also led to the rise of the bedbug epidemic here in the U.S.

  14. Make that…” hundreds of thousands”…and…”virtually eliminated”…,

  15. Let’s see — we must cut down on CO2 emissions, which means less plant growth, which means less food production, which means more people starving to death. Got it!

    P.S. Has anybody seen an experiment in which somebody took an air-tight tank or chamber and filled it with pre-1950 component atmosphere, then increased the CO2 to today’s levels, to see what happens? I’ve looked all over the Internet (admittedly, my Google-fu is not that great) and can’t find one. And, yes, I do know about Bill Nye and Al Gore’s “experiment,” which is not relevant and fake, anyway.

  16. Mike K:

    It’s all too complicated, except for Marxists, of course.
    If all you have is a hammer….

    Good one! 🙂 Hammer and sickle…

    Which reminds me of Peter, Paul and Mary singing If I Had a Hammer.
    Which reminds me that Mary Travers was a graduate of the Little Red Schoolhouse. With some graduates, the instruction took- such as Victor Navasky and Angela Davis. With some graduates, the instruction wore off, such as Ron Radosh and Elliot Abrams.

  17. One major thing no one talks about is how West Antarctica crashed into East Antarctica around 3 million years ago. West Antarctica used to be part of a small continent in the middle of the Pacific with New Zealand. Around 150 million years ago it split. Part headed west where it ran into the Australian plate. West Antarctica moved southeast until it ran into East Antarctica. On maps that show the continent without ice, you can see the suture line. That crash pushed up mountains. These would have increased precipitation in the form of snow. Also, before the crash, East Antarctica was closer to Australia. They are drifting apart. Australia is moving north. East Antarctica is moving south. So prior to 3 million years ago, the south pole was under water, warmed by currents from the north.

    Now, there is a current that circles the globe north of Antarctica. It isolates the continent and keeps it cold. When West Antarctica was drifting south, it kept such a current from flowing, once the ocean south of South America opened up, the current started, and isolated and chilled Antarctica.

    Also, prior to 3 million years ago, sea level was 300 feet higher. The Arctic ocean would have covered much Siberia. Rather than a narrow Bering Sea, a shallow ocean would have covered much of the Beringia plain. The larger ocean, and free flow of water over panama, would allow warm water to flow all the way to the North Pole.

    We are in an ice age. For 3 million years ice has covered much of the earth. At the start there was a 60,000 year pattern of colder and warmer. “Recently” as the planet cooled further, it has shifted to a 100,000 year pattern. For the past 3 million years, every cycle has plunged the earth colder. If the pattern continued, the earth would be stuck in a permanent maximum glaciation until the continents shifted over millions of years.

  18. Kate on May 15, 2019 at 3:47 pm at 3:47 pm said:

    It’s because all those hominid ancestors of ours stopped using their cars and blew up all the coal-fired electric plants.”

    I am positive that Kate is the only one in the known Universe who’s got the straight of it. Thank you, Kate. :>)))

  19. There is that and a lot more on the side of the guys bucking… gals too, but they buck less due to their politics and willingness to let that be their guide..

    none of the models they use treat the sun as a source with fluctuating output

    why? well ignoring their claims, the easiest point is that if the sun controls it and we cant predict the sun, the whole reasoning to accelerate to a more modern science fiction based fantasy future..

    the left kind of likes to push us faster where we are probably going anyway but slower, and then takes credit for it..

    spontaneously flaming Tesla is a clue our energy technology is not up to it yet
    nor given the battery size, and kind of materials used, is it green by a freaking long shot…

    as far as theories go, its right up there with Trofim Lysenko

  20. Snow on Pine,
    how about the squares in the cellular automata model being about 400km a side.. problem being the earth is big, and the computing power..
    but also, they dont even acknowlege how rounding errors make their itterations more and more wrong from start… not to mention what starting numbers do they use as the odds of them being right are nil, and being off just a little leads to different outcomes in the extremes

  21. I once got in to debate with a self proclaimed “scientist” who argued that changes in plant growth due to changes in climate were not part of any feed back loop. He wanted to insist that plant growth changes were only the effects of climate change but would have nothing to do with future changes in climate….Helps keep the models simpler , I guess.

