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What ended the Colorado school shooting? — 53 Comments

  1. “Call it the Flight 93 reaction.” I like it!

    And thank you for the details on the incident. As you said a lot of this is not going to get much (if any) in the MSM.

  2. Sorry, I dropped a word there, there should have been “coverage” after the words “…get much…” in my comment above.

  3. The msm will most likely never mention the hatê Trump and christians ‘ideology’ of the shooters. It doesn’t fit their usual narrative.

  4. Years ago, Johns Hopkins was doing male to female gender surgery. Eventually they stopped doing them because they found that the patients had severe psychological problems to begin with that were not solved by the surgery.

    I looked for information about this shooting on Drudge this am and it was nowhere to be found. Now I know why.

  5. My family is arts, sciences, and military…
    sheepdogs.. were sheepdogs..
    look like wolves, fight wolves…
    protect sheep

    On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs
    By LTC (RET) Dave Grossman, author of “On Killing.”

    “Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident.”
    “Then there are the wolves, and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy.” Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial.

    “Then there are sheepdogs,” he went on, “and I’m a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.”

    If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero’s path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed
    The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, can not and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.

    Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep.
    He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land.


    Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog.

    The students, the victims, at Columbine High School were big, tough high school students, and under ordinary circumstances they would not have had the time of day for a police officer. They were not bad kids; they just had nothing to say to a cop.

    When the school was under attack, however, and SWAT teams were clearing the rooms and hallways, the officers had to physically peel those clinging, sobbing kids off of them. This is how the little lambs feel about their sheepdog when the wolf is at the door.

    The first time i experienced the peeling effect was when i was still a teen, took two people to get a girl who latched onto me, off of me and calm enough to walk…

    There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men. – Edmund Burke

    Their only response to the wolf, though, is denial, and all too often their response to the sheepdog is scorn and disdain.

    But the sheepdog quietly asks himself, “Do you have and idea how hard it would be to live with yourself if your loved ones attacked and killed, and you had to stand there helplessly because you were unprepared for that day?”

    It is denial that turns people into sheep.

    Sheep are psychologically destroyed by combat because their only defense is denial, which is counterproductive and destructive, resulting in fear, helplessness and horror when the wolf shows up.

    Denial kills you twice.

    It kills you once, at your moment of truth when you are not physically prepared: you didn’t bring your gun, you didn’t train.

    Your only defense was wishful thinking. Hope is not a strategy.

    Denial kills you a second time because even if you do physically survive, you are psychologically shattered by your fear helplessness and horror at your moment of truth.

  6. I’m a born and raised Coloradan, and I’m going to tell you this. I’m tired of this shit! There is something dramatically wrong with kids today, and I don’t have a clue what it is. I think it might be the rise of the use of ADD drugs, and antidepressants. Maybe it’s the whole divorced/single parent thing. Maybe it’s that kids are coddled these days, and are never held accountable for their actions. Bullying was WAY worse in the 70’s and 80’s than it is now, and guns were more readily available. We had ZERO school shootings, and it wasn’t even thought about. It was never a concern. There is a problem with kids today, and we need to get honest with ourselves and figure it out. Hint: It’s not guns or bullying.

  7. “Flight 93 reaction.” Or as Glenn Reynolds used to say, “Be a pack, not a herd.”

  8. The word is manliness — that’s the name of the human phenomenon that ended the shooting.

  9. This post is much more informative than the other stuff I’ve read. The one additional item I’ve read is that the transgendered shooter had been using both legal and illegal drugs. The legal part could be the testosterone or anti-depressants. Oh, and handguns were the only firearms involved; i.e. no so called “assault weapons.”

    It’s not too unusual for a girl or girls to be involved in violent murders when they are part of a duo or team. Could be the case here. It’s much more unusual for a solo girl to be a “school shooter.” The only one of those I know of is Brenda Spencer shooting up a San Diego school playground from across the street with a scoped rifle.

