Home » Ilhan Omar might just be…


Ilhan Omar might just be… — 39 Comments

  1. The thing that is not laughable is that Pelosi put her on the Foreign Affairs committee. She does not need a security clearance as she is an elected Rep. There she will be able to see, and probably copy, Top Secret information.

  2. AND she set up her brother-in-law to get a plum job for the Somali president by endorsing the president in their last “election.”

    She’s a snake.
    Worth watching more closely than the bug-eyed Latina with the big choppers.
    This one’s dangerous. The other…mostly stupid…I know…stupid’s dangerous too. But this one’s malicious.

  3. The Democrat’s clown car keeps taking on more and more passengers.

    Democrat Senator Kamala Harris says she is a candidate for President in 2020.

    See Kamala Harris’ campaign video, which ends with her giving an arm signal related to the fantasy film Wakanda—about a secret black African kingdom, a mix of traditional African culture and high technology, far more technologically advanced than the rest of the word, and saying “Wakanda Forever.”

    P.S. I’ve read that some travel agents have been getting calls from people trying to book hotel vacations in Wakanda.

    See: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/this-was-weird-kamala-harris-opens-campaign-with-bizarre-wakanda-forever-video/

  4. She has deleted her vile, mendacious tweet about l’affaire Covington, but not before it was captured in a screenshot. What is truly incomprehensible is how her mostly white (nominally Christian) district, no matter how leftist, could have overwhelmingly voted for such a hateful and profoundly stupid Muslim candidate, who is quite obviously lying about her support for abortion and gay rights, both of which are forbidden by her faith.

  5. It’s weird to see a radical Muslim (she’s called on Allah against Israel, and wears the hijab) supporting the Vatican. This ought to, but won’t, make Pope Francis reconsider what he’s doing.

  6. j e – “What is truly incomprehensible is how her mostly white (nominally Christian) district, no matter how leftist, could have overwhelmingly voted for such a hateful and profoundly stupid Muslim candidate…”

    Most of the mainline Lutherans in MN (about 20% of MN the same as “nones” btw) went off the Christian reservation so long ago all they have left are the buildings and some old books & robes. I wouldn’t presume even nominal status…

  7. I don’t know that her district is mostly white. After all, it previously sent the abominable Keith Ellison to Congress.

  8. If the MSM and practically everyone in authority keeps repeating the lie that “Islam is the Religion of Peace,” and so many people remain–quite often willfully–ignorant of the actual ideology of Islam, of Islam’s history, and what it’s ultimate goals are, afraid of being accused of being bigoted or “Islamophobic,” people will elect Muslims to public office, likely, many of them, to demonstrate that they aren’t bigoted or Islamophobic.

    As they say, de Nile is not just a river in Eqypt, and denial is very strong in a lot of people.

    They’d rather believe in unicorns, rainbows, and lollipops instead of disruptive, hard, and frightening truths.

  9. Just saw that there might be elements of Russian “security” types in Venezuela. If true, interesting development.

  10. Mike K on January 25, 2019 at 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm said:
    The thing that is not laughable is that Pelosi put her on the Foreign Affairs committee. She does not need a security clearance as she is an elected Rep. There she will be able to see, and probably copy, Top Secret information.

    * * *
    Well, they had to do something.
    Hillary’s server is kaput, Feinstein’s driver went back to China, and the Awans are out of town.

  11. huxley on January 25, 2019 at 8:34 pm at 8:34 pm said:
    j e: I blame Garrison Keillor.
    * * *
    It appears that all of their voters are below average.

  12. I don’t know that her district is mostly white. After all, it previously sent the abominable Keith Ellison to Congress.

    Kate: According to wiki Omar’s district is only somewhat higher black (16.6%) than the national average (~13%).

    The key is that neither Omar nor Keith Ellison are pure Democrats. They are DFL — Democratic-Farm-Labor Party — which is to say they are more radical than the average Democrat. This goes back to populist labor movements in the 1910s and 1920s, and no doubt even further to the Germans and Scandinavians who settled states like Minnesota and Wisconsin.

    As I recall, “prairie populists” were a serious contingent in the SDS and Weather Underground. I have wondered whether the title, “Prairie Fire” — the major Weather manifesto published four years after they went underground — reflected that contingent.

    Here’s a good link on “Prairie Fire.” It’s useful for clearing up any doubts that Weather men and women were self-declared communists, pure and simple.


  13. Making negative comments about someone’s appearance immediately undermines whatever point one is trying to make. If you want to be taken seriously, don’t do it.

  14. If what you mean is the hijab, the head covering is a symbol of submission to Islam. I knew many Muslim women in Egypt who did not cover. The ones I knew who did cover were associated with strict Islamist families. It’s a political statement as well as a religious one, as the religion is both “spiritual” and political. The same could not be said, for instance, of a Jewish man wearing a kippah, as that head covering has no political implications. Nor does a Sikh man’s turban and ceremonial sword. Notice that even the representative from Detroit who made the grossly offensive comment about Trump doesn’t wear the hijab. She’s just a standard-issue leftist. Omar has made political Islam part of her persona and program.