  22. Living in Puget Sound is instructive in what glaciers leave behind. 10,000 years ago where I’m sitting was under 1000+/- feet of ice. Everywhere you look you can see the remains of old lateral and terminal moraines. Dig into them and you find glacial till. In occasional flat places you will find the remains of morainal lakes. Dig into them and you find fine sediments that often have gravel lenses enclosed.

    Go to Alaska and you get to see the glaciers in action. The Mendenhall Glacier, near Juneau, has been retreating for the last fifty years – very visibly so. 213 miles north, the Hubbard Glacier has been growing slowly for the last 50 years. Why the difference? No one knows for sure. There’s a lot we don’t know about weather and even less about large climate changes that have occurred here on Earth. Heck, when climate scientists can tell us exactly why the El Nino – La Nina shifts occur, we might be getting somewhere. Yes, there are theories about El Nino-La Nina, but if we knew the cause, we mighty be able to predict those shifts with some accuracy.

    CO2, at 400 parts per million of the atmosphere cannot, by itself, cause global warming. The math doesn’t show it. And the Warmists (Mann, Hansen, Schmidt, Trenberth ,Jones, Briffa, etal) if backed into a corner, will admit that. That’s why they developed their theory of “forcings” – things that help CO2 force the temperature higher. What are those forcings? Aerosols, methane, and the biggie – water vapor – are all programmed into their models. One reason why their models come up with different results is that their values for forcings are “educated guesses.” Thus far the models have been off in predicting the amount of warming that they expected to occur. They’ve been too warm.

    At this point the theory of CO2 induced AGW is only that – a THEORY. No solid proof. Yet, we are being asked to abandon the energy sources that have created our modern society. Just say, NO!

  23. Meanwhile, back at the Judith Curry interview.

    “The global warming controversy began back in 1973, during the Gulf oil embargo, which unleashed fear, especially in the United States, that the supply of petroleum would run out. The nuclear industry, Curry says, took advantage of the situation to make its case for nuclear energy as the best alternative, and it began to subsidize ecological movements hostile to coal and oil, which it has been doing ever since. The warming narrative was born.”

    I suppose the nuke-guys expected the environmentalists to warm up to them more., instead of freezing them out completely.

    “The National Aeronautics and Space Administration played a role in the propagation of that narrative. Having ended its lunar expeditions, NASA was looking for a new mission, so it built some provisional climate models that focused primarily on carbon dioxide, because this is an easy factor to single out and “because it is subject to human control,” observes Curry. Even though it is just one among many factors that cause climate variations, carbon dioxide increasingly became the villain. Bureaucratic forces at the UN that promote global governance—by the UN, needless to say—got behind this line of research. Then the scientists were called upon and given incentives to prove that such a political project was scientifically necessary, recalls Curry. The UN founded the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 to push this agenda, and ever since, climatologists—an increasingly visible and thriving group—have embraced the faith.”

    Selected comments from the post:
    OneMoeurThing jaytrain • 2 months ago

    “Don’t just do something, stand there!” 🙂

    I jest, but as a National Academies peer reviewer I’ve seen ideology decide the fate of research – papers that say what the committee leadership likes get passed through, while “problematic” papers are rerouted to reviewers that are unsympathetic to those viewpoints. And if you give a tough but fair review to a favored researcher, you don’t get those papers in the future.

