Home » The Austin bomber has detonated himself


The Austin bomber has detonated himself — 9 Comments

  1. It will be interesting to learn more about him, and possible motives. I have seen the seemingly automatic expressions of shock from people who knew him.

    I expect that there will be some discussion of the fact that he was home schooled through high school–although he did attend community college as well–and what the motive was for that, and what role it played in his social development.

    Other questions that will hopefully be answered are what did he use for explosives, and how he accumulate the substances? Apparently, the triggering devices were readily available, and his former job in computer repair provided the expertise to assemble them.

  2. “Other questions that will hopefully be answered are what did he use for explosives, and how he accumulate the substances? Apparently, the triggering devices were readily available, and his former job in computer repair provided the expertise to assemble them.”

    Yes, we must now have background checks on anyone who buys D batteries, electronic parts, and any chemicals that are flammable!! How many more have to die before we have common sense restrictions on anything that can be used in making a bomb!!?? We need an immediate ban on all IEDs!!!

    /sarc off

  3. Disturbed individuals will always find a way to commit suicide by cop. He who I will not name wanted to die, and before he died he wanted to take down others before his pyrotechnic exit. His 15 minutes of defamation are over as far as I am concerned.

    Understanding his motivation is an useless endeavor, IMO. Otherwise, everyone must undergo psychoanalysis by a panel of shrinks appointed by bureaucrats answerable to no one except an obscure Hawaiian judge.

  4. physicsguy — that’s not enough — we have to destroy the lobby that supports these mass bombers — stop the National Home Depot Association!

  5. The fact that he blew himself up means that every American has to turn in all guns right now!

  6. New Orleans used the military and local LEOs to confiscate the arms of residents during Katrina. Then the public order went to hell and the LEOs went awol (or maybe the good ones went awol before the illegal orders came).

    So they are just going to get ready and wait for a crisis, America, and then they will come in and take all your stuff. By that time, people will be too busy being confused over the horror and surprised, that they won’t resist.

    The NRA only used legal methods in New Orleans, which was not enough to stop the confiscation ongoing, especially as weapons were used to intimidate people into giving up their stuff.

    Cattle do not have 2nd Amendment rights. They don’t even have human rights.

    As for what type of Crisis would allow for a good opportunity, imagine 9/11 multiplied by 1000 times, across the nation. Now imagine that they aren’t hijackers, but are “right wing militia terrorists”….

    Now be sure not to miscount the order here and number of zeros. That’s 3 orders of difference. Waco 1’s casualties multiplied by 1000x would still be one order of magnitude less than what the DS needs to advance the plan in the US.

    As for potential guerilla resistance, they will have to find a way to counter the next stage weapons that nobody has told people that the US has. These are quite advanced, similar to elohim weapons.

  7. Also suicide bombers in Iraq did not blow themselves up. It only looked that way. In reality, AQ grabbed some mentally weak or defective individuals, strapped some remotely detonated bombs to a truck or their body, and told them to drive to a target to transport something. They arrived at target, remote signal is sent, and bomb blows up. There’s your suicide bomber.

    MK Ultra’ successor programs are just doing some dry run tests on how many candidates they can deploy.

  8. An official who has seen his video confession claims that it is not a manifesto of any sort, but rather a testament to his miserableness. Was he under psychiatric care?

  9. physicsguy,
    Remember the old Gilbert chemistry sets? They were banned because they were too dangerous. The Gilbert chemistry set included potassium permanganate, ammonium nitrate and instructions on how to make explosives.

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