  10. The transgender teen in my life is filled with inexplicable rage – no hormones even being used at this time. Some of us in the family have come to suspect that the transgender thing is really just a way to justify perpetual anger at pretty much all other people on the planet except the one or two enablers that keep it going. Just in the last few days, before this incident in Colorado, certain incidents led me to seriously debate allowing this person and members of this person’s household in my home, due to safety considerations.

  11. I’m glad to hear that the private security force employed by the school was armed and that it did make a difference in stopping one of the shooters. The school apparently had 1,800 students. That’s like a small university

  12. I believe the young man who died protecting his classmates was Hispanic. Rest In Peace.

  13. Just a couple of weeks ago there was a scare in the Denver area about a teen girl who threatened to shoot up a school, Columbine style. She committed suicide. This shooting may have been a copycat event of sorts.

  14. Aren’t most – if not all – of these so-called transgender people mentally ill?

  15. From a piece in The Economist — “Why are so many teenage girls appearing in gender clinics?”:

    Typically, adolescents first show symptoms of gender dysphoria, the clinical term for the distress caused by the feeling that one’s body does not match one’s gender, in childhood. But in the past decade clinics in Western countries have reported that a growing number of teenagers have started experiencing gender dysphoria during or after puberty. And whereas these young adults used to be predominantly male, now they are more likely to be female. In 2009, 41% of the adolescents referred to Britain’s Gender Identity Development Service were female; in 2017, 69% were.

    Lisa Littman, an assistant professor of behavioural and social sciences at Brown University, was curious about what was causing these changes. She had come across reports from parents on online forums describing a new pattern of behaviour: adolescents without a history of childhood gender dysphoria were announcing they were transgender after a period of immersing themselves in niche websites or after similar announcements from friends. Her study suggests that these children may be grappling with what she calls “rapid-onset gender dysphoria”. …

    Dr Littman thinks that some adolescents may embrace the idea that they are transgender as a way of coping with symptoms of a different, underlying issue. Almost two-thirds of the children had one or more diagnoses of a psychiatric or developmental disorder preceding the onset of gender dysphoria; nearly half had self-harmed or experienced some trauma.

  16. The Manichean crevasse continues to widen. I am not turning my AR-15 in to Cory Booker, you may be sure. I am on the right side of that crevasse.

    We will have a 2nd American Revolution. Every day it’s getting closer. I have no doubt the side of faith, morals and natural law will win, and Sodom and Gomorrah, with their worship of false gods like diversity, multiculti, PC and hedonism will once again be obliterated.

  17. Cornhead:

    Definitely not all.

    As for whether “most” transgendered people are “mentally ill,” it depends on the survey, as well as your definition of “mentally ill.” Certainly not “most” if “mentally ill” is the classic definition such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. But it is consistently found that transgendered people have higher rates of many kinds of mental and emotional problems. The most common is depression (not necessarily severe, but sometimes severe), which depending on the study can affect about half of transgendered people (it’s quite common in the non-transgender population, too, but certainly not that common). Suicidal thoughts are reported by up to 20%, which is a lot more frequent than in the non-transgendered population but which is certainly not “most” transgendered people. It’s also known whether the situation of being transgendered causes the depression and suicidal thoughts, or whether it’s the other way around (the people prone to depression are also more likely to consider themselves to be transgendered). Maybe a bit of both?

  18. There is a problem with kids today, and we need to get honest with ourselves and figure it out. Hint: It’s not guns or bullying.

    Look up Deep State mind control. You are correct that it is not guns or personal torment. But it is also not the kids. It is the humans.

  19. Everyone should chase the link to the David Grossman article in the comment above. There is a lot there for people to digest. I saw it many years ago in some form and found it an interesting view on society. Being a sheepdog at the time I liked the picture it painted of me and my colleagues, but I did not send it to people as I think it would be taken as some kind of self-aggrandizement.

    I’m retired now, but the mindset is not easily shed. I “pack” when I go to the city (I live rural now) but packing restricts one from many venues these days. Reading this today (again) makes me think I should probably pack more when around home… the urban malaise with its attendant violence is pushing out this way. (Think of “The Blob”.)

