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A three-week deal to give government workers pay — 27 Comments

  1. This is a disaster for Trump unless he declares a National Emergency and builds the wall. Naturally, every Obama appointed judge in the 9th Circuit is panting to get to issue an injunction.

  2. Frankly according to the Congressional Research Service it appears that Trump has the authority to have the Pentagon build the wall without getting specific Congressional authorization.


    “If President Trump were to follow through on his threat to declare a national emergency so he could build a wall along the Southern border, the Defense Department might play a pivotal role in determining its own authority to perform “military construction.”

    The memo, made public by Steven Aftergood in his blog for the Federation of American Scientists, suggests that the Pentagon might rely on the Supreme Court’s 1984 ruling in the Chevron case—which ruled for deference to agency experts on complex regulatory matters—to be final interpreter of whether a border wall is part of the department’s mission.

    Congress’s research arm updated its past survey of relevant statutes, beginning with the 1976 National Emergencies Act, and moving to a 1982 update known as Section 2808 addressing military construction authority.

    “If the president were to invoke the authorities discussed above to facilitate the construction of barriers along the Southern border, the use of those authorities may be challenged in federal court,” the CRS attorneys noted. “A judicial determination of whether the construction of a border wall qualifies as ‘military construction’ may ultimately depend on whether a court concludes that [statutory] definition of that term is ambiguous.”…”

    I’ve read other analyses stating that Trump could have the DoD build the border wall without having to declare a state of emergency. But I thought I’d link to this because given the deep state’s demonstrated hostility to Trump there’s no way anyone can claim that Government Executive magazine is source biased toward the President.

  3. A commenter at Powerline suggested that this gives Trump to take his case to the public in the SOTU. It will probably get unbelievable ratings. I hope his speechwriters are up to the job. I bet the cameras will be focused on Pelosi licking her chops.

  4. Republicans will never beat the democrats in a game of chicken, just like in the bible story Judgement of solomon the mother of the baby will always cave because only she cares about the well being of the subject involved. Democrats will never cave, because they and their supporters don’t have a care in the world about people missing paychecks or the economy is being hurt, unlike the Republicans who are the people with compassion for others, especially Trump.

  5. expat, SOTU cameras will be focused on Trump, with Pelosi right behind him as Speaker. Can she control herself?

  6. Kate: I saw her on TV this afternoon. As she was giggling about the turn of events she left the definite impression there will be no SOTU scheduled.

  7. Republicans will never beat the democrats in a game of chicken,

    You assume the Democrats are independent agents. They are being run by shadowy billionaires who also have a controlling interest in the GOP. The “social media” interests own half the advertising revenue in the country. Google make no secret of its agenda. The Koch brothers are not Trump supporters. The Wall Street Journal and the Chamber of Commerce are all on the Resistance team.

    The left is in full Cambodia operation. The shadowy money thinks it can control them.

  8. Lets see what happens in the next 3 weeks. If Pelosi won’t budge then Trump will have to act.

  9. I hope Steny Hoyer stages a coup, but I’m not holding my breath. The BOTOX has damaged her brain.

  10. LI commenters are all over the map, from wailing “all is lost” to predicting “ace up his sleeve” — but this observation runs through most of them:

    Recovering Lutheran | January 25, 2019 at 4:23 pm
    …Trump is finding it hard to win a war when most of his generals are moonlighting for the other side.

  11. This is another LI commenter; it’s long, but read it through to the end, only mentally substituting “Palestinian” for “Democrats,” and “Israel” for “Trump,” with the requisite situational adjustment.
    After having watched for decades how much the world has NOT recognized the Pallies as deranged and the Jews as justified, I have absolutely no expectation that this analogous situation will result in a desirable conclusion.


    Mac45 | January 25, 2019 at 7:35 pm
    Here is what is going on here.