    Regarding “consensus”: I was also fired from a high-level representative position because I deliberately encouraged a variety of viewpoints in the committee I chaired. The organization said that “avoided consensus” and sacked me. Fortunately, my successor is just as vigorous in including all valid viewpoints.

    mmille10 Islamaphooey • 2 months ago

    I can remember when she used to promote the warmist thesis that human activity was a significant factor in the warming. This was back when I was researching the topic in the 2000s, trying to find out what climate scientists knew about it. The Climategate e-mails caused her to reconsider what she thought she knew, because she saw shenanigans going on. It seemed like she started asking questions she didn’t ask before, ultimately coming to the conclusion, “I don’t know what’s causing the warming, and neither does anyone else.” That’s when she saw what every other skeptic who dared raise their voice about this came up against. She hung in there at GA Tech for something like 8 years after that, but she finally said enough when she said the orthodoxy of global warming had completely supplanted any notion of science on the subject at her institution.

    gsmullennix • 2 months ago

    Were you to read Donna LaFramboise’s book on the terribly corrupt behavior of the IPCC, you’d be revolted by what has happened. The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Confused as a Climate Expert is the title and should be read by anyone trying to understand why the United Nations is not to be trusted in their role as the principled arbiter of Climate.

  24. The comment I quoted has the wrong title for Laframboise’s book, although I do like his version. It might simply be a mistranslation. See the review here.


    The United Nations is doubling down on ignorance and bias for its upcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, investigative journalist Donna Laframboise reported in a bombshell presentation earlier this month in Munich, Germany.

    Laframboise created a sensation in global warming circles last year when she documented rampant IPCC misbehavior in her book, “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert.” Laframboise showed IPCC officials appointed unqualified scientists and blatant global warming advocates as lead authors for its 2007 Fourth Assessment Report.

    Although IPCC officials claim the group relies solely on peer-reviewed material for its assessment reports, Laframboise audited the Fourth Assessment and found 21 of the 44 Fourth Assessment chapters contained at least 40 percent non-peer reviewed reference sources, often taking the form of student theses and advocacy papers published by environmental activist groups. For the Fourth Assessment Report as a whole, more than 30 percent of the referenced sources were not peer-reviewed.

    Shortly after IPCC announced its lead authors for the 2014 Fifth Assessment Report, the Heartland Institute reviewed the resumes of the lead authors and discovered rampant bias and agenda-driven research among the authors.

    While Laframboise’s 2011 book created a sensation among people closely following the global warming debate, the mainstream media predictably attempted to sweep it under the rug.

    Laframboise remains undeterred, publishing regular updates of IPCC misconduct on her website, No Frakking Consensus. She is also writing a follow-up book to document IPCC’s ongoing ignorance and bias regarding its upcoming 2014 Fifth Assessment Report.

    Lots of good blog-fodder at her website!

    What was that again about starting out to “write a simple 2-line comment, and an hour and a half later I quit trawling the cyberstacks”??


  25. I have seen data that suggests that some global warming would produce a net positive for humans on Earth, in that many of the planet’s deserts would become fertile and more habitable.

    Also, none of the models have been able to explain the little ice age of the 13th and 14th centuries.

    And finally, we know that massive volcanic explosions that send dust into the stratosphere can temporarily cool down the climate. If we felt it wise, we could always recreate this effect with hydrogen fission explosions.

    Bottom line: I’m not losing any sleep worrying about it.

  26. From the City Journal link about Curry:
    ” instead of wasting time on futile treaties and in sterile quarrels, we would do better to prepare ourselves for the consequences of climate change, whether it’s warming or something else. Despite outcries about the proliferation of extreme weather incidents, she points out, hurricanes usually do less damage today than in the past because warning systems and evacuation planning have improved. That suggests the right approach.”

    Whether or not global warming is happening is not as important as the results. More droughts, in some areas, often with more fires. More floods, in some areas.
    Droughts and floods are subject to technological “fixes” to minimize the problem. Like the NYT in Feb 2018 warned about too much underbrush in CA was a fire disaster waiting to happen — but CA gov’t, pushed by “keep it all natural” enviro fanatics, didn’t take the steps to minimize fire risk in a drought.

    More recently in flooding around the Missouri, there were prior plans to use the many man-made diversions of the water in a way to minimize flood risk, and flood damage. These plans were changed so as to help the environment remain “more natural”, putting a higher priority on bio-diversity based theories of limited interventions. Again, the gov’t policies making the flooding worse.

    There should be more alarmism about droughts, fires, and floods — and how to minimize damage from them, including more dams, reservoirs, and flood control plains.