  20. @Cornhead trick question. Many if not most transgender people suffer from a range of mental problems, usually including depression and anxiety attacks, and multiple personality disorder. They also tend to have extremely low self esteem.
    I know several, and that’s a common factor among them. Some of them also suffer from a form of PTSD from the constant struggle with bullying, the legal struggles with government agencies and insurance companies to get their legal gender changed and the hormone treatment, surgery, and psychological counceling covered.

    And then of course, under the legal and medical definitions used in some places, being transgender can be a mental disorder or not depending on where you are. Which is that makes it a trick question.

    That multiple personality disorder is probably the common factor among them that’s most scary, as one of the personalities tends to be highly confrontational and sometimes aggressive. The more stable of them recognise that and keep it under control, usually by avoiding contact with others when that aspect of them comes out. Others do not and can (inadvertently) hurt friends and others when it does.

    One of them has fully transitioned by now and was extremely happy afterwards, most of those problems seemed gone. Only to resurface when society still rejected her almost completely. Companies refused to hire her despite top qualifications, stating in their refusal letters they “don’t want to have freaks on staff” quite literally. Family disowned her. This drove her into severe depression and suicidal episodes, a very hard crash that was caused utterly by external factors.

    I’m pretty sure that had she got accepted as her new female identity she’d have been a productive and normally functional member of society rather than a basket case on permanent suicide watch.

  21. The sheepdog analogy reminded me of the quote/phrase:

    “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

    In researching this “quote” – it seems that it’s not really one. I thought it was Teddy Roosevelt, but it seems to be derived from Orwell via Kipling. Either way, I agree with the sentiment.

  22. http://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/poems_tommy.htm

    “We aren’t no thin red ‘eroes, nor we aren’t no blackguards too,
    But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
    An’ if sometimes our conduck isn’t all your fancy paints,
    Why, single men in barricks don’t grow into plaster saints;
    While it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an` Tommy, fall be’ind,”
    But it’s ” Please to walk in front, sir,” when there’s trouble in the wind
    There’s trouble in the wind, my boys, there’s trouble in the wind,
    O it’s ” Please to walk in front, sir,” when there’s trouble in the wind.

  23. Another tragedy. Glad there were some heroes ready to act to stop the bad guys. Many think that all criminals have some mental illness.

    There is clearly some kind of mental problem with all those who are not male (XY)- men, or female (XX) – women. If you have the sniffles, working fine in the office, are you sick? Maybe “mental illness” is too strong, but “not fully mentally healthy”.

    Being “sexually confused” is ironically sad today, when “behavior” is allowed to both males and females to act like stereotypical men or women, including sex partners and clothes. Where does the rage come from?

    Everybody has some problems. We, as a rich society, need to learn how to help people with problems. I’m pretty sure the loss of religion is an influence leading to more mental instability, as well as a loss of patriotism. Most people are happier to belong to groups of people who “love” something external.

    We all want to change the world.

    Most of us want to change ourselves, to be better, but without exerting too much effort or changing in our current lifestyle choices.

    Killing others is a terrible way. The schools supporting a “victim” mythology are certainly a bad influence on this.

  24. CaptDMO:

    See also Kipling’s “The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon.”

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late,
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy — willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the Saxon began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low.
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd.
    It was not taught by the state.
    No man spoke it aloud
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not suddenly bred.
    It will not swiftly abate.
    Through the chilled years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the Saxon began to hate.

  25. Many (most) of the comments here “work together” to show a possible line of development. that shows how we got from the world Tom (May 8 at 7:04 pm ) describes — where there were few (if any) school shootings, and yet lots of guns in the hands of teens; no highly publicized rants about male privilege, and yet plenty of aggressive boys and bullying (it’s not a new thing) — to the world Tom Grey (May 9 at 6:42 am) depicts and which we know all too well.
    A lot of influences are pinpointed in his comment, and echoed in others, especially by artfldgr & parker & sdferr & Tom Murin & CaptDMO & Ed Bonderenka.