    Since shortly after his inauguration, DJT has offered the Democrats almost everything that they have asked for, in exchange for funding a wall. He has signed several CRs to continue to fund the government upon promises that the Congress would do its job and both fix the immigration system and to fund a barrier, at least partially. Congress, as a whole, has refused to act. The Democrats have been especially obstructionist. Finally, in December 2019, he refused to sign any CR which did not include at least partial funding for a barrier [essentially 1/5 of the amount that originally asked for]. During the shutdown, he has offered the Democrats just about everything that they have been asking for. And, still they refused to deal, or even make a counter offer. Finally, Trump says that he will sign a continuing resolution funding the government until February 15th. He will tell people that he did this to relieve the burden on the rank and file federal government employees. In other words, Trump is the only one making any concession, in this matter.

    So, who appears to be more reasonable and and caring toward the little guy? Trump. Nothing has changed. It might, before this all over. But, if the Dems fail to present any reasonable deal, and Trump closes the government again, he is in a very strong position to point out that he has made every concession possible and the Dems still refuse to attempt to make a deal.

    The Dems can take a victory lap, over this. But, three weeks from now, they are going to have to present a realistic proposal, including funding for a physical barrier, or they will own the next shutdown. The Dems have been whining that the President refuses to negotiate in good faiht. Well, now they are in the same position. Let’s see what happens.

  12. Ann Coulter is getting really annoying being so over critical with Trump for not getting the wall built, yet. All she does is complain complain complain while discouraging and damaging the morale of Conservatives without contributing one single idea or useful suggestion on how to get the Dems and RINOS like Romney to budge, He is the president, not the emperor. She needs to STFU and let the man do his job. It pisses me off every time bangwagon trump supporters beat the drum to encourage MAGA voters not to show up in 2020 whenever Trump doesn’t do what they want. Why didn’t you give him the house and 10 more seats in the senate? This man shut down the government for over a month to try to build you your wall, what more could he do? Yeah, lets punish Trump for not being able to achieve 100% what he promised, only 85%, and in the process punish every conservative and American by helping in getting harris elected.

  13. He is the president, not the emperor.

    Dave, he was a President whose party controlled both houses. He could’ve financed the wall thru budget reconciliation, thus avoiding a filibuster.

    But he squandered those years. Now he’s lost the house and it’s too late.

  14. Manju,

    His party? Nah, brah. It’s a uni-party. Call them Democrats and Republicans. Call them Right Wing and Left Wing. Whatever floats your boat.

    I call them Good Cop and Bad Cop. They’re on the same side: each other’s. Just like two cynical homicide detectives who need a confession and play off each other. Only these guys will say or do anything to get a vote. Because that’s the only way to perpetuate the gravy train. All the speeches and grandstanding, all the polemics and name calling about the other side of the aisle, well, it ain’t nothin’ but an act for the rubes.

    Trump was never on either side and was working against both. Because that’s what his supporters sent him there to do.

  15. Manju
    Trump is the good guy, stop being manipulated into hating the only man who is fighting for you by the people who use you to do their bidding but wont hesitate to put you on a chopping broad when they are done with you. The left has been operating this way for centuries now, people with the heart of devil putting on the face of angel. When I say left I mean Maccain and bush family and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as well


    Go read the tragedy of liberation by dikotter and his mao trilogy to learn about what the left ideology and how they operate before supporting an ideology you know nothing about except reading some propaganda advertisiment written by their agents who will left out all the atrocities they have committed. Have you watched game of thrones? The people cheered when Ned starks was getting executed, that is how most heroes die through out history , believed to be the villains by the majority of people especially those who he fought for in the time of living, as most people are sheep and they get manipulated into thinking the hero is the villain by people of real power, the real villains behind the scene, and the enemies of the hero.