    If there really WAS a crisis:
    a) the UN would be holding all “climate change” meetings by internet video — many companies already do this for real work, not party going – ending “jet travel” for UN workers
    b) building more nuclear power generators. India and China are both doing this, and the US should, too.

  27. Casting my mind back to undergraduate geology… I seem to recall a statement by one of my profs that *whenever* there are ice caps, we can consider the Earth to be in an Ice Age – that the “normal” condition is no ice at the poles (possibly it was “no ice occurring naturally anywhere” but I don’t recall that for sure).

    I’ve said for years that, particularly since we and our preferred foodstuffs are adapted to a not particularly warm interglacial, what we need to be doing is making sure we and our systems are tough enough for a period of NO ICE.

  28. JJ said: “Living in Puget Sound is instructive in what glaciers leave behind. 10,000 years ago”

    Same here in New England. Each spring we have a new crop of rocks in our yard as the frozen ground in winter pushes up the detritus of the what the glaciers left behind. Like weeds we have to pull them, out and then get a new crop the next spring 🙂

  29. Disprove Empirically – Starting with the foundation

    What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic by David Goldberg, published in the March, 1991 issue of Computing Surveys

    Floating-point arithmetic is considered an esoteric subject by many people. This is rather surprising because floating-point is ubiquitous in computer systems. Almost every language has a floating-point datatype; computers from PCs to supercomputers have floating-point accelerators; most compilers will be called upon to compile floating-point algorithms from time to time; and virtually every operating system must respond to floating-point exceptions such as overflow.

    Floating-Point Computation by Pat Sterbenz, is long out of print….

    Rounding Error

    Squeezing infinitely many real numbers into a finite number of bits requires an approximate representation. Although there are infinitely many integers, in most programs the result of integer computations can be stored in 32 bits. In contrast, given any fixed number of bits, most calculations with real numbers will produce quantities that cannot be exactly represented using that many bits. Therefore the result of a floating-point calculation must often be rounded in order to fit back into its finite representation. This rounding error is the characteristic feature of floating-point computation.

    This does NOT mean a simulation is wrong…

    But it sets limits on certain KINDS of simulation types.

    these kinds of models tend to use a cellular automata format.
    and THAT format means its an iterative model not a finite (element) model.

    this kind of model is most affected by the rounding problem and the BEST you can do is push the issue off in various ways…

    i will explain that in my next post.. (and hopefully will be tolerated for those who actually want to learn enough conceptually from some detail and gedanken (a la einstein), to be able to understand what is going on!)

    an iterative model is a loop model.. the iterations are ticks of time
    now… does time tick? no… time does NOT tick…at least at our size
    in fact, depending on whether your on a plane or not, time varies

    In an empty universe time has to be infinite IF when you add matter, time slows. 😉
    [call that Artfldgrs Theorem of the Void… ]

    but for many simulations, and games which are forms of simulations
    you need time ticks, so that is one DIMENSION of RESOLUTION (and there are many)

    [please note that these terms may or may not match terms in the art, these terms are put forth here so that average people with average vocabulary and so forth can understand the concepts without having to translate a complicated term – both einstein and richard feynman subscribed to the model that if you really understand it, you can share it in common terms]

    the fewer ticks, the less accurate, the less time it takes to run, and fewer ‘structural’ errors are injected.

    the more ticks, the more accurate, the more time it takes to run, and more ‘structural’ errors are injected.

    the above is foundational and often ignored..
    its considered esoteric, many people who take up modeling never think of this stuff as its really really bordering on philosphophical, evne more so if you know the physics in detail (like i do) from top to bottom… ie. from Planck sizes to astronomical sizes, to dimensionals…

    from what i see, these researchers in global warming are on par with the feminists in the social sciences.

    they both produce obvious self serving wrong crap… often VERY wrong crap.
    but they create it for power in policy not validity..

    with the understanding above…

    Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic

    In a computer model, a memory storage unit “word” is used to store a number.
    •A word has only a finite number of bits.
    •These facts imply:

