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And why should anyone on earth care? — 37 Comments

  1. “Still another is to serve notice on any future Trump nominees that they better not have a history of any altercations or transgressions in their lives back to the cradle, because the left will be uncovering anything other than Dalai Lama behavior. What’s more, if the transgressions don’t exist, the left will invent them.”

    I have serious doubts if the American Left would accept the Dalai Lama… if he ran as a Republican, or was nominated by a Republican.

    But the American Left is also doing something else. They are declaring that any of their appointees can now be subjected to the same process. Just as Mitt Romney was demonized for bullying behavior in high school (!!), just as Brett Kavanaugh is being demonized with unprovable accusations from high school… so now Democrats must beware their own high-school records.

    If a Democrat can reliably be accused of pulling a third-grader’s pigtails, the truth must come out. Those are the rules they wanted for all of us.

  2. I will go even further than “it is normal guy behavior”. it is so normal, I wouldn’t trust a man who claimed never to have gotten into a physical altercation with another guy. I know this may be hard for women to understand but we often get into fights, then go out for beers later. sometimes LOTS of beers. It’s just the way we are.

    when did men become so damn girlish? who wants to go through life like THAT? Is that really the kind of man women want nowadays? my advice: just go Lesbian why doncha?

  3. I successfully avoided a bar fight in Cincinnati when I was in the US Navy.

    Another fellow and I drove from VA to OH to see his family (he didn’t have a car) and when we got there we went to an old bar that he liked. In the bar, he got too drunk and was having words with a big guy who I immediately apologized to and dragged my friend out before he got hurt. Now this guy is an upstanding citizen and has done a lot for other people. I do not think in any way that he should suffer the consequences of that night and anybody who believes in this kind of mob justice must be a Democrat. Mob justice is a return to the dark ages. It is uncivil and unkind.

    We suffered through the likes of Ted Kennedy to hear this kind of “morality” speak from Democrats? seriously.

  4. Daniel Schwartz on October 2, 2018 at 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm said: “But the American Left is also doing something else. They are declaring that any of their appointees can now be subjected to the same process.”

    But they won’t be.

    First, right-leaners are *hinged*. Second, right-leaners are humane. Third, left-leaners own the microphones and megaphones; even if right-leaners wanted to fight back in kind, it would be like the proverbial tree falling in the forest (except, of course, for being heard by the proverbial choir).

  5. Lurch is absolutely correct. Men fight over something. One wins; one loses. Then they shake hands and move on. (I think this is true for males in many species.) I do not respect men who won’t fight (over something important). Kavanaugh and Graham both gained tremendous respect from men in that hearing. And all those wussy Senators were stunned that they were being called out.

    I think Jordan Peterson understands human beings, society and civilization better than any living being. Quoting from an article (link below)

    “Here’s the problem, I know how to stand up to a man who’s unfairly trespassed against me and the reason I know that is because the parameters for my resistance are quite well-defined, which is: we talk, we argue, we push, and then it becomes physical. If we move beyond the boundaries of civil discourse, we know what the next step is,” he claims. “That’s forbidden in discourse with women and so I don’t think that men can control crazy women. I really don’t believe it.”

    Regarding the necessity of the “underlying threat of physicality,” Peterson says, “If you’re talking to a man who wouldn’t fight with you under any circumstances whatsoever, then you’re talking to someone to whom you have absolutely no respect.”

    Peterson also offers an example in which he claims that a female activist organized a movement against him and compared him to Nazis. “I’m defenceless against that kind of female insanity because the techniques that I would use against a man who was employing those tactics are forbidden to me,” he says.

    Peterson concludes that “sane women” should “stand up against their crazy sisters.”

    Two Links:


    The video of Peterson and Pagilia is worth the two hours. It is marvelous to see two geniuses discuss serious matters.


    P.S. Neo: Can I still embed links within html anchor tags?

  6. It’s just talking points for Democratic partisans. It may be a cack-handed appeal to Jeff Flake or Susan Collins. Something about Flake suggests ‘self-appointed hall monitor’ and something about Collins suggests ‘elementary school principal’.

  7. Got into a bar fight in 1972. Actually, it was more of a serious shoving match. So, I’m out as a candidate for the Supreme Court?

  8. M J R on October 2, 2018 at 4:13 pm at 4:13 pm said:
    Daniel Schwartz on October 2, 2018 at 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm said: “But the American Left is also doing something else. They are declaring that any of their appointees can now be subjected to the same process.”