    Manliness (sheepdogs) ended the shooting, but the Left wants to diminish that characteristic-cluster by conflating it with “toxic masculinity” (wolves), because the victims & potential victims (sheep) are just as afraid of their protectors as they are of their assaulters, and can’t tell — won’t even try to define — the difference until a crisis occurs. Then they briefly celebrate the heroes, and just as promptly forget them, a picture Kipling painted so well in the “Tommy” poem quoted by CaptDMO (he could have added the Gods of the Copy-book Headings).

    Loss of patriotism – love of country without ignoring its flaws; loss of religion – belief in a higher power, a higher purpose, and a higher moral plane mandated by them; loss of civic and civil instruction — about patriotism in the schools, and moral aboslutes in the churches; loss of stability — if we can’t reliably distinguish boys from girls, anything inherently more ambiguous than that is a murky swamp on a smoggy day.

  26. Some of us in the family have come to suspect that the transgender thing is really just a way to justify perpetual anger at pretty much all other people on the planet except the one or two enablers that keep it going.

    There has been some discussion, perhaps Camille Paglia, about the epidemic of adolescent transgender thing. Gender dysphoria is a psychiatric condition, probably no longer a diagnosis as Psychiatry normalizes more and more mental illness. The Johns Hopkins clinic closed a decade ago because of the number of suicides and the number of patients who returned asking to have the surgery reversed.

    The former Director, who closed it down, is now vilified by the transgender “community.”

    I consider the “Social Media” a major contributing factor just as the trend to huge high schools (1800 in this case) is another as it exposes normal kids to freakish sociopaths who would be very rare in smaller schools.

    My younger son graduated from a private high school and had 25 in his class. Many of his classmates are lifelong friends. He just celebrated his 50th birthday,.

  27. Well, even the APA is confused about gender. Here is their definition of gender. Notice they conflate sex and gender. It confuses me. Can somebody explain it?

    Gender (n): the condition of being male, female, or neuter. In a human context, the distinction between gender and SEX reflects the usage of these terms: Sex usually refers to the biological aspects of maleness or femaleness, whereas gender implies the psychological, behavioral, social, and cultural aspects of being male or female (i.e., masculinity or femininity.)

  28. I can’t say I can explain it Ray, but I can say the two designations appear to me to align very well with the ancient’s distinction between nature (phusis) and convention (nomos).

  29. The younger person, transgender or otherwise was the follower, the sidekick, a young needy person seeking attachment to something and in this case the wrong thing. From what I know about two person mass shootings there is always the leader full of terrible ideas and the other in need of acceptance and grateful for the leader’s attention. While usually it is two males, the vicious mix of the two can make a catalyst to push thoughts on into actions.

    As for what stopped the shooting, once more it was a person willing to put themselves into the line of fire and mess things up. In California it was a woman who died saving the Rabbi’s life, in other situations it has been a young male so what I am seeing now is that in the future it will be harder for an attention seeking shooter to rack up a high body count and make a big splash in the news. That alone might keep a lot of other sick son-of-a-bitches from shooting up soft targets. Allowing armed teachers and staff in schools will also be a deterrent and yes, it is a sorry sad world when we are required to make these decisions.

    As to preventing mentally disturbed people who feel the need to act out and take innocent lives, I have a good friend who is a psychiatrist, in his late 70’s, and the told me that it is almost impossible to have someone committed who shows strong tendencies of wanting to kill people until they have actually done damage to people. The process of going before a judge and predicting what might happen leaves a doctor open to all kind of legal exposure.

    In the case of case of the Colorado shooting my reaction is to recognize and praise the heroic action of the young man who gave his life to save the others and the other people who responded at once to slow down and stop the shooting. The story is the hero and as far as the shooters go, there is no logic to the actions of insane people who shoot up schools, it’s that simple.