    1. Only a small set of real numbers (rational numbers) can be accurately represented on computers.
    2. (Rounding) errors are inevitable when computer memory is used to represent real, infinite precision numbers.
    3. Small rounding errors can be amplified with careless treatment.

    do not be surprised that (9.4)10= (1001.0110)2 can not be represented exactly on computers.

    so what does a global warming simulation do with this?
    well, it doesnt tell the public its limitations, that the more iterations the lower the accuracy
    the more detail and more iterations the more errors are injected over the time its run..

    this is why we cant do a good weather report from today out to next year

    this is a foundational fundemental limit on simulations…
    YES… you CAN make your “words” larger… our systems went from 8bits, to 16, to 32, and now we are at 64..

    but the larger the word the slower the calculations…

    this is why simulations are not easy, each move in benefit costs you someplace else

    well, information follows the same laws as conservation of energy and thermodynamics!!!
    actually…energy = information
    its how we know black holes evaporate

    ultimately one of these foundational issues would be enough to limit things
    but guess what, there are a lot more and they span the smallest realms of reality to the largest

    meaning they are baked into the pie and you deal with them, but cant remove them
    [not when time, and energy are limited]

  30. More recently in flooding around the Missouri, there were prior plans to use the many man-made diversions of the water in a way to minimize flood risk, and flood damage. These plans were changed so as to help the environment remain “more natural”, putting a higher priority on bio-diversity based theories of limited interventions. Again, the gov’t policies making the flooding worse.

    This happened in the English midlands a few years ago when flood control channels had been allowed to become overgrown for the same reasons.

  31. Next:
    Cellular automata models…
    Chaos theory…(the REAL butterfly effect)
    Demonic heat engines…
    putting it together….

    probably wont reach the end…
    lynching is too good for the likes of me..

    It ALSO depends on what KIND of simulation…

    the kind of simulation that is used in things like design, or graphics, is basically finite modeling and tons of code for figuring out whats in front of, whats in back of, how to render transparency, etc… these models can be VERY accurate, and given the right code behind them, you can actually “run the model”. that is, make an engine or some device, describe the materials, and flows, and actually model the engine running and get some darn good guestimates as to the final outcomes.

    what is used in Global Warming and certain other simulations is something called Cellular Automata… which goes all the way back to my youth and Conways game of life.

    The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970

    The game is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves, or, for advanced players, by creating patterns with particular properties.

    the funny thing is that this software shows things like Gentification are natural biological self organizing processes.


    this format of simulation has many variations, and not just the simple one that conway came up with, or even ones that degrade to “mathematical beauty”…

    in a Global Warming simulation, if you were to write one,
    would first start with the grid…
    the representation of the thing you want to model.

    this is quite equivalent to RESOLUTION..
    the more grid squares, the more accurate your model CAN be (but not guaranteed to be)

    IF you ask the average person, after explaingin a bit of this, what size they think a grid square should be in a simulation of the earth, as an intuitive concept… most of them actually pick pretty good resolutions… in terms of accuracy.. .

    that is, without regard to limits, and the other structural quirks, they tend to pick a good fudge

    that most common answer in my journies… 1 meter… some say 1 mile… or 1 kilometer..
    they like ones…

    the answers they give depend on their perception of the size of the earth in their reality…

    so.. 196.9 million mi² [196,900,000]

    so your model at 1 mile resolution would have 38,769,610,000,000,000

    thats a problem.. your starting to hit something called the Tyrany of Numbers
    at least that was what it used to be called before we lost it…
    (i still remember it but can never find it)

    38 Quadrillion cells in your spreadsheet is a bit much, eh?
    so now you start cutting it down..

    how far down? well that depends on what resources your talking about..
    given the global warming people are not model experts and dont really want such (you can tell cant you? look up who the greatest people in computer modeling and you wont find them flocking to global warming centers)

    if you make each grid square 400 miles on a side, your now talking

    492,250 X 492,250

    so now we are talking 242,310,062,500 grid squares..

    if each square held one value, the above is how many 64 bit bytes
    you would be using (32 bits integer, 32 bits decimal)
    unless you extended the floating point bit size.