    But they won’t be.

    First, right-leaners are *hinged*. Second, right-leaners are humane. Third, left-leaners own the microphones and megaphones; even if right-leaners wanted to fight back in kind, it would be like the proverbial tree falling in the forest (except, of course, for being heard by the proverbial choir).
    * * *
    All true, sadly, but the choir is getting bigger.


    “Respondents want their senators to vote against Kavanaugh’s confirmation as it stands at the moment by a plurality of 44/37. However, it also asks whether Kavanaugh should be confirmed if his accusers can’t provide “any evidence to corroborate the claims and Kavanaugh says these incidents did not happen.” That changes the results dramatically; under those conditions, a double-digit majority wants Kavanaugh confirmed, 57/43. If the FBI doesn’t find anything specific about Ford’s allegations, that number goes up to 60/40, including 55% of women.

    That’s not the only danger for Democrats, either. Seventy-five percent of respondents say that Dianne Feinstein should have immediately turned the letter over to the committee rather than sit on it. Sixty-nine percent of respondents called the hearing “a national disgrace,” with 55% concluding that Democrats have been “completely partisan” in their handling of Kavanaugh. (Thirty percent of Democrats agree with that, by the way.) And finally, the Harvard-Harris poll shows 45% of respondents say the Kavanaugh hearing has made them more likely to vote in the midterms, although that splits out pretty evenly across party lines.

    The disgust over the conduct of these hearings is widespread. If it’s sustained, we can expect to see more erosion in the generic ballot over the next couple of weeks, and that might spell trouble for Democrats — especially in the Senate.”

  9. If a Democrat can reliably be accused of pulling a third-grader’s pigtails, the truth must come out. Those are the rules they wanted for all of us.

    sorry, that was covered in a prior quote
    takes unequal treatment for equal outcomes..
    a paraphrase of another feminist quote…

    it means, heads i win, tails you lose…
    so no… what they are doing now wont apply because what they are doing now also applies to attacking anyone who would try to do it to them..

    you guys really gots to learn the rules…
    figuring out games from watching is nigh impossible…
    you would have to see every possible permutation and work out the rules
    and that’s in a system changing them
    better to read what the rule makers wrote, study, teach, discuss and plan..
    not like they don’t do that..
    its just people don’t want to read it..

  10. Most people don’t realize that Darth Vader Ginsburg put herself through college and law school by being a dancer in a sleazy topless bar. Can’t you just imagine guys like Kavanaugh stuffing dollar bills into her G-string ( although sometimes she went full nude) and throwing ice at other drunks?

  11. First, I’m not a nominee for the Supreme Court.

    That said, I was once in a bar (bah) in Worcester, MA in the 70’s while a college student (actually, this was one of several occasions but I’m focused on one visit in particular) and managed to bump into a table causing a beer to spill inciting the ire of the beer’s owner. A confrontation ensued between me and my buddies and this person and his buddies. Loud, angry words were exchanged; cuss words included. A fight broke out, mostly shirt collar grabbing, a few swings and misses, a couple of guys ended up wrestling on the floor. Eventually the bar owner worked his way into us combatants threatening to kick us out if we didn’t behave. We separated. I offered to buy the guy whose beer I spilled a replacement, he accepted and we went on to spend the rest of the night talking, drinking (beer), and laughing.

    In my day, which was a bit before Kavanaugh’s, this is how things went sometimes.

  12. If the FBI finds anything new to crush Kavanaughs confirmation won’t that make them look like total incompetent morons for the six other investigations they did on him? I can’t imagine the FBI, who’s reputation is already badly tarnished by the likes of Comey, Strzok, Page and others (including Christopher Wray) going out of their way to find more to make them all look like Inspector Cluzeau.

  13. I have never gotten into a fight, or any physical altercation past about age 8. I certainly did my fair share of drinking in college and beyond. But my social circle consisted mostly of geeks who would rather do battle on the gaming table than through fisticuffs.

    I was threatened in a bar one time, when a very drunk fellow thought I was flirting with his girlfriend (I wasn’t). But nothing came of it. I calmly explained myself and he called down (there was a bouncer right behind him so I wasn’t too worried).

    So, I disagree. Getting into fights (even when drinking) is not “typical guy behavior” It is inappropriate and should be called out as such.

