Home » Impeach them all!!! Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the lot of them!!!


Impeach them all!!! Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the lot of them!!! — 12 Comments

  1. Aha! Justice Kennedy brought the wine! You know Kavanaugh clerked for him, don’t you? It’s all a plot to undermine women. (end sarcasm)

  2. Sorry for the digression, but since Neo brought up impeaching Ginsberg (sort of), I thought I’d mention that there is a possibly valid reason for impeaching her. She took the following oath of office.

    “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    So she pledged to support and defend the Constitution with true faith and allegiance and without purpose of evasion. On the other hand, she has also publicly stated that she does not believe the U.S. Constitution is a good constitution (never mind great) and that the constitution of South Africa is much better. You know, the one that allows the confiscation of farm land because of skin color and possibly mass murder of same.

  3. TommyJay,

    As Democrats and Republicans are both to the left of center, that will never happen.

    Written by a centrist who would be considered far right (me).

  4. I think she should drink more. I haven’t liked her thinking sober, and maybe it would help. More delicious lunches for her while the court is in session, please. I’m sure there are those who would happily spring for the finest bottles of wine.

  5. Don’t overlook the perjury. Whoever heard of a dinner that was “so delicious it needed” the wine? What transparent falsity — the reddest of red herrings, given that she was next going to have to attend a 2-hour Obama speech. The gal is old, but she’s not stupid. She solved that problem, but our standards of truth are 99 44/100s% improved nowadays and she is not meeting them any longer. Impeach.

  6. Kennedy obviously was not a cheapskate. Opus One is one of the more expensive Cabs from the Napa Valley.

  7. RBG is a far left, aging, possibly demented hag. Her idea that international laws have a place of importance in SCOTUS decisions disqualifies her from any office where one must swear to protect and defend the Constitution. She is a domestic enemy, along with the rest of the left.

    There will be a reckoning.

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