  15. According to Scott Johnson at PowerLine, Omar’s district also includes a fairly large Jewish population. Most of these, he says, vote Democrat. When Omar went to a gathering at a large synagogue during the primary campaign, she deliberately misrepresented her support for the BDS movement.

  16. I still think the worst thing she has done was her sarcastic, mocking tweet directed at VP Pence, “Jesus take the wheel!”, an appalling outburst of religious bigotry. If a public figure had said anything like this about Islam we’d never hear the end of “Islamophobia” but most major news outlets did not even report it including her local
    Minneapolis Star-Tribune. The incident shows not only Omar’s degeneracy but the dishonesty and corruption of the MFM.

  17. I have been given to understand that the Constitution of Venezuela provides for exactly what has been done in acknowledging Sr. Guiado as President. (Article 233 Paragraph 2 ?) It appears that Sr. Maduro’s election was fraudulent, and he is the one trying for a coup. I understand that many nations in South and Central America have declared Sr. Maduro’s election invalid. I would be interested if anyone has information that would either confirm or confute the legitimacy of Sr. Guiado’s move.

  18. Great comments. huxley made both the Garrison Keillor (as humor) and DFL comments. I see Keillor as more of a mild symptom, and the DFL is the disease. Most people don’t realize that the twin cities were fairly mature cities a long time ago, with something like an 8% black population back in the ’60’s.

    The DFL has been something like a 3rd way communist party (in sheep’s clothing of course) before the mainline 2nd way communists had a chance to fail. The DFL has had a strong commitment to unionizing most of the country. See Oleg Atbashian’s book “Shakedown Socialism” on that one.

    I’d agree that a political commitment to Islam and Sharia is wildly antithetical to our U.S. Constitution. Our congress people still have to take an oath of office don’t they??

  19. Tommy Jay–Here’s something I posted on this site a few days ago.

    Among the volumes in Jefferson’s library, that he sold to Congress in 1815, and which formed the original nucleus of the Library of Congress, was a Qur’an.

    There was a story a few days ago the one of the Muslim women sworn in as a new member of Congress used Jefferson’s Qur’an to swear on.

    This is the same shtik, the same slick little piece of deceptive Muslim political and cultural agitpropop that Muslim Keith Ellison used when he was sworn in and back then, in 2007, the Washington Post, among many other MSM outlets, swooned at what one MSM outlet termed an “all American solution” to people’s objections about Ellison swearing his oath of office, not on a Bible, but on the Qur’an, which stands for Islamic supremacy.

    The MSM were co-conspirators in putting this one over on the American people.

    For I noticed that the Post never mentioned then—and probably didn’t now—that Jefferson likely didn’t have the Quran in his collection because Jefferson held Islam in such great esteem.

    It is much more likely that Jefferson had this Qur’an in his collection to study the enemy.

    For, of course, in Jefferson’s time the Muslim Barbary Pirates of North Africa**—capturing/destroying our ships, stealing their cargoes, and selling their crews and passengers into slavery—were an existential threat to the survival of our newly formed and struggling young nation, which was then so dependent on it’s maritime trade.

    Jefferson and Adams actually traveled to Tripoli in 1785 to talk to Abd Al Rahman, the Muslim Ambassador to London and highest Muslim representative, and they asked him why these Muslim pirates were preying on the maritime commerce of a newly formed nation that had done nothing to them, and Al-Rahman replied:

    “It was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their [Islam and Muslim’s] authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

    And Al Rahman demanded an annual Jizya (protection money) payment to stop the piracy.

    The U.S. Congress paid this payment in gold for some 15 years—in some years this Jizya payment amounting to more than half our new nation’s annual Federal budget.

    It was Jefferson’s many years of hard work that created our Navy and Marines which, as their first mission, sailed over to North Africa and, in a long campaign, wiped out the Barbary Pirates, and destroyed their bases, this campaign memorialized in the “to the shores of Tripoli” lines of the Marine Corps Hymn.

    You can sell this kind of baloney much more easily these days because such a large percentage of our population is so ignorant of our own national history, or at least the actual, patriotic, un-transmogrified version of it that used to be taught in our K-12 classes.

    **Today we still have modern day Muslim Barbary Pirates, Muslim Somalis, operating out of the same North African territory—now Libya—that the Barbary Pirates were operating out of in Jefferson’s day.

    If your ship strays too close to the coastline, they will sail out in their ships, try to board and capture your ship, and to hold it and its crew and cargo for ransom.

    You can look on the Internet and see videos of these boat’s private security and some naval forces patrolling the area, as they fend off such attacks by these modern day Barbary Pirates.