    However, I do agree this is largely irrelevant to the overall fitness of Kavanaugh to serve on the high court. There is no pattern of this behavior extending into maturity. Many, many people (men and women) do incredibly stupid things in their young adulthood. That alone is not disqualifying.

  14. White privilege, white supremacy, old white men, angry white men, white racism, straight white patriarchy, and white frat boys. The sneering, the condescension, the contempt never ends. The time will come (and come soon) when white men, as well as their wives, daughters, and mothers, and sisters, will conclude that the Democratic Party is not their friend and will vote accordingly—whereupon the race-obsessed Democrat Party and its amen chorus in the NY Times will denounce, even more vigorously, white privilege, white supremacy, old white men, angry white men, white racism, straight white patriarchy, and white frat boys.

  15. Ackler:

    You’re right. Next time some low-life leers at my beautiful wife, I’ll tell him that it’s “inappropriate.”


  16. Allencic:

    I realize you’re being humorous, but you may not be aware that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was quite the looker when she was young. Take a look here at the early photos, particularly number 3.

  17. Rusty,

    Uh, yes. That’s what you should do. Tell him it’s inappropriate and to knock it off (maybe using stronger language than that). If he doesn’t, leave (if the situation warrants it) or threaten to call upon an authority and do so if necessary.

    I’m not a pacifist; if he attempts to attack you or her, by all means fight back. But I don’t think physical violence is an appropriate response to mere leering.

  18. Lurch,

    I was thinking more or less exactly what you said. Most guys are not saints every moment of their lives. And, if they were, I would not trust them to exercise wise and merciful judgment of their less than perfect peers.

  19. Neo, well I can’t say it is typical for sure. But I grew up in fairly mainstream circumstances: working class background in a Midwestern city (albeit a liberal college town), educated in a public high school followed by a small state university; raised an observant Catholic, but not to any extreme of religiosity and became irreligious at the end of high school.

    My friends were fairly typical as well (definitely more on the nerdy side, but just decent, regular boys/young men). I certainly did hear about fights (particular when alcohol was involved), but it seemed very atypical.

    As I mentioned before, I’m ten years younger than Kavanaugh. There were many societal changes in those ten years (the mid 60s to the mid 70s), so that might be part of it. And maybe much more was going on around me than I realized. Maybe…

  20. Ackler:

    Well, I grew up in a different environment. Not all boys fought, but it was a relatively standard thing to do.

    Oh, and by the way, I haven’t read allegations that Kavanaugh himself was in a fistfight, just that someone insulted him (or insulted someone he knew?) and he threw some ice or the contents of an iced drink at them. Then some sort of further fight ensued between or among some people, but I haven’t read anything saying that Kavanaugh physically participated in that later fight himself except for throwing the ice.

    Not that I care, for the previously-mentioned reasons.

  21. I do not understand the conversation. Blah, blah, and why anyone would talk about the latest allegations. It is phoney baloney. It should be laugh in their face material. There is no there there, period. Don’t play their game. It is BS all the way down. Until the right calls them on their BS, there will be more BS allegations. Time to burn them down, literally. No quarter, no prisoners. Let’s start with ChiDiFi in Leavenworth.

  22. In the 3rd grade at my rural school, I beat down a classmate physically bullying a wimp. Had to do it again in the 8th grade and the 11th. He never learned and died at age 32 when he assaulted a county deputy and got 2 38 specials in the chest. Good riddance.

  23. There are several issues that female Justices were never asked about RBG had a long history with abortion politics but was not asked, that I recall, if she could rule fairly. Kagan was in a lesbian relationship at Harvard yet was asked to recuse herself on gay marriage cases. I’m sure there are more.

  24. Mike K on October 2, 2018 at 10:55 pm at 10:55 pm said:
    …Kagan was in a lesbian relationship at Harvard yet was [not??] asked to recuse herself on gay marriage cases. I’m sure there are more.
    * * *
    I missed those speculations, so will “do the research” (i.e., pick up the first couple of hits on Google’s front page). Clearly, since there are competing narratives, we need an FBI investigation!
    I particularly like Politico’s final graf.


    “WASHINGTON, May 10 /Christian Newswire/ — As far back as 2006 and 2007, four different Harvard Law Students confirmed that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was a Lesbian. Why is the Obama Administration now suddenly ashamed of Kagan’s homosexual orientation?