  30. I really don’t understand how a person with gender dysphoria can not be suffering from a mental illness. If someone says he is Napoleon, and insists on wearing an 18th century uniform and being addressed as “Your Imperial Majesty,” we have no problem in saying he’s severely mentally ill, because Napoleon has been dead for 198 years and is buried on St. Helena.

    But if a girl says she’s a boy, and insists on wearing men’s clothes and being addressed as “he,” we’ve decided she’s not mentally ill, even though every cell in her body has chromosomes which say she’s a female.

    What’s the distinction?

  31. Captain DMO. Roger Moore does a cutting of “Tommy” on youtube. I note the implied threat in the last two lines; “But Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool,
    You bet that Tommy sees.”

    Could Tommy be sufficiently disgusted to go on strike?

    Rusty. I believe Kipling wrote the poem about the English beginning to hate. Somebody–haven’t heard who–switched for Saxon and put it out as if it’s original. Somebody figured it was Saxonophile, and thus a neo-Nazi or something.

    Kipling wrote for his audience and he understood them. He had the Saxon as a sturdy, independent, strong individual in his story of Sir Richard Dalyngridge in Puck of Pook’s Hill. And also in his poem where a Norman knight who got an English estate in the Conquest is explaining to his son how to deal with the Saxons. It’s an interesting character study and I don’t suppose most people would be unhappy to be so characterized.
    There are a couple of lines.

    “When he stands like an ox in the furrow,
    His sullen eyes set on your own,
    And grumbles, “This isn’t fair dealing,”
    My son, leave the Saxon alone”

    Apparently his audience liked that sort of thing.

    Reading about the RAF in WW II, I ran across a guy who was characterized by the writer as “a grand Englishman”. Do/did the Brits think of each other as Norman, Plantagenet, Saxon, Celt? As late as the Forties?

    Sorry for the digression, the poem reads better when it’s “English”, implying the nation is getting impatient.

  32. Richard Saunders:

    If the girl who says she is a boy actually insists that she already has male genitalia when she in fact does not, then that’s a delusion. But to say “I’m really in my mind and identity a boy, but my body doesn’t reflect that” is in a much more gray area that we simply don’t understand. It is not like a person saying he or she is Napoleon. There is only one Napoleon, and that person is not Napoleon, and therefore is delusional if he or she says that he or she is Napoleon. But if the person claims to be the reincarnation of Napoleon, for example, then you can’t say it’s a delusion because we simply don’t know enough about the possibility of such a phenomenon.

    Another relevant thing is how well the person is functioning otherwise in his or her life. If that person is otherwise well-adjusted (and many transgendered people are), then the label “mentally ill” doesn’t seem appropriate.

  33. Back several decades ago most kids–particularly kids in rural areas–were trained to use, and were given rifles and shotguns at an early age. Moreover, from what I’ve read, it was very common for high school kids to come to school with rifles (pretty likely loaded ones) in racks in their pickup trucks and, yet, there were nowhere near the number of school shootings that there are today. Thus, it seems likely that, in many instances and places, firearms were far more available to young people then than they are today.

    Thus, its not the weapons that have changed, it is the attitudes of the kids that have changed.

    It seems likely to me that this rash of school shootings has been encouraged, in part, by today’s largely Leftist curriculum, and the ideas and attitudes it teaches, plus the ubiquity of violent video games, the lack of face-to-face social interactions, alienation, and anomie, despair, and consequence free rage that cell phones and social media aps encourage, made even worse by the general decadence of our culture today, and the unwholesome ideas that it generates, circulates, and validates.

    Put all these toxic elements and trends together, let them interact with and potentiate each other, and this is what you get.

  34. Agree with Saunders.

    Apart from relatively obvious cases of genetic or morphological abnormality, there is little reason to assume that someone’s private identification as a member of the opposite sex is to be taken seriously as describing an objective fact; until such a fact can be observed.

    I think that we have discussed before how important is to these disturbed persons that they adopt the conventional panoply of the opposite sex as if that constitutes sexual identity, and as if dressing up in Carhartts and a flannel shirt will transform a girl into a man. It won’t. In fact some lesbians make an issue of dressing up like that; and it certainly does not make them men, any more than wearing spiked hair, a leather jacket, and a scowl, makes them Octagon heroes.