    See, for instance https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrJ7Jc4qUxcXDIAonlXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bWZmNWI0BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjY4MzNfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw–?p=Fighinting+off+the+somalia+pirates&fr2=piv-web&fr=aaplw#id=6&vid=6dbf8b2d3bfc89efae98849a624b04a5&action=view

  20. Snow on Pine, the Detroit Congresswoman denied using Jefferson’s Qur’an. She used her own family copy, she said.

    I think it would be unlikely the Archives would allow an original Jefferson donation to be used for a mere congressional swearing-in.

  21. Glenn Beck claimed a number of years ago to have obtained a copy of some of the annotated pages of Jefferson’s Quran. Around that time I tried unsuccessfully to find a representation on the web. As I understand it, Jefferson’s notations make his opinion of the Quran clear.

  22. TommyJay:

    The consensus on Jefferson’s Koran is that there are no notes in it.

    Jefferson was in favor of religious freedom, including Muslims. However, he also said that Islam is a religion “stifling free enquiry.” And of course there were the Barbary pirates (see this).

    It was John Quincy Adams who wrote quite a bit on Islam.

  23. The MSM seems to have just woken up to the fact that there is a problem in Venezuela. Most of the reporters cannot even pronounce Guaidò’s last name properly.

    In any case, Omar is toeing the socialist/leftist party line on this. There is a fairly sound legal argument, as well as a moral one, for supporting Guaidò. But, none of that matters, because… well, because Trump.

  24. Henry, your understanding is correct. The election of Maduro, which was held back in May was universally called a fraud and a farce by everyone, except Maduro’s authoritarian allies. Therefore, when his previous term ended, the office of the presidency (and vice-presidency) became vacant. Most of the countries in the region announced that they did not recognize Maduro. According to the Constitution of Venezuela the next in line of succession is the President of the National Assembly, which is Juan Guaidò. Correcting the media’s mischaracterization, Guaidò did not self-declare himself President. He accepted the appointment in accordance with the Constitution.

    I am well informed on this subject because I lived in Venezuela for 12 years up till five months ago. I speak Spanish and follow the news closely in the original Spanish versions. Note that the media often screws up the stories with inaccurate translations. My wife is Venezuelan and we still have property there.

    Note that I was even jailed during the 2017 protests. I wasn’t even in the protest. I just got swept up by the police several blocks away. I and 41 others spent five days and nights sleeping and eating on a tile floor in the same clothing in which we were arrested.

    Anyway, I will be happy to provide information and clarifications on this subject as the confrontation unfolds.

  25. “the bug-eyed Latina with the big choppers”

    Sorry Sarah, I get your point but I had to laugh at that in view of all the hype about how “attractive” AOC is supposed to be. I do not find her attractive for precisely those two reasons – eyes and teeth.

  26. Anyway, I will be happy to provide information and clarifications on this subject as the confrontation unfolds.

    It would be greatly appreciated, and not just by me, I suspect,.

  27. Roy Nathanson:

    I hadn’t realized you’d been living in Venezuela. You must have a great many tales to tell.

    I’ve been reading Daniel’s work for well over a decade. I think the first mention I made of his blog at my blog is here.

  28. Neo–In the Christopher Hitchens article you have linked to above, Hitchens writes that the Jizya payment paid annually by the U.S. government approached 10% of the annual Federal budget in some years.

    I researched this particular issue several years ago, and by looking at the budgetary figures in the Congressional Records for the years involved, from what I could see, Jizya payments–in the demanded gold coins–approached not 10%, but more like 50% of the Budget in some years.

  29. Hitchens is a fascinating character. I read his book about the Hillary Clinton/Lewinsky/Syd “Vicious” Blumenthal affair. He reminds me of George Orwell, who never repudiated Marxism. Hitchens claimed to be a Trotsky Marxist, I think even later in life. Speaking of repudiations, why don’t media people demand a repudiation from Bernie Sanders, who shouted the virtues of Venezuela as recently as 2011?

    Hitchens Naval bibliography missed the first accounts of the U.S. Navy; the first being a highly biased and anti-US account by a British lawyer named James, and the second by a grad student named Theodore Roosevelt. TR’s motive, in part, was to set the record straight after the scurrilous book by James.

    The one I read was by Ian Toll, “Six Frigates.” While I don’t doubt that many of our founding fathers were anti-war isolationists at various points in time, it was Adams senior (Pres. #2) who signed the funding for the first 6 frigates, early in his presidency. The design and construction was long and arduous and none were launched until Jefferson’s presidency. Jefferson had been a strong isolationist until he saw the realities of the presidency. Make sure to read the epilog, if you read Toll.

  30. Neo,

    I can’t find anything about annotations in the Koran. There is plenty of confusion about the whole topic. Someone named K. Collazi writes that it was Jefferson’s Koran that K. Ellison used for his swearing-in and it was translated by George Sale. According to Collazi, Mr. Sale himself had negative things to say about Islam. John Adams senior’s Koran was translated by Sieur du Ryer. Other folks have allegedly switched these books around in their commentary.

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