Home » The anti-Trump forces think the separated children will be the magic bullet


The anti-Trump forces think the separated children will be the magic bullet — 9 Comments

  1. This smells like a coordinated campaign to me. There was nothing last week but suddenly it’s all over the news in the last few days, probably set up a while ago but pulled out in time to distract from the FBI-DOJ IG report.

    Some questions to answer.

    How long have these separations gone on under Trump? Obama? When did they start? When was the law passed?

    Who are the likely puppet masters? The DNC? Some NGOs? The networks themselves?

  2. Did the horrow show at the va- where veterans actually died- ever reach this level of shrillness (outside of fox)?

  3. srael Says:
    June 19th, 2018 at 4:50 pm
    Did the horrow show at the va- where veterans actually died- ever reach this level of shrillness (outside of fox)?
    * * *
    The Democrats show far more sympathy for the people who are voluntarily putting themselves and “their” “children”* at risk through illegal border crossings, than they ever did for the veterans who had no recourse other than the deadly VA centers.
    And they have little to no sympathy for US citizens separated from their children killed by illegals.


    *sarc quotes because of the high level of non-family-units, and the misrepresentation of the ages of some of the alleged minors — remembering stories from the Obama Wave of unaccompanied “children”.


  4. It’s effectively making people hysterical, which ensures that Trump, his people, and his supporters are alienated. Hysterical people can’t be reasoned with, they only lash out at those who are not as upset as they are. Now we have Congressional interns yelling obscenities at Trump, protesters screaming at Sec. Neilson at a DC restaurant (for 10 min., forcing her to leave), and all over social media there are declarations that if you don’t see it as the worst abuse ever than unfriend, unfollow, shut up.

    Mission accomplished to whomever was behind releasing the kid in cage photos and audio tape of kids crying. Who was it that did that, who kicked off this story – has that ever been reported?

  5. Testing! I see the “preview” function still isn’t working, although “edit” is.

  6. Let’s see it the “save my name, email, and website” function is working.

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