    CBS News first reported that President Obama’s new Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan will be the “first openly gay justice,” pleasing much of Obama’s liberal base. But after pressure from the White House they amended the report: “I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted — odd, because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles.” CBS later pulled the report entirely, after The Washington Post criticized CBS policy, saying “most major news organizations have policies against ‘outing’ gays or reporting on the sex lives of public officials unless they are related to their public duties.”

    Why the sudden media blackout, even among conservative news organizations?

    Kagan’s private sex life already has, and will directly impact her public Supreme Court decisions, especially on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and other issues.

    In breaking news, Chaplain Klingenschmitt reveals that four different Harvard Law School students reported Kagan was Lesbian Homosexual as far back as 2006 and 2007.

    The 4 Harvard law students’ quotes are now online at http://www.prayinjesusname.org/kagan.

    Will any news reporter dare to track down and interview these four students?”


    “Elena Kagan is not a lesbian, one of her best friends told POLITICO Tuesday night, responding to persistent rumors and innuendo about the Supreme Court nominee’s personal life.

    Walzer, half amused and half appalled to be discussing her friend’s sexual orientation, agreed to be interviewed after Kagan’s supporters decided they should tactfully put an end to the rumor, which White House officials had already tried to squelch in background interviews with reporters. She said she decided to talk to POLITICO because the discussion of Kagan’s personal life has become a “distraction.”

    Another friend, former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, a member of Kagan’s social circle at Princeton University, wanted to make the same point as Walzer. “I did not go out with her, but other guys did,” he said in an email Tuesday night. “I don’t think it is my place to say more.”

    The rumor about Kagan has circulated for months on gay blogs and became a matter of controversy when it was cited as fact by a conservative blogger on the website of CBS News, drawing a sharp White House rebuttal. It has, since, been a source of particular fascination in some socially conservative circles and particularly among gay and lesbian political observers, some of whom objected volubly Tuesday to a Wall Street Journal cover image of Kagan playing softball, which they perceived as a jab at a stereotype of lesbians.The result has been an awkward dilemma for the traditional media, for whom reporting about homosexuality has always been considered to be off limits.
    Reporters and bloggers have debated, publicly and privately, the propriety of asking whether Kagan is gay. But Walzer – who has spoken regularly to the press this week – said that in a series of interviews with reporters she had been asked only obliquely about the nominee’s “social life.”

    The intense scrutiny that comes with a Supreme Court nomination leaves ample space for curiosity – particularly intense in the gay community— on a question that even leading Republican Senators have dismissed as irrelevant to the job. But Kagan’s friends’ desire to “out” her as straight has been complicated by their hope to avoid offending gay friends by implying that there would be any problem if she were a lesbian.”

  25. https://hotair.com/headlines/archives/2018/10/ways-justice-kavanaugh-recuse/

    “The Supreme Court may have to consider questions about whether a sitting president can be indicted or subpoenaed, and what effect pardoning a federal offense would have on state charges for the same conduct — an issue bound up in Gamble v. United States, a double jeopardy case already on the court’s calendar. Many have argued that Judge Kavanaugh should not be confirmed unless he commits in advance to recusing himself from such cases. He has predictably refused to do so.

    The accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford raise another order of concern. Some might argue that the unresolved cloud over his past would require a Justice Kavanaugh to recuse himself from any case involving sexual assault or harassment. That might well be, but I have in mind something more sweeping and fundamental.”

    LAURENCE TRIBE Posted at 4:20 pm on October 2, 2018


    * * *
    Called it here.

    AesopFan on October 1, 2018 at 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm said:
    The next complaint of the Democrats will be that Kavanaugh should not be confirmed because he will have to recuse himself from any case involving a woman: even if he didn’t hate women before, he certainly does now.

    I personally think Judge Kavanaugh is better than that, but sand-bagging is not something elite judges usually have much experience with.

  26. Neo, I’m going to invite you to look at this Tweet by Senator Orin Hatch to an MSNBC producer.

    I just joined Twitter on September 30th, with a nickname, fake birthday, and started following people like Dinesh DSouza, Larry Elders, etc. There is soooo much information out. Links to Senate Judiciary reports, etc.

    Anyways – check this expert level troll Senator Orin Hatch out

    OMG, I have a newfound respect for our Senators looking at the debate out there. It isn’t just one tweet, there are several more in the thread.