    And you can drape some middle aged pig in all the lingerie and pearls you want, and you will only have a pearl and gauze draped pseudo sow, not Sophia Loren … or whomever is the sexpot du jour.

    Now, you might decide to argue that brains are gendered, or better, sexed, and that a normally developed brain matches the rest of the body; and that in some instances there is a problem akin to hermaphroditism, but then – if you can establish a sexed brain which transmits a mismatched self-awareness to the consciousness, then you have a per se case of dysfunction – that might as well be called an illness as anything else.

    “… if the person claims to be the reincarnation of Napoleon, for example, then you can’t say it’s a delusion because we simply don’t know enough about the possibility of such a phenomenon.”

    LOL Well sure we can; and that is putting aside the question as to whether there is any “phenomenon” there apart from lying or delusion.

    All we need to do is to find two or more of them who claim to be the unique reincarnation of Napoleon.

    One, at least, must be lying or deluded. You get two hundred of them making the same claim …

  35. P.S.–I also think that the elimination of Judeo-Christian teachings and influences in our schools–that taught lessons about how to behave, that set standards–has also had a part to play a part in making such school shootings more likely, and also making it more likely that they will increase in frequency and number.

  36. See this report about how a grade school teacher in Oregon singled out an eight year old boy in her class, because he used the staff bathroom (turns out he had some digestive issues, and that was the bathroom he was told to use), and thought this meant he might be worrying about being transgendered, so–without notifying the boy’s parents–she put him in a room and forced him to read books and view movies about becoming transgender, rather than allowing him to go out to play at recess, trying to push him to become transgendered.


    His parents only discovered this propaganda effort a week after it started, when this “educator” sent these books and videos home to them.

    When they complained, they got no satisfaction from the school district, which blew them off.

    The boy’s parents are now suing the district for a million dollars less one dollar, and say their son is now afraid to go to school, and asks them if he should be a girl.

    This is straight out child abuse.

  37. Ray — Okay, okay — Nappy WAS buried on St. Helena. Now he’s not.

  38. Snow – from your linked story: “The then-second grader at Nellie Muir Elementary School and his parents had made arrangements with the school for him to use the staff restroom because of a digestive-related medical condition. His teacher assumed the boy was not comfortable using the public boys’ restroom because he was transgender, according to the lawsuit.”

    Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I would think there are a couple of things that should have happened: (1) the teacher should have been told about the boy’s restroom arrangement by either the parents or the school; (2) the teacher, having noticed him using the staff RR, could have asked the school’s nurse or secretary or principal WHY, or asked the parents, or simply asked the boy himself.
    Obviously …
    What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.

  39. Never let a crisis go to waste.

    STEM kids have better sense than others.
    IIRC, the handguns were legally acquired by the shooter’s parents; what additional gun laws would prevent that, other than maybe locking everyone’s guns in the police station and making us check them out.
    Wait, don’t suggest that to anyone…

    If you live in Colorado, register your disgust with these politicians.

    Ryan Saavedra
    Students at a vigil for the STEM School shooting in Highlands Ranch reportedly walked out of the event after Democrat politicians Jason Crow and Michael Bennet made remarks and students said the tragedy was being politicized.

  40. AesopFan–I do not see this incident as “just one of those things,” a simple case of “miscommunication,” or something that we should not be outraged about.

    Nor do I ascribe innocent and benign motives to this teacher. It seemed to me that she was all too eager to push this 8 year old boy in the direction of deciding that he should “transition.”

    I also note that nowhere in this article did it say that this teacher had any specialized or professional medical or psychological training that would have presumably given her the means to accurately assess what was going on with this 8 year old and to deal responsibly with it.

    Moreover, why should the teacher have assumed that she had any authority or right to do what she did to this 8 year old, especially without contacting his parents first, and seeing if they believed that their son had the problem the teacher thought he had, and, if he did have this problem, if they were OK with what she wanted to subject their child to.