  16. Funny how manju thinks Washington post is the media agency for the little guy, it owns by the richest man in history, the epitome of capitalism, he doesn’t care you, he cares about maintaining the corny capitalism that made and kept him rich, and trump is a threat to that system he relies on. This man would ban you on his platform for returning too many items, after he told you buying on his platform is safe because unwanted items could always be returned, he doesn’t care about you, or that honest merchant who gets banned for life on his monopoly selling platform after getting some negative feedbacks, maybe from a few unfortunate accidents, or intentionally left by some bad customers, his competitors or ex wife after a nasty divorce, pretending to be a real customer, just by buying something pretty much grant you the right to destroy someone on that platform, that is some real socialism right there. He is the richest man in history, if he truly cares about the poor people, donating all the profit from his site each year could feed the whole country, but somehow he doesn’t want to do that, and call for the government using tax dollars contributed by everyone including the little guys to do it. Funny how all of the anti trump media are now vanity projects of other super rich like him, who has billions for divorce but zero for the poor, who they claimed they fought for. Socialism has no place on earth if everyone use logic.

  17. Funny how all of the anti trump media are now vanity projects of other super rich like him, who has billions for divorce but zero for the poor, who they claimed they fought for. Socialism has no place on earth if everyone use logic.

    Good points but a waste of time on manju. Some leftist commenters seem to me to be either bots or wired into DNC talking points because they all come up with the exact same comment at the same time.

    The WaPo and The Atlantic are both vanity projects, Atlantic by Steve Jobs’ widow. There is a shadowy group of billionaires behind a lot that is going on. A commenter at Althouse who calls himself narciso has good links. One last week was to the law firm that runs the Dakota fracking and pipeline demonstrations. Guess who is in all their operations ? Chief Phillips, Marine recon ranger !

    Lots of silent webs across the nation.

  18. Manju:

    The problem with using budget reconciliation during the first 2 years of the Trump administration in order to get the wall done was that the GOP margin in the Senate was paper thin. They barely had a majority and would have needed close to every single GOP member of the Senate to vote yes. They almost certainly didn’t have the votes for that.

    Now, post election 2018 when the GOP gained a few Senate seats, they almost certainly could pass it in the Senate through reconciliation, because they probably could get a majority. But now they’ve lost the House.

    Actually, a lot of people are reporting that if it were voted on right now in the House (funding for the wall, that is), it could get enough Democrats to get a slim majority there. However, Pelosi refuses to bring it up.

  19. “A waste of time on manju”

    Exactly right. He is a robotic paid troll “commenting” here strictly for the purpose of disruption. He has never made an honest comment here and never will.

  20. FOAF:

    I think it still can have value to respond to manju. It’s not that manju himself will ever change his mind; he is highly highly unlikely to do that. He’s a Democratic talking points machine for the most part. But I sometimes respond to him to make a point for other readers rather than to have his comments go unanswered. People like manju want not just to get responses and rile everyone up (although they do like to do that). They also are happy to NOT get responses, and think their talking points might convince someone or other if those points stand unopposed and unanswered.

  21. Actually, a lot of people are reporting that if it were voted on right now in the House (funding for the wall, that is), it could get enough Democrats to get a slim majority there. However, Pelosi refuses to bring it up.

    Remember that back when John Kasich was honest, he and a couple of others got a balanced budget bill brought up by petition in spite of the Speaker.

    I don’t see it happening these days. It’s all uniparty.

    Not much I can do about it except buy ammunition.

  22. Neo is on point with Manju.

    You either delete trolls or answer them. To let his nonsense sit there unanswered will do more damage. Manju-or whoever pays/programs/installs him/her/it-doesn’t just want to trigger responses, [Insert party here] wants to demoralize.

    Nil Desperandum.

  23. Neo is right, target audience of debunking replies to manju shouldn’t be manju himself but the other readers whom manju tried to persuade with his left machine generated rhetorical model talking points

  24. It bet to question how many of those random racist anti Semitic comments you encounter online were truly made by real right wing racists, or false flag hoax comments made by someone or bots from the left to make the right look bad. Ben Shapiro loves saying he was the biggest target of the Alt right, were the comments made by alt right or just Kathy Griffin’s burner accounts pretending to be from the right

  25. I was hoping it would last long enough to RIF a time of people. Apparently, if they Government shutdown lasts long enough, you can RIF people right and left. More or less. It’d be a great way to get rid of some people.

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