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Manafort on trial — 6 Comments

  1. I suspect Manafort is a slimly weasel in a trap more than willing to chew off his own leg to escape. Dershowitz is correct, Mueller is squeezing Manafort to hang something on djt. Trump, imo, is sleezey. So Mueller, dnc property, is looking for whatever sticks on the wall.

  2. Yes, this is a terrible witch hunt. Too bad Sessions is not really a Trump ally / willing to fight the DOJ / FBI criminal Dems still there plus those that left.

    Who can prosecute the prosecutors for abuse? It’s not too late for Trump / Sessions / DOJ to indict HR Clinton for her crimes, using the evidence Comey already talked about. Indict her, put her on trial — most likely convict her (she IS guilty guilty). Then start going after those who have obstructed justice / destroyed evidence / abused power.

    We need more trials — but Trump is so busy getting the economy booming. Too bad he can’t / won’t / hasn’t asked Andrew McCarthy to join his team — or maybe Andy has already refused?

    Redirect worked – maybe you should have a poll about which picture your readers like?

  3. It has always felt to me that Mueller is approaching his investigation the way he would approach the investigation of a Organized Crime boss. You know the boss is guilty of something. Your job is to keep pressuring the lower downs till someone turn on the boss and gives you what you need. You know this will ultimately happen because he is an Organized Crime boss and so he is guilty of something. If a lower down individual refuses to turn, just go to the next. You do not take the fact that no one will turn on him as proof that he is innocent. The axiom is that he is guilty.

  4. Is there any doubt that had Herr Müller lived during the time of his beloved Reich, he would have been pure SS Einsatzgruppen? He is gestapo right out of central casting and his career of gestapo techniques confirm it. I wonder how many Juden the Müllers killed?

  5. Some things never change, they just move across the Atlantic.

    “Show me the man and I will find you the crime” – attributed to Lavrentiy Beria, founder of the Soviet KGB

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