  27. Baklava on October 3, 2018 at 12:28 am at 12:28 am said:
    Neo, I’m going to invite you to look at this Tweet by Senator Orin Hatch to an MSNBC producer. … It isn’t just one tweet, there are several more in the thread.
    * * *
    Loved it – it’s moving down the line though so here’s a copy.
    He is channeling Neo 😉
    * * *
    More Senator Hatch Office Retweeted Kyle Griffin
    And?Senator Hatch Office added,
    Kyle Griffin
    Verified account

    One night during his senior year, according to classmates who witnessed it, Kavanaugh “triumphantly hoisted an empty beer keg above his head,” in recognition that he and his friends were on their way to reaching their goal of 100 kegs during the academic year, NYT reports. https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1047256166550712321
    6:55 PM – 2 Oct 2018

    * * *
    More funnies, like these?

    “Even a teetotaling Mormon” can spot the left’s desperate straw men on Judge Kavanaugh’s drinking habits 30 years ago.
    If you thought they couldn’t top the ice-throwing story.. think again.

    This story appears to be about party planning, with teenage rebel Brett Kavanaugh suggesting that they warn their neighbors in advance about the possibility of loud noise.
    * * *
    Or maybe these, which are in a more serious vein:

    NEW: Attorneys for Dr. Ford, in letter to FBI Director Chris Wray:
    “It is inconceivable that the FBI could conduct a thorough investigation of Dr. Ford’s allegations without interviewing her, Judge Kavanaugh, or the witnesses we have identified in our letters to you.”

    More Senator Hatch Office Retweeted Ryan J. Reilly
    Dr. Ford shared her story with the world in 3 hours of public testimony just last week.
    Are her lawyers suggesting she has more to share? That would contradict her testimony that she had told the committee everything.

    Senator Hatch Office
    ?Verified account
    5h5 hours ago
    NEW: Dr. Ford’s “Democratic activist” legal team may have violated the ABA’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct by not conveying Chairman Grassley’s repeated offers to interview her in California instead of in a public hearing in Washington.

    Follow Follow @senorrinhatch
    Recent polls suggest that some find Judge Kavanaugh to not be trustworthy. If you take a look at the media coverage from *just one night* you might see part of the reason why.

    Hint: it has very little to do with Brett Kavanaugh’s trustworthiness.
    * * *
    I hope the picture comes through on this one.

  28. Compare and contrast.

    I add one quote from the Times, which as usual only tales part of the story, while trying to appear even-handed, but including a few good words for Judge Kavanaugh.

    It was stupid of Mark Judge to use Kavanaugh’s actual nickname in his memoir, but that was clear from the way Judge K. answered the questions about it last week (I wish Mark’s parents had had a different surname!)



    “Judge Kavanaugh — a standout student, captain of the basketball team and a master of the quip, according to one teacher — was especially close to Mr. Judge, a fixture of the school’s party scene. Dr. Blasey said that Mr. Judge was in the room and jumped onto the bed during the alleged 1982 assault.

    Mr. Judge was widely perceived as a goofball with a big mouth.”

    Not a word that Mark Judge totally denied the allegation, thus leaving Ford’s words unquestioned.

  29. I find this whole discussion about high school keg parties and sex to be so alien it’s as though people are speaking Martian.

    I graduated high school in 1964, long before the sexual revolution, feminism, or the takeover of academia by the Left.

    Did we fantasize about having sex? Yes. Did we ever get any? Nobody I knew. A guy who got to “second base” was considered a hero. My father was a beer distributor. If he had ever sold kegs to underage boys, the Liquor Control Board would have been all over him and taken his license in a flash.

    As far as sexual assault or date rape is concerned, if you so much as got “fresh” with a girl, she would definitely tell her father, or worse, her big brother, if she had one. Shortly thereafter, you would be confronted by her father, or her big brother and a couple of his friends. Depending on the degree of freshness, and the temperament of the father or big brother, you would receive a threat, a gut-punch, or a serious beat-down. Nobody ever had to be told twice.

    Was there sex in high school? Surely there was, because, in my 1200-student high school, every couple of years, one or two girls would get pregnant and drop out of school. The boy’s father would take him by the ear, the girl’s father would take her by the ear, drag them to the parish church, where they would be married on the spot. The boy had to drop out of high school, and if he could only get a job as gas pump jockey or construction laborer, well, that was just too damn bad. Shoulda thought of that!

    (I’m sure there was more sex than that, but I certainly didn’t know about it.)

    Those were the bourgeois values of the ’50s and early ’60s that all the lefties deride. They sure don’t look so bad now, do they?

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