    the computations follow conways life…
    the square in question is computed along with the 8 squares around it to create the next iterative state.

    so that means your memory usage just doubled..
    one to hold current state, one to hold next state (which then becomes current state)

    with one value, as in conways most simple life…
    you get 9 values to compute, with the rounding error for all of them

    your now about to see how the numbers blow off the table and become insurmountable

    so now you have your 64 bit word, your 400 mile grid size, and your two arrays in memory
    484,620,125,000 bytes each containing ONE VALUE

    lets say that value is temperature… ok… we have the temperature of each square…

    while the model is 2D, its actually 3D, the square you are modeling i the real world is not
    400×400, and an infinitely think slice
    its 400x400x400

    now tell me what the temperature of that unit from sea level to 400 miles up is

    ok.. so we have to use surface temperature…
    we dont have 242,310,062,500 drones to have hover 200 miles up and 400 miles apart.
    do we?

    your going to find that your going to have to accept many layers of delusion to keep going..
    ie. we dont have the computing power yet to do this right…
    even IF we have all the data..
    even if we could somehow compute the accurate average temperature of a 400 mile unit square

    but you say, the planet is not smooth like a marble it has many heights and levels and mountains and more..

    well, if your cubes are 400 miles on a side, your planet is a marble thats real smooth

    8,850 meters is the height of everets… thats just above 1.3 miles with 398.7 to go…

    but you say, temperature is not enough, you need more.
    yeah, you need to add things like temperature, gas make up, flow, and so on

    and the models grow like rube goldberg devices…

    and they dont work, because their basis theory of fixing the error propagations of the various limits is fake

    They dont tell you, but if you program simulations, and are good, you would notice that their idea of fixing this is to keep aligning the data of the past till the model works and so the data in the future is right

    might work for a finite element model (probably would)
    but not this form of model…

    so… now… lets say your going to add this.. and now you have about 1k of variables..

    484,620,125,000 X 1000 = 484,620,125,000,000

    and if you just Add them up and average them…
    thats 8008 operations per square.

    thats 3,880,837,961,000,000,000 operations, each with rounding errors and for one iteration of averaging.
    not more complicated than that.

    if you had one processor running at 10gig FPO a second…
    it would take 388083796 seconds to do the calculations (while ignoring writing it to memory takes even longer)
    6468063 mins
    107801 hours
    4491 days
    12 years

    so on one computer that fast, it will take 12 years to do one iteration..
    if you need a thousand of them… you can take 1200 years to see the result
    oh, but of course you want to run this many more times, right?
    good thing cellular automata are highly able to be paralleled…

    but note… the next question is.. how big a time tick?
    1 measure a day? no, that ignores night vs day difference
    2 ticks..
    how about 1 second? 86400 units for a day, 31536000 for a year
    and we are going to do what, 100 years?

    and again… we hit a wall in computation time and so on..

    and it gets WORSE..

    next.. if people want to hear it…

    understanding chaos theory makes their work even more impossible given conditions

  32. physics guy: “Each spring we have a new crop of rocks in our yard as the frozen ground in winter pushes up the detritus of the what the glaciers left behind.”

    Yep. We call them glacial potatoes because they are well-rounded (from glacial polishing) and mostly about the size of potatoes.:-)

  33. “more natural”: The classic assumption that things, left to their natural order, result in good outcomes for living creatures. This is not true. Things happen in the universe for any number of reasons, not one of which is because anyone or anything has personal or emotional stake in providing good outcomes.

    What makes humans unique among life forms on this planet is the ability to take large and meaningful actions to thwart the natural order. Otherwise, we would be subject to the same constant waxings and wanings (of temperatures, of rain, of rivers, lakes and oceans, of places free of volcanic activity or mile-high glaciers) and random cataclysms that make life miserable and short for most creatures, at most times, in the planet’s history.

  34. Two inputs controlling the major swings between “hothouse” and “icehouse” climate regimes. The Milankovitch cycles (variation in the Earth’s eccentricity, axial tilt, precession) and plate tectonics (impeding oceanic circulation between poles and equator). Lots of other factors need to be worked out, yet.

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