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Tillerson’s finally fired — 12 Comments

  1. If he really was not in synch with regard to Iran and the Norks, then I can see letting him go.

  2. I also think that this is partly because Trump was such an outsider he didn’t have much connection to anybody that would be qualified for these jobs so he is sort of finding out on the fly who shares his thinking on various issues and from what I have seen Tillerson did not and Pompeo very much did.

    And also remember that Al Haig barely lasted longer than Tillerson as Reagan’s first SoS so let’s cool the unprecedented chaos outrage a little.

  3. What Grffin said. That also explains why outsiders (Trump, Ventura, Schwarzenegger) are never very successful. In order to control, or even influence, a polity, you need, among other things, a network of like-minded allies throughout the establishment (government, business, nonprofit). Reagan was a bit of an outsider, but he had those allies. Trump at most has an entourage, which is composed, like most entourages, of lightweights who can’t help him with anything consequential.

  4. On the timeline question, at least one source says that Tillerson may have been told on Friday, but the announcement was not made until today.


    “Meanwhile, I’m skeptical of the reporting this morning about how Tillerson found out about his sacking from a Trump tweet rather than directly. I don’t doubt that this is true, but it is also being reported that Trump asked for Tillerson’s resignation on Friday. If that is true, I have a hunch that the news was about to leak out this morning, so Trump and his folks decided to pull the trigger right away. But that’s not how the hair-on-fire media is going to represent the story.”

    I think I saw a post with some more meat on the bones somewhere else, but of course can’t find it now.

  5. Tillerson knew in advance — hence his ‘illness’ in Africa.

    His activities there were cut short, BTW.

    Tillerson’s fundamental problem was that he was too soon captured by the State Department.

    Whereas Trump wanted Tillerson to clean house.

    Pompeo is an azz kicker.

    Expect to hear of a steady stream of DoS departures… particularly among the Arabists — of which the DoS is over-run.

    ( KSA has been providing ‘benefits packages’ for retired right-thinking DoS Arabists for decades. )

    KSA has bought off the DoS as the whores that they are. They have no shame.

    This is the VERY crowd that gave Trump Hell for moving our embassy to Israel’s capital. They all need the boot.

  6. “Pompeo will be replaced by Gina Haskel….”

    Ginal Haspel, that would be.

  7. I agree with blert. I think the events being canceled in Kenya give us a hint that something happened earlier than how the Left is trying to spin this.

  8. Funny, I think I probably now know more about what happened with Tillerson’s firing from Neo and the speculations of several astute commenters than I could ever get from the MSM. It seems to work like this. Neo gives an honest and considered first impression and then we chime in with our thoughts. Result: a credible first take on what might be happening. MSM: all agenda; no substance.

  9. Excellent points, blert.

    DoS needs reform, even more than the FBI. Tillerson was trying to cut costs and reduce overhead there. (He was heartily disliked by the DoS bureaucrats.) But he wasn’t on board with as muscular a foreign policy as Trump desires. There were many debates between Trump and Tillerson over Iran, North Korea, tariffs, and Qatar. Tillerson is a decent and accomplished guy, but the wrong SoS for this President.

    Gina Haspel, who looks like a third grade teacher, is being cast by the MSM as the U.S. equivalent of Rosa Klebb. Will be interesting to watch the confirmation hearings. My impression is that she looks benign, but is tough as nails. An iron fist in a velvet glove. We shall see.

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