    And why was it her business anyway, and not the business of whatever medical personnel or psychologists that the school system likely had on staff or on call?

    From what this article said, it seems like this incident may have caused significant trauma, and what could be lasting psychological damage to this 8 year old, and the teacher personally, and the dismissive school district should be made to pay for that.

  41. I wrote my earlier post about the baleful influence of today’s curriculum before I heard the statistics that Tucker Carlson was to report on tonight’s show.

    According to Carlson, here in the U.S. over the last dozen or so years, there has been a 50% increase in the number of teenagers diagnosed with depression.

    Moreover, during that same time period there has been a 55% increase in the number of teenage suicides.

  42. Here’s a better article on the students rebelling against the adults turning their vigil of honor into a political rally.


    “The immediate and cynical exploitation of a school shooting by advocates of gun restrictions has rarely, if ever, been so effectively denounced.

    On Wednesday, the day after the shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch, students and others assembled for an event organized by a student affiliate of the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence. It was billed as a candlelight vigil to remember student Kendrick Castillo, 18, who was killed when he rushed the shooter to try to stop him.

    To the students’ anguish and chagrin, the “vigil” turned out to be almost entirely about the politics of “gun control,” with activists and politicians doing the speaking. The students, I think, appreciated, as many adults have yet to do, the importance of the heroism Kendrick and three other students had shown.”

  43. Just a thought – but maybe the shooters were not ignorant of this new law, and moved forward now because they were afraid of being flagged if they waited?


    “Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed “red flag” legislation last month providing judges with the power to temporarily remove firearms from people believed to be at high risk of harming themselves or others.”

  44. The higher rates of depression, and higher rates of teen suicide, clearly and objectively indicate there are some problems in our culture.

    One of those might be part of the “zero-risk” philosophy, like requiring bike helmets. Which do reduce damage if there is an accident — but also reduce fun. The reduced fun reduces bike usage. Reduced bike usage might lead to more depression, many think that active people are less likely to be depressed. I think so, and I don’t like wearing a bike helmet even tho I know it’s better to be wearing one if you fall. (And many Slovak roads are lousy) So I don’t ride a bike much.

    Nor do my kids ride much, nor do I encourage them (roads to bad); tho they also do wear helmets on the few times they do ride.

    There is a cost, in freedom and fun, in making slightly dangerous things illegal or socially unacceptable. Too much outdoor play is being forbidden or excessively sanitized for safety.

    Where this fits with the Big Gov’t worshipping ed establishment, with the ending of literature of heroes and classics with modern dystopia, with the encouragement of sexual confusion including identity; so many different influences.

  45. It is for the children. You know, to cook em.

    Reinforcements against the armies of darkness comes in the new dna sequences of the new kids. Allowing the left to corrupt them… means it is end game, and you are losing. This is not a prophecy. Just an observation.

  46. Next time you hear supposedly “official government statistics” thrown about—especially on one of today’s controversial issues—remember the following story.

    The U.S. Department of Education’s (DOE) Civil Rights Division released statistics showing that here in the U.S. in the school year 2015-2016 “nearly 240 schools … reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting.”

    This figure is far higher than other estimates.

    NPR, of all organizations, decided to check these figures by spending three months repeatedly contacting each and every school listed, and found out that two thirds of these schools said that no such school-related shooting ever happened, and that in many other instances what happened was not, strictly speaking, a “schol-related shooting.”

    In fact, NPR hired a nonprofit firm to help them analyze the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Division statistics, and they found that after contacting these schools and also looking at news coverage of such incidents, they could only identify and confirm 11 of these supposed 240 instances of school related shootings. during the 2015-2016 school year.

    When contacted, DOE blamed the school districts involved for the errors, and said that they would not be republishing corrected figures, but merely adding a footnote to the data set noting the errors.

    See https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the-school-shootings-that-werent

  47. Official education bosses would have burned the witches.

    Welcome to the witching, conservatives.

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